brainout Twitter Archives

An archive of brainout's twitter account, as Elon Musk will be privatizing twitter soon.

brainout @brainoutREAD

Main acct: @brainouty
I do non-Bible (re)tweets & follow, from here. NO2Bitcoin
#ExGOP Bible mss meter & PC geek; see pinned tweet. Yes, I voted BidenHarris

I will try to update this ⤵️ 🧵 every Friday

Bible meter has been sought by scholars for 100s of years. Its commercial value is worth trillion$, +millions of jobs. Thread will explain why.
[brainout🇺🇦 @brainouty · Jul 29, 2022]
A for Autograph
Many verses claim Bible=God's Word, hence perfect & proof of God, within itself

So *in* Bible, God provides mechanics to prove WHAT WORDS ARE HIS

Scholars call the mechanics, "hermeneutics"

Bible meter's a mechanic, but they can't find it

[brainout @brainoutREAD·Jul 12, 2022]
Gen2:7, God directly makes u human AT Birth
GOD MADE Adam's body from dust
fetus exit ON ITS OWN: Sovereign God must rule IF TO MAKE HUMAN & give 1st breath
Heb10:5, Ps110
& "breath"verses
So (eg .@SCOTUSblog
, .@GOP
) prolifers deny God's Sovereign right to determine who becomes a human Christ pays for, John17, 2Jn2, etc

It's God's right, not a court, not a state. Violates 1st Amend, to ban abortion

Fetus has no soul, Num5:27, Exo21:22 Ps139:15-16, Job10:19

[brainout @brainoutREAD·Jul 8, 2022]
Japanese Fiddler On The Roof? Oh yes!

[People's Front of Cadia @Oda_CM · Jul 7, 2022]
Replying to @hasidicus @hungrychipmunk and @spacetwinks
I enjoy the Japanese version as much as the all Yiddish language version of Fiddler!

Lots of clips of the Japanese shows old and new on youtube by the title 屋根の上のバイオリン弾き

[brainout @brainoutREAD · May 14, 2022]
Meet .@RandPaul's Putin-paid twin brother..

Satan is very happy

[Daniel Hegedus @DanielHegedus82 · May 14, 2022]
I understand the need for political compromise between the #Polish government and the @EU_Commission under given circumstances, but...
@notesfrompoland @gmfus

[brainout @brainoutREAD · May 13, 2022]
If you're dumb enuf to vote Trump or Bitcoin, perhaps your insanity can be cured, by reading RT'd thread

TO WIT, Russia promoted Catalonian Independence for one reason: to get the new country to convert to cryptocurrency 🤑

🇷🇺 offered $500B for it

🤮 Bitcoin=PUTIN: got it?

[Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project @OCCRP · May 8, 2022]
NEW: On the eve of Catalonia's 2017 vote for independence, mysterious Russians reportedly offered 10,000 troops to help the territory break from Spain.

Now OCCRP and partners reveal new details about this #RussianOffer, how it was made — and by whom. 1/

[brainout @brainoutREAD · Apr 19, 2022]
Handy list of what airlines to avoid now. If they're so damn dumb they won't mandate wearing masks inside an airplane, for crying out loud, I don't want to fly or buy their stock or have anything to do with them. Their management is clearly insane.

[MSNBC @MSNBC · Apr 19, 2022]
Here are the airlines dropping mask mandates.

[brainout @brainoutREAD · Apr 18, 2022]
.@cje you will probably find this thread interesting.

[description_of_the_world @hexbrainfuck · Apr 17, 2022]
В России продолжают бомбить VPN, и пока ждем своей участи быть отрезанным от Интернета.

Хочу поделится более экстравагантным способом доступа ко всемирной паутине через настройку Wifi точки доступа, работающей через сеть Tor. И это БЕСПЛАТНО!

Как там?! Лайк, репост, погнали >>

[brainout reposted Anders Åslund @anders_aslund · Apr 11, 2022]
Russia just used chemical arms in Mariupol. This happened just after Putin appointed General Dvornikov, the butcher of Syria, who used chemical weapons there, to the Ukraine command. @POTUS has promised tough NATO action. Yes, time to deliver! Time is short!

[brainout @brainoutREAD · Mar 30, 2022]
Follow this guy. He makes really long threads about the daily effect of the war in Ukraine + other important and interesting related facts. As you can see, thread below is over 400 posts long

Or you can read him in my Deft Thinkers list.

[J. Paul Kirby @JPaulKirby · Mar 24, 2022]
Replying to @JPaulKirby
March 24. In the Sumy region, Ukranian forces capture and begin field intake of around 15 Russian POWs. 459/

[brainout @brainoutREAD · Mar 26, 2022] cc @_JakubJanda

[Wojciech Jakóbik @wjakobik_en · Mar 26, 2022]
Poland's 10 point plan to end the Russian aggression in Ukraine:
1. SWIFT cut off for ALL Russian banks
2. Asylum for Russian deserters
3. Stop Russian propaganda in Europe
4. Block the ports for Russians
5. Block the roads
6. Sanctions on entire business
7. Visa suspension
8. Sanctions on whole Putin's United Party
9. Technology exports ban
10. Excluding Russia from all international organizations

[brainout @brainoutREAD · Mar 26, 2022]
RT'd guy has over 400 tweets in his thread ⤵️ documenting every day of the #UkraineWar
Be sure to bookmark when you need a rest, so you can easily come back (Twitter misbehaves).

[J. Paul Kirby @JPaulKirby · Feb 25, 2022]
In this thread I'm focusing on 1) the WILL of the Ukrainian people and 2) the truth about Russian soldiers being manipulated into conducting Putin's war. Others are focusing on military power alone. It's also important to look at willpower, mindset, and intent. 1/x

[brainout @brainoutREAD · Mar 26, 2022]
The GRAPHIC posts below appear to belong to that broken 🇷🇺 offensive just now reported in eastern Ukraine. It is not confirmed yet.

Translation of an interrogation video below, SHOWING LIVING SITTING W THE DEAD. There are many vids on this, in Twitter.

[Necro Mancer @666_mancer · Mar 26, 2022]
Живые и не очень члены #роа, оператор на эмоциях

[brainout @brainoutREAD · Mar 25, 2022]
Some folks in Twitter ask, how will Putin claim he won, & end #Ukraine️WarWar?

I submit the RT'd summary below, is what he'll use, adding it's *at the advice* of his generals

It's a brilliant ploy; may even end some sanctions, eg EU already accepted him invading E Ukr for 8 yrs..

[Polina Ivanova @polinaivanovva · Mar 25, 2022]
Replying to @polinaivanovva
Firstly, the generals said Russia had always intended only to 'liberate' the Donbas, that was what it set out to do. It had two options: fight a war in the east, but allow Kyiv to replenish its forces, or start off by knocking out Ukrainian military capacities across the country.

[brainout reposted to be frank @jfslat · Mar 18, 2022 Replying to @WarintheFuture and @smh]
Only two possible outcomes from this war; win it or postpone it (it's already a war postponed from 2014). The next time Russia will have learned from this one and will win by turning UA into rubble and corpses. Ceding territory to him now changes nothing. The only certainty /2

[brainout reposted Michael MacKay @mhmck · Mar 1, 2022]
Stop talking about NATO. Talk about the Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances. Talk about the promises made to Ukraine in exchange for which it gave up all its nuclear weapons. Helping Ukraine stop Russian aggression is a unique debt that we must pay.

[brainout reposted Eddie Fishman @edwardfishman · Feb 28, 2022]
The US just unveiled the details of its sanctions against the Central Bank of Russia. Bottom line: This is close to the most ambitious form that this action could take. Here's my initial analysis (🧵):

[brainout reposted Eliot Higgins @EliotHiggins]
In our latest Bellingcat piece, we confirm that prior to the Russian invasion of Ukraine separatists used corpses to fake an IED attack that was used as evidence of Ukrainian brutality by the Russian media.

[brainout reposted Kevinshambles 👒🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️ @satirehat · Jan 27, 2022] 📌A Thread of Threads
🔹Insurrection timeline & resources

Kevinshambles 👒🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️
📌Insurrection Timeline
1 of 10
Aug 19 - Oct 31, 2020

[brainout @brainoutREAD · Jan 15, 2022]
Proof Bitcoin is evil: Robots like this one 👇

If u buy, sell or believe in Bitcoin, u are 🇷🇺 #MAGAt fodder, too effing dumb to live This Post is from a suspended account.

[brainout @brainoutREAD · Jan 3, 2022]

[Mihoko Matsubara 松原実穂子 @M_Miho_JPN · Jan 2, 2022]
Replying to @M_Miho_JPN
The Washington Post found a $216,000 police intelligence programme that analyses western chatter on Hong Kong and Taiwan, as well as a cybercentre that catalogues overseas content in the ethnic Uighur language.

[brainout @brainoutREAD · Jan 2, 2022]
does Matt Damon know how much electricity, cryptocurrency uses?

It is the enemy of all you aim to do

Climate change is not manmade*; its misinformation, kills

Bitcoin is also 🇷🇺 misinfo, to fool the West & rob 3rd no $€£¥ for water

[brainout @brainoutREAD · Nov 27, 2021]
Also, it's a trait of 400-yr GLOBAL COOLING since AD100; it moves west from China, on trade routes

So when global cooling renews 2100, 'our' virus will blossom, just as in 1340s


[Tulio de Oliveira @Tuliodna · Nov 26, 2021]
I do hope it is time to take a global approach for a global pandemic and stop the nationalism and hatred. It is not the scientists or nations fault if viruses move from animals to humans or if they evolve. Global solidarity for a global problem.
[brainout @brainoutREAD · Nov 27, 2021]
See .@smithsonian's recent article on our current plague, paralleled w Black Death that migrated in 1250s but blossomed in 1350s, when GC aka "little ice age" began, LASTING 400 YRS

*Video proof .@UN .@EU
& Dems lie re climate change, 4votes & €£$¥

[brainout @brainoutREAD · Nov 27, 2021]
PS I voted4 .@POTUS & .@VP
They are deluded by scammers, re climate change; GC's going to kill millions & PUT GOP 4ever IN POWER, if we don't wake up & start protecting against the upcoming cold

Yes conservation & pollution are issues, but are UNRELATED to Earth temp


[brainout @brainoutREAD · Nov 25, 2021]
We are all immigrants. Repeat: we are all immigrants. The only Americans who aren't immigrants, were Indians who were here first: THEY PREPARED THE FIRST THANKSGIVING, FOR US!

#MAGA ts are sooo demonic!

.@newtgingrich knows it very well.. loves grifting #MAGAts, taking their $$

[howardfineman @howardfineman · Nov 25, 2021]
#NewtGingrich thinks “classic Americans” are under assault from a wave of immigrants out to “replace” them. Stupid. Racist. Wrong. Thanksgiving celebrates the safe arrival of a wave of immigrants—they happened to be from England—on these shores. Every American is a “classic.”

[brainout reposted Richard Signorelli 🌱🇺🇦 🌊 @richsignorelli · Nov 14, 2021]
Trump remains a litmus test for me as to all personal/professional relationships. If you in any way support this psychopath stay far away from me. I don't want your friendship, business, money, or anything else.

[brainout @brainoutREAD · Oct 13, 2021]
Yeah, in March 2018 I asked God for a 50/50 Congress, right here in Twitter

He punned his Yes Answer 7 Ways

4 of them are reflected in the doubled 50/50 demographics of the 2020 GA senate election, that caused US SEN to be 50/50, haha!

But every1 says Bible is bunk, right?? 😂

[Sahil Kapur @sahilkapur · Oct 13, 2021]
Replying to @sahilkapur
That's hardly an empty threat. The same fabricated claims of fraud arguably depressed GOP turnout in the Georgia runoffs and helped Democrats win the Senate.

[brainout @brainoutREAD · Oct 12, 2021]
RT'd from great Jim: God's loud #7M foes, in 1 pic

My .@brainouty acct maps how God mocks & judges these antichrists via Matt25:10-12: see pinned tweets' demo vids, bc scholars don't know Bible mss are time-metered

Theme: Matt24+25 yrly premap how Christians become antichrists

[Jim Stewartson, Anti-disinfo activist 🇺🇸🇺🇦💙 @jimstewartson · Jun 18, 2021] Might as well start a thread. 😒

[brainout @brainoutREAD · Sep 7, 2021]
MSFT Google & Linux ruin more lives w inept coding than ALL disease & murder

Only pastors priests rabbis religions scholars kill more time $€£¥ lives w >90% disinfo re Bible

Per Bible, New Yr starts on autumnal 🌓 equinox @ sunset; month=30days but 35/36=Elul: aligns equinoxes

[brainout @brainoutREAD · Sep 5, 2021]
Must watch

China uses same propaganda on Chinese, as Putin uses on Russia

When a ruler demonizes the West or US, it means his internal rule is in trouble

Many nations do this; intelligence, gauges the severity of the attack against West or US, to see how insecure, the ruler

[Plerologia @Clay_Odem · Sep 5, 2021]
Chinese state media stirring the pot for war.

[brainout @brainoutREAD · Jul 10, 2021]
Now do u see why Khrushchev's USSR invented MANMADE climate change* lie? So they could make Western resources so expensive, West must buy from Russia!

Pity, White House knew it: DIA guy in JFK WH taught us, in 1974 Russian propaganda class
cc .@maddow
*used other names, prior

[Mike Eckel @Mike_Eckel · Apr 26, 2021]
“Hydrocarbons account for more than 60% of Russian exports, and 40% of govt revenues. Though China is buying more Russian oil & gas...the EU remains Russia’s biggest customer and Russia the EU’s biggest supplier, accounting for 30% of its crude-oil imports and 40% of its gas.”

[brainout @brainoutREAD · Jun 29, 2021]
cc .@MingGao26

[Plerologia @Clay_Odem · Jun 29, 2021]
I wonder now if some new, more controlled form of cryptocurrency might serve as a mock 'mark of the beast' between 2027-2030?

Trumpsters love crypto while demonizing vaccines as mark of the beast.

Where insanity lurks, irony follows.

[brainout @brainoutREAD · May 24, 2021]
Beg to differ. By changing core #NordStream2 sanctions to "nat'l interest", .@POTUS creates a Sword of Damocles over Putin:

1. Now easier for Biden to impose sanctions currently on waiver.
2. Biden can now QUICKLY create added & stiffer sanctions contra #NS2 itself, later
3. .@POTUS buys time for France & Germany to reform a proper anti-NS2 stance, sans damage to political structure
4. He buys time for US, to retool
5. Cocky Putin will invest more in #NS2, classic salient overextension -- sanctions THEN imposed, will cripple him

cc .@WHCOS

[brainout @brainoutREAD · Apr 2, 2021]
😘 Bible Test 😘

Which prophecy gets the most Bible text?

BTW, pulpits miss the answer, tho it's clear in Num6, Deut 6, 30, Jer31, 1Cor1-15, Rom10, Heb8-10

Answer will 4ever change how u view salvation & spirituality

So what is it? Post yer guess(es)..?

cc .@northworstsem

[brainout @brainoutREAD · Feb 18, 2021]
#txpoweroutage PRESAGES 500-YR GLOBAL COOLING CYCLE, 2100+

Manmade #climatechange pimps count on GC to say their $cam$ to lower Earth temp, work

We should rather spend $ on keeping warm, lest millions die as in 1300-1700 "little ice age",
cc .@DanRather

[Elisabeth Darcy née Bennet is fully💉&😷! @Elisabeth_Drcy · Feb 18, 2021]
Replying to @99for99 @cattybojanglez and 2 others
It’ll definitely come back - worse, for longer, & more frequently!

We MUST harden, up-armor, insulate, winterize, whatever you call it… the ENTIRE grid & ALL homes!

We MUST be ready for extremes - both heat & cold - from now on! #ClimateCrisis will only get WORSE!

[brainout @brainoutREAD · Feb 7, 2021]
#QGOP aims to convert their censured, to Dem 🤔

DEM 60 in Senate & 2/3 maj in House

Mar 2018 in Twitter: I prayed God give US 50/50 Congress. He punned YES, in 7 ways: 4 play on 50/50 GA votes

So Let's Ask for 60?

[brainout @brainoutREAD · Jan 27, 2021]

An exGOP, I wish rioters beat u my reps, on 1/6/21=Matt25:11 "opEN"

We'd then be rid of u traitors, & #IMPOTUS would be convicted

But suffering can't benefit God. So He'd rather beat u per pics & links below

Bible's a RULING contract: it creates & obeys precedence, times words. Bible Meter metes RULERS, OT pics ⤵
NT appends Moses' 7ing in Matt24+25 (1/3's pics), to yrly mete Royal Family of God aka Church AD30-3243, in Grk epitome satire. 25:11-12, QUOTE & MOCK u #TrumPutin

Cuz Bible is a literary contract w depositions, it's auditable

Its scholars, mess its math. So:

YMH10g God's Timing vs. Jewish Dispensationalism The Youtube copy of this video streams better, GIST: Jews expect Messiah to come (or come again, if they believe Christ is Messiah) in their year 6000 (i.e., per Rambam or see Talmud, Order Nezekin, Sanhedrin 97, then search on 'Kattina'). Yet they also retain a garbled recognition of the 4200, see Sanhedrin 97b, search on 'eighty five jubilees'. It was 84, same as the number of syllables in Psalm 90:1-4, from which BOTH of their garbled timelines derive. Sample of their confused reasoning: How valid is all that? This video introduces the issue; future videos will document where in the Hebrew (you can't see it in translation) the Bible provides what might be considered 'proof' of a 7000-year timeline for history. But what's the impact of Church, since Rapture is unpredictable? We'll cover that too, in future videos. To warm up for them, you might want to study my Psalm 90 playlist videos (here in Youtube, but vimeo link is better: Psalm 90 Meter of Time (Precedent for Bible Hebrew Meter) ). For the primary source of Jewish Dispensationalism depends on the HEBREW METER in Psalm 90. And the Jews all know this. They just get the meter wrong. Christian scholars don't recognize Bible Hebrew as having meter. But the Jews all had to memorise orally, so meter is commonly used in the OT, and is a very handy way to be sure you memorize correctly -- and know your prophetic timeline, too.

fix scholar errors

+OT&NT Meter demos
+Anaphora trends

[brainout @brainoutREAD · Jan 26, 2021]
Bible Jer28: if some1 speaks in My Name & what he says doesn't come true..

v17, fake prophet dies. So too, grifters like .@RealWayneRoot

God 1st let .@Harold_Camping disgrace himself, then hit him w a stroke & later killed him

Matt25:11 'opEN'=1/6/21(Grk text is timed), pics

[brainout @brainoutREAD · Jan 26, 2021]
PS the guy using .@Harold_Camping (Zeke Piestrup) , did a great movie about Camping. Look him up in Amazon Prime. The movie should be required by every church, as it unintentionally offers a great lesson contra false prophets

(The guy blocked me, so won't know I promote his work.)

[brainout @brainoutREAD · Jan 2, 2021]
😘 😋
.@SenTedCruz is #SevenMountains, so can't read Bible; so is inept, at practicing law

Proof: 'Seven Mountains' is Rev17:9 re Satan's harlot, pic1

So Cruz is Bible-illiterate; his dad is a spox for #7M, YouTube "Gilman Hill Seven Mountains Cruz anointed"

[brainout @brainoutREAD · Dec 12, 2020]
Heb11:1 Greek

Demons use Bible meter, see pic desc; scholars seek but can't read it

RT'd vid: Catholic priest cites Matt25:11 prophecy contra Xtian politicking, 1999+; he unwittingly indicts self, as he speaks

Thus demons mock humans, in their own mouths

"My name is Father Greg, I'm a Catholic priest of 25 years, I specialize in exorcism and deliverance, you realize we're in a spiritual battle, this cannot be solved by human means, God says if we drop to our knees, if we pray to him in a spirit of repentance, he will bless our nation, do you believe it? Amen."

[brainout @brainoutREAD · Dec 7, 2020]


Yeah, actually u did: it's been sitting in ur Bible since Matthew wrote it in 30 AD

But u spit on Christ* so u don't know what He says:
*Epi14 PBS: #7M Falwell pimps abortion=murder LIE

[Right Wing Watch @RightWingWatch · Dec 4, 2020]
Former congresswoman Michele Bachmann has a personal request for God: "Lord, would you allow Donald Trump to have a second term as president of the United States." image11

[brainout @brainoutREAD · Dec 2, 2020]
None of the RT'd text occurs, absent 1John1:9 used. See also Ps32 & 66

Trumpees won't use 1Jn1:9. That's why they are prolife, hallucinating Rev17:9 harlot TrumpGOP, as good

None of US can help them wake up, until they use 1Jn1:9: see Phili3:18-19, 2Tim2:26-3:7, Heb6 & 1Jn5:16

[Cody Hall @CodyHallGA · Dec 1, 2020]
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. Be not wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord, and turn away from evil.
- Proverbs 3:5-7

[brainout @brainoutREAD · Nov 21, 2020]
RT'd: Hear the voice of #MAGA2020 mental illness (MMI™)

Then open Bible at

& see why over the next 20 yrs, God slowly (mercy-)kills them (as He did Israelites in the wilderness). For there's no way to rehabilitate them, Rom9, Heb6

Breaks my heart 💔

[John Whitehouse @existentialfish · Nov 20, 2020]
A caller who is near tears, distraught over election results, tells Rush Limbaugh that he's willing to die for Trump

[brainout @brainoutREAD · Nov 21, 2020]
Trump the wannabe Antichrist, speaks again; just as Bible warned against him & all his harlot supporters, in Matt25:10-12:
Punchline? God will publicly disown them w Trump's same words: "I don't know you" (25:12, spans 2024-41)

Per God, #MAGA=traitor

[Julian Borger @julianborger ·Nov 18, 2020]
There you have it. Trump official told CNN the goal is to "set so many fires that it will be hard for the Biden administration to put them all out."

This is scorched earth foreign policy.

I first learned this prophecy in 2016: .@Clay_Odem found it

I fought him on it til Feb 2016, then began meter exegesis videos, as you saw in my prior post

My leftover skepticism ends now, cuz MILLIONS in 2020, still vote4Trump 😖

2001-41='our' 40 yrs in the wilderness 😞

[brainout @brainoutREAD · Nov 19, 2020]
1John1:9 b4 prayer


99% of Ur kids, esp in .@GOP, spit on Ur Son 2drool4Caesar & abort Ur Word. 1% do not

So please PUBLICLY abort #7M #TrumPutin & rout them per Ur Word in Matt25:11-12

The world needs U to Make America Sane Again, 2Chron7:14

