Is God a Murderer?

those OT killings and related Justice Issues

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If God exists, and creates creation, it is His Responsibility to rule that creation. Surely, as God, such a Responsibility and Right must be His: who else would have all the facts? Who else could truly ensure Justice? Who else would have the most vested interest in the welfare of His own Handiwork? Would this God go to such trouble to make and maintain mankind (which the Bible claims He WILLS every second, nothing is on "automatic pilot")....only to throw it away like tissue paper?

We saw in the "Does God Exist?" page that God would not have it in Him to do such a thing. In order to protect people, any government must have a lawful use of force; this would be even more true in the case of "God". Proper judicial systems, policing and sentencing, are a must for an orderly society to be free of fear; how much more would this be true in the case of "God"? Absent these protections, absent Justice, the government would not deserve to rule. Who but God can monitor and ensure Justice? In all events, even lawful violence to protect the populace must ALWAYS be the instrument of last resort. How much more, in the hands of God, who in the Bible has His Own Son pay for all mankind? It isn't as though God depreciates Christ...

Now, let's look at why the claims in the OT are falsely portrayed as God committing genocide or murder.

PRINCIPLE: God ordered their execution for all of these crimes for the sake of the people in all the surrounding territories. Should God not administer Justice?

If it were true that infants or children were ordered to be slaughtered (and after you read what follows, you will doubt such things happened), since all children who can't have had enough opportunity to believe in the Lord go to heaven anyway, isn't that a mercy, versus a life of abuse and torture in the 'lovely' society listed above?

PRINCIPLE: Genocide simply couldn't occur, therefore. Mathematically the number of folks in the affected cities at the time of their destruction was too small, and the races were dispersed all over the Levant.

PRINCIPLE: God is Impartial. As a Ruler, He must be. (See Heb2:1-2,10:18ff, and 12:5-10 if you think a believer ever gets away with anything.)

What other principles do we see here?

PRINCIPLE: So if God kills, it is a last-resort attempt to cut through all that negative scar-tissue of unbelief, and prevent the person from going to Hell, without coercion.

Here we see the root issue: Justice must bless or punish in order to provide and protect the person. Absent Justice, the blessing or punishment may be too much, too little, bad timing, or a host of other wrongs.

PRINCIPLE: Shouldn't God go to such extremes, to most jolt these people into believing in Him, so they can choose Heaven instead of Hell? Wouldn't any sane person do everything possible, short of coercion?

So Hell is not going to be populated with "nice" people. After all, it takes an extraordinary amount of arrogance to accuse God absent any homework in the Bible, doesn't it? Imagine how much more arrogant, in a whole lifetime? How "nice" is such a person? For more on how "not-nice" people who reject God become (including Christians!) -- and why they become not-nice, click here (it's a LOT to read, though).

May we all learn to be less guilty of accusing God...

Or, at least more creative. Look: we get sick. People die tragically, senselessly. Every Day. All kinds of natural disasters happen. Clearly God must control them, since only He can order such things. Evil governments oppress people all over the world. Can't God stop them? Of course He can. People are robbed, maimed, raped, even maligned every second the Earth 'turns'. Criminals aren't caught. Christians do horrible things every second. Why not blame God for all of that, too? If you're gonna blame God for what you don't even know the Bible really says, why not go all out -- blame Him for every mishap? Every snagged nylon? Every speck of dust? Don't be coy about it -- be honest, instead. God blesses honesty, you know: talk to Him. Be frank with your accusations. Why not?

But why then does God let bad things happen? "To teach". See Deut8:3-4. See, God turns every bit of "bad" into a blessing (i.e., Ex20:6-7, Num20:18). The only way to avoid the blessing, is to reject God. Even then, there's a de minimis level of blessing God nonetheless transmits to the rejector: why, that's the only reason why 'the wicked prosper'. As we just saw, above, with those who Israel was ordered to kill: they got plenty of advance notice, so they could leave -- or, accept the Gospel. Was that not a blessing? Their lives were horribly insane. Was it not a blessing to be warned? In the only language they could understand -- violence? Right up until the very last minute?

Don't we all sometimes need a bit of suffering as a wakeup call that something's wrong? That's the purpose for pain sensors in the body -- to alert us to a problem. What happens if we ignore the body's correct transmission that something's wrong? We get sicker. So, what happens if God ignores our wrong? We get sicker. Should God do that? Should our parents, while we are young, avoid punishing us? What happens if they do not? We get sicker. So, is punishment a blessing, then? Of course. Surgery hurts -- but it hurts in order to heal. That's a good way to look at God's punishments: hurting in order to heal.

PRINCIPLE: Shouldn't God go to such extremes, so we can stop getting sicker in our souls? Wouldn't any sane person do everything possible, short of coercion?

Of course, a lot of the bad stuff which happens is the natural consequence of our bad decisions. We naturally have quite a difficult time admitting we are to blame -- it's sooo much easier to blame someone ELSE -- God, for example. Frankly, a lot of the Divine Discipline folks receive is simply God's allowing the natural bad consequences of their own decisions to occur. For more on how this works, click here.

Furthermore, God doesn't gerrymander reality. If your body will get sick at a certain time, He already knows that. So, he 'baptised', as it were, that illness with some blessing you can get out of it, which is FAR bigger than the suffering. Why would He do that? Because He Himself has to KNOW that pain. (God is Infinite, so is not emotional: so 'pain' etc. are knowing-things, not feeling-things.) In short, for His Own Sake He blesses. So, He blesses everything. Of all persons, Christ was the Most-Blessed, right there ON the Cross. For more on how that could be true, click here (it's a LOT to read, though).

The deeper reason God doesn't gerrymander reality: God loves Truth. See, "Truth" is an attribute, not merely a collection of facts. Being Omniscient, God knows everything all-at-once. It's like a bizillion TV screens playing the same scenes over-and-over. All at once. "Truth", though, is much more than this: "Truth" is a QUALITY, a STANDARD of "being true, faithful" to truth. To what's Right. Well, "right" includes Reality, for reality is true. To be unfaithful to reality is to be UNtrue to a thing which is true. If God only allowed to exist facts He LIKED, none of us would exist, for the fact of how we are His Righteousness won't tolerate -- it's unJust that we offend Righteousness, see. That's why there is a Cross -- to make our badness 'okay' before Holy Righteousness. That frees His Love, so it no longer matters how bad we are. (See, all other definitions of "God" fail to recognize that Righteousness must be propitiated. That's a BIG HINT that the Biblical God is the "right" one.)

Moreover, God loves Freedom. Why? Because God is totally Free. So, you ALSO are free. He made you with free will. No one can take it from you. NO ONE. So, shall God take your free will from you, or from anyone, by gerrymandering reality? Of course not.

Galatians 5:1 says: "It is for Freedom that Christ has set you free." That's the root point. (Again, 'big hint as to why the Biblical God is the right one -- what other version of God provides for a person to get free of this choking life? Only a dingdong believes he can truly free himself. Life beats us all down.) God will not restrict freedom. He foreknows what will occur and without altering freedom, He will turn every evil into benefit for all parties. To obtain this benefit, sometimes the prospective recipient must be positive toward God; at other times, Justice requires the benefit, irrespective of the attitude in the recipient. The Bible explains some of the underlying principles in Leviticus 26, and Deut 28, which apply to believers and unbelievers alike. For believers, added principles are in 1Jn, Hebrews, James 4, to name but a few added places.

Because of Christ's Payment on the Cross, even if you have never believed in Christ -- GOD LOVES YOU. He made you PERSONALLY, at birth. No one but God made your soul. That's the real "you". Now, think: why would God go to all that trouble, if He didn't want you? Would He want you just to be sadistic? If He were sadistic, why not just torture animals who procreate? On the other hand, if He does love you (and He does), IF HE IGNORES PUNISHMENT, that would mean He didn't love you. Don't you WISH God to love you? See John 3:16,18,36; Romans 5:5-11. Again, God's Justice must punish to PROTECT the person, give him recourse to change his mind. For "God is not willing that any should perish" -- 2Pet3:9. See also Heb12:5-10. No one gets past the Loving Justice of God. It's not FAIR to the person to leave him alone in his error. The person is helpless! Would he have gotten into the error in the first place, if he really knew how bad the error would hurt him? Shall not God help, by hurting him for a little while?

As a person who was kidnapped and tortured as a child, I solemnly attest to the fact that God's blessing is FAR greater -- forever! than any suffering ever was or could be. Even if the person never believes in Him. Of course, why not believe in Him, since it costs you nothing, but it cost Him everything? And, to Him, that cost was pure joy (Heb12:2)? After all, "it is for freedom, that Christ has set you free." You've got the free will He gave you. You can use it, right now -- "Believe in Christ, and you shall be [permanently] saved!" [Acts 16:31 -- "permanently" is conveyed by the culminative aorist tense of Greek verb sozo, "be saved". Because "believe" is also in the aorist tense, it hooks up with the aorist of "saved" to mean that the SECOND you believe, you are saved. (Aorist was a point-of-action tense, at the time the Bible was written.)]

*Recently some geologists from (I think) University of California at Berkeley found that that location is an earthquake fault-line, which, if activated, could trigger a kind of earthquake making Jerusalem a seaport. I have the information in writing somewhere, and if you'll email me I'll look up the exact citation. (The Lord can do anything He likes, and creates the laws of nature, some of which we know, so I don't need this data to feel the Bible is genuine, but it is true.)
