How Bible Translations Become Hearsay, and then.. Heresy

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Please use 1Jn1:9 while you read, so to be online ("Filled") with the Spirit, and thus profit.

Thank you, my patient friends who beta-tested this page! GIST: Bible translations amount to hearsay evidence, rather than God's Actual Testimony. (Caveat #2 is longer version of the problem.) You needn't settle for such imperfect, second-hand testimony. God's FANTASTIC Plan is to build Christ's Own Thinking IN you by teaching you to read for yourself the exact words of the PERFECT Bible the actual writers wrote (called "the Autograph" in theology). You WANT supernatural proof of God? Learn The Original Words of THE WORD, IN the Word. His Gift to you: you just bring a willingness to learn and breathe 1Jn1:9 -- He'll provide the power and the teaching system to learn, customized to YOUR needs. Then you'll see the spiritual life is SO much more than merely being rescued from Hell.

Most Christians would love it if they had continual supernatural proof of God. Many would love to be in that first century, among those Christians. And everyone salivates over some ossuary or other relic as 'proof' of God. Yet what bigger proof, than the very WORDS originally penned by the "God-breathed" writers themselves? 'Cost God roughly 1500 years to "yatser", "plassw", sculpt, a whole Book of those words. Well, "books", actually. 66 of them. Biblioi, aka, "the Bible". So if He went to THAT much trouble to preserve the God-breathed Scripture EXACTLY as written by Bible writers, the very words being EXACTLY what He wanted said to mankind; the very words bearing the mark of Divine Authorship; and if He then PROMISED to TEACH you those very words! Tell me: what sane Christian could refuse that Divine Gift?

For that's exactly what 1Cor13 promises, in the very words Paul was given to write. THOSE words tell us that God would replace the temporary and lesser spiritual gifts, with the Greatest Gift: His Son's Thinking IN WRITING, SCRIPTURE. For when the Perfect Soul has been Completed in Writing, teleios! you do away with the partial and childish. Moreover, He promised to preserve this Perfect EXACTLY as THEN written throughout history, so anyone IN history can HAVE HIM "written on your hearts and minds", as they say. Well, the Holy Spirit said that, and often, too; even interrupting the writer of Hebrews' thoughtflow, to remind him, in the Greek of Heb10:15-17. After all, the writer had begun with the Jeremiah 31 theme, of everything now going through, that Soul. So who would miss, the ol' Ark? We have better things! The Anchor behind the Veil, Heb 6:18-20.

So His painstaking collection of God-breathed manuscripts of His Own Thinking, which we call "Bible", is titled by theology, "the Autograph". As in, Genuine Article. As in, God's Own Handwriting. Graphologists explain that every handwriting has an embedded 'personality', such that you could IDENTIFY THE AUTHOR of it, given sufficient handwitten material. 'Kinda like a fingerprint, only MUCH harder to fake. Very much harder. So much harder, in fact, that anyone trying to imitate that handwriting -- translate it, so to speak -- CAN'T.

So without doubt you can tell Who wrote THIS Book, despite 44+ human agents over 1500 years. Despite thousands of mind-boggling fragments of Scripture which required a good century to piece together. So No 'council' ever proves the Autograph: it proves ITSELF. Daily. To you. In your head. From the Spirit Who Empowered the Head to learn the SAME WORDS. To You, if you are willing to examine it objectively. For, the first meaning of "Bible" is TESTIMONY. Legal documents. Deposition. Will and Testament. So, provability must be claimed. And, it is. "The ear tests truth", Elihu said to Job. And, "judge for yourselves" (refrain in the NT, NIV's version). Notice HOW you prove it: by READING it yourself. For, the claim is supernatural: as you read, breathing 1Jn1:9 as needed, God HIMSELF (no one else) will DEMONSTRATE it to you. All those verses about the Word not 'returning void', are sample affadavits of this demonstration.

This Autograph must be tested, then, á la the command about income taxes in Malachi 3:10. Genuinely preserved all these centuries, so Provable, and you are to do that. Due diligence, baby. Directly from God himself showing it to you: 24/7, as you are willing. No go-betweens. Better still, no more visions, dreams or other feely-thing to doubt afterwards, since you can always check the "Writings". So God has replaced ALL 'tongues', with those Writings, written in the 'original tongues' of Scripture itself. Which 'tongues' the Holy Spirit will ENABLE you to LEARN and really understand, yourself, COMPLETELY irrespective of human handicaps.. [Even the mentally-ill or brain-damaged people benefit from the study. Theoretically there should be some too-great handicap level, but it seems that so long as the person has an active volition (i.e., not comatose, though I'm not sure even that's a hindrance), that's enough. Obviously learning speed may be impacted, but the RELEVANT data, wow -- grasp is brilliant. Don't underestimate the power of the Spirit. IQ thus rises, too. Sometimes, dramatically. Must be a side benefit, or necessary to study.] Just as promised, from 1Cor12:31 on the "better way", as Paul puts it. Enabled, to anyone who wants it; enabled within a sane, supernatural teaching system (1Cor2, 1Cor12, Eph4). The Autograph of God Himself, in your head. The Genuine Article.

So, you don't need a translation, since you can learn the Original which Spirit Himself wrote, via those human authors. This Greatest Gift is available to ANYONE. Because He will also empower YOU to learn to read it. Since it's God's Power alone doing all the work, He's not limited by the fact you don't know the original tongues of Scripture. He's not limited by anything, except that He won't coerce your own desire to learn. Love never coerces, see. So the only limit, is how much you WANT what He so carefully preserved.

Now look what happens when some human CHANGES the original tongues of Scripture 'for' you, via PUBLISHED BIBLE TRANSLATIONS: you lose the Autograph, and replace it, with HEARSAY. Because, OTHERS looked at the Autograph, NOT you. Upon whom you RELY, to tell you what THEY think It means. Ahhh, so there are 'middlemen' between this Autograph God gifted, and you. So, predictably, the 1Cor13 promise in the Autograph, that His Head is to be poured into yours via the very LEARNING of the Autograph, 'disappears' in translation; never mind, that it's PAUL'S CENTRAL THESIS! Which began, back in 1Cor1:5. (1:5's PITIFUL mistranslation throws the whole letter's translation, off-kilter; since the translator MISSED THE MEANING in 1Cor1:5 (PURPOSE of the letter), he couldn't properly translate the words throughout the letter. This gaffe is common, so most mission-critical verses are messed up throughout Bible; though in defence, it must be said translating the Autograph's ASTOUNDING wordplay is impossible: too many layers. Still, come on, now: in 1:5, "Speech" there is the famous word LOGOS in the plural (it's with one of Paul's favorite buzzwords, ploutizw, very strong; to MAKE YOU FABULOUSLY WEALTHY in Word) so at LEAST should be translated "WORDS", as in "SCRIPTURE"; not mere lip movements of men. Did NO one see the VERY SPECIAL TERMS in the verse? Aaaarrrggghh.)

Thus the translation is NO LONGER God's chosen 'tongue', no longer perfect but corrupted. For, men changed it. Men, not God. So in translation, 1Cor13 is predictably anthropocentric, rather than God-centric. For in translation, 1Cor13 seems to be about some emotion called "love". But the Autograph says the opposite. For the Spirit had Paul choose the word "agape", which is NEVER used for human love; rather, ONLY for Divine Love. For God is Love, and God is Pure Thought: so His Thoughts are INNATELY Love at all times. Love is Thinking, not emotion; for emotion is housed in the body, but Deity is Infinite, non-bodied. Hence 1Cor13 focuses on how, just as Christ's Own Human Thinking was built by the Spirit, so also He will build Him in your own; and He will use this Autograph to do it. Because, IT is Christ's Thinking and hence alive (i.e., Heb4:12, 1Cor2:16, 1Cor13); because, He is Head, and you are part of His Body. That's Christ's Legacy for Church: so you CAN get His Own Thinking. Which the Spirit gradually deposits into you, as you learn Scripture. So YOU too become Love, the more Scripture of the Autograph, NOT a translation, you supernaturally accumulate under the always-unfelt Power of the Spirit. Because it's the Autograph, which is CHRIST'S OWN WORDS. Assiduously-preserved Words. Run-by-Spirit's-power-LEARNED Words. So no human handicap, matters.

Since the translation cuts God out of "Love", you can't see 1Cor13's promise of His Thinking being poured into your own. So you don't know to GET it. So you ALSO don't know that Romans 5:5 TIES to 1Cor13 to mean His Thinking; because, Romans 5:5 shows Love being "poured"; because, water=Word all over Bible. So you won't see this promise, even when looking RIGHT AT it. Yet if someone claims it's there, if you want proof in your non-God-'tongue' TRANSLATION, well.. you won't see it. So you'll call the claimant, a heretic. What else can you do, when you don't see proof? Don't you have to be LOYAL? Yet in fact, YOU just became the heretic due to that loyalty. Loyalty to a tongue that is NOT God's. And therefore, DISloyal. Not meaning to be, of course.

Worse -- forget the name-calling -- you'll miss out on the greatest treasure of all time, the entire purpose of Bible, "Christ in you, the confidence of Glory" -- to develop in you, the COMMUNION OF HIS THINKING! But, you'll not know that. Since you don't know this promise, how can you ACCESS it? Nor will you even know HOW; so you'll never know what sharing His Thinking, is like. The Lord Jesus Christ spoke these very languages in the Autograph, and the thinking in it, is all His: a fact you could prove, a Person you can SEE, "if ye did but know". But, you won't. So, Bible will just be a rulebook. So, you'll do something ELSE. Like emote, or work, quote verses to show how much Scripture you know. But it will just be a book, to you. The Mind Behind the Words, you'll never come to see this side of Heaven. And you'll call your SUBSTITUTES, 'holy'. Cuz, you don't know any better. So you ALSO won't know what it means, "We have this treasure in earthen vessels", (water, again); so of course, you won't see what 1Cor2:16 means (His Head, again, "nous" means "thinking", verbal noun).

But, you'll never know all that from a 'tongue' which isn't God's. Because, you COULD have gotten God's Autograph, since the promise IS real: but in effect, you turned it down. So you won't GET ANY of that promise, though forever saved.. since you don't know it's available to get; you can't see the COMMANDS to get it; and if anyone TELLS you about it, you'll call that person a heretic. Because, YOU don't see it, so it's not there. Because also, when you see "know", you WON'T know WHICH "know" is referenced. So, you'll come to know, the wrong knowledge: the knowledge of emoting, works, competition. All this, simply because you chose a translation: not God's Autograph, not God's Own Authorized 'tongue'. So of course, you're not learning His language; but instead, the language of emotion, and the language of works! For, that's all you see.. in translation. So you also won't know how neither emotion nor works, are spiritual. Since all you HAVE, is a non-God-tongue 'talking' to you. So, like the tongues people of the first century, you too will be speaking a language you don't understand, but.. you'll think it's holy language.

Seems like getting this Autograph, is a pretty high-stakes thing. How did it get so bad, in translation? Short answer: no 1Jn1:9, used. So no Holy Spirit ALERTING the persons to the mistranslating. God never coerces. He never gives you what you don't want. You don't want fellowship with Him, then don't use 1Jn1:9. So: since my other websites illustrate so many translation errors, let's instead craft a PARADIGMAL translation error, which covers all types; to best explain the essential anatomy of how in 1Cor13, the Lord's Head got chopped off.

So now, let's examine today's world, and see how the REAL Gospel gets heard via REAL Bible translations. John 3's translations all clearly tell you how to be saved: BELIEVE ONCE IN CHRIST and that's it, baby. Yet people 'monkey' with those words, and the chats are endless pil-pul-pits of speculation: are you PERMANENTLY saved? Did you REALLY believe in the first place, if you commit a shocking sin (defined subjectively, of course). Oh, and gee: what is "believe"? Do you do that with your head, your heart, your crumpled brow? LOL, it's ambiguous? Not in the Autograph, it isn't. God gives you ZERO wiggle room on interpretation: one nanosecond's faith, and you're forever rescued from Hell. Couldn't reverse that decision if you wanted to. You'd have to lie against the Autograph, to say otherwise.

So translation snips meaning and leaves a nice ambiguity for lots of warring sects. Satan -- "opposing attorney" in Hebrew -- knows this quite well. For in the Second Temptation of Matt4, Satan snipped out an eeentsy bit of text from Psalm 91, thereby REVERSING its import: passage said angels would protect the Lord if He fell, so Satan snipped the common-sense clause; then used it to justify, "Jump". The Lord's Humanity was SO familiar with the verse in both Hebrew and Greek (OT's two inspired flavors) He didn't fall for the ploy.

So, translations snip out OUR understanding. Translators aren't to blame. Teachers aren't to blame. NO ONE ON THIS PLANET ever gets up in the morning and says, "I think i'll abort the BIBLE today!" LOL. No one is smart enough to know how to CONSPIRE to snip Scripture, either. But Satan knows. Do you really think a translator could knowingly CHOP the Lord's Head off in 1Cor13? Poor guy wouldn't know how.

So here's another gem: Romans 5:8 always says Christ died "for" us in any English Bible known. That's not what the Autograph says. The Original says "Christ died as a SUBSTITUTE for us." Just like the Levitical sacrifices, depicted. But "SUBSTITUTE", which is inherent in the Greek preposition "huper" (the Autograph word God had Paul WRITE), is CHOPPED OFF in EVERY translation. Since "huper" occurs a LOT in Bible, that's a lot of sliced salami tactics nicely snipping away our comprehension. Heh. Satan misses no trick: the purpose of the Cross was, as noted in the Autograph's wordplay in Dan9:25-6, to 'cut a covenant'. Like, circumcision. Like, cutting OUT the cut-covenant, by a little deft snipping on "huper"'s translation.

Yet Another Example: Genesis 2:25 says that they were naked and not ashamed, so they obviously KNEW they were naked. Can't be unashamed if you don't have something to decide 'shame' about. But look: EVERY translation of Gen3:11 says, "who told you that you were naked?" What? Is God a liar? Did He HIDE from them the fact? Of course not. But isn't this an (uh-oh).. CONTRADICTION? Nope. Bad translation, one which DENOUNCES God (Satan never misses a chance). And what's mistranslated? LOL, look! Hebrew verb "nagadth", mistranslated "tell", there, means "denounce"! "Who denounced you for being naked", the Lord asks Adam rhetorically. Yeah, Satan was the one who made Adam start sewing those figleaves. No nakedness in his new kingdom! See what a difference the ORIGINAL text, makes?

Do you see this demonstrably-satanic, precision matching of MIStranslation to the exact meaning of the original text? Well, there are hundreds of other verses just like these, so cleverly REVERSED. Some are blatant, like taking all womb verses which in the Autograph say "OUTSIDE the womb" (min preposition, means birth), and reversing them to "inside". Hence the prolife crusade is entirely based on mistranslation, too. But they aren't the only buffoons, nor are womb verses the only ones flipped backwards in meaning. My other websites provide much more data to illustrate and back up what's said, here; if you spend any time on them, you'll realize we are ALL pawns. But God will rescue us (Greek verb sozw, usu. quasi-mistranslated, "to save"). For now, though, just see how DEVASTATINGLY CLEVER Satan is. Oh, pray for anyone who works in Bible; they kill themselves trying to get it right. They -- heck, all of us -- are SO outsmarted. And don't know it. They need our prayer support, big-time!

This is pretty upsetting, huh: Bible translations so anti-God, yet innocent of intent to be that way. BUT RESCUE is available, so there's no need to bonfire our translations. Just remember that they're HEARSAY. Kinda like Windows, they CAN work, but need lots of tweaking. You get to know where Windows will crash, and you learn to work around it. Same, here: all translations are infected with a hopeless-in-Adam, anthropocentric 'spin'. So you read anything that sounds man-centered, with a jaundiced eye: all works verses, for example, largely cut the Actor out, just as happened in 1Cor13. That's one BIG reason you know it's NOT intentional, to mistranslate. So, you get a backhanded way to see how total the DEVASTATION (think not "blame", but "disease"), in Gen3. It's a way to begin to appreciate your so-great salvation. It's PROOF that when Bible says even our righteousnesses are "filthy rags" (Isa64:6, very graphic).. it's true. But take heart: we don't live here very long -- compared to FOREVER. With Him. Ten or 20 or pick-a-number years from now, you'll look back and LAUGH at the trouble down here.

Why then isn't more said about this problem with translations, and more often? Well, frankly the recognition of this problem is at an all-time high in world history. Maybe it was higher in the 1800's, I can't prove that. The study-on-my-own movement began a generation ago when I was in highschool, now runs in the millions of believers: all of them DISTRUSTFUL of past bad teaching and translations. It's FASHIONABLE now to learn the Hebrew and Greek of Bible -- which STILL means God isn't the focus, sadly -- but the Autograph is more available than ever in the past. You can even get the text free on the internet. (But instead, get good software, shop around.)

POLITICS has a lot to do with what's NOT said about translation errors. Scholars have known these translation problems for centuries, and they'd be at the forefront of wanting correction. BUT! then the politico-religionists get involved, and it doesn't matter at ALL what 'sect' or 'denomination' it is. Pattern is always the same as the reason why Christ was crucified. Oh, people will lose faith in us if we don't get Him Crucified; if BIBLE translations are shown too faulty! Pick your excuse. And it's pretty valid too, because the masses get on their high-horse if THEY think the 'authorities' aren't right. So, no one IN authority, says much.

Of course, the errors aren't exactly hidden today, but the same keep-quiet attitude prevails in certain circles. Frankly, it doesn't matter if they covered everything up. People forget that authority isn't perfect, but even bad authority is better than none. So when the hoi polloi get all huffy about what authority does WRONG -- never mind, that everyone fails, lol -- it's not God they care about. They'll use His Name to justify being iconoclastic.

Of course, it IS upsetting to find out the translations are so flawed, and the believer at that moment is in a kind of crisis; he trusted, the trust seems betrayed, so how can he trust again? The shock of this discovery for me is gigantic, so I empathize with anyone else. Bear in mind, though, that these errors are but a part of a much larger picture of errors we humans all make, and the overall portrait, demonstrates the extreme success of Satan&Co.;, in exploiting both our disinterest in God, and our own sin natures. So fingerpointing is quite irrelevant. The RELEVANT lesson to learn, is God's Grace. He HAS a solution, and it HAS ALWAYS BEEN the initial DESIGN -- get the Autograph. If we don't want it, well.. we get what we do want. Which in this case, are anthropocentric translations. No way to avoid that outcome.

TRUE INTEREST in God, will want the solution, in a crisis; false interest will want to rail about the problem. God the Holy Spirit handles any such crisis for a believer who wants GOD, rather than an excuse to badmouth authority. Can't blame those in authority. If you want God, you'll just move on to the Autograph, as soon as you discover it's superior. Else, you won't, and pride yourself on how pro-God you are .. NOT!

But what about the past? People don't DO this with Scripture. Are they all EVIL or something, if they don't? Well, frankly, the Bible always went missing in the OT when Disinterest In The Word was popular among the people. So too, in the centuries since the Cross. By 200AD even people who SPOKE GREEK couldn't read the NT -- they didn't CARE to keep up on Biblical Greek! So, this phenomenon is cyclical, as interest in God ebbs and flows. So yeah, people DON'T do this with Scripture, and because they DON'T, they lose it. Like losing keys you really aren't USING, you forget where they are.

But in history there have been, here and there (about every 200 years) 'outbreaks' of interest in God in some locale or even a major geographical region of the globe. So, suddenly Scripture is 'found' again, or some tool to STUDY it better, is created. Bible isn't in verses; about 1100AD (I think) some folks in Paris decided it'd be EASIER TO STUDY, if Bible was partitioned off into chapters and verses. So, they did that. A definite prosperity period followed. Then, decline. The TRACEABLE history of how whole societies ebb and flow based on interest in Scripture is fascinating, but can't be covered, here. Key Symptom: people want to just HAVE Bibles for themselves. So, you'll find evidence like the Paris thingy, or Bibles being made easier to read, carry, use, etc. But, it never lasts. The 1800's seems to be the biggest period of interest, though maybe right now we're in an even bigger one. It won't last.

Now let's shift to the macro-historical picture, for you always interpret Bible IN CONTEXT. Until the 1800's, the Autograph has largely been inaccessible to the public. Moses didn't get to see the New Testament, but you do; first-century Christians didn't have a complete Bible until nearly the end of that century, but you do; between the first century and the 1800's, you practically had to be a monk to have access to Autograph texts. So people have been demonstrably UNINTERESTED in Bible, or God would have done then what He did in the 1800's, a Big Bible Rollout. And it's still going on!

This Rollout's importance cannot be overstressed. To read how the Bible got lost, found, trapped, freed from the elites, is an epic kidnapping drama: Bible was RESCUED from the fire, from being torn in pieces, hidden in stuffed crocodiles; one monk hid a whole text in his cell! Makes any action movie look BORING by comparison. The elites held Bibles under lock-and-key, had them deliberately made too heavy to use, lift (partly because theft was a problem); Bibles were chained to altars, you couldn't touch them -- Tregelles had to memorize what became known as Codex Vaticanus, not being allowed to take notes or EVEN TOUCH the manuscript: a Vatican aide turned the pages. If you were rich, you could get a Bible. If you were poor, you couldn't. For Bibles had to be PRETTY, see. So pretty few folks, had them.

So to what conclusions are we forced?
  1. The person alleging that learning the Autograph is elitist, is a liar: since God enables anyone to LEARN it. So the Holy Spirit is not Filling him, 1Jn1:8,10. So the Holy Spirit is not teaching him, either.
  2. The person who claims learning Scripture in the original is snobbish, puffed up, or TOO HARD, is also a liar: since God gifts ALL individuals to learn it THAT way ("when the perfect has come", 1Cor13).
Else, there's no need to KEEP the original manuscripts preserved all these centuries of toil. People were persecuted, tortured, chased all over Europe and the Middle East. MANY DIED to preserve these manuscripts. Read up on "Canonicity", sometime. Lots of good books at Amazon.

So if you ONLY want a translation, that's your decision before the Lord: remember you're electing HEARSAY. Which can easily lead to heresy BY IGNORANCE as was earlier noted. Worse, the translations are all politically-sensitive, and always have been. The KJV, for example, though one of the better English translations, was developed as a compromise between Protestants And Catholics, to END a long simmering war; else, no Bible translation could be made. Ever since, the two sides CAN argue about what constitutes salvation, since the translation is so fuzzy. Understand that Bibles like the KJV were used to CONTROL THE MASSES. Bible teaches freedom, and freedom is dangerous to those who need to keep power. So it's not ALL satanic spinning, which accounts for the comport-with-man slant in the translation. Are you SURE you want that kind of hearsay?

So if you want to learn God HIS Way.. start using 1Jn1:9, and ask God who's your OWN right pastor. God via him will TEACH you in THE ACTUAL BIBLE that He wrote, using the text itself, showing you Bible; God's, not men's doctrines. This is a PERSONNEL MATCHING: a teacher matched to a group, not institutional or denominational -- so not necessarily excluding any of them, either.

Your choice. No one can make it for you. "Right" Pastor link at pagetop has a LOT more info you can see in Scripture itself on how this Divine System works; original-language words and their much bigger meanings are roughly translated, but you can SEE HOW. So you can begin right now, to see how vast a difference the Autograph makes, in your understanding of Bible. How much greater your own confidence IN Bible and IN God, can become. [You'll be amazed at the depth, complexity, UNITY and GENIUS of the text; the astonishingly-precise meaning God has packed into the original, vs. a translation. Kinda like looking at a real sunrise or sunset, vs. a mere poster. If this exposure doesn't increase your faith and ability to see Him, then it can't be done. There is absolutely NOTHING more Gorgeous, than the REAL Word of God, the Autograph, the Thinking of Christ, the Bible, Scripture. Matt4:4!]

Parting Shot: if someone LIED about you, wouldn't you find that wrong? So if people LIE against Scripture, isn't that more wrong? And if we are LAZY to study it, how 'obedient' is that? You decide. This page can only present a short summary of the problem, so YOU don't get shortchanged. Mankind has been NEGATIVE to Scripture so long, but now.. For the first time in all HISTORY we can get the Bible in the original, God-breathed text, just like Christians had (well, you get it all-at-once, they didn't) in the first century, AD. No elites to hide it so they can give you their hearsay, their dogma, their heresy, instead. Your choice before the Lord, what to do.