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If you're an R.B. Thieme student or taper, Click Here for an important note.
How to be permanently 'saved', live with God forever after you die: BELIEVE JESUS CHRIST PAID FOR YOUR SINS ON THE CROSS.
See the blue boxes at left below, for added info on why only "believe" is valid. You don't have to understand it, though. Just DO it once, and you're forever saved.
According to the Bible's poetic meter, WWIII will break out in 2025 and last for 40+ years. Yeah yeah, Christianity is addicted to making stupid claims losing all credibility, but in this case the Bible's prophecy is traceable in the original language text from its own metering; you can also ASK GOD with 1 John 1:9 if you're not sure. Brainout's tweets go over this, along with the Matthew 24 meter. Observations as we get closer to 2025.
Advisory: prophecy (1 Thessalonians 5:20-21) is NOT to be conflated with the unknown date of the pre-tribulation rapture (Matthew 24:36) which can occur at any time, but that 'time' is not known and has certain caveats. The "end times" shouldn't be salivated at and is a sign of spiritual immaturity, every generation of Christians since Christ have been superficially claiming "WE'RE IN THE END TIMES". The poetic meter has NOTHING to do with "Bible codes", avoid those like the plague just as you should avoid: Prolifers, those against Israel and Ukraine, the Rapture-obsessed, those who are Pro-Putin and Pro-Trump. Prophecy isn't technically set in stone (we have volition and the demons try to counterplay the Bible's prophecy), but because of omniscience it's the inveitable documented outcome. Biblical prophecy through the poetic meter (to us) is only ascertained from surrounding context of current and past events, nobody can know future prophecy without context and linking that up to the meter and asking God. We are also therefore without excuse.
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Bible Doctrine is gold, and we go out of our way to discard it as trash. God's thinking is a treasure; we go out of our way to instead choose religion.
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1st 40 vids = primer re God, salvation, spiritual life. Last 44 are on glitches. Still, GOD LOVES.
He will never reject us, even when we reject Him.
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Videos refute claims that females can be pastors. See videos' descriptions for Bible verses. Females pretending to play pastor "under the authority of her pastor-teacher" is also wrong, this is attempting to loophole God's intention.
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'Larger proof from Eph4:16's Greek: CLICK HERE.
Matt12:7-8, Mark2:27-28, Heb4:9-13! Did you know, God is the Master Accountant? Never a loss, always a credit..Gen15:6 is an Accounting Transaction, in the Hebrew/Greek inspired Bible text (corrected translation): "Now when Abraham had believed in the LORD, He Accredited him, resulting in [Abram having] Divine Righteousness." [See also Romans 4, which explains this verse, and Romans 10:9, which harkens back to both Romans 4, and Gen15:6. See also James 2:18-26, which references Gen15:6 to show how God makes faith 'work'.] Free. No works. Just believe. Whoa! How can God do this yet be Righteous? Click here to savor the profitable fatness, Isa55! God's Absolute Accounting Principles! |
God's ROYAL Itinerary For Mankind
If God exists, and we do also, then He must have a BLESSING Plan for our lives. If a Plan, then an "itinerary", a kind of TRAVEL PATH to go from where we are, to where He wants us to be so He can bless us. For, if God exists, and we do also, then He must WANT to bless us. For if God exists, and we do also, then we are too puny, to do anything at all for Him. So He must LOVE us, and that's why we exist at all.
Since God is Truth, ONLY GOD ALWAYS MAKES SENSE. So, a claim about God, or about His Blessing Plan must make sense, to be correct. Not just a little sense, but total sense. Totally Gorgeous Sense. For, what is "Righteousness", but "Right" + "[Gorg]eousness"? Can't be good enough, if merely "right". Must be Gorgeously Right, to be good enough for Gorgeous God. Glorious, in fact. Heh: another "G", for Good Reason! "Taste the Lord, for He is Good", says Ps34:8, 119:103. Heh. The latter Psalm was composed on the death march to Babylon by believers who were daily tortured, raped, deprived in every horrible way man can invent. The LORD TASTES SO GOOD, even all suffering becomes ba-tampte, tasty. His Truth Renders Tasty Even Hell Itself! Ps22:6! Ps31:5, the last sentence Christ spoke before expiring on the Cross!
Man on the other hand, is not Truth, so often doesn't make sense. So man doesn't 'taste' so good. For man abuses Righteousness, to turn it into tyranny: Satan's swan song. So man constantly piggybacks onto God, so to claim his own good taste! So always suspect as a LIE any claim which emphasizes man, his behavior, or his role. Such stress on man never makes sense, and is always power ploy: man pretends love for God, but really uses God's Name to effect MAN's desires over his fellows.
So when you read BOTH prongs of Rom3:23, it makes zero sense to claim we must be good little boys and girls; our bad is too bad, but our good is too bad, as well. Verse says "all have sinned AND COME SHORT of the Glory of God." So, we're brainouts: it's not about behavior, we're too "short"! Then there are scads of parallel passages like Isa64:6, Zech 3, Phili3:8, which graphically depict even our righteousnesses as disgusting filth. (Get an unabridged lexicon and study the real words!)
So man's claim that we must be good for God, makes no sense; doesn't 'balance'; fails the Truth Audit. For, Rightness ends where tyranny begins. Which we know, because Omnipotent God could just zap 'good' into us at birth, so we couldn't sin; so, He wouldn't need to Juridicate a Cross, to make us 'good'. He could just obliterate us, so we wouldn't live forever, since compared to His Infinite Righteousness, we will always be "short", even when made good! So Enquiring minds want to know: WHY did He do this -- to Himself, bearing in Omniscience our appalling puny-nesses? What could possibly render TASTY to Infinite, Gorgeous, Holy, Peerless GOD -- our nonending existence? Even, forever seeing those of us who will forever choose the Lake of Fire, because we want our "filth" more than we want to even once believe in Christ (see Luke 16:20ff, Rev20:11-15, Zech 7, all "Pharisee" verses in context)...
Oh, He Must Have Another Reason For Decreeing the Cross; a reason so vast, it warranted Nailing Away All Mankind's Sins 2000 years ago: a reason so awesome, even Judging His Own Son, which Omniscience will forever see, was a pleasure? What reason could possibly ACCOUNT for such an extreme decision? What benefit to Eternal God would JUSTIFY verses like Heb12:2 and Romans 5:8, John 3:16? Oh, look at the answer! the drama of Fellowship created, Romans 8! Stone too heavy to lift, Isa53:5's Hebrew da'ath by means of dakah! We can taste Him because He BECAME the Truth (Jn1:1-4,9-14, 14:6) and thus used that Truth to all the way through His Substitutionary Death, Isa53:11 (in context)! Because He was crushed like a tola worm (Ps22:6), we can get Doctrine squeezed into us (Jn7:39, 1Cor2, Phili2:5)! Christmas, 24/7, True Communion (Phili3:8-10)! Eph1's purpose, Eph4's building us in Him, Eph3:19! To enable us to Grow And Know Him, 2Pet3:18! To Be "Near", Eph2. [Bible keyword.]
All too often Christians and others restrict their consideration of the relationship between "God" (however defined) and mankind, to the limited issue of sin and human good. The problem is far bigger and more fundamental than that. God Is Infinite: that is the problem for us, even if we all never sinned, and obeyed perfectly -- the "AND come short of the glory of God" clause, in Romans 3:23.
Scripture quotations marked (NIV) are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. The “NIV” and “New International Version” are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc.™ So: how shall God solve the INCOMPATIBILITY between Infinite Perfection.. and finiteness? Such that, Infinity can JUSTIFY intimate relationship with finiteness (imperfection being a further incompatibility to solve)? This is where we should start our inquiry about whether and if God, whether and if mankind. If God is Infinite, then the First Problem Is The Incompatibility Between Infinity And Finity. The solution to that problem will thus solve all other problems (i.e., the problem of sin fracturing the soul beyond repair). |
God rescues/saves you to Himself permanently the first moment you SIMPLY BELIEVE CHRIST PAID for all your sins on His Cross; once you've believed in Him, you are forever rescued from Hell, period. For as the Lord Himself said in John 16:9, salvation is never about sin or what people do. But rather: Do You Want To Live With God Forever? If "yes", you believe in Christ; meaning, that He paid for all your sins; that His Payment Alone can justify your relationship with God forever. For God is Infinitely Holy, but none of us are infinite, let alone holy. Christ solved that problem. Hence, it's only about believing in Him, not about sin, etc.
So clearly, sin is not an issue since He died for us "while we were yet sinners". So clearly, no ritual or good deed is relevant, either. The One Who Paid, is the object of belief, not some ritual, for crying out loud. So obviously: if you believed you needed to be baptised to be saved, you are NOT saved. So now, just believe Christ paid for your sins right now, and you are forever saved. And kiss all that ritual and angst good-bye, as you say Hello to the One with Whom You will forever LIVE, John 3:16. God is refreshing, never petty. God's Infinite Perfection can't be satisfied by any sacrifice other than Infinite Quality. What makes God Infinitely Holy, is Love. Which means, He'd never do anything less than Infinitely Competent. Righteousness is a standard of Competency, really, so way higher than whether one doesn't sin; you can sin and not be infinitely competent, right? Um, so this means we creation can't ever measure up, since we can't be infinite; so OF COURSE we sin: it's frustrating to not be as competent as God. So look at the juridical problem He faced: that would mean no creation should be made! It's an impossible dichotomy Love would never accept! Well, Infinite God relishes the impossible, due to that Same Love. So the Infinite Challenge was, for the Holy Spirit to Teach Divine Thinking to the Humanity of Christ, so that Christ's Infinite Quality Thinking could pay for sins. Divine Thinking in Humanity alone is sufficient 'sacrifice'. All the while, that Humanity had to eschew using His Own Nature as God -- which made all the waiting on the Spirit Who taught, Infinitely Harder. How Christ survived even to get to the Cross, and then on the Cross?! is a story one never tires of recalling. All sin is 'matched' by thoughts He had when the sins were imputed to Him, such that when Omniscient Father 'looks' at the sin, He 'sees' Christ's Thinking! And we all know, it's only the thought that counts... So you can be sure that the very nanosecond you believe in Christ, you are permanently rescued. Your appointment with hell, got blotted out.. by His Thinking on your behalf, while on the Cross. Forever. [Isa53:10-12 in the original Bible texts explains this process, blow-by-blow; the entire Bible, the entire universe, the entire history of mankind, revolve around those three original-text verses. Provably. Translations always fail to translate the Greek text, which supplies information the Hebrew texts, miss. See last full screen of Isa53.htm. Once you truly learn Isa53:10-12, your understanding of God, and your confidence in God, will skyrocket.]
Bible legal term for the RESULT of this belief in Christ, is "Reconciliation". So BELIEVE in Christ, and from that moment forward you are forever saved, Gen15:6, Acts 4:12, 16:31; John 3:16, 18, 36. (Really, dozens of verses even in the Gospels alone -- Greek tenses show momentary belief is made into PERMANENT salvation, but English has no like tenses, so they aren't translated.) No one who's ever ONCE believed in Christ loses salvation. It's impossible to lose, given the nature of the change salvation makes in your very nature: you get a human spirit, which makes you FOREVER a spiritual being like God is (Tit3:5, 2Cor5:17); you get God's Own Righteousness (2Cor5:21); you get Eternal Life (John 3, "everlasting" is a mistranslation), and at least 38 other components. All of these are God's-Nature related, so impossible to lose.
For example, if you are taught or you believe that what you do or are has merit before God, you won't believe in Christ SOLELY for salvation; you'd at most believe in Him partly, and in some 'merit' of you, partly. God won't accept "partly", because God is Infinite, and only what Christ did meets the Infinite Standard. So, once you realize that, you believe Christ alone provided the necessary payment so that you can live with God forever: so, you believe in Him. Conversely, if THROUGHOUT YOUR ENTIRE LIFE you NEVER ONCE believe, you do go to hell. For, then you have REFUSED the contract offer. Again, it's NOT about sin or being good: Christ already PAID for all sin, so any 'good' in us is too "short" (Rom3:23, again), so is irrelevant. So the ONLY question is do YOU believe in Christ, Jn16:9. Those who thus REJECT Christ's Payment on the Cross, instead want the contract to be ABOUT sin or being good; but GOD REJECTED all that, which is WHY there WAS a Cross in the first place. So those who reject what God accepted, go to hell -- and that's the only reason why anyone goes to hell.
So what's the message? Just BELIEVE Jesus the Christ Paid For Your Sins; then and only then are you FOREVER saved. Don't 'add' any verbs to "believe" like 'repent', 'invite', 'receive', 'make Christ Lord', etc. Any 'additives' are poison. If you 'add' anything to "believe" you're not saved, whether you call yourself a 'Christian' or not. Here's why: Belief+something else means the belief alone is not enough, but rather that the something else, makes belief enough: hence you are NOT saved if the belief is "plus" anything else. Hence the Cross is nullified, negated by the claim that something human is needed, which Paul refutes in 1Cor1:17. So, just BELIEVE: John 3:16 and 16:9, which the Lord spoke -- He oughta know which verbs are valid -- say BELIEVE, with no other verbs: in that instant, you are permanently saved. YES it is a mental act, as John 3 explains at length. Only with your soul can you believe: same as Gen15:6, Acts 16:31, many other verses. Bible consistently says this in OT and New, no exceptions, no gimmicks, no twisting "belief" into some other verbal meaning. Satan clouds minds, makes people embarrassed that it's "only" believe, nothing you can do of value, since belief by definition means the object of the belief has the merit, not you. So to uncloud the mind, IF you are a believer in Christ, use 1Jn1:9 to get the Holy Spirit's brains, and then cruise your Bible on "believe". Gotta be hundreds of verses to which He'll attest, all saying what Jesus said in John 3:16, no gimmicks. So don't add any other verb to "believe", unless you want to live in hell forever. No additives: no added verbs, no prayer you pray, no church blessing or baptising, no repenting, no invite Christ into your life, no "accept" Jesus, no confessing with your mouth. All those other verbs are things you can only do after you have believed; those other verbs don't save you. So if you add any verb to "believe", you are not saved. So only do "believe" now, John 3:16, 16:9, Gen15:6. Just BELIEVE, now. That way you'll never go to hell! For over 50 years my pastor harangued the congregation about how the Gospel is presented wrongly when adding verbs to BELIEVE; over and over he harped on how the added verbs negate belief. I was annoyed with my pastor for repeating this in nearly every Sunday class -- we had class 7 times a week, all on mp3, now -- on behalf of what he called the "nod-to-God" crowd. Well, he was right to repeat. I was wrong to be annoyed. Most Christians, who knows if they're even saved? Ask them what the Gospel is: if they add verbs, then maybe they never got saved?! Look on the internet yourself. Even famous pastors and evangelists fuzz up the Gospel or mangle it in their websites. So are even they saved? Why should you take a chance? JUST BELIEVE, as Jesus Himself said. Our Savior oughta know what the right verbs are, huh. So how is it that people mangle, slice, dice, and add to John 3:16, Acts 16:31, thereby negating the Gospel so no one gets saved? They all seem to be embarrassed that the human doesn't contribute something like repentence or commitment or a prayer, etc. As if the spiritually-dead unbeliever could do something. Corpses lie. They can't do anything a live person can do. Hence no one believing their substitute Gospels with all their added verbs requiring a spiritually alive person, is saved. See for yourself: search in dogpile or other search engine on "How do I get saved?" (use the quotes). Over 99% of the time you'll find the Gospel falsified as some four-step program of 1) repent (of sins), 2) believe, 3) invite/pray, 4) receive; with the emphasis on what YOU do; usually they give you a script they themselves invented, as a magic formula you cite to get saved. In some of these sites, the verses used to 'support' the four-step program are not even salvation verses, are egregiously mistranslated, and of course reflect the writer's bias that sin must be repented brother (nowhere does Bible say you must repent from your sins to be saved). [Search Bible carefully, and you'll find the word "repent", alright, but it's not talking about from sins -- "repent" is Greek verb metanoew, and means To Change Your Mind -- in salvation verses, it means Change Your Mind About Christ, as the context will prove.] For example,
A whole lot of dead people didn't evacuate before Hurricane Katrina, because they DIDN'T BELIEVE the authorities' warning. You can bet they prayed. You can bet they invited. You can bet they called, "Lord!" So you can bet they spoke His Name aloud. You can surely bet they repented. But those verbs didn't do them any good, huh: only if they BELIEVED, could they have escaped harm. One can only hope they believed in Him at least once in their lives, prior to their deaths! |
Believer, you can Click Here and Click Here, for two briefs on what's your Royal Destiny In Christ; how "Redemption" (Bible legal funding term) is designed to be spent on you; why, once saved, the Spiritual Life is not about people, either. Which makes sense: if it wasn't about people before salvation, how can it be about people, afterwards? Aha: quite true. And believer, are you ever in for a Royal Surprise... |
This section was replaced; I can't find anymore. But you can click on Funny Christian websites