Pre-2025 Observations

A few interesting observations that I made a note of as we approach 2025. Be advised that this page specifically was not written by 'brainout' as she passed away in 2023, but ties into a lot of the Matthew 24 meter.

God's promise is that every word (in the original language texts) must be preserved, else the trial would end. Therefore these people are more focused on the high of there being some 'mystery' than going straight to God, asking God, and using 1 John 1:9.

One of Satan's current most widespread initiatives is Prolife: for, it trivializes God creating soul-life (Jeremiah 1:5) and turns Him into a murderer for all stillbirths, makes zygotes magical and holy (not too dissimilar from making the Blood of Christ literal), and enhances suffering for those who actually need to have an abortion. Often Trump supporters and Prolife go hand-in-hand. If your church supports either, run far far away. Technically pro-choice should really be God-choice, as we should always ask God first. But there will be situations where abortion is either necessary or the best course of action for either the believer or the unbeliever.

Prolife claims that rape is a blessing and that you must sacrifice yourself for the fetus. Under no circumstance would God EVER want you to sacrifice your life for something that's not life (1 Peter 2:9). This is unfortunately what's happening in Russia as well with Russian propaganda saying you should 'sacrifice yourself for the State' because you have salvation through the State-operated Russian Orthodox!

Christians who support Prolife both fail at reading what the Bible says (Genesis 2:7), fail at common sense (most atheists can tell anti-abortion is visibly wrong), and want to focus purely on hyper-emotionalism and never ASK GOD or LEARN GOD. What good will come of YOU with your OWN WORKS yelling at people to "repent or burn" or literally burn abortion clinics (Isaiah 14:14), do? And as usual, the loudest trumpets won't lift a finger (Matthew 23:4) of their own and are filled with hypocrisy. They're addicted to selling their religious narrative and force-feeding others (Matthew 15:8). If God wanted to force-feed us, He wouldn't be giving us space TO have freedom. Prolife therefore claims that He shouldn't give us freedom and that He's "too small" so the angry Christians need to step in and help Him (1 Peter 1:12) by yelling and making the Bible look pathetic and bullying others (Exodus 20:7). What a humanistic way to paint a God that's nothing like us (Isaiah 55:8-9)... Satan loves every second of it (2 Corinthians 11:14).

Trump calls himself the "Chosen One" which is actually a title for Christ (Isaiah 42:1). It's a common trope for demons to transmute the idea as someone's own or tell people they're the "chosen one", others who were given the same idea include Whitley Strieber and Spurgeon. Now how did Trump, Spurgeon, and Whitley Strieber come to the same conclusion that they're all chosen ones? Post-Trump assassination, MAGAts are now claiming Trump calling himself Christ (the chosen one) "was a sign" that God chose him, how blind to the Bible do you have to be. 🙄 Trump has now mocked a vicitim of sexual abuse AND Christ by saying "she was not the chosen one" to have slept with the great and mighty Donald J. Trump, which of course he forced himself upon her. 🙄 🙄 🙄 🙄

Another big tell is that the Qur'an outright says that soul life is in the womb. If the Qur'an states something so specific and Christians know it's demon literature, it should raise an eyebrow if your beliefs are parallel to its reversals. Of course the Christians who go along with Prolife and works salvation carelessly judge and attack Muslims, and don't realize their beliefs are almost identical to the very ones they attack. That's what happens when you neglect to think and want to focus on religion, trashing the God you supposedly claim to love (Matthew 7:22).

But really these Christians don't want Christ, they want religion. If you gave them another deity they'd be no different as long as it fulfils their religious desires which includes: judging others, crusading, hyper-emotionalism, believing food or physical molecules gives you "spiritual energy" etc.

As we've saw with Hamas' violent attack against Israel, Satan once again wants to eradicate everyone of Jewish ancestry (and ultimately the Arabs as well as they're also related to Abraham), so using radical Islam as a "two-for-one" fulfills this plan perfectly. Hamas attacked Israel on Putin's birthday and the Qatari-state operated Al Jazeera attempted to spread disinformation to distance Russia's obvious involvement with Hamas.

Radical Islam does not wish for peace in Gaza, and in fact Palestine is largely used as an excuse for unhinged Antisemitism: they brainwash their children for hatred against Jews, many videos where they use children as decorations to show the 'evils of Israel', the children will often be smiling and laughing alongside those who are acting & pretending to cry. To radical Islam and Hamas this is all a game, and they are more than happy to sacrifice lives of any age, as long as it discredits the Jews and furthers their goals. Many radicals will even quote Qur'an 17:4 as justification of eradicating Israel.

The original now-defunct Palestinians were not Arabs; the policitization of Palestine is used solely as a fulcrum to get rid of Israel (ergo it's imperative for them to lie saying the transplanted Arabs are ethnic Palestinians), this is why Yasser Arafat never wanted peace with Israel and why Ismail Haniyeh is now regarded as a Palestinian hero, despite he himself not being born in Palestine and mostly resided in Qatar: which of course is where the headquarters of Al Jazeera reside... "shocker!"

There are victims on all sides; as radical Islam and terrorism increase many will be quick to villify ALL Muslims -- the radicals often execute other Muslims who are pro-Israel, making it harder for those who want peace in secret. It's wrong to group everyone together as we all have varying differences of beliefs. Yes there are a lot of Synagogues being attacked by Pro-Palestine protestors, but there are also Mosques being attacked by the extreme-right as well: everyone has a right to worship in peace regardless of religion for God allows freedom. Islamophobia to those who wish to live and practice their faith in peace will most likely see an increase as time goes on, unfortunately.

Muslims of integrity will be quick to shoot down radical Islam, just as Christians of integrity will be quick to shoot down Christian Nationalism and Trumpism.

Most media is skewed with lies and gives Netanyahu a hard time (carelessly conflating him with a dictator like Putin), not realizing the evils we're dealing with and falling victim obvious disinformation crafted by those against Israel or radical Muslims or those who fail MISERABLY with bunk journalism. Once radical Islam becomes activated alongside Putin's regime, it's going to be a difficult time for the West as Putin has no qualms bringing the world down with him. It's no surprise that Putin himself is housing Palestinian refugees and funding terrorism, as Putin is very much anti-Ukraine and anti-Israel with the upcoming plan of building Pogroms and feeding global Antisemitism. Russian-influenced disinformants as a result simultaneously proclaim Ukraine as being victimized from Israel's hospitality but then also claim artificial tensions between Netanyahu and Zelenskyy, causing balant contradictions. You can't claim both without being petty for the purposes of spreading a biased agenda.

Putin, like Trump, couldn't care less about the Bible or Bible Doctrine. A lot of these events are also a repeat of what happened in the past, Netanyahu's book "Bibi: My Story" is extremely insightful to what we're seeing unfold in 2024, it's also a great look into how hesitant Trump and the Trump administration were to work with Netanyahu.

As believer-priests we should be using 1 John 1:9 and praying for Netanyahu and Zelenskyy. Anyone championing Putin and/or Trump doesn't know Christ, and Trump is no friend to Netanyahu, Trump gave Erdogan exactly what he wanted.

