Satan's Strategy

+ God Deeds (GD)

An archive & consolidation of brainout's YouTube and Vimeo videos. The descriptions are preserved on the pages along with remastered and consolidated videos.

Because vimeo is changing its themes and other policies which make it too hard for me to manage my videos, I went back to Youtube fulltime. The SatStrat/GodDeeds link ending with the sasme video, is here:

Future videos will be after that one. This channel will close sometime around 2020, once I've migrated the videos uniquely here, to Youtube.

NOTE: videos after God Deeds Episode 12b8 and before 13c6 are ONLY in vimeo, here: . The master SatStrat series there, is . I'm starting to move existing Youtube videos there. However, there are so many, I have to subdivide the vimeo channels. So for example, Episodes 1-5 of SatStrat is here (and still incomplete):

Episode 12:
Episode 13:

Playlist summarizes my Lord v Satan webseries starting at LordvSatan1.htm. Webseries reads something like a novel with extensive Bible documentation, starting with today, going back to creation, then ends at eternity, when the Trial between God and Satan is resolved. We are the courtroom, for that Trial..

So, the videos here, highlight and focus on Satan's strategy versus God's, in that very long series. Anti-semitism and the 3 Temptations of Matt4 constitute the gist of Satan's Strategy. First video in this playlist has an set of webpage links which exhaustively explain how Satan attacks. For example, he used anti-semitism in the 'church fathers' to DESTROY the Lord's Own Birth and Death Dates, since both are JEWISH HOLIDAYS, per Bible (Chanukah and Passover, respectively). It's due to ANTI-SEMITISM that we don't know what YHWH means, that we dispute the Rapture, that over 1.5 billion CHRISTIANS think the Church replaces Israel. Satan's very successful!

So billions of dollars have been spent on LIES!

All this information is in Bible. It's just a question of connecting the right dots.

So this playlist will do that, first going through the ORIGIN of his fall and strategy, then (beginning with 2 SatStrat) using mostly HISTORICAL information you can test yourself. For we're just not connecting the right dots. See also my 'Timelines III: Anti-Semitism' playlist, which is a collection of other Youtubers' videos on anti-semitism.

Again, if you need help brainstorming, try scanning the webpages linked in the first video's description. Lotta stuff there.

Series is complete, for now; Episodes prior to 12b9 are in Youtube, link below. To play these videos in order: channel . Sorting: click on 'Browse This Channel', then 'Videos'.

GIST: Sophisticated audio commentary re God's Plan vs. Satan's good-deeds plan. (Video is a static picture.) This is a very long series, so there are multiple channels. This is the channel for Episode 12's videos. Starting with GodDeeds Episode 12b9, this 'SatStrat' Vimeo channel/playlist continues from the Youtube playlist of the same name. Eventually all the Youtube videos will be copied here, so you can comment without having to join Google Plus.

Playlist summarizes my Lord v Satan webseries starting at LordvSatan1.htm. Webseries reads something like a novel with extensive Bible documentation, starting with today, going back to creation, then ends at eternity, when the Trial between God and Satan is resolved. We are the courtroom, for that Trial..

So, the videos here, highlight and focus on Satan's strategy versus God's, in that very long series. Anti-semitism and the 3 Temptations of Matt4 constitute the gist of Satan's Strategy. First video in the Youtube playlist has an set of webpage links which exhaustively explain how Satan attacks.

To the world, Satan's Strategy is one of GOOD DEEDS, so you won't be doing GOD DEEDS. How do you 'do' a God deed? James 1:21-25 tell you how: LEARN AND LIVE ON BIBLE. Can't be a 'doer' of a Word you didn't LEARN. And the 'doing' is God MAKING that Bible 'live' in you. Changing how you think, which as James puts it, 'saves your souls' (verse 21). For yeah, you're forever saved to heaven.. but as what? The same old trashed-up worldly thinking person you were at the moment of salvation? So yeah, you're saved FROM hell, but TO what? Aha. So now being saved FROM something (hell) your soul needs to be saved FOR something: Christ's Thinking, which is Bible. True Riches, baby.

Additionally, since it will stunt Christian growth and Satan doesn't know when the Rapture will happen either, he used anti-semitism in the 'church fathers' to destroy recognition of Israel's future. Even to the petty need to mask the Lord's Own Birth and Death Dates, as both are JEWISH HOLIDAYS (Chanukah and Passover, respectively). It's due to anti-semitism that we don't know what YHWH means, that we dispute the Rapture, that over 1.5 billion Christians think Church replaces Israel.

See also my Youtube 'Timelines III: Anti-Semitism' playlist, which is a collection of other Youtubers' videos on anti-semitism.

Uploads usually near midnight on Sundays. To play these videos in order: channel . Sorting: click on 'Browse This Channel', then 'Videos'.

Theme: INTEGRATION! of Bible in your head, and your life! This goes beyond the Trial, yet is the point of it. Where His Thinking becomes so woven with your own, that it HOLDS YOU TOGETHER, 2 Cor 5:14. Becomes the integrity of your life, the Love for Christ, which results when you are INTEGRATED with Bible in your head, running throughout your life.

Related, are diagnostic links and an overview of how the Spiritual Maturation Process enables you to integrate CONTRADICTIONS as they 'play' in your life.

You can actually test yourself for growth. My pastor spent 12 years diagramming the Spiritual Maturation process, which I condensed into a six-page chart, SMP.doc . If your version of Word precedes 2002 or is much later and you can't read the doc, try this link: SMPdocforOlderWordprograms.doc.

Videos to explain that chart (sound is scratchy, so you need an equalizer):

Angelic Conflict is about that maturation, explan (very long) starts here: LordvSatan3.htm

God Deeds Series Links

brainout | 25 Aug 2015, 02:09

Initial series in Youtube, from Episode 1 (GD1, also in vimeo), through Episode 12b8 in order. Many of those Episodes have subaudios in the video descriptions, to save space in Youtube, sorry. Comments are still disabled, so you can comment here. I will gradually re-enable the Youtube comments.

Episode 1-5 in vimeo, click here. Episode 12's continuation and completion, in vimeo, click here. Episode 13, in vimeo, click here. This one is still current. Starting with 13c6, the audios are also uploaded to Youtube concurrently: and comments are now enabled, in Youtube as well.

Series began in Youtube over five years ago, mostly audio only, often with audio added in the video descriptions. Idea is to think out loud about what God's nature and design must mean about GOD. In other words, you don't have to believe in God or the Bible, but just think out loud using the facts you have, backing into conclusions. I like to start with the fact that if God exists and pee does too, WHY did God create it? Why would God want to see me pee? Since if Omniscient, that seeing would be constant and forever (Omniscience never turns off)? WHAT DOES THAT FACT SAY about the character of God?

And, about Satan. For if God, then Satan. Opposition, since we are free. Surprisingly, when you come up with an ongoing backing-into-the-nature-of-God via the facts you can see and Bible you can read, you get a whole lot of collateral data about the opposition, which Satan presumably heads.

Along the way, you can test the variant faith claims for sense, the teachers' teachings for accuracy, etc: for if true, then there will emerge a consistent picture which ends up making sense the more you analyze it.

That backing-into, was the impetus for the series, and it's really designed to complement the older Thinking Out Loud webseries, which runs over 1500 pages and took about six years to write (2000-2006, mostly) in first-draft quality (so needs extensive rewriting now), starting here. All other webpages are always linked at the top of each page, with intra-page links in colorful boxes near the top (each one looking somewhat like an altar or building, by design). So you can go from any page in the series to any other page, from the top of any page: your browser's forward or back-buttons can then take you forward or back, most easily.

Re the audio series links (some subepisodes are videos), eventually I'll upload audios so you can download them without the video portion, but it will take a few years to find them all. So if meanwhile you want a particular episode uploaded to for download, let me know in this topic, or send me a PM.

God Deeds Playlists, Spiritual Maturation Variables

brainout | 19 Aug 2015, 21:24

Most religions and their denominations have a common definition of spirituality hence spiritual maturation: that you must do good deeds. Well, that's done with a body, so an 'unbeliever' can do them also. So how can something you do with your mere body, be spiritual?

Then if that's not spiritual, what is? What should the term 'spiritual', even mean? Can't be a feeling, because bodies feel (your thoughts aren't feelings), and any 'unbeliever' can have the same feelings. So then what? Thrash this out?

If you seek ideas to brainstorm, well.. I've been thrashing out this question for 15 years. Webpages start at LordvSatan1.htm, which begins the massive Lord v Satan series, which started back in April 2000. Youtube and vimeo videos are many. Chief among them are the Spiritual Maturation videos, and also in vimeo, the God Deeds audio series (which started in Youtube), latest 'Episode 13' subseries, here.

If you want a one-line summary of what I've learned it to be, the answer is Getting His Head into Your Head. Bible learned and lived on, line by line and precept by precept. Basic mechanic of God's System. (Underlying webpage is here, with more videos.)

Oh, and that really does equal 42, a 'generating growth' Bible Hebrew/Greek meter from Genesis forward (click here and here for how Isaiah 53 uses it to play on Moses' usage in Psalm 90, which plays back to Genesis meter), to remind the reader of Jacob's two families for the 21 years he spent working for Laban.

Genesis 1 Meter (Remix 3/31/15). REMIX, DATELINES CHANGED. Genesis 1 meter, real shocker. Genesis proves the provenance of the 364, 560 and most importantly, the 1050 BASE UNIT giving rise to the "Millennium" doctrine. Genesis sets doctrinal precedence pan-Bible, as hopefully everyone knows, so this is very strong proof. Download the pdf (or doc. Related material which now has much more relevance:

That time-grant topic for the multiplication of sons (heh) gets covered at length here. Root webpage on Jacob, is here.

So it's not how right you are, nor how much you compare favorably versus others.. but whether you are growing in God's System. Shock, huh. 😱

brainout | 17 Jul 2017, 06:47

My 'Satan's Strategy', 'God Deeds' playlists focus primarily on how and why we are alive post-salvation, in order to mature spiritually. Main webpage on this is LordvSatan3.htm (2.htm is on OT, 1.htm is overview, 4 is on Angelic Trial and 5 is on eternity; links to all sections are always at the top of each webpage).

Due to temporary Youtube problems, the playlists are bifurcated.

The initial list is here; God Deeds starts at the 16th video, runs through Episode 12b8, and then begins again, at Episode 13c6. It is the current and continuing playlist from that point forward. Sadly, you must click on the link to actually SEE the playlist now, the embed no longer gives you a side list.

Episodes in between, from Episode 12b9-end series 12, are in vimeo: Satan's Strategy Epi.12, Love On Trial : God Deeds 12b9c TOGETHERNESS, FLAT! (The Game, cont.)

Episode 13 in vimeo, goes up to 13j9, and then vimeo started having problems, so I only post now in Youtube. Satan's Strategy Epi. 13, Integration : God Deeds 13a1, Spiritual Integration, Intro

I'm sorry that it's so complicated. Youtube for awhile forced people to join Google Plus, and vimeo now is very arbitrary about many strange things, so I will eventually move its videos back to Youtube. So for now, we're stuck with this bifurcation.

It's now possible to download all YouTube and Vimeo videos in a single archive.

1 SatStrat Satan's Strategy

Satan is the author of evil, but God 'authored' Satan's existence and therefore blames Himself, per Isaiah 45:7's Hebrew. His (i.e., tactical) strategy is exhaustingly displayed in Bible, so you can test a human thing for whether 'satan' is behind it. Chances are, he is. Chances are, the more noble and moral it looks, the more satanic it is.

So how to tell? Well, you can prove anything Satanic (versus merely evil) by two testing devices: A. Is it Anti-semitic? B. Does it Belittle Bible using Matthew 4:3, 6, 9 'tactics'? If 'yes' to both 'A' and 'B', then baby -- you're looking at something Satan sponsors.

Satan's use of first Church, then Islam, to herd and kill Jews is traced in 4 video parts. 1st part link: • 1/4 How Satan Deploys Islam . Be sure to view its video description, which links to webpages where a fuller explanation is given.

Test Matt4:3,6,9 on you-name-it popular 'doctrine': and you'll find the verses are actually used to craft the core 'doctrine' which is POPULAR. (True Bible Doctrine is never popular, but instead popularly CONTESTED.)

Also test any translated Bible verse which seems fuzzy, contradictory, 'mean', wrong, etc.: and again, you'll see the same three tactics. It's uncanny.

Then test the same verses with respect to the obviously anti-semitic claims like allegorism, British Israelitism, Christian Identity, Dominionism, Hitler's arguments, Islam, JW claims about Rev 7, KJVO claim LXX didn't exist pre-Church, Mormonism, preterism (common to Catholic & Calvinist doctrine), pre-wrath, mid- post- or 'no Rapture!' claims, Replacement Theology, SDA, theonomy. Notice that in each case the Jews are REPLACED BY the sect's hawked 'doctrine'.

Prolife is also anti-semitic. See my Prolife Blasphemy series to show how Satan uses Temptation #2 to wreck Bible translations; but for the anti-semitic connection, read Notice how the notorious anti-semite David Duke CORRECTLY states the Old Testament-and-hence-Jewish doctrine that Life Begins At Birth. And then, he uses it to make prolifers, anti-semitic. Don't kid yourself. If you're prolife, you're a tool of Satan. Not meaning to be, of course!

The unity of 'voice' is uncanny. Yeah, Satan's voice. Flee these doctrines, if you value your sanity at all. I've seen the sanity loss many times, even in my own family: it works like leprosy, but on the soul.

I discovered Satan's strategy by mistake, when trying to write up a comprehensive audit of what I learned under my own pastor, to see if the 'big picture' was coherent and correct. That occurred between 2000-2006.

So key webpage links on what I thus learned of Satan's strategy, follow below. There's nothing like 'em on the internet, sorry.

Seven Characteristics of Satanic Sponsorship: SatStrat.htm#SevenCont

My pastor spent a lot of time analyzing Matthew 4. The latest upgrade in the analysis is in Lessons 933-963 (maybe through 983) in 1992 Spiritual Dynamics (series 376), available for free through They never ask for money. There is a limit on how much you can order each month. I hear that the current limit is 36 lessons (on mp3) per month.

Not sure how I can condense all that material into video form.

2 SatStrat Prolife is Anti-Semitic

David Duke's scurrilous website, where he uses the BIBLE FACT that life doesn't begin until birth, to SKEWER the Jews who of course state Bible rightly, here:

Because 'golem' means a fetus and is thus UNsouled, a kind of Frankensteinian folklore has arisen from that Bible fact. ('Golem' in Bible means 'fetus', i.e., Psalm 139:16, in Episode 5a of playlist below). Here's a Wiki link on the folklore:

Prolife Blasphemy Playlist is an ongoing project demonstrating Live From Bible that God says you don't become human until He Creates Your Soul At Birth; therefore you are not evolved, and therefore you can be saved (since soul and NOT the body, is the real 'you'). Link to Playlist:

How Prolife is used in the larger context of Satan's overall goals, is explored here: SatTacExamp.htm#GeniusExpo. Some of the above Prolife Blasphemy videos are also embedded there, and the analysis is somewhat empathetic to the prolife position.

Roman Catholicism invented the idea that life begins at conception, by cobbling together many pagan 'magic' ideas of blood=life, in order to 'explain' the Virgin Pregnancy. And, to distance themselves from the Jews. Same gambit, as when they ignored BIBLE's statements of the Lord's Chanukah birthday and Passover Death Day -- to mask His Jewishness.

Islam claims Mary Immaculate in its Sura 19. RCC then used the Koran to 'declare' Mary Immaculate: see my 'Mary Immaculate Bloopers' video for the visual proof (jpgs of the video's RCC-authored material are in its vid description): • 6b RCC Mary Immaculate Bloopers

Prolifers refuse to do their Bible Homework, and instead prostitute themselves to Caesar, giving the cold shoulder to God's Word. Hence they are satanfodder for anti-semitism. Satan's not stupid; he knows how to use falsehood to advance his agenda.

Problem is, to the extent one persists believing lies, one never matures spiritually. So enters heaven, a spiritual baby.. forever. Anti-semitism guarantees that, as well as a miserable life down here. Small-souled, petty, never to the truth, able (2Tim3:7, last clause is backwards in the Greek, see my blog on that verse).

3 SatStrat Warning Anti Semites

May all anti-semites and their doctrines die in great, slow, suffering and pain; and may all the wackos who think 9/11 was an 'inside job' or helped/ done by 'Zionists' also die as miserably as God has promised in the Old Testament and the New. Or, ideally -- may they wake up and smell the coffee of their jealous notions.

DEATH TO YOU SWINE. Do you hear me clearly? Just because I must say the Jews did some things wrong, doesn't mean you can count me on your disgusting, despicable, PATHETIC swinish 'side'. I HATE YOU FOREVER and God hates you more. Never ever write me or comment on my videos unless you want me to petition God to hurt you so bad you won't ever recover. Because He'll answer that, 'YES'. Promised, in the Bible.

Some people don't ask God for stuff thinking their puny-ness makes the petition invalid or wrong to ask. Just the opposite, with me: BECAUSE I'm no good, God must answer my prayers. And He always has, since I was a child. I ask Him for nearly everything, even what I should wear or eat.

Am I making myself clear? Death to you, and LONG LIVE ISRAEL, Gen 12, 15, 17 assures it!

4 SatStrat James 4:5, Satan's Favorite Mistranslation

Satan's constant strategy is to REVERSE. Here, reverse the meaning of the original mss, in translation. This same subtle-yet-obvious, derisive technique is used in everything from commercials to your average conversation to politics. So note carefully the pattern, here. Then you can spot it more easily with respect to any idea -- especially, any popular idea, whether related to Bible or not.

Here, for FIVE CENTURIES, professional Bible translators have screwed up reading the Greek of this verse. How is that possible? Satanic tampering with our heads. 1st-year Greek in seminary tells you to ignore capitalization and punctuation, since the original 'Autograph' (inspired text) lacks these. But for 5 centuries the translators disobeyed that cardinal rule of hermeneutics, so for 5 centuries the Holy Spirit has been maligned in translation, as if He were 'jealous'.

When you see how easy it is to correct this verse in translation, you'll be embarrassed for the translators. And they will never admit their error, lest they lose 'face' or 'the people will lose confidence'. Yeah, what excuses! Notice how the Bible is blamed or some other excuse is made, just like Adam made when he fell, Genesis 3:12 and following?

So instead of being embarrassed, be warned: if Satan can cloud professional heads who obviously are more dedicated to God than you are, then his demon boys are clouding your head, too. So use 1John1:9 like breathing, so you won't be trapped as they obviously are. They aren't using 1John1:9, else this verse would have been corrected in translation, centuries ago!

Then after using the verse, pray to Father in Son's name to cause THEM to know 1John 1:9 is needed. We need good scholars and teachers! They are gifted by God, but Spirit won't fill a defiled Temple. So pray for them to become aware of the verse, so they can get the glory of teaching and learning God intended them to have! Our lives depend on it!

Note: This full compiled version of the 8/2008 vids in bliptv, ties to Episode 32/72 of my KJVOB series. I just added those videos together, to make this one. If you prefer, you can hear my pastor exegete it similarly, for it's due to him that I am aware of this mistranslation, and can now read the REAL BIBLE for myself. Order the mp3 of the James 4 series for free at Those are live recorded Bible classes, and some are on DVD. You can also get the entire book's exegesis at the same site. They never ask for money or put you on a mailing list.

3/72, KJVOB : KJVO 2000-year Scam History (Remix)

KJVO is a new dress on a strumpet older than Cleopatra! For Satan's gotta trumpet his strumpet to destroy the Word and the Jews. He trumpets her as a Bible REPLACEMENT, ever since Alexander (the Great) died.

See, people are just plain JEALOUS that God Gave His Words through the Jews. So they salivate over the satanic gambit that God ALSO gave 'inspired' words to THEM, whichever 'them' is the target for Satan's wiles. Thus you quickly know where and when major and deep pockets of anti-semitism, have been in history. And today, it's doo-doo deep, with the KJVO, even among those who are Dispensational. THEY want to claim THEY have special 'words' and 'visions', too. Playpen whining!

This video pair (3/72 and 4/72) will summarize how Satan's trumpeting tune played the same notes, repeatedly in the past. (This 3/72 remix, only replaces the last minute of the original, with different background content to introduce the KJVO movement.)

Then you'll see that KJVO arguments today, wear the same blaring message as the earlier, scamming Eph 4:14 'wardrobe', worn (out!) over the past 2000 years.

Notice the pattern: whether a real Bible translation (like Greek OT, Old Latin, Vulgate, or KJV), the satanic gambit is to OVERPRAISE the translation as a REPLACEMENT to the Real Words God Preserved. The fake wanna-replace-Bible books like Koran and Book of Mormon, still vaunt themselves as REPLACEMENTS. That's the key to seeing Satan's gambit -- REPLACEMENT.

To make a translation a REPLACEMENT, Satan has to pitch it as 'inspired'. That's what's so evil about KJVO. So notice how the KJV, which is a valid translation of the Bible -- becomes tainted and deemed evil, too. NOT FAIR! So the KJVO cause the demise of respect for KJV, by their obvious lies. Those of us who are not KJVO but respect the KJV, should therefore fight for the KJV, since the KJVO are busy trashing it in their slapstick overpraise which defames the Original Words God Preserved.

The videos in my KJVOB playlist (King-James Only Blasphemy) cover many more rebuttals to the KJVO contentions than this pair of videos had time to show.

Miscellaneous credits related to this video pair:

4/72, KJVOB : KJVO 2000-year Scam History

Continued from Episode 3. KJVO is a new dress on a strumpet older than Cleopatra! For Satan's gotta trumpet his strumpet to destroy the Word and the Jews. He trumpets her as a Bible REPLACEMENT, ever since Alexander (the Great) died.

See, people are just plain JEALOUS that God Gave His Words through the Jews. So they salivate over the satanic gambit that God ALSO gave 'inspired' words to THEM, whichever 'them' is the target for Satan's wiles. Thus you quickly know where and when major and deep pockets of anti-semitism, have been in history. And today, it's doo-doo deep, with the KJVO, even among those who are Dispensational. THEY want to claim THEY have special 'words' and 'visions', too. Playpen whining!

This video pair (3/72 and 4/72) summarizes how Satan's trumpeting tune played the same notes, repeatedly in the past. Then you'll see that KJVO arguments today, wear the same blaring message as the earlier, scamming Eph 4:14 'wardrobe', worn (out!) over the past 2000 years.

Notice the pattern: whether a real Bible translation (like Greek OT, Old Latin, Vulgate, or KJV), the satanic gambit is to OVERPRAISE the translation as a REPLACEMENT to the Real Words God Preserved. The fake wanna-replace-Bible books like Koran and Book of Mormon, still vaunt themselves as REPLACEMENTS. That's the key to seeing Satan's gambit -- REPLACEMENT.

To make a translation a REPLACEMENT, Satan has to pitch it as 'inspired'. That's what's so evil about KJVO. So notice how the KJV, which is a valid translation of the Bible -- becomes tainted and deemed evil, too. NOT FAIR! So the KJVO cause the demise of respect for KJV, by their obvious lies. Those of us who are not KJVO but respect the KJV, should therefore fight for the KJV, since the KJVO are busy trashing it in their slapstick overpraise which defames the Original Words God Preserved.

Original KJ Bible doesn't exist, maybe DESTROYED BY FIRE: KJVO of course claim it's not 'original' unless THE ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPT on which the words were written, is still around. Well, by that standard, there's no original KJV, either. In fact, someone back then accused another 1650's publisher of absconding with the 'last' original in 1655, after which it can't be found, and may have perished in the 1666 (note that year) London fire. Wanna see the accusation yourself, in a document from that time? Here 'tis: Historical Catalogue of the Printed Editions of Holy Scripture in the Library of the British and Foreign Bible Society: English; look at the penultimate sentence on page 134, after reading the context from page 133. You can download this on pdf. Convert it to searchable? Read vid desc to 'Google Books' video here:

Also downloadable, and for corroboration, lookie here on page 562, mid-page: .

I found the above 'fire' links due to this guy's article: Check it out.

Ooops. So KJV claims about it not being 'preserved' unless in the original manuscript, well -- KJV wasn't preserved, either.

Of course, the truth is that 'original' means the WORDS, not what the words were written on. KJVO like to ignore that, since TRUTH is alien to them. Lies are what they sell to make MONEY.

The videos in my KJVOB playlist (King-James Only Blasphemy) cover many more rebuttals to the KJVO contentions than this pair of videos had time to show. So just access the playlist, pick the videos you want to watch. I assembled them in a kind of logical order, some easy to watch and some very technical.

See the vid description to 3/72 for more details on how this video pair was made.

Terrible Talmud Part 1a

This introduction shows where you can search the Talmud in Hebrew or English on the internet. And you really should study it, to see how legalistic pettiness vaunts man, denigrates God.

The Christian 'apostolic fathers' are provably bilious. Their inability to read Bible, and their self-righteous pomposity makes you need Pepto-Bismol, to read them. But so too, the rabbis yapping in the Talmud, forever arguing over olive bulks. Religion is like that: everyone puffing himself up, no one getting it that the spiritual life is 100% God-powered, 0% human powered. So your good deeds, count for squat unless done UNDER THE SPIRIT (1John1:9 used).

So Talmud is 90% terrible, but also 10% terrific. It's surprisingly difficult to find good software, and frankly the internet sites in the video are better, especially if you want to search ALL the related writings quickly. Ironic, though: two of the sites in here are sponsored by anti-semitic hosts. They do just copy the Talmud, and you can easily search it in English (better organized than all the other sites I found) -- but if you read their conclusions from the unadulterated text (well, one of the two sites includes text not in the Talmud) -- you know they hate the Jews. So just ignore anything but the Talmudic material in those sites.

The sites are:

The respectable Talmudic sites are:

Understand, I hate the Talmud. It makes a mockery of the Beautimous and Witty, Mosaic Law. But it is NOT guilty of anything but the same martinet pettiness which has also infected Christianity for 2000 years. And if you want to understand what Jesus faced, you MUST read the Talmud; for the Mishnah commentary is by rabbis who lived when He did. Read it to see how most Christian leaders are no better, than those disgusting rabbis who made it a pain to be a Jew.

There's a time to be nasty: when people lie about God for 2000 years, the gloves must come off. Many Jews can't stand the Talmud either, they know how pettifoggingly pompous it is, and how much it VIOLATES the Mosaic Law. So this is not a new complaint. But at the same time, anti-semites have lied about it as well. So this first video shows you where to VET the material, yourself.

Terrible Talmud Part 1b

This Part 1b and 2 focus on a scurrilious lie made a century ago by an anti-semite, to show the anatomy of a convincing lie. For what you'll see onscreen (and in links below), is still SPONSORED 100 years later, as if what the liar said, were true. But that liar was put ON TRIAL to test his Hebrew competency and claims.

So in this video and Part 2, the author's Part One is shot down line by line, showing how he who was later discredited in a public trial, manufactured his lies. Again, that author has been dead now for 100 years, yet even today his lies are being sold. So here you'll find out how to defeat them. For anyone who hates the Jews, hates God. And so the haters, are Satanfodder.

So YES, the Talmud is terrible; but NO, it is not guilty of making inflammatory remarks against Jesus or Christians. Use the Talmud links below to READ and thus prove the YES, since I can't show Talmud text onscreen due to copyright restrictions.


Terrible Talmud Part 2 (conclusion)

Continued from 1b, now centering on the anatomy of the lie Pranaitis wanted to promote in order to make people hate the Jews. How he invents text not in the Talmud, but perhaps in other writings by Jews or Christians pretending to be Jews, to invent the lie about the Talmud's text.

Hey: Talmud is awful enough, but what this guy says about it, is flat untrue. His bungling quotes, prove how antisemitism rots the brain. Christ is Jewish. God made the covenant with Abraham, Genesis 12, 15, 17. The Jews are the most persecuted people on earth by Divine Design, Leviticus 26, Deut 28. That advertises their God is the Real One, also by Divine Design. And to see why, you need to read the Talmud, to see how far gone, their mainstream theology. Hint hint: our Christendom shares much the same thinking as the Talmudic rabbis who obviously can't read Scripture, turning its gorgeous Mosaic Law into a trash dump full of olive bulks. So the Talmud is terribly important to learn, as an object lesson in what to avoid. Pranaitis didn't ever learn it or the Bible, as this video shows.

PENALTY FOR REJECTING GOD: YOUR BRAIN TURNS TO MUSH. Yet you will fancy yourself holy, Matthew 7:21-23.


10 Signs of False Teacher

Our teachers are not perfect, even as neither our parents nor we are perfect. So they, like we, fall prey to falsehood. It is harder on those in authority when they fall, so pray for them, Romans 13. Meanwhile, it is also incumbent on the believer to TEST anyone who claims something is Biblical, especially if a teacher. And you test, with the Word. If you find out a teaching is false, ASK GOD if you should do anything about it. Often, the answer is "no", but of course the meanwhile, you don't believe what is false, yourself.

This video shows some of the most-common categories of false teaching 'out there'. Some of it is merely mistaken, and as the teacher grows in the Word, he will grow out of his mistakes (just as we should). But the majority will be false teachers: that has been true since Adam. People prefer falsehood, and man being vulnerable to mass approval, will mostly cater to that approval. That too, has been true since Adam. So it is up to you, whether before the Lord you accept or reject, absent homework in the Word.

This video, with the other Lie Detection videos, is designed to facilitate that homework. Obviously, then, you test the videos themselves, before the Lord. For that's how you grow, spiritually, by testing using the Word of God -- with God! Be sure to breathe 1Jn1:9 as needed, or you're wasting your time, no Spirit in you.

The 10 Signs of False Teacher:
I. He sells false gospels, saves No One.
II. He calls himself a 'prophet' who gets 'revelation from the Lord'.
III. He childishly 'reads' spirituality as body stuff and/or ritual, miracles.
IV. He claims you do NOT need to name your sins to God.
V. He claims God is NOT Trinity, or that Christ was NOT God (i.e., Angel or not God 'til after the Cross).
VI. He claims Rapture is invalid, or is not pre-Trib.
VII. He claims Church began in Abraham's tent, Church REPLACED, or Jews not true Israelites.
VIII. He claims 'respectability'.
IX. He claims he's teaching 'the one true faith' or similar exclusive claim.
X. He advocates political activism.

Falsehood stubbornly believed rots the brain. Literally. As time progresses, the individual clinging to falsehood will buy ever more of it in wider categories, and his ability to process information declines. The soul becomes narrow and prickly, taking offense when none is given; legalism increases, as does pettiness. God is no longer of interest, but only His Name, like a badge of ego preening. These are the hallmarks of spiritual decline, "earthly things" of Romans 8 and Philippians 3. Mental decline follows, to the point that even PLAIN BIBLE LANGUAGE on the topic one refuses to believe, cannot be read. The falsehood is loved too much. No point reasoning with the person, even the Bible itself, is now unintelligible to him.

Referenced Links:
True vs. False Gospels video:
John 3:16 and Eternally-Secure Salvation video:

Why We Need 1 John 1:9 video:
1 John 1:9 Revisited:

God101 series: first video in the series is this one:
The other God101 videos should show up as "related" when you look at the one above.
Divine Physics series shows the underlying juridical how-to's of the Cross. First video in the series is: , and the others are all 'video responses' to it, in sequence.

The New Covenant:
How God Orchestrates Time video:

Related webpages on New Covenant and Rapture are many. Best place to begin is for an overview. Whole series is very long.
Related webpage on teachers:

File Name: 10FalseTeachR.wmv, 6/1/08.

10 Ways to Detect the Lie, False Doctrine

Falsehood has at least 10 major characteristics you can test for and prove, whether it's a falsehood in politics, science, religion or.. Bible. False Doctrine always:
1. Maligns God's Character.
2. Stresses or glorifies man.
3. Betrays incompetent (Bible) 'scholarship'.
4. Obeys the 3 Temptations of Matt4, REVERSING what Bible actually says in the verse(s) claimed for support.
5. Claims to be the 'one true faith' version -- and you're bad, if you're not in it.
6. Appeals to the 'respectability' of the human claimant (i.e., how popular, charismatic or how many degrees the person has).
7. Justifies itself by appeal to other PEOPLE who are likewise respectable, rather than to Bible (hearsay/ ex cathedra claims).
8. Is POPULAR. This discourages checking the claims via Bible.
9. Appeals to emotion or intellect, in lieu of Bible in context.
10. Fails Common Sense.

Bible mistranslation, misinterpretation, and misteaching also follows these 10 characteristics, every time.

YOU are responsible to audit what you believe, before the Lord -- Who you ASK, for Proof, and then You Study Bible To Find the Answers. Else, you won't get them. Else, you'll hallucinate the answers and call them 'from God.' Fooling, only yourself.

Satan is behind all falsehood, whether secular or spiritual, and the amazing thing is he advertises it. Satan's way of advertising his involvement is summarized in .

Satan can't afford for us to know the truth, that's why Bible's been persecuted its entire life (i.e., torn to shreds, missing, lost, confiscated and sequestered within a generation or two of the books being written).

Belief depends on learning, so of course we'll all be wrong about something, no big deal. So God will correct us, If We Ask. But if we don't, He won't. Your self-worth is neither increased nor diminished due to what you believe. But your happiness is sure affected. And, your ability to comprehend, read, speak. Falsehood rots the brain. Just read some of the reactionary comments to this video or the Islam videos.

By contrast, you grow Spiritually If You Audit Everything, using 1Jn1:9 (if needed) as you do it.. so get cracking!

File Name: FalseDoctrine.wmv, 4/28/08.

10 Ways to Wreck Your Spiritual Life

Dark side of Spiritual Maturation is degeneration, if believer rejects certain truths for too long: it is 1st mental, then physical. It mimics false doctrine you believe, or true doctrine you reject. The soul shrinks. Moralistic petty-mindedness (Philippians 3:19, Romans 8:5ff) is the main attribute of soul shrinkage.

Spiritual growth means gradual replacement of falsehood. Refusal to learn brings with it spiritual illness you can diagnose. Over the years I've seen such illness, 10 categories of refusal seem to speed degeneracy most. They are:

1. Stop talking to God. Talking to God speeds spiritual maturation most, as you will recall Bible & know if you are at odds with God. So if you stop talking to Him, you become quickly agitated; or, sublimate, lie to yourself. Mental decline is rapid: hypersensitivity is hallmark.

2. Stop using 1Jn1:9 (or don't begin, or name your sins to someone not God). People I know are dying due to this. Paul almost died from it, see his speech in Acts 22. David too, Psalm 32:5 +66:18, 1Kings1 (he named Solomon as God said, but didn't transfer kingship; 1Chron29 is his repentance).

Not using 1Jn1:9 kills your spiritual perception; what you THINK you know about Bible is merely academic, like anything else. Telltale signs of spiritual retrogression: inability to read plainly-stated truth. For example, people who don't use 1Jn1:9 can't read the fact that 1John is addressed to BELIEVERS, not unbelievers, so say you must repent of your sins to be saved. (So the person IS NOT SAVED, as the verse can't apply to unbelievers.) Such persons can't read the fact that all the OT sacrifices etc. were by BELIEVERS; that's how they admitted their sins to God. Bible misuse will multiply if you don't name your sins to God regularly. Test the difference: use 1Jn1:9 many times a day for a month, see the huge growth in your Bible perception!

3. Stop learning & living on Bible or never start. Decline is gradual if one never started, rapid if he did. High bitterness, if the latter. The one who never started can't grasp why he is punished.

4. Believe you don't need to study Bible under a male pastor. These folks decline slowly, unless they rejected a pastor. In the latter case, they decline quickly. Included are folks who listen to multiple pastors, only watch TV pastors. You must sit under 1 guy, for some years. It can be long-distance. Greek "haphe" in Ephesians 4:16 means it's God's Will that you mainly study under 1 person at a time -- whom HE picks for you.

5. Mistake morality as 'spiritual'. Decline here is slow, but often permanent. So you are intimate with works and people, but never God. This is the main problem in Christianity.

6. Make Christian issues, political issues. Here, the Christian rapidly becomes unable to read Bible, reverses key doctrines, no matter how plain even in translation. This is another main problem in Christianity.

7. Believe salvation can be lost or needs something you 'add' to it (like baptism, works). Legalism +roteness invade you. Ability to read Bible tanks like in #6. You might not even be saved. BELIEVE ONLY, John 3:16.

8. Disparage Israel or your home nation. Physical +mental degeneration is sudden-onset after years of no symptoms. Or eerily like "rotting" analogy at 2nd Advent (Zech 14:12), one body part at a time. Anti-semitism guarantees insanity. That's why Muslims can't see how Islam is CRAZY.

9. Disbelieve in pre-Trib Rapture. #9 is a bellweather of degeneracy. The stronger disbelief, the more decline. Proper belief in Rapture is vital. For it's akin to anti-semitism, to disbelieve it. Rapture is a direct result of Matt16:18, the reason you even breathe; it's proof that God keeps His Time promises to Israel. Col 3:25!

10. Disbelieve in Trinity. Decline here is like mold. Trinity is depicted in almost every OT verse re God Himself. Decline also occurs if you disbelieve Christ is God, or that He 'became' God, lost His Godness, etc., as these are subsets of disbelief in Trinity.

Related webpages: on Spiritual Pathology. This video is embedded there. covers tips to speed or retard spiritual growth. covers Right Pastor, with full exegesis +3 translations of Eph4:11-16. covers the God's LAWS OF TIME since Adam (ergo a pre-Trib Rapture is necessary). All provable from Bible, even in translation. examines the LEGAL PRECEDENCE that also results in pre-Trib Rapture. Some Greek-geek analysis required.

File Name: 10 Ways to Wreck Spiritual Life.wmv, 2/25/08.

Gen1, Genesis of the Dingbats

This video heads the vimeo 'Genesis, with Exegesis' Channel: Genesis Time Doctrines (Exegetical Proof) . Same playlist is also in Youtube, same name. (The bliptv copy, is now gone.)

Gist: Bible is mistranslated in Genesis 1:2, so Christians don't properly interpret Genesis. That, due to Christians using Bishop Ussher's timeline instead of Bible, to date creation. Bible disagrees with BOTH the creationists and evolutionists -- how embarrassing for us Christians. Bible plainly says the Earth was RESTORED in six LITERAL days, not initially created over that period; 'day' here is EXPLICITLY 24 hours (Hebrew idiom of evening THEN morning can only be literal, as the Hebrew day began at SUNSET) -- not some hallucinated longer period by moderns who have no faith in Bible. Pity we Christians hate God so much we won't even READ what He says.

Secondly, it demonstrates God's Rules for Constructing Time, a doctrine unknown in Christendom which USED to be known in Judaism; the doctrine begins with the begats in Genesis 5. Episode 8 covers that doctrine.

For those of you who saw this series in bliptv, they disabled the players; you can now only view the series via Youtube players or directly here in vimeo. So my chatty insistence (beginning at 2:55) that you look at the Youtube or blip video description's 'download links', are now outdated.

3-page Word.doc summarizing video series content:

Off-Youtube, view and original videos: . You can download them here in vimeo; or if you want the original file (named at the end of each video description), let me know and I'll upload it to my domain for your anonymous download.

Larger context of satanic messing with Bible teaching and translation:

Upload File Name: GenesisDingbats.wmv, 8/25/08.

How Satan Deploys Islam 1/4

Download original worksheet, .

Upshot: Satan wants Christians to deny or distort the Rapture, so he can delay it. Satan wants to use them to wipe out the Jews, & thus (he thinks) hurt God, win in the Angelic Trial. Satan aims for a "Chanukah II", to mock the Lord's Birth (on what became Chanukah 4BC, see my "Lord born on Chanukah" videos).

Satan aims to create a fight to rebuild the Temple, so to get Jews to mass back in Israel, then wipe them out. Took him 2000 years to achieve part of this goal (1948); he did it, by sustained & worldwide pogroms. Having failed to make Christians wholly anti-semitic, he turned to the Arabs; via them, created the anti-semitic religion of Islam.

So these videos track that strategy, sketching actual history since 70AD through today. Satan's really petty: he swarms the Arab Muslims on the Exodus 12:40-41 timetable, every 430 years. Or, as nearly as he can make it happen on that schedule. Thus he mocks Arabs, Christians AND the Jews, for being so unaware of the history. So, these videos go through, that history. We are all pawns in this thing, simply because we won't study Scripture. So I'm not trying to single out the Muslims: we are ALL too dumb to live!

Video's worksheet (based on Bible and history you can vet yourself) . Use Excel's "Views" +"Custom Views" to easily navigate. "Civilization 4000" Custom View, starts the video.

Only Israel was promised Time; when she rejected Messiah, God's Time Grant Rules reset to the Last Adam (Christ), & reverted to the old rules: Time must be JUSTIFIED, based on someone super-maturing within a 490-year deadline. These deadlines now measure from the Crucifixion. Hence Satan seeks to make the world negative enough (i.e., as at the Flood), or at least to obfuscate Bible enough so that no one supermatures or knows the Rapture: only then, can he can stop Time and win in the Trial.

Or, if too few Jews are alive to constitute a nation when Tribulation begins, Satan still wins; as God would fail to keep His Promises made to Israel as a nation.

To accomplish his goal of killing all the Jews, Satan uses Christianity 1st, Arabs 2nd. He uses the Arabs, to rile up the Christians, since Rev17 is FAKE CHURCH.

1st video covers 30-70AD.
2nd video covers 70AD-600AD, shows his use of Rome (esp. Constantine, which makes the union of religion and state to BE Rev 17), and then Persia. But both empires exhausted.
3rd video covers 600-732AD, Islam's rise to continue Satan's same goal.
4th video covers 732AD through now.

Thus the current conflict with Islam has its proper historical perspective. It's not really about Islam. It's about Satan's long-predicted Rev11-12, strategy to annihilate the Jews. Analysis of ties between Dan7, Rev 11-17, and whether Islam is in view: . This link is also provided in the Yapping Book of Daniel video description.

Satan plays games with history, esp. with dates & event character. Like God, Satan aims to 'match' event2 back to event1 using God's own rules, but with petty panache. For Satan loves Derision, Imbalance, Obfuscation, & reversing Substitution: to make God 'foreign' to us. ("DIOS" strategy, in .)

Other important links for all 4 videos are as follows:
How God constructs Time: 'hub' webpage (with videos too) is . Or see How God Orchestrates Time channel/playlist, and go through those math/history videos in order. Bible is more accurate then we'll want to admit!

Biblicity summary of Time rules: .

In Part II of my "Thinking Series", Angelic Trial Legal issues resulting in Church: .

Two Stone Witnesses (stand-ins for the future live witnesses in Revelation 11): Part IVa of Thinking Series, . External links there to university websites cover Temple Mount history from 70AD. Satan's game on that history since 70AD, is summarized in . A brief on that strategy is there, + Part I-II, IVc-d, & the Appendix exhaustively cover his strategy, thinking.

Again, their purpose is to show what Satan does to manipulate or forestall the Rapture, so we can all orient to Time. For we are all pawns, not just the Muslims. Pray for Muslims & Jews, & for us Christians to wake up to our oh-so-undeserved Royal Role in this Angelic Trial, the proximate cause for Adam's & hence our, creation (Hebrews 11:1, Greek).

KJV's Isaiah 53:12, Disinherits Christ!

Watch in HD, fullscreen. Or view whole playlist here:

Or in Youtube, here:

Another example of how the modern translations all cater to the KJV, instead of caring what the Real Word of God in the original Hebrew and Greek, says. The blasphemy here is a translation which in English makes it look like Christ only inherits "a portion" ALONG WITH others, as if others were ON PAR with Him?! For centuries, no one bothered to fix this glaring error? The Hebrew and the LXX leave NO DOUBT Who inherits ALL -- Christ ALONE. Then HE shares out HIS OWN inheritance with "the strong". Unmistakeable in the original INSPIRED text. But hey: if the KJV mistranslates it, as did the Geneva Bible before it, well -- everyone else must follow along. The Real Word of God matters not; only public opinion matters.

Oddly, three translations nonetheless have the courage to translate the first part of the verse rightly: Brenton's English (translated from the LXX), 1844; the 1610 Catholic Douhay-Rheims (so there's no excuse for the KJV to mistranslate); and the 1985 (but not later) Jewish Tanakh (only for the first part of the verse).

Proof positive that Christians HATE God -- in favor of, fitting in with mere people! Political correctness, exposed!

File Name: Isa5312.avi, in KJV folder, originally posted in Youtube, 7/11/09 as Episode 39/72 KJVOB.

KJVO Trash their own KJV, make it a HOAX (57/72 KJVOB)

This video is 57th in my Youtube KJVOB playlist, here: . It heads the NT 'threads' LXX playlist ( ), but this vimeo channel has the same videos, plus any made post 11/7/13. New videos will be ad hoc.

Distinguishing OT quotes in the NT is already vital to hermeneutics. So it also proves the KJVO leaders, lie. The laymen don't know that!

If I quoted a book I knew didn't exist, I'd be a liar, right? Well, KJVO claims LXX (Greek OT) didn't exist in Jesus' day, yet Jesus often quotes from it! KJV's own Textus Receptus, confirms!

Yet KJVO leader Sam Gipp, says LXX is a hoax:

Gipp claims Origen invented LXX in 3rd cent. AD. Oh, did Origen also edit ALL copies of Philo, Josephus, Talmud, 1st-cent & prior Jewish apocrypha which use that same LXX, which Jews created from the Hebrew OT circa 273BC?! Did Origen also time-travel back to Jamnia in 1st century, when rabbis elected to return to Hebrew and stop using LXX?!

Funny, the KJV Translators validated the LXX, so I guess our anti-semites Gipp and Ruckman, never read the 1611 KJV Preface by the Translators! But you can, here: . My excerpts of it, with commentary: .

Contrasting Truth: since Commodus, the West rejected Real Bible. Instead, the Old Latin was touted as 'inspired': same claim as KJVO's. Back then, Augustine was against 'new' translations. shows his letters to Jerome, whose replies are here:

Hebrew & Greek Real Bible was persecuted by anti-semites like Diocletian & Constantine. So folks having Real Bible, left Rome. So Jerome went to Bethlehem, to GET mss.

RCC rose to power partly based on a claim its translation was 'inspired'. For if a translation can be inspired, so too pope & clergy.

Thus Bible's Jewish-inspired origin, is denied. Satan persecutes Bible in cycles: 300 AD (Old Latin**), 600AD (Koran), 700AD+ (Vulgate ***). When interest in Bible's mss declines, Jews suffer. ****
** & *** Chap 1, pp. 21-28 Christopher DeHamel's 'The Book. A History of the Bible', Phaidon Press Ltd.

* Chapter 2, op.cit.
**** op. cit., +'Atlas of Bible and Christianity' edited by Tim Dowley

KJVO movement thus repeats another pogrom. Bible's Greek (though not media) of 'Alexandrian ' mss were of 1st-century & prior Jewish origin, too. So KJVO cannot read LXX, to know its Greek is 6 centuries prior to Origen's. We have a lot of extra-Biblical Greek text writing from 500BC, on. We know how it changed.

Next, to disable your ability to LEARN those texts, Bible compilers & lexicographers are slandered by a woman 'degreed' in home economics, who doesn't even know 'Lucifer' means 'morning star' in Latin, yet pretends to be a 'scholar', slanders for profit:

KJVO also pretend to read Bible Hebrew, Greek. Yet ask them to translate. They can't! So how can they know if KJV is ok? They can't!

And KJV is not ok, as no translation can be. Just Google on 'KJV mistranslation'. Read the original KJV translators' own caveats, here:

In sum: Since NT quotes an allegedly-fake LXX over 1000 times -- is it a lie? Lord quotes LXX on His Birth Day, & over 100 times, pan-Gospel. So does the Lord lie? Or are KJVO, liars?

KJV Exodus 20:16 "Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour."
KJV Exodus 23:1 "Thou shalt not raise a false report: put not thine hand with the wicked to be an unrighteous witness."

KJV Matthew 19:18 "He saith unto him, Which? Jesus said, 'Thou shalt do no murder, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not bear false witness',"

LXX Greek of Exo 20:16 -- ou pseudomartureseis

Textus Receptus Matt 19:18 -- same two last words as in the LXX.

What will the Lord say to KJVO on Judgment Day?

TechNotes: TR in video is 1894 Scrivener, an updated version of Beza's TR from 1598.

LXX used in video is Alfred Rahlf's, from BibleWorks 5.

Download this video for clearer Greek viewing: . Jpg's of Greek:

Follow with then then then

Google on 'LXX fragments': . Here is a list of provable pre-Origen LXX mss :

File Name: KJVOTrash.wmv, 3/5/10 in KJV folder.

LXX4a Acts 15 Scholar Insanity!

Anatomy of scholar ineptness over the fact the NT 'threads' the LXX -- which every scholar even knows, it's required study in seminary!

Honestly, just when I think Christian scholarship can't get any worse, I find something like this. So, this video (sorry) is something of a tirade against 'scholarship' which accuses Bible to hide its own incompetence. Here, Acts 15. This is one sample of many I've seen over the last few months, and many more over the last year. Scholarship is valuable, we need it, and this is not against the scholars in general. But it is against the tolerance of the bad apples, which today are many. Sometimes, the gloves should come off!

Link referenced in the video: The Church in Antioch in the First Century CE: Communion and Conflict

File Name: TiradeScolarInsanityActs15.avi, 3/21/12.

True vs. False Gospels

Associated webpages: all the blue 'boxes' in

Gist: "BELIEVE" Christ paid for all your sins, and you are saved. No other verb is used by God to save you. This video contrasts the BELIEVE verses in Bible with all the false gospel verbs out there, like 'repent', 'pray the sinner's prayer', 'invite', 'accept', 'be baptised'; and my favorite fake gospel lie, 'call on the Lord' -- MISREADING Acts 2:21 & Romans 10:13 even in translation, can NO ONE read the CONTEXT? Sheesh, how Christians lie against God's Word. So, you're NOT saved if you listen to them. Listen to the Bible, instead!

All other verbs are works & do NOT save you. You'd think we'd at least listen to what Our Lord said, in John 3! But instead we mangle the Gospel, saving no one.

So are YOU really saved? Yes, if you merely BELIEVE Christ paid for all your sins -- don't add any other verb to it. My pastor harangued on "believe ONLY" for 53 years, and I was wrong to be annoyed with him! Ask yourself why is it even famous pastors & evangelists get the Gospel so very wrong. So who are they saving? NO ONE!

This is my litmus test for a Christian or a pastor. If he adds ANY OTHER verb besides BELIEVE to the Gospel -- and most do -- I disregard everything he says. He cannot be filled with the Spirit & add verbs. Bible is too plain -- ONLY BELIEVE. Gen15:6=John 3:16. So I silently walk away from these people. God is not in them.

So persons alleging you must repent of your sins, say with your mouth you believe, make Christ Lord -- and mind you, these people are generally attractive folks -- they are false spirits, sorry. They might not even be saved!

Don't you be like them? BELIEVE Christ paid for your sins and you're FOREVER saved just like Abram was, Gen15:6+John 3:16!

Doing God Deeds?

This is the setup video for the God Deeds subseries inside of SatStrat. the God Deeds videos all begin with GD prefix, followed by the Episode number. Its playlist starts here: • God Deeds, GD1 Why Evil

God deeds, not good deeds, is the spiritual life. Spiritual life is a supernatural way of life and demands a supernatural means of execution through the Spirit. FAR SUPERIOR to mere morality which any unbeliever can do. How Christians who claim that morality is spirituality, will never mature and instead retard, remaining spiritual babies until death.

Video is an experiment using software.

God Deeds, GD1 Why Evil

Audio in this series, and webpages below explain the answer to WHY EVIL in enough detail and simplicity that you can see the stark answer, and see it in Bible.

At that point, you'll have a decision to make: become an atheist, or fall in love with God. There is no middle ground. If you aren't already in one of those camps, it's only because you don't grasp the real issues involved, in CREATING. Which is normal: we aren't God, so we can't know His Perspective. But Bible tells us His Perspective.

The Calvinists and Catholics and all other denominations have His Perspective completely wrong. They focus on human sin and behavior, never understanding God at all. So when asked 'why evil', they harp on human shortfalls, then generally throw up their hands and call God 'mysterious', or 'inscrutable', or some other lame excuse for not answering the question.

But God answers the question, and boldly: Genesis 1:1-2, Isaiah 45:7-19, Isaiah 53:10-11 and 54:1, Matthew 4:3-4, Ephesians 1:15-23, 3:15-19, 4:5-16, Hebrews 1-2 (both chapters), Hebrews 10:10-14, and all of Chapter 11. These verses are never considered in sufficient detail. But they are mostly well-enough translated so you yourself can ponder them.

Whether you do that, is up to you. But if you really do that, you will simultaneously be shocked, upset, and at the same time.. awestruck. At which point, you will have the strongest reasons to be an atheist.. or to fall in love with God.

No middle ground.

The reward comes from learning to think like Him, which only God can do, 1Cor3, Heb11:6, and the foregoing Ephesians verses. Because Matt4:4 is the spiritual life, NOT what you do; instead, what you BECOME, Eph 4:13. So the world is blessed due to LEARNING CHRIST, not good deeds, Lev 26, Deut 28: for the FIRST commandment is to LOVE GOD. You aren't obeying that, if you're not LEARNING God. So then whatever else you do, is evil masquerading as good, just like the Pharisees, John 6-8.

So the whole 'good deeds' thingy, is a satanic scam straight from Genesis 3, preyed upon and by,any Christian near you. Want to see how? Just think over the points in this one-hour (77MB) audio, . Not difficult to grasp, but definitely a topic we seldom think through.

So JUST STUDY, learn and live on Bible. Let GOD dictate when and if you do anything at all. He'll make it clear.


For God's definition of perfection is not like ours: the BAD is just as much a part of His Definition of 'perfect', as the good. What???? Yeah, that should make you want to be an atheist.

That's why Satan rebelled. The topic of Satan's rebellion and the foregoing issue of Truth being Free and therefore free to be evil, took me 10 years to research and write up, in the Thinking series (five parts), beginning at LordvSatan1.htm. That first part is the overview. Part II goes back to creation, up until Church is born. Part III and IV cover Church, and will take MONTHS to read, ponder, vet. Part V covers eternity and the Lake of Fire. The Appendix focuses on Satan's mindset and gambits, so you can see the validity of his arguments. A putative 'novel' version of this same story was begun in 2006 (still unfinished), PDR.pdf. If you want to click on the intra-doc links, instead download PDR.doc. (Adobe can't convert the links, I've no idea why this document won't convert.)

Yes, validity. The issue is not good versus bad. It's the difference between Infinite Free Perfection and finite shaved truth. Satan wants the latter, and so do we, whether atheists or Christians. So the choice is stark, and is not adequately presented in pulpits. But you can reason it all out yourself.

And then you too will decide to either become an atheist, or fall in love with God.

GD2 Satan Argues, God Replies

This video is really a followup audio (with static video picture) to 'Why Evil' audio four-parter, at • God Deeds, GD1 Why Evil.

The whole Trial is about God's Competence, not yours. So it's not about your sins, not about your works, but rather how GOD MADE you, and whether HE did a good job. Once you understand Satan's arguments, you'll see that the 'good deeds' promotion by Christians and religion, is a scam, with the promoters totally buying into Satan's Matthew 4 temptations, thinking vainly instead, that they serve God. At the end of their lives, they will come to disbelieve, will be jaded and angry that God didn't reward them as they expected. Yeah, because it was never His Will, in the first place. Ooops.

GD3b God Deeds for Relationship, never religion

For YOU are the product, not what you do. What you BECOME that GOD DOES to you, not what you do yourself. This undercuts all Satan's arguments in the Trial, which is why CHRIST HUNG ON A CROSS rather than 'do' the Three Temptations (all good deeds) in Matthew 4. Christ did nothing, but let it be done TO Him. Hint hint.

GD3c If I die Tonight

The ultimate test of God Deeds versus good deeds, is what happens at death. So, this long audio role-plays those two outcomes. I have to use myself as an example, because I don't know your details. So just substitute yourself, when you hear me talk about myself.

By the way, the passage on the woman with the two coppers is in Mark 12 and Luke 21. I kept on misstating the location as Matthew 7, in earlier audio. Sorry!

Also, the passage about 'did you do it for Me?' wasn't Malachi 3, but Zech 7.

Hebrews 10:5, 'A body You have prepared for Me' is another among hundreds of verses explaining no soul life in the womb. Body is prepared in advance and separately, theme of Psalm 139, which is routinely mistranslated to hide that fact, in all English Bibles. (See my Prolife Blasphemy video series for more details, though I'm not yet done posting videos showing the mistranslation. Its corrected translation, however, is in NoWombLife.htm, the 'Don't Abort My Word' table in that webpage.)

This matters, because the soul made by God is PERFECT at BIRTH, untainted yet by sin. It becomes tainted when the newborn first sins (i.e., cries when he shouldn't). Ignorance of sin doesn't excuse it. So every newborn who dies is automatically saved, etc.

The Job passage about him wishing he'd never been born, is Job 10.

GD3d2 God's Design Philosophy 2

God's full-spectrum, JOINING 'high-low' Perfection Definition and its many ramifications and applications to your life, are covered in this audio.

Corrections to the audio: When I say 'katantanw' for 'kitting out', I meant 'katartizw'. Verb really means to heal up a fracture or other injury and then heal it so well, you're better off than if you didn't have the injury. It's also used in the military sense of providing you with all the support, training and weaponry you need to be the best soldier (theme Paul will again use in Ephesians 6). Usually it's translated too tamely, as 'equipping', in Eph 4:12.

And Yes, it was John 7:39 which says that the OT people couldn't get the fullness of the Spirit because Christ hadn't come. So that's the essential difference: they had a lower Divine Operating System versus what we get, post-Cross. OT 'filling' was pimplemi, a physical-filling like you get from eating a good meal. NT 'filling' is pleroo, big NT keyword for NT spiritual maturation.

Use 1John1:9 and then between sins, trace that Greek verb and its cognate, pleroma, in Bible; you can thus see how it works. KJV translates both verbs 'fill' and 'fulfill', which is kinda unfortunate, since the distinction isn't clear (nor can it be) in translation. All other English translations follow suit, so you miss the import. Thankfully, the KJV almost always translates pleroma as 'fulness', so you can trace pleroma pretty easily, in the KJV. Again, most other translations follow suit.

GD3d3 God's Design Philosophy 3

Ennui: French term made philosophically famous by Albert Camus in his depressing book, L'Etranger. Sad fact is, most of us reach this life-is-meaningless existentialism after age 40, and many long before. Here, the surprise is that God wants the believer to get to that same conclusion, sooner. Paul, for example, expresses it in Philippians 3, Romans 8, 1 Cor15, 1Thess 4. It was a frequent subtheme of his, and is echoed by someone Paul taught, the writer of Hebrews 11.

So: 'let's eat and drink, because tomorrow we die' -- 1 Cor 15: 29-32 (corrected citation, versus what I say at 25:21 in the audio).

This ennui, is a watershed in the spriitual life. Most Christians do not survive it. So here I briefly think out loud, about the impact of this stage that every human being will go through: those who USED to believe in God prior to reaching this point, will likely stop believing. Or, will awaken to the real purpose of the spiritual life. No middle ground.

GD3e1 Good Deeds Mindset

God Deeds versus Good deeds: each has its own mindset. The good deeds mindset is hitlerian, just like the old sin nature. For the temptation in the Garden was that you could DO something to become good as God.

GD3e2 Good Deeds Legacy

So what comes of the Good Deeds Mindset, upon death? Just thinking about it, scares me to death. When I think of all the good deeds I did before realizing how EVIL good deeds truly are.. I want to kill myself. But that won't make up for lost time, will it? So forget what's behind, move forward, Philippians 3:8 and :14.

So here I think out loud about what 'legacy' the good-deeder inherits; what Rx one can take now, to get God's legacy, instead. :)

GD3e3 Good Deeds Legacy, cont.

Yes, no good deed goes unpunished while down here, because it's supposed to be a GOD DEED, instead. Good deeds are POISON. Here, we see why. Mind you, I'm just as guilty as anybody else, so this isn't a rant against other Christians. We're ALL stuck with the SIN of good deeds. Only one way out: 1John1:9, find your RIGHT TEACHER, learn under him and then live on Bible, John 14:26, Eph3:15-19, Heb 11:6, because Heb 11:1 -- "it's about Confidence in Word! Christ's THINKING, on Trial! Evidence Unseen!" See my for the corrected translation of that verse, which all the translators -- themselves addicted to the sin of good deeds -- mistranslate.

You realize, I hope, that it requires you be carnal, to mistranslate Bible.

GD3e4 Good Deeds Legacy, cont.

So here's the ultimate question: how do YOU define what constitutes a 'good relationship'? Is it based on good deeds? Then that's how you're defining your relationship with God, and how your relationship WILL BE FOREVER.

Because, everyone gets what he wants from God. The atheist wants no God, so he gets no God. The superficial Christian wants a superficial relationship with God, so that's what he gets. The Christian who wants to learn God's Word, gets it. The one who wants to learn God Himself THROUGH that Word, gets that.

Notice how specific: you can want to learn the Word, for many reasons. To be smart, to be admired, etc. So, that's what you'll get. As the Lord said, 'verily, he has his reward'. A cup of water in the Lord's name is a reward. So, is a crown. Which did Christ go for? The latter. So how much are you rejecting Him, if you don't go after the same?

But you can't be crowned by what good deeds you do. He BECAME something: the Way, the Truth and the Life. So you have to BECOME like Him. Not, doing good deeds.

But, if you want the definition of the spiritual life and hence relationship with God to be about good deeds.. that's what you'll get. Forever.

It was not the choice Christ made.

GD3f1 God Deeds Mindset, 2Cor10:5, Intro 1

Audio-only, made with MS Windows 6.0 Movie Maker in HD Widescreen 16:9, 1920 resolution. You can download it for free, and it works in Vista or Win7. Maybe it also works in Win8, not sure. This version of Moviemaker works with Pixelan, who provides the links to the free MS download (in two flavors), here:

Theme of this and the next two audios, all just showing the static Bible verse picture: God's DEED is to make you INTO something, for an eternal good deed He will make out of you, POST DEATH. Just as He did, to Christ.

Will radically alter how you think about spirituality, once you see the sense of this. It's FAR HARDER than all the good deeds on the planet, and in fact is impossible to do. For there is NO WAY you yourself can 'bring every thought into captivity to Christ.' Do you ever think about going to the bathroom, or about a hamburger? Well, those thoughts aren't 'into captivity', are they? Yikes! NO ONE CAN DO THIS. Well, except God. See: a God deed is IMPOSSIBLE for humans to do. God-quality work, always is done by God ONLY. Yeah, because the First commandment is to love God with what? ALL YOUR THINKING, which is the upgraded standard Christ created when he revised the First Commandment, in .Matt 22:37.

The video's Bible verses shown to prove this is the real spiritual life and God's Standard, are only two; but you'll think of many others, as you listen. The larger writeup with more verses than you can stomach, is in LordvSatan1.htm. It is the beginning of over 1500 pages of panoramic 'audit' of the 'fit' of the story Bible tells, and was also taught by my pastor, at I did the webpages to test what I learened, and its Bible fit. The audios here, complement that prior study and writeup.

GD4c God Deeds Mindset

Audio only, continued from 4b. How the spiritually-mature Christian is wholly focused on God. Immaturity=me-ness, body-definitions of 'spirituality'. Maturity=He-ness, thought-definitions of spirituality, since His Thinking was what paid for sins on the Cross, Isaiah 53:11.

Notice it's a standard change, not a practice change. The body will always be glitchy and sin, Romans 7-8. So maturity is what you LEARN, not what you think you earn, Romans 4, Eph4:12-13. You only take what you LEARN, to heaven, Philippians 3:18-19, 1Cor3. So your reward is based on what you LEARNED, ibid and 2 Tim4:7-8. For what you learned, was the THINKING of Christ, 1Cor2:16, so every thought being brought into captivity is your STANDARD, 2Cor10:5.

Spirituality is a change of STANDARD, not a practice. You practice the standard increasingly, but the tension will always be there and you'll always fail, Romans 7. So the 'test' is whether you QUIT and opt for the lower satanic standard of people and works, just as Adam did in the Garden, Genesis 3.

PS at 10:20, I mention the tie between John 5 and following, and Matthew 16. The text is in the John passage, but the timing is indeed just before Matthew 16. Matthew 16:18 is Christ's reply to Peter, but Peter said both things: 'you have the words of God, where are we gonna go' in the John passage, followed by his confession that He is the Christ.

GD5a1 His Head in Yours, IS 'Love'!

1 Corinthians 13 is not about human emotion of love, but 'Love' is a moniker for Christ, the HEAD of Church. This video briefly shows Paul's wordplay in 1Cor12:31, so you can see that; it also has to correct the frequent mistranslation of 'burned' in 1Cor13:3, to show that the translations MISS Paul's point.

WORD BETTER THAN WORKS is Paul's point, and the WORD OF GOD is Christ's HEAD, theme of His Head in Your Head, which Paul started to introduce in 1Cor1:5's Greek (lit., the Word in your words, very clever). Whole book of 1Cor is on this theme. Clever of Satan to mask its translation, so you WORK at 'love'...

5a2 will explain what the passage means, and 5b and c, will focus on how the God Deeds Mindset IS IS IS IS His Head in Your Head, which Satan himself failed to acquire. That is the substance of the Angelic Trial: Satan wanting good deeds, rather than God's Deeds due to what is in the HEAD, Christ.

So now you can better understand 2Cor10:5, bringing every thought into Captivity to Christ -- in your HEAD!

GD5b His Head in Yours, IS Love, cont.

Audio Only, continued from 5a2, the SUPERIOR God-Deed of making you pass the LOVE MATURATION test that Satan failed. This is the heart of the Angelic Trial, the reason why the Cross was structured as it was. Here and in Part 6 we'll see the reason why Christ birthed CHURCH. Introduction to Psalm 110 and Hebrews 1,2,4,5-12.

Latter book explains the change in covenant due to the Trial Success of the Cross, using Psalm 110 and Jeremiah 31 as its doctrinal underpinnings, then culminating with a 'talk back' in 7x3 meter of Hebrews 11:1, to 1Cor13, to show Christ's Head=Hupostasis=Love -- On Trial. In your head.

For Satan's head, couldn't take it.

GD5c His Head in Yours, IS Love, cont.

Audio Only, continued from 5b. The extreme tension of High-Low, being higher than others but so much lower than God, felled Satan. Ergo Christ. Ergo the Christian, who in this final stage of the spiritual life WHICH IS THE SAME TYPE as Christ's, goes through the same test which Christ passed and Satan failed. The test? MATURE IN LOVE. Which means, MATURE IN WEAKNESS, 2Cor12:9-10. See the parallel to the Cross?

Passage for the Christian is to 'stay the course', as this is a marathon race, getting to the Finish Line by God doing it to you, 2Cor12:9-10, Phili 3:10-14, 2Tim4:7-8. But it hurts bigtime. In the head. Divergence. High-Low. God doing it to you.

GD5d His Head in Yours, IS Love, cont.

Closing Part 5, how God Deeds mean RECEIVING, but good deeds mean YOU DOING, with the latter resulting in progressive INcompetence. Ooops.

Part 6 begins next, again going back to the panoramic historical picture of what's happening in this God-Deeds versus Good-Deeds TRIAL between God and Satan. Psalm 110 is on that picture, and Book of Hebrews explains it in detail, to show why the OT covenant changed at the Cross, to Church. That the covenant wrought in Christ is 'better' (Attick kreittwn, keyword in the book), so that the OT people cannot be resurrected until Church is completed, Hebrews 11:39-40.

In other words, not only is God-Deed the ONLY 'good', the ONLY way to be happy and competent -- but it's the way God fulfills His Promises to Israel, and beats Satan in the Trial: preview of coming attractions in Parts 6-7. Because these sections are so interwoven, starting tomorrow I'll post one subpart per day, and sometimes several, to keep topic 'flow'.

GD6a Operation Footstool, Psalm 110

Audio-only. Now you'll begin to see the Big Picture of the ANGELIC TRIAL Impact of your little life down here, in this Part 6, which runs from subpart a to h. Principal passages are Isaiah 14:12-14, Ezekiel 28:12-15, Psalm 110 and whole Book of Hebrews, but also Colossians, and Ephesians 5-6. Hebrews 11:39-40 is a Rapture verse which is often overlooked; it says that the rest of history cannot continue until Church is completed.

Hebrews -- which was written just after Paul died, per Heb 13:23 -- is about WHY the Covenant Changed: Christ beat Satan at the Cross, and we are to replace the fallen angels, NOT Israel. Verse on the one-on-one triumphal procession replacement, is Colossians 2:14-15, which is a kind of jumping-off point for the Book; so too, Jeremiah 31, Psalm 110, and 1Cor13. The author is weaving his points back into those older books, so once you see that, the flow of what he says, will become clearer. He does this by playing on the keywords. The most important keyword is a play on Christ=Love in 1Cor13, which in Hebrews is converted to 'hupostasis', i.e., in Heb 11:1. Since all translations missed the wordplay in 1Cor12:31-13:1, they miss it in Hebrews 11:1, as well. So you miss the import of both books.

My pastor taught all this for over 50 years; you can get his classes at I audited that material to write up a comprehensive series of webpages, which begin at LordvSatan1.htm. Also began a semi-novel to make the material more 'live', but haven't finished it: PDR.doc. Use 'pdf' extension if you prefer it in pdf format. Oh: and be sure to write a chapter on yourself. After you go through this Part 6 and 7 audios, you should be able to do that.

GD6c YOU in Operation Footstool

Audio Only, continued from 6b, Operation Footstool and how your little life is On Trial, for the Thinking of Christ in you. Imagine: a puny human who votes to know God, thereby beats Satan? Whoa -- how can that happen?

Well it happens, because you are part of, Body of, the Firstborn of All Creation Who REPLACES Satan; hence, you are on Divine Television. Flagship books on the Angelic Conflict in the NT are Colossians, Ephesians, Hebrews, Revelation. 2:28 and 22:16 use Bright Morning Star, title Christ WON from Satan's Isaiah 14:12 title, with Psalm 110, the prediction of it. So Rev 3:11 says don't lose your crown -- because HE has one, you are SLATED to get one. See also James 1:12, 1Cor4:8, Rev 5:10, 2Pet1:19.

For the demons are lost. Big hole in heaven's population. Church Battlefield Victory fills that hole, replaces the demons one-on-one triumphal procession, cultural metaphor in Colossians 2:15. Whoa.

FIRSTBORN, first used in Colossians, another Angelic Conflict book which Hebrews plays on: Col. 1:15, 18; Heb. 1:6; 11:28; 12:22f . Note: it's a common 'incorporation by reference' technique in Greek and Hebrew to abbreviate a title in some other Bible passage to its key word; hence 'firstborn' in Hebrews means 'firstborn of all creation'.

Now, such a highborn status means TRAINING. Under, a TEACHER, John 14. That TEACHER will direct you to a MALE teacher, Eph 4:16, through whom you learn your allotted share (metron merous, Greek in that verse) of Bible, which is Christ's Head getting into your head, Matt 4:4. So you do not 'forsake assembling' to get that teaching, Heb 10:25, lest you get punished (balance of chapter). It's NOT about 'Christian fellowship'. You are SUMMONED (Greek parakalew, not 'encouragement', lol, mistranslation in the verse) to be UNDER A TEACHER. What you do with Christians outside, is optional. Sometimes you are to AVOID them, 2Tim2:26-3:7.

Naturally, one can object to this highborn status. Naturally, one can be skeptical of this whole story. So how to prove it true? Look at the ceiling, Ask God for the proof YOU need. We each vary in what evidence we need to get, for proof. It's only right to ask for proof. The reason why there is so much debate, is that there is so little, ASKING.

GD6d You in Operation Footstool

Audio Only, continued from 6c, how YOU are On Trial for what Thinking of Christ is developing in You, Heb 11:1. So God's Deed is On Trial, building Christ in You, Colossians 1:16-27. His Head=Love=Hupostasis, with 'hupo' meaning 'under' and stasis meaning 'standing', so your UNDERSTANDING is on Trial, Heb 11:1. Technically, 'hupostasis' comes to mean 'substance', and yeah: the SUBSTANCE of the Trial is Christ in You, the elpis=hope=future confidence of Glory, Colossians 1:25-27. Clever weaving, huh.

So you're on Divine Television. Stadium verses: 1Cor4:9, 1 Pet 1:12. Far bigger deed than anything you can ever do in this body!

GD6f You in Operation Footstool

Audio-only, continued from 6e, more on how to APPLY the fact You're on Divine Television for what you're learning about and in Christ; how all blessing, cursing, world history hangs on your learning Him. Whoa. Episode 6i is an addendum to this video, on the Categories, Elements of Training.

Here, Training focus is on COMMUNICATION, our primary role in heaven, for all eternity.

Verse on 'Longed to see My day': John 8:56

GD6g You in Operation Footstool

Audio Only, continued from 6f, You on Divine Television for learning Christ as Royal Family of God. 6h will end this Part 6. Here, focus is on how the KNOWLEDGE of Bible truth, crushes you.

This was the test Satan couldn't pass; so, he rebelled, claiming God MISDESIGNED Truth. God designed, 'Truth Be Free'. Satan thinks it should be designed, 'Truth Be Shaved', in the name of Reducing Suffering for The Inferior. So Satan thinks he's the proper Messiah, on this glorious quest to beat God Father Son Spirit. Satan considers Them, to be masochistic and sadistic. You can see why.

Preview of coming distractions next week, beginning on December 28: Part 7 revisits the whole story, to solidify what you've heard; but at the end, focuses on the MISTRIAL strategy of Satan, to show how Satan & Co. and all world history, are affected by EACH of us during our little lives down here. The MISTRIAL strategy is covered in Job 1 and Job 2, Matthew 4, 16:18 (Christ INVENTING Church to answer Satan's Mistrial contention), John 17, Ephesians (esp. 1 and 5-6), 1Thessalonians 4 and 5, Romans 9-11, all of Rev 1-3, 9, 12-13. Rev 9-13 is Trib mid-point: Satan thinks he's FINALLY got enough world control, to achieve a decisive Trial victory.

Part 8 will go back into the nitty gritty of our 'now' (Bible keyword for Church Age), how we interact with each other and within our own lives, to flesh out the panoramic picture. So think of life as split-screen TV. You're the star of your own little movie down here with beings watching from above, and you also are watching the live movie in heaven.. via Bible.

GD6h You in Operation Footstool

Audio-only, Conclusion of Part 6 application (here in 6h and 6i): You the King in Training; On Divine Television; Getting His LOVE into Your Head; during Operation Footstool (Psalm 110, synonym for Church Age); Bringing Every Thought Under His Feet, 2 Cor 10:5.

Preview of coming distractions next week: Part 7 revisits the whole story, to solidify what you've heard; but at the end, focuses on the MISTRIAL strategy of Satan, to show how Satan & Co. and all world history, are affected by EACH of us during our little lives down here.

The MISTRIAL strategy is covered in Job 1 and Job 2, Matthew 4, 16:18 (Christ INVENTING Church to answer Satan's Mistrial contention), Matt22-24 (Vashti Israel 'rescued' by Church 'Esther'), John 17 (Church completion is a BODY criterion determined by Father, not a set Time criterion as applied pre-Church), Ephesians (esp. 1 and 5-6, on the battle of Church history), 1Thessalonians 4 and 5 (how to live), Romans 9-11(what's happening to Israel during Church), all of Rev 1-3 (Church now vs. later Trib and Mill, Play #1 in John's quadrilogy), 9, 12-13. Rev 9-13 is Trib mid-point: Satan thinks he's FINALLY got enough world control, to achieve a decisive Trial victory.

Part 7 is very long, for we'll take a trip into the COVENANTS beginning with that of the angels, to show how COVENANTS OF ASSOCIATION make for a very happy relationship, and are never about doing good deeds. The Covenant Change to Church will end that Part. Will probably post only a header video with the other 30 subparts in audio links of that video's description (yes, 30, ouch). Idea is to show how the Covenants demonstrate Trial arguments and provisions, so you can see how Church's Covenant is light-years higher than the OT, and how it reflects Christ, how it defeats Satan in the Trial. Master writeup on this topic is the Lord v Satan series, starting at LordvSatan1.htm. It will take maybe a year to read. Shorter incomplete 'novel' version of the same story, is downloadable at PDR.pdf. Do write a chapter on yourself. :)

Part 8 will go back into the nitty gritty of our 'now' (Bible keyword for Church Age), how we interact with each other and within our own lives, to flesh out the panoramic picture. So think of life as split-screen TV. You're the star of your own little movie down here with beings watching from above, and you also are watching the live movie in heaven.. via Bible.

GD6i Mindset as King!

Conclusion of Part 6, and addendum to Part 6c-6f summary of the Seven Thinking Skills of the Christian as King In Training. This alone glorifies Christ, for it's what HE did. And He did it, not of his own power, but under the Spirit, John 7, 14. So it's GOD DEEDs, never good deeds. Thus you bless the world -- again, not of your power, but God blesses the world due to your learning Him VIA the Spirit, Leviticus 26.

But the root and crowning reason for all of this is FELLOWSHIP, Phili3:10-14, and Heb12:2. Togetherness, flat! And Flattened! In Him With Him All Prepositions Him. Which happens, as you grow in Kingly Thinking as He had done. Then you too like Paul (who was crowned, 2Tim4:7-8) will begin to think, 'Living, Christ! Dying, Profit!' (Phili 1:21, corr trans from the Greek). This is the lesson and the happiness Satan never quite learned. So, he's beaten in the Trial, yet again. But God's not out to beat him, but to wake him up to what he's missing. Romans 11:11, writ large. For God is NEVER willing that anyone should perish, 2Pet 3:9.

So it's a better good deed than all the good deeds Satan can even hallucinate accomplishing, on this planet and for all time.

Meanwhile, all those drooling baby Christians so proud of their works, are busy serving Satan, reaping heaps of wood hay and stubble at the Judgment Seat of Christ.

GD7a Church Witness

So how does Church demonstrate Satan's wrong, in the Trial? In this Part 7, we'll begin to see the issues which are central. 7d will show the meaning of MISTRIAL, which is the heart of Satan's contention, that God is manipulating EVIDENCE: it's been his complaint since Genesis, and with the INTRODUCTION of Church By Christ in Matt16:18, that complaint hits a fever pitch. Then in 7e (which is in 30 parts, sorry), we'll see how his trial claim has been demonstrated wrong in the past, and how Church covenant came to be, where it differs from the past .. and, from the future.

Meanwhile, let's start with today. What is our witness today, in what legal context? For we are on Divine Television, just as Job was, whether we are mature.. or not. And if not, Satan demands the Rapture happen TOO EARLY. But he can't win his point, if enough of us are still learning God. Aha.

This was how I started the webpage series this audio covers. If you'd rather read than hear, then start with LordvSatan1.htm, to get an overview of the Trial issues NOW (=keyword for Church Age, in Bible). Part II of that webseries takes you back to the beginning of time and then wends forward back to Church, then forward again to the Mill. Will take a year to read and vet all that material, hence I'm trying to condense its main topics in audio now.

A mock novel about the same story, is in PDR.pdf. If you'd rather Word doc version, just replace the 'pdf' with 'doc'. Novel is unfinished, so you can learn enough from its first five chapters and then write a chapter on yourself. :)

ERRATUM: at 18:20ff I was guessing what chapter in Genesis was the one about Abraham and Isaac. I recalled it as Genesis 22, but rejected that in favor of Genesis 26 or 27. But Genesis 22 was correct, and I should have said so. :)

GD7b Church Witness, cont.

Flipside of the higher spiritual life we get in Christ, is a lower low, if we reject it: theme of Hebrews 2's warning not to 'neglect our so-great salvation'. That's a running thread in the book (repeated in Chapters 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 12). Meaning, as Royal Family of God you get far more than Abraham could have had, in knowing Christ. So if you don't get in and stay in God's System (see my 'God's System' video), you will be far more miserable than anyone in the OT could ever be.

RHIP: Rank has its privileges, and also its penalties. Here we learn the penalty side, as well as what 'witness' is afforded to Satan &Co. and to the angels watching us on Divine Television.

GD7c Church Witness, cont.

Still on the dark side of our oh-so-high spiritual life, and being on Divine Television: what we learn about Christ -- or not -- determines Trial outcome. And oh yes, Satan can win; you'll see why, in 7d.

GD7d Church Witness: RAPTURE MISTRIAL?

Climactic Part of 7, HEART OF THE TRIAL, with added audio links below in this description: for WHY is Rapture pre-Trib? Because ALL HISTORY CAN END if Church doesn't complete, Heb 11:39-40; it won't complete, if Church becomes so apostate, it must be excised from the Earth in order to preserve the Human Race. That's what Paul is talking about, in Romans 11 when he warns the Romans that, just as Israel was cut off, so Church can be. What? Yeah, it's a topic no one covers, but should.

For if Church can get cut out, then History cannot complete, Hebrews 11:39-40. God then would NOT be fulfilling His Promise to Christ; Satan would win. To understand this, we have to go back to Job to see how MISTRIAL (google on that term) is a strategic argument Satan has been making, to claim God unfairly sentenced him and his fallen angels -- and by extrapolation, unbelieving humans -- to the Lake of Fire. MISTRIAL is a claim that the prosecution has TAMPERED with EVIDENCE (i.e., bribing a witness, as Satan accused God of doing to Job).

How does that problem apply here? Well, Christ in Matthew 16:18, asked for FUTURE souls, who HE WOULD ALSO PAY FOR IN ADVANCE. That's tantamount to saying you have a witness somewhere outside your legal jurisdiction. Well and good: but then you must PRODUCE that witness, or your evidence is bogus or even contrived. This was the theme of the movie 'Fracture' starring Anthony Hopkins and Ryan Gosling; it was the theme of the OJ Simpson Trial, and the reason why OJ was allowed to go free. Whether he was guilty or not.

CHURCH doesn't yet exist wholly. It is in the process of being built. So if the souls paid for 2000 years ago don't come to exist as advertised ON the Cross (which we didn't see, but the angels did, and everyone is in the Book of Life IN ADVANCE) -- then Satan wins, the Rapture must happen at the WRONG time, and many other upsets occur. SAME ISSUE as applied pre-Christ, for then the EVIDENCE was PROMISED that He WOULD COME TO EXIST. But didn't exist. Yet. Then HE had to COMPLETE, which He did. But for a long time, history COULD have ended, but for enough believers VOTING TO LEARN GOD. Like, Job.

See the parallel, for Church? Okay, Christ came as Promised, Completed as Promised, but then INTRODUCES A NEW BODY OF EVIDENCE to prolong Time, knowing Israel would reject Him -- evidence which also doesn't exist yet? Whoa. Grounds for Mistrial, if this NEW PROMISE, doesn't complete!

So this audio goes through all that. Longer writeup on it is in my Lvs4a.htm -- all of Part IV is dedicated to this topic of Mistrial. It was introduced in Part II: just search on 'mistrial' to find it.

Part 7e will follow, to show how this MISTRIAL issue determined the covenants provided, through the Millennium. The actual video portion will be 7e1, and in its video description will be the other 29 (yikes) parts. You can instead read the issues now, in LordvSatan2.htm#CovG. If your eyes glaze over, then start back in LordvSatan2.htm#CovProps. Sorry it's so long, but the issues are many and complex. Not really hard to understand, but yes tedious to read.

GD7e Church Covenant Properties (see description)

31-part audio conclusion to Episode 7 (links below): God's Covenants are of ASSOCIATION. Trial terms affect how His Covenants with mankind a) are structured, and b) change. Trial ARGUMENTS are learned by means of tracking the changes. Moreover, a covenant which is broken thus leaves unresolved provisions which didn't complete; so the incomplete parts carry over into each successor covenant (jurisprudence requirement of consistency). By tracing the flow of the changes, therefore, one learns much about both the trial and about the covenants themselves.

As you'd expect, the real explanation of these covenants and their changing properties, would be lengthy. Explanation begins in writing at LordvSatan2.htm, and runs maybe 1000 printed pages, ending at LordvSatan5.htm; analysis of covenant 'flow' and hence change is summarized beginning at LordvSatan2.htm#CovG. Took me years to compile and distill, so it isn't simple. But it does work with what you know, and you'll have to mull it all over, if you're even supposed to read it.

A shorter, pithier version of the difference in OUR Bridal contract, is here: LvS4aContinued.htm#Bridal.

So I tried to condense all this material into mere highlights that focus on COMMUNICATION -- for the covenants are of ASSOCIATION -- in the audio below. But still it took me 30 more parts to say! Frankly I prefer the written material, but maybe you'll like the audio below...

GD8a Bible over Body

Audio-only. Now we switch gears into the daily grind: how does the Trial play upon your life? Well, the very nanosecond you first believe in Christ, some demon is deployed to make sure you get off on the wrong foot, into apostate ideas of what 'born again' even means, so to divorce you from the true spiritual life of LEARN AND LIVE ON BIBLE.

The demons are out to substitute out learning and living on Bible; and substitute IN, people-emphasis. Do stuff. But all a baby can do, is doo-doo. Yeah, and you get into doo-doo with God when you go the typical Christian route. So before you die, Christian living HAS BEEN, doo-doo.

So this chatty episode sketches out the Body Over Bible problem new believers face. The problem never goes away. Trick is to reverse that natural inclination, by getting and staying in 'God's System' (see my video with that title). It aint easy!

GD8b Bible Over Body, cont.

Audio-only, continued from 8a. Since Hebrews 10:5 and Matthew 4:4 produce Philippians 2:5-10, and 2Cor10:5, the demon boys don't want us Christians knowing these facts; so Christianity universally gets diverted into works and divorced from the Word, in God's Own Name! Aha!

This daily battle can only be countered by living in God's System, and refusing to 'go along' with the suddenly-many 'Christian friends' who want you to go apostate like they are, 2Tim2:26-3:7. 'Avoid them', warned Paul in 2Tim3:5.

Kinda like Samson and Delilah, actually...

GD8c Bible over Body, cont.

Audio-only, continued from 8b. GOD HEARS, Matthew 4:4, always occurring, to Omniscience! Precious Moments, to Him, lasting forever to Omniscience! Associating Bible with Body to learn God, just like Christ did at Birth, Heb 10:5!

GD8d Bible vs. Body ADDICTION

Audio-only, continued from 8c. Good Deeds are addictive. So is learning God. :) Which addiction makes one happy?

GD9a The Blame Game

Continued from Episode 8's focus on the daily grind: now, focus is on the inner and outer 'blame game' played in your soul; and outwardlly, to and from the world. This repeats the Trial Satan underwent, pre-Fall. Same test Christ faced. Satan lost, Christ won, but uh.. Christ is God-man. So Satan contends we mere sinner humans can't pass the test like Christ did. For us, the issue is not perfection, but staying the course, 2Tim4:7-8, Heb 11 and 12:2, Eph 4:12-16, 3:15-19 being the hardest part of it, as Paul reports in 2 Cor12:9-10. WEAKNESS. MATURATION IN WEAKNESS.

You become 'weak' as you know God more, because your standards change. You begin to see God more and more as He really is, and the more you see, the more you hate yourself. So the test changes: do you cave into false ideas of righteousness like 99.9% of Christianity, with its focus on popularity, being respectable, the 'world' looking at you? Or do you truck on, learning and living on Bible, which no one sees, and less than no one.. values?

Here in 9a, it's mostly an inner battle of you versus you. Will God become even more important than your own shortcomings, as you progressively gain in keen awareness of how great HE is? Will HIS importance 'trump' your own self-loathing? It's the same as Psalm 22:6, 2Cor12:9-10.

In 9b we'll look at the broader picture, because the door swings both ways. Here you are, loathing yourself the more you know Him; but at the same time, the world becomes more obviously PUNY to you, and especially the self-righteous Christians in it, who think they are spiritual giants, instead of the pygmies they really are. So how do you put up with that, too? See: it really is the hardest way to live, you're being put on the mental 'rack', pulled in all directions, with the goal to make you QUIT THE COURSE and CAVE INTO the world's (really Satan's) ideas of 'righteousness'.

God's Deed of PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP, versus (Satan's) your 'good deed' of PERFORMANCE. That's the issue, in the Trial. Fought every moment, in your own soul and with yourself. Conquered only by, Philippians 3:13-14, forgetting it and moving on in favor of SEEING GOD. A kind of KOKO due to focus on Him. For when you're weak, then He's strong: His Power is completed (English legal verb 'perfected') IN YOUR WEAKNESS, 2Cor12:9's Greek.

This is the maturation lesson which Christianity never understands, as it equates spirituality with popularity. So no one 'got it' when Christ went to the Cross. So no one 'gets it' now, that this is the same course of maturation, for the Christian. WWJD! What Word Jesus Dianoia'd!

GD9b The Blame Game, II

Continued from 9a, here with a focus on the other side of the Blame Game: how a growing believer is ever more tempted to be irritated at those spiritually younger; and they, at him. This happens because his standards are changing to become like God's. LIKE, not the same as.

This is where Satan messed up, too. Until one completes in getting God's standards in his head, the irritation at the growing awareness of the difference between God's standards and one's own, between God's standards and the world -- magnifies.

It's like a bell curve. The idea is to break you. Each believer hits his breakpoint, and either at that point chooses to stay the course, or to quit. 'Quit' doesn't mean a temporary lapse. It's permanent. A person reaches a point of no return, and quits God's Growth Plan in favor of a substitute. It's a marathon race.

God Deeds, 10a: Impact!

Episode 10 now answers Satan's taunt, just as he made to Job. The real taunt is far wider. ANY growing believer, whether mature or not, is a source of blessing to the world. Why? Why Leviticus 26 and Deut 28, on which the whole world, hangs? How could an African woman living in a thatched hut with a dirt floor, understand Deut 28 well enough to run for political office based on it (PBS or Frontline series from about 6 years ago)?

Salt of the earth, baby. And why? Well, for WHOM are you supposed to do your good deeds? What's the First Commandment? And if HE is pleased (Hebrews 11:6!) -- how big is HIS Pleasure? So wouldn't any resultant blessing HE ordains, befit HIS size, never mind yours?

And Whose Good Deeds are better? The impact of just learning and living on Bible versus all the doo-dooers, is again covered here from another Trial perspective. Real impact, really right now.

Ergo, the IMPACT of your learning and living on Bible, is huge. And it's all 100% God's Deed, never yours. Impact, as in asteroid hitting. Impact, as in making an impression on history. Impact, as in how YOU are hit. Impact, as in import. And of course, all the value is imported from to through God.. in your name.

After all, the doo-dooers are doo-dooing in God's Name, so He does stuff with HIS power in your name. For which, you are rewarded at the Judgment Seat, 1Cor 3. For which, you did absolutely NOTHING on your own power. So no doo-doo.

GD10b Impact!

Continued from 10a, the real Trial Impact of your little life just learning and living on Bible, versus all those popular Christians around you with their babyish doo-dooing that the world drools over, constantly giving into the Three Temptations that Christ Refused.

So, they will be refused awards but their works will be burned up, last half 2 Peter, 1Cor3. Ooops.

GD10c Legacy

Audio-only, continued. Now we come full-circle: what is the LEGACY of the God-deeder? The thinking pattern we saw, back in Episode 6. In Episode 7, the covenantal properties were sweepingly covered in the 31 audio segments in that Episode's description. Daily-use application of the Trial doctrine, was highlighted in Episodes 8 and 9. Here in 10, the Battle, Impact and now the Legacy of all that Episode 6 thinking pattern, is answered.

For what God does to you, you will be rewarded. For what you do yourself, you will also be rewarded. So here the rewards are compared, in light of 10a and 10b: those who did works, are rewarded with an eternity of more works. Those who did WORD, are rewarded with Kingship, since Kingship means WORDS. That's what kings do. Think words. Talk words. Live out those Words, like the Word did, when He was down here, Way TRUTH Life, Matthew 4:4 always occurring. Word in your head, His Words in your words, 1Cor1:5, 2Cor10:5, 1Cor2:16, Phili2:5-10, Eph3:15-19, Romans 12:1-3, goal of Eph4:13.

Body gets body rewards; saved, yet all the works are burned up, 1Cor3, 2Pet3, Phili3:18-19. Soul gets soul rewards, 1Cor2:16, Eph3:15-19, 2Tim4:7-8. Souls think, an executive function. Bodies do, a peasant function Satan would very much like us to emulate. So, every religion on the planet proselytizes for morality and works. So when Christians fall for that 3-Temptation ploy as well -- feed bellies, be splashy, be political -- they look just like every other religion. God therefore is sidelined, and no one looks to HIM for solutions. Zech 7:5, All in His Name, of course!


GD10d Legacy, cont.

Audio-only, cont. Whoa, ETERNAL KINGSHIP? For just studying Bible, not doing anything for the world? God will bless the world, solely because you're learning His Word? HOW FAIR IS THAT?

Yeah, that's WWJD, What Word Jesus Did, Dianoia'd, as shown in Matthew 4:4. Commanded by God back then, in Deut 8:3, which in 4:4, Christ quotes -- IN LIEU OF making a world of gingerbread so the world can eat. Different Bread, must come first.

Aha. So Hebrews 11:1 and 11:6: ever since Adam, the Trial was about BELIEVING in WORD. For 'faith' means 'Contract', the CONTENT of a CONTRACT on deposit in a temple, guarded by 'the gods'. That's the Greek meaning of the term 'pistis', which is a commercial word, look it up in TDNT (aka Big Kittel). So the Word of God is a contract, on deposit in Christ from eternity past. That's the contract, to make sons from THE Son, Isaiah 53:11, which becomes the New Covenant, Word Written in Hearts and Minds, then Minds and Hearts, then Hearts and Minds, Hebrews 8:8-10:17 (reversing the order of the Jeremiah 31:31-34 quote, in Hebrews 10:15-17 ON PURPOSE).


GD10e Legacy (end)

Audio-only, continued from 10d, the climactic conclusion to Episode 10. In Episode 11 we'll examine the question, Is God Arbitrary? That brings us full-circle from Episode 6c-e plus 6i, on the Seven Kingly Thinking Skills; for they all come to bear, in Episodes 11-12, which are about God's ARBITRARY LOVE.. On Trial.

Sweetheart Soap Links:, and click on the last mini picture at the bottom of the page of this link, to see a sample of the sequins etc. we kids used to put on that soap (well, the picture is after my time, so is more fancy than I had as a kid):

What I remember, is displayed in this old Google copy of the advertisement: The Spokesman-Review - Oct 26, 1963

I remember pink bars. Yikes.

Life Cereal commercial: • Life Cereal Commercial with Mikey

GD11a Is God's Love Arbitrary, or Absolute?

Introduction to the very long Episode 11, with a frank admission that our God story is VERY WEIRD. Focus starts with a brief review of His Design Philosophy and Part 7's Trial issue, with the heart of it being the Trial of God's Character.

That Character, it must be admitted, is WEIRD. Almighty God, creates pee? Talking reptiles, a naked guy running around a huge park the size of the Middle East for who knows how many years, with billions of angels watching -- because, their very fate hangs on this naked guy?

Either this Bible was the invention of people who belong in an insane asylum, or this God is .. well, Absolute, to Whom nothing is too small. And therefore, Who never wanted the creatures to 'do' for Him. But then, why make such low beings?

This topic was the impetus for my Thinking Series webpages, starting with LordvSatan1.htm. So if you prefer reading to hearing, try the webpages instead. They are all well organized to fit together, but the reading will take months!

GD11b Is God Arbitrary?

Arbitrary versus Absolute question now turns to WHO is being Arbitrary, to set up the balance of Episode 11, which is quite long. Here, like Cain with his vegetable sacrifice, the question of who is arbitrary -- our idea of what God should accept versus His Own idea -- is examined.

GD11c Is God Arbitrary re Bible?

Audio-only, Continued from 11b, with the same static verses (so you don't have to watch the screen). At issue: how FAIR is it, for GOD to make Bible a criterion for pleasing Him, versus what helps the world? This is the heart of the 3 Temptations in Matt4. In other words, why does God count reading a book of far greater value than doing works for mankind?

Years ago, I wrote a deliberately off-beat poem on this topic, mentioned in the video. It encapsulates mankind's and Satan's arguments against learning Bible. Poem is entitled, 'It's All Your Fault, God!' : CapGod-fault.htm. The double-entendres and occasional meter syncopations are deliberate. Whether they are competently placed, well.. you decide.

GD11c Is God Arbitrary re Bible?

Audio-only, continued from 11c: now we get into HOW YOU BECOME BETTER as a result of learning and living on Bible, in terms the world respects. Irony of never becoming a better person, Romans 7; but on the other hand, becoming more competent than a genius human. Whaaa????

For what it's worth, my pastor spent seven whopping years of 7-hours-per-week Bible classes to explain all this, in his 1985 Ephesians series (available for free at So you'll forgive me, if it takes this hour and the next (Episode 11e) to explain the idea.. okay?

Massive explanation is in LvS4a.htm. For at Satan's end, the Trial is about PERFORMANCE. So God bests him by showing how, even in our uttermost uselessness and weakness, we 'perform' better than anything Satan can achieve. Yet, remain totally worthless at all times. Yikes!

Warning: people tell me the LordvSatan stuff is addictive. It will take you many months to read; a whole year, if you start at LordvSatan1.htm. The series is about the Trial, took me 10 years to write (four years initial, balance editing and clarifying). So I hope you'll forgive me if I have little patience for folks who insist that there is no Angelic Trial, or that Satan's out to make us sin gross sins, or that the pre-Trib Rapture's invalid. So if you're one of those folks and you spew unstudied nonsense in my videos, I'll just ignore you. DO YOUR HOMEWORK, because these issues are real. If it took my pastor 7 whopping years of almost-daily Bible classes to teach all this, and me 10 years to write it up, there is a LOT of BIBLE material to support the 'interpretation'. All of it, in fact, fits together perfectly, once you understand the Trial.

Like it or lump it, we are in a far more sophisticated Trial about GOOD DEEDS, than any Christian really knows. Don't be clueless like they are, crusading over stuff in the world, like how evil the media is, or politics, etc. ad nauseum. That's the Third Temptation in Matt 4, and Satan just hooked you!

GD11f1 Anti-semitism = Incompetence

Side trip, still subset of 'Is God Arbitrary to make His Standard of 'Good', Learning and Living on Bible?'. The side trip demonstrates how Christianity is fundamentally anti-semitic, hence is incompetent in reading Bible; how Satan grooms the human race to be anti-semitic also, which creates incompetence in everything we do and think, so they have to 'bless' us with a demonic competence, lest their goals go unmet.

This topic will continue through f2, and then the larger picture of the result, will be in f3 and subpart 11g. For the goal Satan wants, is WAR. Specifically, against the Jews. For that's God's Promise, the 1057 years remaining to them (7 years Trib, 1000 years Millennium, 50 years ending history signified in the Law as Jubilee).

Related webseries starts at LordvSatan1.htm, but the WAR and strategy focus start at LvS4a.htm. Very long, will take months to read.

GD11f1 Anti-semitism = Incompetence

Specific Examples of Theological Incompetence produced by embedded doctrinal anti-semitism. I don't know which is more embarrassing: the incompetence of the writers below, or the sickening praise of them, by later so-called 'godly' men. Truly the evidence of Christianity's puerile theology, is here for anyone to see.

Links for further reading, although the anti-semitism is so well known, you can instead merely Google.

Church Fathers:

Pick just about anyone in the list, to read the incompetence; but Hegesippus (, Justin Martyr's Dialogue with Trypho (, John Chrysostom and demonstrate the completeness of both OT ignorance and anti-semitism.

That other 'Church Fathers' and later Christians praise these writings, tells you that the readers are even more incompetent than the writers. What a shame to us Christians, that we laud these vile and utterly Bible-ignorant, people!

For a history of pogroms carried out by the Catholic Church, there are handy mapped-to-time charts in Atlas of Bible and Christianity, edited by Tim Dowley, which you can buy at Amazon or preview in Google Books.

Anti-semitism was part of statecraft under Constantine. Go to and query on the laws passed during Constantine's time, just read down the list how anti-semitic those laws become.

John Calvin's Institutes:

His Daniel 9 commentary ( is rife with anti-semitism. How anyone can praise his extreme incompetence at counting and theology, is quite beyond me. The guy couldn't add 1+1 if you paid him.

My 'Calvin's Poison' video (which is also in this same SatStrat playlist), and the Contra Calvinism playlist (after Episode 12) also have links in the video descriptions which demonstrate Calvin's extreme doctrinal incompetence; he couldn't even get the Gospel right (Institutes, II) . The videos themselves quote from the Institutes and his other writings, to show he cannot read Bible well. That is the penalty, 'strong delusion'.

Luther: there are many internet links, but few to actual source material on Luther's antisemitism you can read yourself in his own words. This seemed the most complete source I could find: If you find a better one, let me know.

11f1 mentioned how David Duke, a public anti-semite, uses the CORRECT Bible Doctrine that there is no human life in the womb, to foment anti-semitism among prolifers:

More obvious examples of incompetence and anti-semitism abound, like the so-called Bilderberg conspiracy, the so-called Khazars (which required CONGRESS to get involved to prove it a lie), and many variations on these.

See, if you're anti-semitic, competence goes right out the window, and your brain turns to mush. If you value your sanity at all, do NOT believe in any doctrine which directly or indirectly disparages the Jews.

GD11f3 Antisemitism is Fixation

Roots of Anti-semitism examined, how Satan traps us: take a truth, such as the fact that the Jews are indeed God's Chosen People -- and bang the drum on it. So, everyone is a wannabe Jew, or jealous and resentful for not being a Jew.

But uh -- what IS a "Jew". Well, the Bible says anyone who has Abraham's genes. Well, who is that? Could be 50% of the world's population, by now! For how many Jews were raped, carried off, pogromized such that they hid their Jewishness, in order to survive?

Second definition: anyone who CONVERTED like Abraham did. For Abraham wasn't a Jew. He BELIEVED in the Lord, signified by circumcision -- and thus BECAME the first Jew by God's supernatural act. Even so, anyone in the OT who believed in Messiah also converted. So then circumcised, and is therefore Jewish. Bible is real plain on that. At the Exodus, 'mixed multitudes' left with Jacob's progeny, and they all converted. Obviously. Scholars estimate six million (2 million adults, figuring two kids each, which is conservative) -- back THEN, 1440 BC. If you know anything about population science, that could turn into be hundreds of millions, by now. Maybe in the billions, depending on the reproduction rate.

Ooops. So the anti-semite, might himself be Jewish racially, because surely those 'mixed multitudes, intermarried with racial Jews! Yikes! See how stupid it is, to be anti-semitic?

And that's even before we count Abraham's other sons, Ishmael and Esau (grandson, the latter). The promise is to ABRAHAM. So anyone from his loins, or who did what he did, Gen 15:6...

Abraham reference at 4:36 -- he was born 'our' 2160 BC, reached supermaturity (age 100) in 2060. Years from Adam, 1946 post-Adam's fall born, 2046 mature.

That's why the 54-year credit giving rise to the Rapture accounting as pre-Trib: Abraham matured before Gentile time had ended. Mary is accounting by the 54 years, and so is Paul, in the NT. Pre-Church, the Millennium was supposed to begin in 'our' 94 AD; that would have made up the 54-year credit (which turned into 57, owing to the 3.5 year delay in building the temple post David's Death, 1Kings 6:1).

So that's why Revelation had to be written, to explain why the Rapture didn't 'dovetail' with the pre-Church schedule, John's meter playing on Paul's. I covered all that in the GGS 10-11 playlist, if you want details and live proof of the meter in the Greek.

GD11f4 Antisemitism's Mass Appeal

Tracing how Satan uses antisemitism to create war; it starts with his appeal to the masses, and the psychology of mass appeal. For to war, you need the masses, as cannon fodder and ballast.

This theme continues through 11g. Antisemitism is a psychological conditioning that must have a willing volition to develop. It takes time, and since Satan can't really control the human race, he's constantly 'seeding' anti-semitism, because his big goal is Revelation 12. Technically, that actually happens at the mid-point in the Tribulation, but Satan's constantly angling for it now.

It revolves around the Temple, so Revelation 11 precedes 12. Satan's been trying to get the Temple rebuilt because it should NOT be rebuilt, even as he tried to tear it down during the time it was standing, because back then, it was SUPPOSED to stand. See the pattern?

This tests everyone's knowledge of Bible. So when we go negative, war happens. And it will, by 2030 or prior. All the psychological underpinnings for war are following the same trends now, as pre-WWI. Remember, just prior to WWI there was an unprecedented world prosperity, relative to recent contemporaneous history. So too, now. That's used to create all kinds of dissatisfactions, which lead to war. Anti-semitism is used to DIRECT the dissatisfactions against the Jews, in order to wipe them out. Centralizing them is key to this, so Temple Rebuilding now, is a centralizing tendency.

The history of Satan trying to get the Temple rebuilt, is well known and surprisingly underanalyzed. I tried to highlight the history in LvS4a.htm#DomeWall; also search on "So Revelation 1-3, 6-17 Run and Reign as Trends, to Depict Dan9:26c' and read that section.

GD11f5 Antisemitism, prelude to WAR

So now let's amalgamate this Part 11f, to see where it leads.. to war. As you listen, see if you can use the information from the prior subepisodes, to detect the whys.

Lead webpage on this is Part IV of my Lord versus Satan series, LvS4a.htm being the start of that section. It runs for about 1000 pages printed, I'm afraid. Part 4A focuses on Antecedents (precedence from the OT), 4B focuses on the BODY criterion for the Rapture (which my pastor tried to quantify during his last 10 years of teaching); Part 4C focuses on the Conflict (relevant to this 11f), and Part 4D relates to the believer's Destiny as a result of growing up in Christ.

It's VERY political. That's the bad news. The good news, is that it's the way to grow in Christ, to really KNOW Him intimately. So God uses this Conflict to make us grow in His Son. So far from being a case of 'Christian unity' with each other, it's really a political war over which 'version' of Christianity, will get mass attention. As always, the APOSTATE versions are popular. So as always, from Genesis to Revelation, it's only the FEW 'invisible heroes' (my pastor's term) who win it for the world.

The Conflict is inevitable. Learning Christ through it, is optional. Most don't want Him, except to splash His Name all over what THEY want to do.

GD11h1 War for Independence

How people become anti-semitic, is rooted in how we live: live on hearsay, never grow up. Live on learning to be independent, and only then grow up. Ahhh, but you have to FIGHT to become independent, because you start out a dependent BABY, living on hearsay. And you are rewarded, for doing it.

Yikes. So throughout 11h, we'll go through the kinds of war that 'life' is, that 'spiritual life' is, because by waging these daily wars, 'the big one' forecast in 11g, can be delayed or diluted or forestalled.

The Christian is the only one who can fight these wars, and it plays like it did with David and Goliath: the battle is the Lord's.

Even so, warring is training, and there are distinct methods you can use to train. But here in h1, we just look at the problem of the War for Independence.

GD11h2 War for Independence, cont.

Battlefields: in yourself, with others, and especially the weight of knowing your importance, makes for weary fighting. Day after Day after Day. Battle of the small, the small-minded, the small sins, the small goods. In the head. Far higher than what Christians think 'fighting for Christ', means.

Master webpages on this fight begin at LvS4c.htm. 4b was on the numbers needed for Church to complete (and why that criterion), 4a was on the Antecedence of the OT being carried on and updated in the NT. 4d is on your Destiny: and Destiny is your chief weapon, a perspective you'll need, to fight. Because this, is a war of ATTRITION, fighting WEAKNESS by allowing it to exist. Just like Christ on the Cross, who did nothing, but allowed it all to Hit Him.

Killer life, for your whole life. 2Cor12:9-10, actually.

GD11h3 War on YOUR Television!

So now the War for Independence, which is fought in the head no one can see: really? Reminder from Episode 8, here, about how the Unseen (Hebrews 11) is on Divine Television. Yours. For whether God's Arbitrariness is Absolute, is played out in your own life.

Why doesn't God interfere to 'save', sometimes? Why, when He does interfere, DOES He interfere? And do you want God when He doesn't interfere? And, when He does? These are the real issues, 'masked' as it were by the physical banalities which dominate our days. The visible part of the war, is just the banal: taking out the trash, drafting an email, sitting in a meeting, stuck in traffic. But what goes on in the head despite those banalities which after all don't need to be there, since God can do anything -- what think ye of Christ?

Why didn't Christ rebel at the low life He lived? He too had to eat, pee. Those things even preceded sin. Why did God create life this way? Why didn't Christ rebel at that design? Why, as God, did He CREATE that design, Genesis 1:1 and 45:7-19?

Aha. Now you know why you are on Divine Television.

BTW, the verse mentioned in Peter at minute 4:55, is 1 Peter 1:12: I reversed the digits, in the audio.

GD11i1 War Training

So in your War on Television for Independence, how do you train? The rest of Episode 11's segments, focuses on the training.

GD11i2 War Training Role Play

So now let's get practical and examine ways you can 'role play' how to train for war. Of course, the new even more ugly Youtube channel design being FORCED on us, will give you even more practice in role play of 'worst nightmare', side by side with Microsoft's tyrannical Windows 8...

GD11i3 Role Play, See Thru His Eyes

One of the best ways to win in the War for Independence, is not to fight. After all, the Battle is the Lord's, not yours. So you fight, by learning and living on Bible. Okay, but what does that mean? Well, what are you learning it FOR? To see God.

Okay, then. Using whatever Bible you've learned, PRACTICE seeing things through God's Eyes. How does what YOU see, look to HIM?

GD11i4 War Training Role Play, cont: Your Dream

Role Play your worst nightmare coupled with your dream come true. For that is where God intends to lead you, as you mature.

This happened to every Bible hero, as you'll see if you review their lives, in Bible. Most notably, to Christ: His Dream Come True was total Unity with Father, and to make us one with Them, see John 17. It was also His Worst Nightmare, see Hebrews 12:2 and the verse in Gospels where He says He longed for the Cross just before Passover.

So that's why every Bible hero had an ending which COMBINED the worst nightmare and dream come true; for it's the ultimate High Low "MERGE" (my pastor's term), idea of filling all in all, Eph 1:15-23. All the high, all the low.

Now as any policeman, salesman, pianist, dancer, golfer or actor can tell you, you gotta PRACTICE the hypothetical situations; so that when they actually arise, you are already familiar with the variables. How much more true, in the spiritual life?

So what is YOUR dream come true? Your worst nightmare? How do they JOIN together? Play it out, using Bible!

GD11i5 War Role Play, inside others' heads

Part of War Training is to practice thinking like someone else, be it your patrol commander, the general, even your enemy. Or, the guy next door.

So how do you do that? How to understand how someone else, thinks? I don't provide answers in this segment, but only explore the question.

GD11i6 Daily Tactical Strategy

Since God knows the end from the beginning, He's unlike us: He's in it for the PROCESS, not the goal. Each goal met, sets up the next goal. Like, TODAY: what goal for today, sets the potential for tomorrow. So in the War for Independence, the role play takes on an urgency which of cours the impending Rapture reinforces: what about TODAY?

So notice how heaven is no longer used as an excuse for daydreaming, how the past no longer has the same value, how the future is rooted in TODAY, so TODAY matters the most, Hebrews 3-4.

So how to handle, TODAY?

GD11i7 Grand Strategy

Power versus Love: Satan's all about power, but God is all about Love. So Satan claims God's Love is arbitrary, because Satan projects his power philosophy over God and thinks God is motivated in the same way (same claim as Satan made in Genesis 3).

So here we explore whether power really works, or whether and how Love really works, to see the Grand Strategy toward which your daily tactical strategy of learning and living on Bible, aims.

GD11i8 YOUR Grand Strategy?

So now you know God's Grand Strategy, Love over Power, that the Love of God is the Integrity of God, and so the Love is the Real Power, which LOVES Righteousness and Justice, Psalm 89.

So now, what is YOUR OWN Grand Strategy? We Christians are so often bombarded with God this and God that, we are bombarded with the idea that it's ipse evil to think of self, that we don't self-analyze our own motives, but just cave into the herdbound mantra of 'obey God'.

But WHY do that? Why be a Christian? Why believe in God? Why do YOU -- forget what others say -- why do YOU want to do that?

Chances are, if you role-play the answer, for at least the first 10 minutes, your answers will but parrot all the things you think you're SUPPOSED TO say as your reasons, rather than the real reasons. So do through that role-play. Write or talk aloud (or to yourself) about YOUR OWN reasons for believing, and for wanting God. After you get past the stereotypical answers your soul will spew up due to hearing others' opinions for so long, you'll eventually find your own real reasons. At that point, you'll have your own, Grand Strategy.

So in this audio I go through mine, as a kind of poster-boy sample. But this audio won't do you any good, unless and until you do the same, in your own soul. For no one grows up in the spiritual life -- and indeed, there's no point in even having a spiritual life -- without coming to grips with one's own, real motives and goals.

For ultimately, it's not about right and wrong, but about what you want and why you want it. Love is a WILL. So, what's yours?

GD11i9 Grand Oneness?

How the paradoxical nature of Righteousness ends up as the basis for John 17; how God's Arbitrary aka Absolute Love for Righteousness means also absolute Love for all unrighteousness. How the test of the believer, is the 'cross' of having that same Love though perpetually unable to carry it out, 2 Cor 12:9-10, Romans 7, Romans 5:8-12 (and following).

It's one thing to say rah rah God and oh how we should be righteous, but quite another to live that way. Quite another still, when you're unable to actually carry out that standard, and when others, including even God, seemingly or really -- abandon you.

God wants to join all the high to all the low, Eph 1:15-23, Isaiah 53:10-54:1. Living through that process, is a killer, but it effects the Grand Oneness -- not because of some 'magic' that makes it happen, but solely because God flat DECREES it so. This, is ultimate Sovereignty, and is the hardest thing for anyone to understand.

Paradox of Righteousness is covered in SatStrat.htm#Paradox, first section. Also (shorter), LordvSatan5.htm#Paradox, and also Paradox.htm (much longer, focus is on the Trial arguments pan-Bible).

This is the heart of the Trial.

GD11i11 Grand Oneness, cont.

God Loves Righteousness, but His Definition is Full-Spectrum, so includes loving all unrighteousness, too. Huh? Well, what is Love, but a desire to benefit the object? How do you benefit unrighteousness? By making good on it. Thus all unrighteousness, is made ONE with God, too. So full-spectrum truth, including all truths of UNrighteousness, are unified. :)

GD11i12 Growing Pains

Grand Oneness is the Plan; Growing in that Oneness, means coming to love Righteousness as God does. Not, as Satan or as man does. What's the difference? Beginning here and throughout Episode 12, this question will be explored, as it is the centerpiece Trial Issue, on which all history and eternity, hangs.

Growing means pain. It's easy to mistake growing pains for other types of pain, so the definition of 'growing pains', begins here.

GD11i13 God's Theory of Everything

Spiritual Equivalent of Unified Field Theory, the 'pants' in physics, which eludes cosmologists: 'practice righteousness', theme of 1John.

But what does that mean? What is 'practice', and what is 'righteousness'? Well, when you're a spiritual newborn surrounded by other spiritual babies, you're told a lot of false stuff. But as you grow in Christ, part of the 'growing pains' (Episode 11i12) is that you UNlearn a lot. Then, re-learn the real Bible definitions.

So, basically you mature in what 'practice' means, and in what 'righteousness' means. In your head. So this video covers that.

GD11i14 How God Rescues Time

Now we see how 1 John's 'practicing righteousness' is God's Key to Redeeming Time.

GD11i15 How God Creates, Rescues Sons

God's Plan of Evolution, to make mini-Christs, John 10:34, contract of Isaiah 53:10-12, 1John3:2. Transformation of thinking from one's own into His, Romans 12:1-3, the true 'worship' of His Words in your words, theme of 1Cor (in Greek of 1Cor1:5). Learning and living on the Word of God, via the Holy Spirit, makes this 'renovation of your thinking', Romans 12:2, Eph4:23.

For God deserves EQUALS. So we are imputed with His Own Righteousness, 2Cor5:21, get His Own Life, John 3:16: but what THINKING to go with that new nature? 1Cor2:16, His Thinking. Aha. For every moment is a Singularity to God, Matt 4:4. Sucking in all the past, and thru it, birthing the future.

So all those ideas are explored here, since God's Agenda is far higher than mere good deeds even Satan can do. :)

Webpage exploration of this transformation, starts at DDNA.htm, and is extensive. A more entertaining, putative novel on the topic, is my PDR.pdf. Be sure to write a chapter on yourself. Since the pdf's intra-doc links don't work, if you want to access the links, download PDR.doc. Someday I'll find a way to fix the pdf.

GD11i16 Arbitrary Voting?

Conclusion to Episode 11, God's Arbitrary Standards of Love, Righteousness, Good: what's your vote? First half of audio is on God's Arbitrariness, since whatever is reality, He had to ordain, create, insure. Second half, is on the fact we are all in varying degrees of voting for or against, His Definitions.

So Episode 12 will next examine how His Love, His Definitions, are thus On Trial. In many ways we'll revisit all the topics in Episode 11, but with a focus on the Trial Play of those topics.

GD12a1 Love on Trial, Introduction

Now it's time to see how all this Warring over God's Arbitrary Love (theme of Episode 11) plays out, just as Hebrews 11 covers. Theme is set in Hebrews 11:1 (see my playlist on that verse, here: • b-out Hebrews 11:1 Exeg), with the witnesses in the Chapter, and the principle that only Word Believed pleases God, Hebrews 11:6.

If you pay close attention to the 'By faith' clauses in the Chapter, you'll realize immediately that Word Believed is the theme: WORD, not your faith itself, but what Word believed does to you, strengthening you to withstand all the trials of life. How WORD believed enabled the heroes mentioned in the Chapter. So the Chapter concludes with the fact that unless the Rapture occurs, they (the OT folk) will not be resurrected (Heb 11:39-40). For we have 'better things', and they will not resume 'apart from us' (being completed).

So why then has it taken so long for the Rapture to occur? Because, as Paul forecast in his meter of Ephesians 1:3-14, by Constantine's day, few were growing up in Christ. Such that, only a few believers in the last quarter of Church (Eph 1:13-14, see GGS 11a and following) would be maturing. So then, most are not growing up in Christ, but in their rituals, their works, their need for the world to approve them. So their Love On Trial is zero. Lots of believers, but all dying retarded, not finishing the Hebrews 11 course.

'Rest of this very long Episode 12 will cover those few. If you're trying to guess how many, see LvS4b.htm#Balancing, for various estimating methods.

GD12a2 Love On Trial, Intro, cont.

Flipside of 12a1 (at • GD12a1 Love on Trial, Introduction): since the verdict on Church is Flunk, as Paul so poignantly meters from Constantine forward in Ephesians 1:13-14, there must be kings. The 'kids' gotta have PARENTS, yikes! Forever.

So what if you 'finish the course' (2Tim4:7-8) and become one? What constitutes a successful finish, and kingship itself? Well, I don't know your own circumstances, so here I apply those questions to myself, and toward the end compare it with Bible heroes who, after all, just started out as quirky but ordinary, people. For any of us who vote to learn and live on Bible in God's System, God promises to MAKE a hero; so long as we keep on keepin' on...

So as you listen, replace 'my' data with your own, and then you'll know much more about how God is directing your life.. to a merging of YOUR OWN dream-come-true and worst nightmare.

GD12a3 Peas, then Dessert

LOVE ON TRIAL is essentially about the completion in you, of God's plan to unite your dream come true and worst nightmare; it can be summarized as the old 1950's aphorism Mom used to say at dinner, about cleaning your plate: first eat your veggies, then you get dessert. But does that mean there is any DESERVING of dessert? No. It's a lesson in good eating. :) This video is a continuation of Episode 12a2, here: • GD12a2 Love On Trial, Intro, cont.

GD12b1 LoveOnTrial: Waste! Weakness!

Introducing how Love is demonstrated most when Wasted, in Weakness (2Cor12:9-10). This will be the theme of subEpisode 12b.

Real proof of Love is what makes you weak, where you spend your time, etc. You can say 'I love you' until blue in the face, but if you won't spend TIME ON the alleged Object of your love, you don't love it. That's how I quickly know Christians hate Bible. They spend almost no time on it.

But they love religion, works, being around and getting praise from, people. And know God or Bible, very little. For what you love to spend time on, you learn much about. Versus what you hate spending time on (math, learning how your car works, calculating your taxes).. well, you get the point.

Nodding to God on Sunday means you hate God and only show up to be respectable. Sorry.

By contrast, look at how God made things: ENDLESS WEAKNESS AND LOWNESS HE SEES EVERY SECOND. Over which, He endlessly lingers. What would you call that? Love. Or, says Satan, masochism...

GD12b2 Love On Trial : Weakness! Waste! Cont.

Continued from • GD12b1 LoveOnTrial: Waste! Weakness! . Here we see how this Trial looks to God and the angels (1Peter1:12, ironic since I made the audio months ago, but am now posting vids on 1Peter1:1-12's meter)!

Basically, it's important that we are LOW and WEAK. We become important BECAUSE we are LOW and WEAK. Odd reason to be important, huh. Yet don't we make our children important, because they are low and weak? Aha. Now you understand the perspective of God and the angels (both elect and fallen), toward us!

Learning God makes us even WEAKER and LOWER, because the Love for God, which is supernaturally BUILT by means of Bible you learn and live on (theme of Paul in Ephesians, 1Cor13, and of 1John) -- this love for God makes you hate yourself, hate life, despair (Romans 7).

So why DO you still love God? That was the test for Job. For us, it's even worse than what Job faced, for he didn't have the Mind of Christ (1Cor2), a FAR HIGHER STANDARD of Righteousness than Job could even know. So why do we CHURCH, still love God?

That's the Trial, here. Down here, in our puny minds, we are constantly choosing good deeds, the plan of Satan; or God deeds, the Plan of God -- BECAUSE we realize how low we are. That's the test, and it's a killer. It's NOT about sin, that's a given. It's about wanting God despite being human -- same test as Christ faced, down here.

Now, He went all the way, without sin. We have our own smaller crosses, akin to His, and of course we do sin. But do we GIVE UP? That's the real issue. Because as weak, sinning humans, we SHOULD give up, that's what 99% of humanity naturally and understandably WILL do. So why don't we? That's the intensely interesting question into which angels 'crane their necks' (my pastor's translation of the last word in 1Peter1:12), to watch...

GD12b3-4 Utopian Battle

Continued from • GD12b2 Love On Trial : Weakness! Was...: since the Trial is about whose side you come to love, God's or Satan's, it's no surprise that Satan pitches his plan as whatever 'utopia' you want to believe in. Which of course, leads to war. Always.

Meanwhile, if instead you're voting for God's Plan by learning and living on Bible, Hebrews 11:6, a different utopian battle, ensues: you become more like God in your thinking, and LESS HUMAN as a result. This is what had to occur in Christ's Own Humanity, for functional unity with His Deity. He was born God-man in structural unity, but not with functional unity. To get that latter unity, He had to become the Way, THE TRUTH and The Life -- by learning and living on Bible, Matthew 4:4. Thus He could endure the Cross, pay for sins and even deem it happiness, Hebrews 12:2, Isaiah 53:11.

So for our crosses, we also need functional unity with Divine Thinking, which the Holy Spirit ALONE can produce. You just vote to be in God's System, and He runs it all. See my God's System video, • God's System.

Over the years, therefore, you'll change into a new person on the inside; while your dead-in-Adam house aka your body, keeps messing up execution, theme of Romans 7. Satan will 'help' by throwing utopianists in your way, as he knows your spiritual growth hastens his own incarceration. That's Hebrews 11.

GD12b5 Back to Basics

Continued from • GD12b2 Love On Trial : Weakness! Was.... Okay, so if no matter WHAT you do with your life you'll WASTE it, Why Waste It On Christ? So now it's time to better understand the Angelic Trial Issues in YOUR Life: so it's Back To Basics, Baby.

More like Basic Training, lol. WHY did you believe in Christ? WHY do you still believe NOW? This you need to write out, think out, to start focusing on, yourself. For if you don't come to grips with your own motives, you'll not finish the maturation course.

My pastor depicts this final stage of spiritual maturation as having two very basic tests: Relationship to God, and Relationship to Life. YOUR relationship to them both. Matthew 4 is about that. See Lessons 800 and following of 1992 Spiritual Dynamics, to see how this 'Evidence Testing' (my pastor's term) is to run in your life. Since that series runs 12 whopping years, if you want to see a condensed version of the issues in print, then go to LvS4d.htm, where I plotted it out. Page is long, heavy, but will only take maybe a few months to read and mull over.

This stuff is NOT taught in Christendom, but should be. All you get from Christendom about this phase of the life, is vagueness. We KNOW we are tested, we KNOW we are supposed to be 'Christlike', we KNOW we are supposed to mature in Christ, but NONE of that is at all well-defined, by the mainstream BABY CHRISTIAN TEACHERS. Because, THEY don't know!

Now, some few teachers are mature and DO know; my pastor wasn't the only one. So if this topic interests you, ask God who is your own right MATURE teacher. And get under him. For baby, if you don't grasp the issue here, you'd be better off reverting to atheism.

This is the big league, now. Learn it or get out. You can't lose your salvation, but there's no point going forward as a Christian, if you don't get a grip on the spiritual life. And that grip, takes you full circle back to WHY you want to even BE a Christian, in the first place. Do you 'stay' Christian because you feel you should? WRONG REASON! Do you believe in Christ because you think you should? WRONG REASON!

As my pastor liked to quip, 'a right thing must be done in a right way for a right reason'. Wrong reason (like to feel good about the self), wrecks any other rightness there might be.

So Write Out Your Reasons. Be honest with yourself. Then decide whether you want to finish the course, or just quit and stop pretending you care about God. Way too many pretenders, in the Body of Christ.

GD12b6-7 Eating Peas

Continued from • GD12b5 Back to Basics. Kingship means living on and by, principle, law, etc. But God's idea of Kingship also includes intimacy. For, it's parenting. I have a problem with that. Maybe you don't. Maybe you have a problem with something else. Whatever your problem is, that will be what holds you back from maturation in the spiritual life.

For ya gotta eat your peas, before you can have dessert.

GD12b8 The Game (Overview)

Continued from • GD12b6-7 Eating Peas. So what is 'The Game'? Obviously, as seen in 12b6-7, it's PERSONAL: your personal journey with God. So how does that play? Is there a predictable pattern, diagnostic? Yep. The endgame is whether you keep wanting God though He successively 'marries' your dream-come-true with your worst nightmare, as you learn and live on Bible. But it doesn't start out that way.

How it starts, is childishly: as this video will hopefully explain. Longer version begins here: • 1/13b, Spiritual Maturation, Intro . Its video description contains a spiritual maturation 'chart' you can use to detect where you are in spiritual maturation. That description, follows below:


Whole Intro series is viewable in consecutive order, on-screen in LordvSatan3.htm.

Christian Spiritual Maturation is a lifelong process. This Introduction Part 1 of 13, explains how one spiritually matures. You'll need to download the Word doc chart, since Youtube can't display it well. Video displays page 1 of the Word doc. Download it here: SMP.doc.

If your version of Word precedes 2002, try this link: SMPdocforOlderWordprograms.doc. If that doesn't work, please message me.

I can't fix the scratchy sound. RealPlayer's 3-band Equalizer set at max Bass, 0 Mid, and near-top Treble, helps.

God Deeds 12b9c TOGETHERNESS, FLAT! (The Game, cont.)

Okay, time to apply all this GAME stuff to the self. I don't know how it applies to you, so I gotta use the 'me'. Just replace the 'me' with YOURSELF, as you listen.

For it's ONLY about Togetherness, John 17:20ff. That's what Christ Prayed For, so That's what Father does! And you just know, that what Christ prayed for, Father always wanted...

Satan is outflanked, huh.

God Deeds 12b21 Weakness Perks = The Game

Weakness is a perk too? Sure! That's the game, to realize it is a perk!

Just think: you do not HAVE to be good; you do not HAVE to be strong; you do not HAVE to be rich, well, good-looking, well-liked. All the pain in the world comes from thinking self or someone else, HAS to be one of those 'popular' things, to be worthy. The whole selfie thing is what makes life miserable. Essence of the old sin nature is to HAVE to focus on the self.

Think: when you watch a movie you enjoy, don't you find it restful? Why? Because for that hour or two, you're not concentrating on your self, your life, your problems, etc. Aha. So who will deliver us from this body of death, Romans 7 and 2Cor12?

File Name: GodDeeds12b21.avi, 03/05/14.

God Deeds 12b22, Weakness Perks, cont.

Weakness Perks and their irony, cont.
File Name: GodDeeds12b22.wmv, 3/13/14.

God Deeds 12b23 False vs. True Weakness Game

One of the dangerous perks of Weakness, is to think that if you're 'suffering for God', you're spiritual. Because, there is indeed a blessing category OF 'suffering for God'. Christ is the Ultimate Example of that. Suffering occurs due to weakness; but weakness can be due to sin, not merely being human. As a result, we tend to view suffering as somehow more 'holy' than if we are enjoying ourselves. That's actually a claim of strength, so abuses the perk of being weak. So then in the GAME of spiritual development, our 'playing piece' of the spiritual life, gets knocked off the board, and we're OUT of the game.

See my God's System video too, for when someone's out of the game, he isn't doing those four elements:

So a big part of the Game is how we REGARD 'weakness', which is indeed a perquisite, root idea that it doesn't matter how small we are, God loves us anyway; it doesn't matter what the world thinks of us, God will make us heroes anyway. So we can easily abuse those facts...

God Deeds 12b24 Tandem Weakness Game

Weakness runs in a tandem, and actually becomes a perk when the tandem operates. Idea is that you get moment-by-moment confirmation and demonstration, of God's Love. Which after all, is really the Love On Trial, with your love for Him, being secondary. It's a wild ride, and even harder than anything Christians can dream up as 'sacrificial'. For the old sin nature gets its rocks off, by sacrificing. So ironically, the biggest sacrifice of all, is not to sacrifice at all. God deeds means you're not doing anything. And that, is the hardest thing of all.

Your motive for going forward is thus taxed the most, by wanting God, since that will excite the sin nature the most. By wanting God, rather than wanting to think well of self for wanting God, that's the tricky surgery going on.. until you die. No work that man can do, is as difficult, as this DIVORCE between those two wants.

So to get those two wants divorced, a new TANDEM (think of 'bicycle' or buddies in a relay race) must be created: tandem of wanting, and knowledge of Bible running in your head. The one motivates the other to keep going, 2Cor5:14, Eph 3:15-19. You'll need to know both of those passages well, for this audio to be meaningful. The 2Cor5:14 passage is mistranslated 'compelled', should be 'holds together', Greek verb 'sunecho' (sun=together, echo means to have hold grasp). My pastor spent time explaining the mistranslation, so maybe your pastor has also. Point is, you can look it up in any lexicon and see that the verb is mistranslated by someone who wanted to think God a tyrant.

File Name: GodDeeds12b24.avi, 3/26/14.

God Deeds 12b25 Thread Weakness Game

Divine DNA is 'threaded' into you by means of learning and living on Bible. THOUGHT threads. The threads build. Like brain dendrites: . So life down here is also a Thread Game. Whose threads are in your heads? Satan wants his threads 'clothing' your thinking, and he's good at selling that wardrobe. God, on the other hand, wanted a Temple Veil, Hebrews 9, built by His Thinking, Matthew 4:4, line on line, precept on precept, over DECADES.

Not at all what Christians hallucinate as the 'game' of the spiritual life. Ooops.

File Name: GodDeeds12b25.avi, 4/3/14 (real Passover Erev for 2014 per Exodus 12, 14th day after vernal at equinox begins 1st Passover supper, so it's NOW Passover).

God Deeds 12b26 Tree Road Weakness Game

Coming full-circle back to the 'Arbitrary Love' theme of Episode 11, but now the ON Trial Application of it. The Trial of you becoming 'arbitrary' the way Satan accuses God of being 'Arbitrary', is the theme here, and its 'game' is like a Tree or a Road. Many branches of life along the way, to get us off the road, into preoccupations with anything but God. That's the Game, Set, Match.. and Trial.

Bible in your head makes you eventually become single-minded, aka 'Occupation with Christ' (term of my pastor, common term in the 1930's also, used for example also by Watchman Nee) -- where HE is on your mind, rather than the 'me' which is your 'normal' human mind. For, if you'll become Christ-like, since He is God-man, you too end up growing out of your very humanity. Bible in your head, learning and living on Bible, does that to you.

So the 'game' is to shunt the growth of this Bible-thinking Trunk, into the side branches (distractions, normal human stuff, evil, good, sin) -- so that the trunk, stops growing. That's what this audio, is about. Will be on this topic for awhile. I meant it originally for Episode 11, but frankly it's more germane as THE TRIAL EVIDENCE that Hebrews 11:1, is all about: 'It's about Confidence in Word! Christ's Thinking, On Trial! Evidence, Unseen! See corrected trans and associated videos, in .

File Name: GodDeeds12b26.avi, 4/9/14.

God Deeds 12b27 Tree Road 'L' Game, cont.

Tandem operation of the I (vertical) and the L (horizontal) is the ultimate integration of His Head into your head, is the goal of the Tree-Road Weakness Game.

Spiritual Maturation Process chart helps you figure out where you are in the Game: . If you want the videos explaining the doc, in context with the associated webpage, . If you want to watch the videos rather in Youtube, start here, play in order: .

File Name: GodDeeds12b27.wmv, 4/16/14.

God Deeds 12b28 Tree Road 'L' Game, cont.

Still on the L tandem, more issues to cover.
File Name GodDeeds12b28.wmv, 4/24/14. Audio is 29.

God Deeds 12b29 Tree-Road 'L' Game, Episode 12 conclusion

End of Episode 12, on the nature of God's Love, which is the ultimate answer to ON Trial. That same love, developing in you.
Episode 13 will be posted next week in a new channel, Satan's Strategy Epi. 13, Integration . Theme will be INTEGRATION, which is a beyond-Trial issue, the root purpose for getting into Bible, in the first place.

God Deeds 13a~

New Episode in new channel, Satan's Strategy Epi. 13, Integration . This is the first video for that Episode, and the Episode theme will be INTEGRATION: how to integrate your interest in God, into your life, which is the goal of the Spiritual life. Integration results in Integrity, 2 Cor5:14, Greek verb sunechw. Love for Christ, holds you together. So, one must DE-integrate from the horizontal life of this world, where 'God' is but another word, a mere part of human interaction and mores, and instead RE-integrate into God in Christ, as the EXCLUSIVE focus of your life: First Commandment. All your heart and soul and mind, not just part.

For it's all VERTICAL, never horizontal. The latter just comes along for the ride, and is designed to enhance the vertical with God. Oddly enough, it's this despising of the horizontal, which makes life with people and things, truly Loving, and truly Meaningful. How? Well, that's what this Episode, will explore.

File Name: GodDeeds13a.avi, 4/25/14.

Spiritual Integration's construction, is much like that for a house. Often a lot of stuff must be torn down, first.

File Name: GodDeeds13a4.wmv, 5/29/14.

Highlights on the future effects of integration, whether you integrate with the world's values.. or with God's. Also, reminders on how you can train your brain to integrate God's values into your everyday life, so that it becomes a natural function like breathing, to integrate His Thinking into whatever you're doing or thinking, 24/7.

Early in the audio I mention the link to show what kind of 'integration' those who go to hell, will have. That whole series is a thinkpiece, adding up the grand story Bible tells, testing all the ideas for sense and Biblicity, so that link tests the idea that anyone IN hell can get out, even in eternity.. and why.

File Name: GodDeeds13a5.wmv, 6/5/14.

Bible thinking 'devices' (my pastor's term) which speed and develop integration and thus maturation, in the spiritual life. The longer writeup on how these devices work, is in the Spiritual Maturation Process videos starting here ( ), or in the webpage writeup beginning at

File Name: GodDeeds13a6.wmv, 6/12/14.

This audio, is on using your body to integrate the spiritual life by repetition. It's the root mechanic of maturation, similar to practicing piano or other mind-body skill. The hard thing is that your body and your entire horizontal life is forever dead to Invisible God, so there is a constant disconnect between the horizontal life you live, and the vertical invisible spiritual life with God. So your body is a set of tools, as indeed your entire horizontal life, to 'insert' the vertical and invisible spiritual life with God, into the horizontal visible life you have. So it will be post-death, too. For God is invisible. Your body life is visible, and it's 'life' is dependent on your soul, so of itself can detect nothing, so of course can't 'see' God.

The longer writeup on how these tools and devices work, is in the Spiritual Maturation Process videos starting here ( ), or in the webpage writeup beginning at

File Name: GodDeeds13a7.wmv, 6/18/14.

We think we integrate with God but don't, when we misdefine the spiritual life. Going through prescribed behaviors, is not being spiritual. You're only spiritual when between sins, 1John1:9 used, and you're in a state of sin if you're not learning and living on Bible. Yet even if learning and living on Bible, if you're doing that as a behavior, then probably still in a state of sin, having mistaken the BEHAVIOR as spiritual. So this is a thorny problem and easy to be trapped.

Many Christians are trapped; they think that if they ATTEND and speak a certain vocabulary (brother, sister, quoting verses) and observe certain behaviors and taboos, that they are living the spiritual life. Folks at my own church are and were in this trap; took me a long time to realize why they weren't growing, but instead religifying what my pastor taught. So look at your own church also, see the difference between what the pastor TEACHES, versus what the others seem to be learning, see how religious their stance. You will need to know this, to figure out how to distance yourself from those in your own church, who are billed as spiritual but obviously are not. It's a MAJOR way to trap Christians into retardation.

For the point is to LEARN GOD, not outers. Thus many Christians are actually apostate, and will die clueless. For they are IMITATING 'integration', rather than actually integrating with God's Thinking. Even, if they are under that rare pastor who himself is truly integrating (pastors ideally learn via teaching, it's a special growth path for them). In other words, the congregation are using the tools and devices, but for the wrong reason, so are perpetually out-of-fellowship (in a state of sin) while doing it, so they don't notice they aren't growing. But if you are growing, you will notice, and it will be a painful discovery. More painful still, to figure out how to distance yourself from these people, because you cannot help them.

Thus is the seed parable playing live before your eyes, Matt 13:8, 23, Mark 4:8, 20, Luke 8:8.

File Name: GodDeeds13a7b.avi, 6/18/14.

New Episode in new channel, Satan's Strategy Epi. 13, Integration . This is the first video for that Episode, and the Episode theme will be INTEGRATION: how to integrate your interest in God, into your life, which is the goal of the Spiritual life. Integration results in Integrity, 2 Cor5:14, Greek verb sunechw. Love for Christ, holds you together. So, one must DE-integrate from the horizontal life of this world, where 'God' is but another word, a mere part of human interaction and mores, and instead RE-integrate into God in Christ, as the EXCLUSIVE focus of your life: First Commandment. All your heart and soul and mind, not just part.

For it's all VERTICAL, never horizontal. The latter just comes along for the ride, and is designed to enhance the vertical with God. Oddly enough, it's this despising of the horizontal, which makes life with people and things, truly Loving, and truly Meaningful. How? Well, that's what this Episode, will explore.

File Name: GodDeeds13a.avi, 4/25/14.

Highlights on the future effects of integration, whether you integrate with the world's values.. or with God's. Also, reminders on how you can train your brain to integrate God's values into your everyday life, so that it becomes a natural function like breathing, to integrate His Thinking into whatever you're doing or thinking, 24/7.

Early in the audio I mention the link to show what kind of 'integration' those who go to hell, will have. That whole series is a thinkpiece, adding up the grand story Bible tells, testing all the ideas for sense and Biblicity, so that link tests the idea that anyone IN hell can get out, even in eternity.. and why.

File Name: GodDeeds13a5.wmv, 6/5/14.

One integrates via failure, because of failure, by the end of one's life. Christ's Death on the Cross is technically a failure, just as Daniel 9:26 said it would be. So, if you are growing in Christ, you should expect your life to be marked by failure, especially at the end of your life. Training therefore in weakness, in failure, is essential to growth. Notice it doesn't matter if the failure is your own, is imposed, or chosen by you or someone else. It is all used as a training device.

By contrast, the world also follows its own pattern which ends in failure. So those two types of integrations, start to be explored here. This theme of failure being used to integrate will be recurring throughout this Episode.

File Name: GodDeeds13a8.wmv, 7/1/14.

'Create the Moment' would be God's motto, the central story the Bible tells, illustrated in many verses, as will be demonstrated in future portions of this Episode 13. We get so caught up in our moralities and self-righteousness, we don't notice, but as you listen to this audio, think of any Bible you know, and see if you can't spot this motto.

The reference to the 'animate map' in weather underground, is illustrated here: or here or here

File Name: GodDeeds13a9c.avi, 7/16/14.

Soul Capacity spiritually, is measured by the amount of 'throughput' of Divine Thinking. Divine Thinking operates like a flow, so think of your soul like a resevoir, fed by a 'piping' from your human spirit. The bigger the pipe, the faster and more the 'throughput' of the Water of theWord. Same idea as for electricity, the capacity is measured in terms of throughput, how much power can flow through. So this audio, covers how integration and creating the moment, result in a soul growth of throughput of Integrated Divine Thinking. This is how Christ was developed, so how you are also to be developed.

File Name: GodDeeds13a9d.wmv, 7/23/14.

Since 'throughput' is the mechanism by which the soul integrates and grows, we gotta spend time on the different types of throughput which fill up the soul: they all conflict with one another. Your 'personality' is essentially a developing profile of choices you make, in how to deal with all these conflicting throughputs.

Goal is for God's Word, which is spiritual throughput, to get into the soul; from there, it will 'organize' the other throughputs for maximum enjoyment. For God's Goal, is to replicate His Own Enjoyment, in each soul. Since we are empty at birth, and since we don't have Bible running in our soul at birth, this process requires the 'tear down' explained in the THROUGHPUT introduction, as well as reorganizing all the elements of living: so that one's own enjoyment can become progressively more, like God's Own.

File Name: GodDeeds13a9e.wmv, 07/30/14.

The three types of throughput which mature you, are body, soul, spirit; and, they conflict. Maturation is essentially a process whereby the soul comes to dominate the body, and spiritual maturation is where the spiritual comes to dominate the soul. Hence, the goal is for the spiritual throughput to come to organize and thus maximize the enjoyment of, body and soul throughput. For the three are self-contained 'life' units, and they don't mesh without constantly-monitored, control. So if you don't mature spiritually, your life is miserable, as your soul starts out empty, dominated by your body. What passes for maturation in the human race is therefore essentially, a mammoth matrix of rationales for body desires, all dressed-up in moral, high-sounding words.

So spiritual maturation, only happens if you repetitively and persistently live in God's System during your lifetime (see my God's System video), is like living in your home while it is thoroughly remodeled. Most believers won't bear that much change, and instead opt for the familiar body-defined ideas which the soul is then shackled to; or, they invent soul ideas which are really little more than rationalized body wants. Such believers then enter heaven as spiritual babies, giving rise to the need for societal 'classes' in the eternal state.

For YOU are the fruit, not what you do, Isaiah 53:10 contract.

More on the nature of the three types of throughput, and how you can diagnose the problems in life, from it. Then, last 34 mins are on why GOD wanted to design life this way, fully knowing all the problems in advance, how the structure better taps you into how His OMNISCIENCE works, so you can have more intimacy with Him.

Why and how God uses the Throughput conflict and its endless eternal variety, to create perfection. For WE are the 'fruit', not what we do. Along the way, we come up with some really fruity ideas of spirituality, and all that craziness -- how does God make perfection of it? Eternally? Beginning in this audio, this topic is explored.

Ever notice how long it takes something to 'sink in'? That's a penetration problem. Every advertisement depends thus on repetition, to cause familiarity and hence penetration of the information; be it on your body (exercise and imprint repetition), on your soul (for memory and association learning).. and especially, for the spiritual life. The good news is John 14:26, the Holy Spirit will RECALL TO YOUR MIND what you've learned in Bible class. Yeah, which means you better GO to Bible class, right? And actually LISTEN to what the teacher says, right? And TALK it all over with God, right?

Now, you see the problem. Even if you do go, you need REPETITION to get the spiritual info into your body, so it wil 'imprint' and thus come back to remind you, as well. Because the Spirit won't recall what you don't want to know, and you won't want to know, what you didn't want to remember.. right?


File Name: GodDeeds13a9h.wmv, 8/27/14.

Now we look at where all this is heading, from a personal standpoint. All that intake of the world's thinking versus God's Thinking, leads to a 'throughput' which forms the structures of one's own soul's thinking. So where do we end up, vis a vis God and each other? What is life then like? We all want to know 'destiny', and we all sorta know we make our own 'destiny', yet God is also orchestrating Time to make that Eternal Moment which remains forever perfect for everyone. But what does that mean, and what roles/results do our own choices, create?

File Name: GodDeeds13a9ij.wmv, 9/3/14.

So now we know the Throughput Destiny, let's examine the Design which makes that destiny, possible.

No matter how good the Design, it has to be carried out, to work. But while God has no problem carrying out His Design, He won't do it apart from your consent. So first consent, is to be saved. God BELIEVES in Christ's payment, and accepts it. But do you? You can elect against the Will of God (Hebrews 9) by never believing Jesus the Christ paid for your sins, in which case you don't go to heaven when you die, and go to hell, as that is the only other eternal abode left. Even if you ONCE believe that Christ paid for your sins, then you go to heaven, as CONSENT occurred. It's an inheritance, so you don't have to consent over and over. YES and you inherit. Once.

But post-salvation, you have to consent over and over to being GROWN UP in this inheritance, which requires developing spiritual throughput so a) you know WHAT you inherited, and b) you know HOW to use it. Lifetime training in it, just as with a crown prince. That is the design, but you can elect against the Will of God to GROW you. You elect against Him GROWING you if you sin and refuse to use 1John1:9, naming your sins (even if only generically, since you might forget what they are). So when you admit sin, then you are electing Him to Grow you again, which 1John explains. So too, Psalm 32:5, 66:18, all the Levitical sacrifices (you don't take an animal to a priest and name your sins while he kills it, if you don't ALREADY believe in God). So too, 2Pet1:9, which translators FORGOT to properly translate, 'having forgotten TO TAKE purification for sins' (the 'to take' is FORGOTTEN by the translators of the verse). For in the OT, you got purification, by bringing that animal...

So you are spiritually comatose, not growing, if you don't use 1John 1:9, in which case your throughput spiritually, is being BLOCKED. So you enter heaven a spiritual retard. Since presumably you wish to survive down here and grow instead, you need to use the verse. Ask God to remind you, when you need to use it.

And ask God to make the real Gospel (shown in this video's picture) clear, so that if and when HE decides to put you in someone's path, HE will alert you to EXPLAIN it to them. So too, for 1John1:9. For both of these things are lifelines. We effectively die, without them.

Atheists tell us that we are merely animals, given the biology of our bodies. Well yeah, that's PART of 'being human', the body is the soul's house. At the opposite end is the 'spirit', the aparatus created when you first believe in Christ, so you can have a relationship with God. The soul, which is likewise immaterial, is supposed to be the mediating hub for both body and spirit. So you are in three parts, just as Hebrews 4:12 says. Okay, then those parts need to be INTEGRATED, operating in tandem, in sync. And of course, they don't. Body is always glitchy and 'behind', the last to 'learn'.

So the soul becomes AWARE of the differential, feels inferior.. especially, when contemplating 'God'. So the glitch is compounded, due to the discomfort of the awareness (pain is really always a knowing, never a feeling, even as pleasure is always a knowing, never a feeling, with the body merely sending pre-programmed signals to the brain).

So why did God create it that way? To maximize enjoyment, to connect all the opposites, so that all expressions and types of enjoyment can join, full spectrum. For He's doing that with history, itself (theme of Romans 8). And you, are 'in it'. With Him. In Him. But are you in Him as much as He's in you? Yeah, that's the integration problem, the theme of history.

File Name: GodDeeds13a9L2

Input+Volition=Throughput=the accumulating INTEGRATED structure of your soul. So having looked at Integration as God's Goal, now let's look at the de facto integration of INSANITY the world, daily promulgates.. just like Genesis 3.

File Name: GodDeeds13a9s.wmv, 9/29/14.

So now it gets Intimate, which either resolves the Insanity, or exacerbates it.

File Name: GodDeeds13a9t.wmv

How Divinity works in us: as a throughput flow. That's why Christ could say 'you are gods' in John 10:34. Whaaa?

Filename: GodDeeds13a9u.wmv, 10/13/14.

Now we come full circle back to Throughput Integration (four videos prior), as a matter of TASTE. As one ages, one's tastes change. So then, if one at full maturity has tastes quite unlike childhood, how much more are God's 'tastes', different (see 1Cor 13 and Isaiah 55)? Aha. So in this and the audio next week, we'll delve deeper into that issue...

File Name: GodDeeds13a9v.wmv, 10/20/14.

We come full circle back to Throughput Integration (five videos prior), as a matter of TASTE. As one ages, one's tastes change. So then, if one at full maturity has tastes quite unlike childhood, how much more are God's 'tastes', different (see 1Cor 13 and Isaiah 55)? Aha. So in this and the audio next week, we'll delve deeper into that issue...

File Name: GodDeeds13a9w.wmv, 10/27/14.

So now it's time to put all your knowledge of 'throughput' to use. Can you detect, in this long and meandering 'talk' about how you can prove God from the 'integration' details, the validity of the 'story'? Of course, maybe it's better for you to just skip this audio and talk with God. Yet if you want ideas to talk with Him about, this audio explores some of them.. wandering all over the place. Because, when trying to proof something, the mind wanders, and determining relevancy amidst chaos is the 'game'.

One of the most overlooked proofs of God yet a proof which has VERY WELL KNOWN input and throughput over the centuries: the Jews. So why do we continue to overlook this proof -- the history of the Jews themselves -- from God directly, i.e., in Lev 26 and Deut 28? Maybe the understory is psychological, for even the Jews have trouble accepting the massive proof...

Obviously you have proof of God if you talk to Him and He answers. But HOW does He answer, and HOW do you prove it's Him, not your hallucination, wishful thinking, or something else? Well, it turns out that during this audio He kept on interrupting me with Hebrews 6:18, but I didn't know that was the verse (only the chapter), and I didn't remember how it was worded in translation -- He interrupts me with MY PASTOR'S TRANSLATION FROM OVER 25(?) YEARS AGO -- 'by means of two immutable things' -- thus demonstrating live what 'talking to God' is like, principle of John 14:26, 'recalling to your mind'. I also didn't know what that Hebrews verse meant, that class baffled me for years.. until this audio. So I'm learning the meaning live, while talking. Ergo, this audio is a bit more dramatic than usual, as I'm very flustered most of the time.

So I guess here you see real-time, what 'talking to God' means. Of course, if you've been listening to these audios already, then you're already experiencing the same thing. Or soon will. So then you'll have live demonstration for yourself. For Hebrews 6:18, is how you prove it's Him. Heh.

Panoramic 'look' at how 'talking to God' is THE cornerstone of spiritual growth. Which explains, why Christians don't grow. They either are in religious carnality and think that 'prayer' is formal with THEM having to do all the work, or they are in emotional carnality and hallucinate voices, dreams, visions, etc. So the former carnal crowd looks at the latter carnal crowd and deems 'talking to God' something a spiritual person shouldn't do, except on formal occasions, prayer being the common example.

Whoa. Bible people weren't like that. Go read Bible yourself. The positive ones really did talk to God all the time, not just as formal prayer, viz. the Psalms, Abraham, Moses. Even the negative ones talked to God, like Gideon, even Cain. And God talked back. He still does, says Book of Hebrews, through His Word, and those two immutable things (Heb 6:18) are the communication base by which you 'hear' God. That is, if you're listening.

If not listening, then not growing. So this rambling audio goes through some of the obvious ways you can TEST the centrality of 'talking to God' as key to your spiritual growth (or retrogression, if you're not doing it). There will be many more audios on this topic, but they will resume after 13a9 (FINALLY!) ends. Idea here is to bring up the subject, then thrash it out, later. The later subepisodes will all have the same 'Talk to God' title in them, so you can search later on, more easily. So for now, let's just get the feet wet on WHY we don't but should, talk to God...

File Name: 13a9x2cTPTalkToGod.wmv, 11/24/14.

So now, having seen that Throughput of God is proved through Jews, talking to God, well.. that means PEOPLE. Yeah, like you. Proof of God. You. The guy next store. Your best friend. Your worst enemy. All of God's enemies, in fact. So in this increment, we begin with God's enemies, and how they prove God right, by attacking Him and/or His Word.

File Name: GodDeeds13a9x2d.wmv, 11/30/14

Summing up Throughput PROOF from the last six audios. It matters to know you know you have proof, since the proof is so universal, shocking, and often, unpleasant. Webpage on how God uses what He's doing in you as proof in the Trial, text of Romans 12:1-3 cited, is demonstrated via the Greek in Rom121-3.htm .

File Name: GodDeeds13a9x4.wmv 12/15/14.

If you were looking down from heaven, what Throughput SUM Christmas story would you see? This and the next four parts present what might be a surprising set of answers to ponder. For there is but one question ever: do you want God, or not?

File Name: GodDeeds13a9x5a.wmv, 12/22/14

God Deeds 13b~

So you integrate with works or Word, tugged always between one and the other. The heart of the tugging is, 'does God LOVE me?' because so much of the time, life hurts. Enter Matthew 4, and the deeper issue of what really constitutes 'hell'. Not to say that no literal hell exists. But rather to explain what makes it 'hell', isn't necessarily the outer discomfort...

File Name: 13b1ab.wmv, 3/16/15.

Continuing from, how are those IN HELL, integrated? Let's see how what makes it 'hell', isn't necessarily the outer discomfort...
File Name: 13b2ab.wmv, 3/22/15.

Integration hell versus heaven is the story of religion versus intimacy with God. Religion seeks to put itself BETWEEN you and God, to make life a living hell; it does this by being 'nice'. That's what Satan does, in Matthew 4. He's very NICE, tempting Christ to do GOOD deeds of Himself, rather than allow the GOD Deed of Father imputing Him with our sins, on the Cross. So now you see the real goal of religion: to make you work work work for the ego boost of calling yourself Good, just like Satan tempted the woman in Genesis 3. Flee all religion of any type like the satanic plague it is, plaguing pagans, Jews and Christians alike. The mainstream is NEVER spiritual, but ALWAYS satanic. Proof how satanic, is in the 'doctrines' they teach, and in their need to 'convert' you to their ideas of working to make yourself good enough for God. Always. Because, their lives are a living hell and misery loves company. So, seduces to get it.

Only after you've been in religion for awhile, do you realize how satanic it is. So if you've spent your life integrating with religion, welcome to hell. And of course, if you spend your life integrating with God, sooner or later the religious types will try to MAKE your life as hellish as theirs.

File Name: 13b3ab.wmv, 3/30/15.

Well, the road to it, anyway. If you've been listening to this series for awhile, you kinda know the answer anyway. Should be an easy audio, to solidify your grasp of WHY God designed things this way.
File Name 13b4ab.wmv, 4/6/15.

So HOW do you integrate toward Heaven with God, or toward hell with this world?
File Name: 13b5ab.wmv, 4/12/15.

This audio-only Episode 13b6, focuses on the macro 'personality' of integration, both individually and in eternity. Lots of repetition from prior episodes, but to sketch out the ultimate picture of what God's doing, and why. Very different from the stuff pandered in pulpits, sorry: God isn't out to make us obedient little Stepford Wives. He's out to make us enjoy living as HE HE HE does. Shocks me that He'd care to do that, but hey.

Sorry for the late upload, I fell asleep.

File Name: 13b6ab.wmv 4/20/15.

Key to the Integration Process working (and in the right direction), is to integrate your INTEREST -- but that involves a war over competing interests.

File Name: 13b7ab.wmv 4/27/15.

1st of six tentative brainstorming videos on the process of integration, drawn using Win7's 'Paint'. The gold represents 'sight' or other tactile inputs the soul receives through the body; red represents feelings (volition's attitude on the inputs), green represents words or sounds, and purple represents stuff learned in Bible or re Bible or in Bible class. Brown is false doctrine learned and used. Gray (or light blue, starting 2nd vid) are volitional 'calls' to access data stored, in order to make a decision. For the soul lives via volition, and volition lives via FAITH: believing is required even to pick up a spoon (you can't want what you don't believe in).

So the video sketches out TENTATIVE ideas on how all these things interrelate.

Not shown yet, is how soul SIZE changes, since Bible says your soul GROWS (Greek verb is auxzanw, Hebrew verbs vary) due to doctrinal input, and Hebrews 2:10 (in Greek, using teleiow meaning to COMPLETE) says that our sins imputed to Him, 'completed' Him (usu. quasi-mistranslated 'perfect', which in English is a LEGAL verb meaning 'to complete a contract', perfect translation for teleiow in Greek).

So your body and soul size, can and do change. Question is, how and what is the process, given that the soul is IMmaterial?

My pastor had experimented with various diagrams and nomenclature for the soul from the 1950's onward, using (Google-able) terms like 'Edification Complex' and 'Stream of Consciousness', and though the diagrams are good, I'm doing something different, here. To access his stuff, look for his Diagrams ( Illustrations.pdf ) at . Then once you have the pdf, search on the word 'soul' to see some of the many diagrams he used in the live classes over the years. Don't use the books, they don't resemble the live classes at all, and often weren't even written by him.

File Name: SoulChange1.avi, 5/1/15.

2nd of six tentative brainstorming videos on the process of integration, drawn using Win7's 'Paint'. The gold represents 'sight' or other tactile inputs the soul receives through the body; red represents feelings (volition's attitude on the inputs), green represents words or sounds, and purple represents stuff learned in Bible or re Bible or in Bible class. Brown is false doctrine learned and used. Gray (or light blue, starting here) are volitional 'calls' to access data stored, in order to make a decision. For the soul lives via volition, and volition lives via FAITH: believing is required even to pick up a spoon (you can't want what you don't believe in).

So the video sketches out TENTATIVE ideas on how all these things interrelate.

Not shown yet, is how soul SIZE changes, since Bible says your soul GROWS (Greek verb is auxzanw, Hebrew verbs vary) due to doctrinal input, and Hebrews 2:10 (in Greek, using teleiow meaning to COMPLETE) says that our sins imputed to Him, 'completed' Him (usu. quasi-mistranslated 'perfect', which in English is a LEGAL verb meaning 'to complete a contract', perfect translation for teleiow in Greek).

File Name: SoulChange2.avi, 5/1/15.

3rd of six tentative brainstorming videos on the process of integration, here focusing on how the soul 'browns' when it doesn't get Bible Doctrine. Fourth vid will show what happens when the soul 'purples'.

Color legend: gold represents 'sight' or other tactile inputs the soul receives through the body; red represents feelings (volition's attitude on the inputs), green represents words or sounds, and purple represents stuff learned in Bible or re Bible or in Bible class. Brown is false doctrine learned and used. Light blues (and gray, in 1st vid) are volitional 'calls' to access data stored, in order to make a decision. For the soul lives via volition, and volition lives via FAITH: believing is required even to pick up a spoon (you can't want what you don't believe in).

So the video sketches out TENTATIVE ideas on how all these things interrelate.

File Name: SoulChange3.avi, 5/2/15.

4th of six tentative brainstorming videos on the process of integration, here focusing on how the soul 'purples' when it gets Bible Doctrine.

Color legend: gold represents 'sight' or other tactile inputs the soul receives through the body; red represents feelings (volition's attitude on the inputs), green represents words or sounds, and purple represents stuff learned in Bible or re Bible or in Bible class. Brown is false doctrine learned and used. Light blues (and gray, in 1st vid) are volitional 'calls' to access data stored, in order to make a decision. For the soul lives via volition, and volition lives via FAITH: believing is required even to pick up a spoon (you can't want what you don't believe in).

So the video sketches out TENTATIVE ideas on how all these things interrelate.

Production note: the 'car' at the end of the video was 'converted' into what you see prior to video start, by using Microsoft Works Digital Image Editor 2006. They don't make good software like this, anymore.

File Name: SoulChange4.avi, 5/2/15.

5th of six tentative brainstorming videos on the process of integration, here focusing on a young adult soul with both 'browns' (false doctrine) and 'purples' (heard Bible while carnal); how that soul makes decisions based on HUMAN RELATIONSHIPS rather than REASON. Because, the purples aren't connected by the Spirit. So the 'relationships' are wrong. So even if moral, a disconnected morality will 'go brown'. So whatever the human relationships were, they end up bad.

Color legend: gold represents 'sight' or other tactile inputs the soul receives through the body; red represents feelings (volition's attitude on the inputs), green represents words or sounds, and purple represents stuff learned in Bible or re Bible or in Bible class. Brown is false doctrine learned and used. Light blues (and gray, in 1st vid) are volitional 'calls' to access data stored, in order to make a decision. For the soul lives via volition, and volition lives via FAITH: believing is required even to pick up a spoon (you can't want what you don't believe in).

So the video sketches out TENTATIVE ideas on how all these things interrelate.

Further, as shown in 6e, soul SIZE changes, and the purple 'heals' the brownouts: Bible added makes your soul GROW (Bible Greek verb for this, is auxzanw, Hebrew verbs vary) due to doctrinal input, and Hebrews 2:10 (in Greek, using teleiow meaning to COMPLETE) says that our sins imputed to Him, 'completed' Him (usu. quasi-mistranslated 'perfect', which in English is a LEGAL verb meaning 'to complete a contract', perfect translation for teleiow in Greek).

Question is, how and what is the process, given that the soul is IMmaterial?

My pastor had experimented with various diagrams and nomenclature for the soul from the 1950's onward, using (Google-able) terms like 'Edification Complex' and 'Stream of Consciousness', and though the diagrams are good, I'm doing something different, here. To access his stuff, look for his Diagrams ( Illustrations.pdf ) at . Then once you have the pdf, search on the word 'soul' to see some of the many diagrams he used in the live classes over the years. Don't use the books, they don't resemble the live classes at all, and often weren't even written by him.

Production note: the 'car' at the end of the video was 'converted' into what you see prior to video start, by using Microsoft Works Digital Image Editor 2006. They don't make good software like this, anymore.

File Name: SoulChange5.avi, 5/2/15.

Last vid until May 18th. Finishes Diagram subseries for now, this 6th of six tentative brainstorming videos on the process of integration, still focusing on an adult soul with both 'browns' (false doctrine) and 'purples' (heard Bible while carnal, or while spiritual if 'connected' with purple lines); how the soul's default is to make decisions based on HUMAN RELATIONSHIPS rather than REASON. Because, the purples are only connected by the Spirit, so if not in relationship with Him via 1John1:9, then not processing the purple, but rather a slow/fast browning occurs. So the 'relationships' are wrong. So even if moral, a disconnected morality will 'go brown'. So whatever the human relationships were, they end up bad.

Color legend: gold represents 'sight' or other tactile inputs the soul receives through the body; red represents feelings (volition's attitude on the inputs), green represents words or sounds, and purple represents stuff learned in Bible or re Bible or in Bible class. Brown is false doctrine learned and used. Light blues (and gray, in 1st vid) are volitional 'calls' to access data stored, in order to make a decision. For the soul lives via volition, and volition lives via FAITH: believing is required even to pick up a spoon (you can't want what you don't believe in).

So the video sketches out TENTATIVE ideas on how all these things interrelate.

Further, as shown in 6e, soul SIZE changes, and the purple 'heals' the brownouts: Bible added makes your soul GROW (Bible Greek verb for this, is auxzanw, Hebrew verbs vary) due to doctrinal input, and Hebrews 2:10 (in Greek, using teleiow meaning to COMPLETE) says that our sins imputed to Him, 'completed' Him (usu. quasi-mistranslated 'perfect', which in English is a LEGAL verb meaning 'to complete a contract', perfect translation for teleiow in Greek).

So your body and soul size, can and do change. Question is, how and what is the process, given that the soul is IMmaterial?

My pastor had experimented with various diagrams and nomenclature for the soul from the 1950's onward, using (Google-able) terms like 'Edification Complex' and 'Stream of Consciousness', and though the diagrams are good, I'm doing something different, here. To access his stuff, look for his Diagrams ( Illustrations.pdf ) at . Then once you have the pdf, search on the word 'soul' to see some of the many diagrams he used in the live classes over the years. Don't use the books, they don't resemble the live classes at all, and often weren't even written by him.

Production note: the 'soul' at the end of the video was 'converted' into what you see prior to video start, by using Microsoft Works Digital Image Editor 2006. They don't make good software like this, anymore.

File Name: SoulChange6.avi, 5/2/15.

Video to illustrate how the key to the Integration Process is to integrate your INTEREST. Subsequent videos won't show the middle circle, but will elaborate on how INTEREST governs what you consider 'reality', so boxes you in, makes change of belief, difficult.

File Name: SoulIntegInterestIntro.wmv 5/10/15.

13b7a showed the soul's 'browning' in the area attached to people relationships. Satan takes advantage of that. Here's how. Frankly, you can just read the stopped video screen rather than play the video. But the video, covers the D I O S in summary fashion, with examples of Satan's gambits against Christians (Catholicism, Calvinism, KJVO ism highlighted).

Webpages in video showing this topic in more detail, Satan's Strategy: is a comprehensive and testable explanation of his strategy and tactics. It's the 'Appendix' of the Thinking series. is about how Satan engineered the PopeMyth, and how his DIOS strategy works specifically on Catholicism. Video expands that section's meaning to show how the same strategy of making God 'foreign' works with respect to Calvinism, King James Onlyism, evolution, and really any lie he wants to sell.

Humans get it wrong all the time. The trick is to see where SATAN SPONSORS the lies believed, so you can detect his gambits. For by these gambits, he captures, derails, distorts, deflects any real interest in God. So if you then give into the lure, your erstwhile real interest, 'browns'. As a result, the person becomes incompetent, slowly or quickly. This is why the world is so inept. The ineptitude is so pervasive, it seems 'normal' and thereby goes undetected. Like, how Google Youtube or vimeo video descriptions are very light gray on gray or white, the programmers not noticing how that wrecks reading, hurts the eyes, and is rude to the viewer. And if you complain about it, they ignore you. That kind of callousness pervades website design, and is indicative of all man's self-righteous incompetence.

So, inevitably, lives go bad, and wars occur. Yet no one becomes the wiser for it. Solution? PRAY FOR GOD TO WAKE PEOPLE UP, because they need His Intervention, but are not asking for it. Frankly, that ends up meaning He smacks them, or lets their ineptitude smack them, and we end up suffering alongside. But we, profit from it. They won't. WON'T, but can.

File Name: DIOS.avi 5/16/2015.

Keeping DIOS in mind, we now return to the beginning, how VOLITION is made key to the Integration Process. So that's how INTEREST governs what you consider 'reality', boxes you in, makes change of belief, difficult. So for your own freedom, the most important thing you can do daily, is to audit your premises. Especially, premises about God.

File Name: SoulIntegInterest1.avi 5/7/15.

Continuing on how VOLITION is made key to the Integration Process. So that's how INTEREST governs what you consider 'reality', boxes you in, makes change of belief, difficult. So for your own freedom, the most important thing you can do daily, is to audit your premises. Especially, premises about God.

File Name: SoulIntegInterest2.avi 5/7/15.

Still continuing on how VOLITION is made key to the Integration Process, with focus on WHAT IF I GO NEGATIVE. And, what if later positive again, growing after your negative phase. Which phase, will occur often, as you grow. It's always up and down, as Paul explains in Romans 7.

So for your own freedom and opportunity to spot where you might BE negative, the most important thing you can do daily, is AUDIT your premises. Especially, premises about God.

File Name: SoulIntegInterest3.avi 5/8/15.

Sorry for the day-late upload, there were vimeo and Linux glitches, so I overslept. Still continuing on how VOLITION is made key to the Integration Process, with focus on WHAT IF I GO NEGATIVE. And, what if later positive again, growing after your negative phase. Which phase, will occur often, as you grow. It's always up and down, as Paul explains in Romans 7.

So for your own freedom and opportunity to spot where you might BE negative, the most important thing you can do daily, is AUDIT your premises. Especially, premises about God.

File Name: SoulIntegInterest4.avi 5/8/15.

Okay, time to practice what you've learned. Here's a putative Profile of an 'Achiever' soul.
File Name: AchieverSoul1.avi

Now let's look at a putative soul of a Spiritually Mature person. Okay, I can't make it pretty, but the meaning is purple enough. Again, put your thinking cap on as I talk and feel free to call me wrong, for I'm just brainstorming here, not claiming Divine Correctness. :)
File Name: SpirMatSoul1.avi, 5/11/15.

Back now to audio only, general problem of WHERE the interest goes, and HOW the missed interest in God, goes undetected. And, how to recover it.

By the way, I changed the format to Windows WS to make the file size smaller, since this is audio-only. If you prefer some other format, you can download it by clicking 'download' below the video. If you want me to instead make it 1080p I can, but the picture never changes. It's text of Matthew 4, which is the 'theme' for this Integration Interest subseries.

File Name: goddeeds13b8.avi, 7/6/15.

Interest always leads to an outcome. Vertical interest, to a vertical outcome, and horizontal interest, to a horizontal outcome.
File Name: 13b9.avi, 7/12/15.

God Deeds 13c~

Debate forum here: frankforum/viewtopic.php?f=47&t=116&p=281#p281

Audio-only, continued from vimeo series, many videos between last Youtube upload and here. Some vimeo users are complaining of vimeo download and play problems: so now that Google Plus is disconnecting from Youtube, I can resume weekly uploads in Youtube. I try to do these on Sunday or Monday nights.

AT ISSUE in this video: So we're free to get integrated with God or alternative 'loves'. So what proof do we have in the world of how this integration, works? To test, claims and results?

File Name: 13c6.avi, 8/24/15 from mp3 of 4/23/15, which you can download in vimeo, or ask me in the debate forum and I'll upload it to Or, use Youtube downloader addins for your browser (Firefox's Easiest Youtube Downloader is best that I've found so far).

So now it's time to decide where you want to integrate...

AT ISSUE in this video: So we're free to get integrated with God or alternative 'loves'. So what DECISION do we make, in the world of which integration, we'll follow? Here, focus is on a very obvious incompetence by religious types which the world lets go on and on and on without correction, because oh we don't actually CARE about the truth, but only a about fitting in! And then we wonder why God lets bad stuff happen to us? Seriously?

So where do we want to stand? Where do you want to stand? Alone, and seeking the truth -- for you WILL be alone -- or, in a crowd seeking lies but all warm and fuzzy, fitting in? That's the wide gate, and it feels good in there...

Book mentioned at 8 mins, Easter Computus by Mosshammer, The Easter Computus and the Origins of the Christian Era (Oxford Early Christian Studies) 1st Edition . My review is there too, but it needs to be updated.


3.0 out of 5 stars Important analysis of our BC/AD mess-ups; and makes some, too
Reviewed in the United States on February 7, 2014
Verified Purchase

EDIT 3/7/16: I just noticed that the claim is my edition is Kindle. NOT TRUE. It's hardback. Cover looks just like the illustration, is sitting on my kitchen bartop right now. My review hasn't changed. This is a great book for seeing how goofball Christianity is at NOT READING BIBLE and sadly Mosshammer, painstaking though he is, can't read Bible either. I've metered many Bible passages now, master is LukeDatelineMeters(dot)pdf , see its first few pages for proof that everyone's getting the calendar wrong.

EDIT 2/14/15: page 41 of his book results in knocking one star off. There, he claims the Bible accounts of the Passion say that Christ died on a Friday. No, it never says that. IT SAYS HIGH SABBATH (i.e., John 19:31, which is even right in translation). It says three days and three nights He's in the Grave (Matt 12:40-41) and then He rises on the first day of the week, in the Bible (Matt. 28:1; Mk. 16:2, 9; Lk. 24:1; Jn. 20:1, 19). So He died on what was SUPPOSED to be the first Day of Passover (i.e., John 19:31); and on Firstfruits He rose (Numbers 28:26, piggybacked at sundown on the last day of 'official' Passover, is First fruits, which due to lack of intercalation that year, ended up being 3.5 days LATER than observed Passover). So John's sarcasm (John 19:31-42, which has puzzled scholars for years), means the calendar WASN'T INTERCALATED by the Sanhedrin the year the Lord died. Else the math of three days and three nights wouldn't work (can't otherwise eat the Passover yet BE the Passover).

The rest of the chapter is horrible in the same way; he didn't compare what Bible actually says with what he claims it says, so he thinks there are 'contradictions' -- yeah, if you don't actually read the Hebrew or Greek you'd think so, since translations are awful.

Chapter 3's many statements re Bible are largely inept, just like the repeated lie (ignoring Bible) that 'Friday' was when the Lord was crucified. The chapter just repeats 'tradition', no actual review of BIBLE text de novo. So, repeating other inept scholars rather than looking at Bible itself, he claims no one knows the origin of 'pesach' in Hebrew. Really? It's DEFINED for the first time, in Exodus 12:11, which had also defined (verse 2) the 'year' as SOLAR, never lunar (else Israel couldn't keep the passover, which is her BIRTHDAY). So the Lord is arrested on official not real Passover, LAMB SET ASIDE (10th of the month becomes the 14th, if no intercalation); and then He dies on Real Passover just as memorialized in the Law (purpose of Exodus 12), FOUR DAYS LATER. John deliberately skips four days TWICE between John 18 and 19, to highlight that fact, for the Greek reader. But of course if you only read Bible in translation and you don't do your homework on Exodus 12's own text, you won't get that equidistant pun, in John's Gospel.

Israel would also later not account time properly, adopting pagan lunar methods (not the Egyptian SOLAR accounting they'd known when they left Egypt). Bible shouldn't be lumped with those who misuse it. But Mosshammer goes along with the patently false claim that you wait for the new moon to begin a new month (Passover would NEVER be met on that basis)! So it's a serious lapse of scholarship in Chapter 3, to make claims ABOUT Bible, yet ignore what Bible itself says in the cited verses!

So then his book's value, is reduced. Basic math errors like 'Friday' or catering to Catholic or Jewish 'tradition' which never get corrected lest the hoi pouloi lose faith in the leaders, is unacceptable. Then again, one of the reasons to buy this book is to see how for centuries, no one else consults the Bible either, but rather makes up their own timelines based on idiocies like Olympiads, Sothic cycle, lunar year, etc.; to see how no one bothers to find what Bible accounts as (SOLAR!!) years since Adam, perfectly balancing forward and aft in Time, every time; which, when you go back in time and analyze what history we have, matches! But of course if you don't examine the Bible and make up your own claims about it, then lo! The dates won't fit! So you can lie and say that's the Bible's fault, rather than your own incompetence! No wonder the debates about Bible dates and re when the Lord was born and died, continue!

So then the Easter Computus is a sham calculation; it's only a question of which sham version was used, by whom and when. For we still have to know that. For that is how ancient Christians accounted time. NEVER FIXING IT. So the book is worth buying to see why, and even Mosshamer doesn't consult the Bible. Which, maybe he wasn't supposed to do for his book's purpose, who knows. Fine. But then don't make a claim of 'Bible says' either. Okay? Instead, he should admit he's using what OTHERS SAY about Bible, not claiming the Bible itself says, anything -- unless he can back it up. For even this brainout can read the verses cited.

EDIT, 2/13/15: For those of you who are watching my vimeo videos on the Bible's dating system (which no scholar has yet found), this book will prove vital. It traces how early Jews and Christians accounted time. It's very interesting, because modern Judaism appears to be using a 6000-year convention for the (2nd) Advent of Messiah which apparently was invented by 3rd-century Christians? If so, perhaps some of my videos will have to be revised. The Bible still is completely different, as I've tried to demonstrate in my howgodorchestratestime and psalm90 channel videos in vimeo.

So here's a current heads up, if you're watching those videos: I ended up buying the Mosshammer book in hardback, not Kindle. You too can still search via Google books, but no longer can you preview whole pages unless you click on 'About this Book' and then on the 'cover', and then read page by page. Typical Google programming takes away good features and replaces them with bad ones. However, you can still search the book, which will be very important if you get the hardback. Sample search: '5500' is a 'traditional' account of how many years from creation to Christ: how did that accounting start? It's terribly wrong: Bible from the begats forward, demonstrates a timeline which is orchestrated around Abraham's maturation, resulting in a Millennial start of 4200 after Adam's fall, with Christ slated to die at first, 54 years prior, but ended up dying 64 years prior, so ended up dying 2090 years after Abraham matured, rather than 2100.

So what was the chronology used instead of Bible's, by folks claiming to be loyal, but patently were not? Mosshammer traces what WAS done. So this book for me, is vital. Errors have to be accounted, to see when and how those allegedly loyal to Bible, got messed up. Then maybe we can more easily fix our BC/AD system, today. Pretty much all of my vimeo videos (as brainout) are dedicated to finding that solution, inter alia.

Original review (with some editing) follows below, written before I actually bought the book.

Search on 'Dionysius Exiguus' in the Kindle or Google Books editions, or just go to Chapter 15, which is page 339 of the book. (Or, look at the first comment to this review, where I provided the same link.) That chapter contains a key analysis of what kind of mistakes there were in deriving what became our BC/AD system.

(Compounding this issue, is the fact that the Varronic AUC itself, is overstated by at least four years. This was known at the time, and Romans then criticised Varro's calculations. Again, if you look at the first comment to this review, the second link provided will take you to a video containing both the book link, and to another one to, on the problem of the Varronic AUC being padded four years. I don't know yet if Mosshammer addresses this.)

Our 4BC birthdate for Christ is thus at issue: Christ per Bible, is born on Chanukah, first quarter of Adamic (autumnal equinox fiscal) year 4103 (after Adam's Fall; not initial creation, since the latter is nowhere stated in Bible); which was then, the end of the Roman year (Paul quips about that, using 'Chronos' aka Saturn, in Galatians 4:4's Greek). So the NT Bible writers themselves, adjust between the Varronic AUC and Bible's own timeline. I've been making videos on how they do that, in vimeo.

Why? Bible balances from Adam. There ends up being a 54-year 'credit' owing due to Abraham supermaturing in 2046 from Adam's fall rather than the scheduled 2100; so Bible's timeline SHIFTS. So a new '2100' starts (called by Jews today, the 'Age of Torah', and they count it as 2000, not 2100). Then there are more timeline shifts Bible tracks. The next shift is at Joseph's enslavement, such that 490 years after that, must be (and is) the Exodus. The next shift occurs at David, who was crowned (as a deadline), 1050 years from Abraham's maturation. However, starting with David, there were two delays: 7 years' civil war, 2 Sam 5; then 7 years late in dedicating the Temple -- which ended up being 'on time' relative to the Exodus' 490th year, 1Kings 8:1. Offsetting this, is the fact that David became king 3.5 years EARLY, but wasn't king over all Israel. That, didn't happen until 7 years later.

So this last timeline shift ALSO results in our modern '4BC' time problem, since to balance to David, Christ must be 3.5 YEARS EARLY relative to the deadline for Abraham, in order to be 'on time' relative to David (balancing to David's 3.5 year early kingship). So relative to the Temple, He dies 'on time', when it should have been up 980 years (ignoring its 586 BC destruction), and 'on time', 1470 years to the day, that the original Exodus occurred (490x3), and 2090 years from Abraham's maturation.

If you just add up the Bible's numbers, you'll see all this shifting. Christ is born 1437 years after the Exodus, which is 490 years after Joseph was enslaved, which was 70 years after Jacob returned to the Land, which is 21 years after he left, which was 490 years after the Flood. So now you're looking at a timeline which SHOULD HAVE BEEN 4106 for Christ's birth, but due to the Davidic shift, He's born to 'align', at Chanukah 4103 from Adam's fall. Aha. Daniel 9's numbers all reconcile to these shifts, as do all other Bible writers. But you can't see the reconciliations or the shifts unless you plot the Bible's numbers AS SOLAR YEARS, from Adam through Christ.

(Download 'GeneYrs.xls' and 'Eph1DecreeSyllablesREPARSED.pdf'. Pages 134-135 of the pdf, show the Bible's 'Time Distance' balancing; the xls (Excel 97-2003 format) shows the entire set of Bible's balancing Time from Adam to Christ and beyond, color coded. I can't put their links in here, but if you Google on those names and 'brainout', you'll find them.)

So, this book matters a bunch. WHO ELSE KNEW about these obvious Bible numbers, which any 12-year old could even plot from the Bible? Did Dionysius also recognize these timelines? The book explains that no one knows how Dionysius GOT his numbers, yet that didn't stop 19th-century 'scholars' from imposing their ideas on how he got his numbers. And from what I've read so far, Mosshammer doesn't know these numbers, nor does he cite anyone else who did.

Jews knew, though in garbled fashion, "2000 years for the goyim, 2000 years for the sons of Abraham, and then Messiah comes." Yes, and He did. Today, they deem the last 2000 years before the Millennium, as belonging to Messiah. Google on 'Age of Desolation' and 'Age of Torah', to see their accounting. It's really 2100, and the end of Time in Bible was originally scheduled as 4200 to the Millennium, 5250 to eternity (all based on the meter in Psalm 90, 350 years=syllables). So Paul, in Ephesians 1:3-14, plots a future history of Church based on this same idea. To see how, just see the 'ggs11' channel in vimeo. Example: each eta in each thelematos corresponds exactly to a year when a Roman Emperor died, but his successor reversed his predecessor's policy (satiric play on 'will').

Okay, but did Dionysius know all that too ? For the Easter 'computus' is hopelessly garbled. How did it get that way? Enquiring minds, want to know! It would be nice to find proof some ancient writer we respect, knew it first.

So that's why this book is so important. It will be vital to understanding why we keep having a 6 AD up to 4 BC variance for the Birth of Christ. Bible's own timelines also create this variance. That we don't know there are different timelines, accounts for our own problems of reconciliation, including maybe that of Dionysius?

File Name: 13c7.avi, 8/24/15 from mp3 of 4/23/15, which you can download in vimeo, or ask me in the debate forum and I'll upload it to Or, use Youtube downloader addins for your browser (Firefox's Easiest Youtube Downloader is best that I've found so far).

Plateau time: when the meaningless of this life really hits you. It's a stage of life whether spiritual or not, but when spiritual, it's even harder to live through. Odd, huh. Not really, for your standards have risen so much, everything starts being substandard, and then you realize.. it always was. Always will be.

A person whose faith hasn't been growing, comes to this point and wants to sublimate or kill himself. So too, the growing believer, unless he REALLY starts looking at God in everything he does and thinks. It's the only motive which can carry you: CREATE ASSOCIATIONS WITH GOD to get through the moment. Any moment. Every moment. And of course, that was God's goal all along, to get you to this place. Huh?

Think about all those personal Bible stories from Adam through David, think about their low times, their frustrations.. how did they get past 'it'? This audio doesn't yet cover that set of parallels, but don't you already know those stories from childhood? So then think about them...

File Name: 13c1.avi, 7/20/15 from mp3 of 4/22/15.

So how does the crisis of WHY AM I HERE begin? Usually too late. For we're integrated with this world, and thus have to face the crisis, before we will be willing to detox.

File Name: 13c2.avi, 7/27/15 from mp3 of 4/22/15.

So how does the crisis of ennui, begin? When we don't detox. Hardest thing is, we harden in our unwillingness to detox, and come to call doo-doo, chocolate.

File Name: 13c3.avi, 8/2/15 from mp3 of 4/22/15.

Decisions decisions decisions make for the integrity of Ennui negativity we bring on ourselves. This is an offensive audio. Blunt. Decisions we make to sow to the wind, reaping the tornado. Examples are very upsetting: the Holocaust, and Da Vinci Code. They seem unrelated, but as the audio goes on, you'll see how they are parallel.

Had half a mind to skip posting this video, and I may yet delete it.

God Deeds 13d~

Summing up the world's 'Integration'. Key is really the same as Adam's fall: he picked the woman over God. And thus we now process EVERY THOUGHT based on me me me and some other human the 'me' wants or needs -- God and truth mean absolutely nothing.

Want proof? Bible in clear text says the son is in the sky, and yet we won't accept that until some respected Dear Dr So and So or mommy or daddy or someone we LIKE, says the same thing. The Bible's authority means nothing to us. So we call 'truth' something SOMEONE WE RESPECT/LIKE/POPULAR says, no matter what other evidence there is, no matter how much real evidence contradicts that SOMEONE, and especially, no matter how much the True Someone says ANYTHING. For we choose people we want over God, just as Adam did.

Could you ask for greater objectively-verifiable proof EN MASSE, daily? No. But we won't regard it, for that very reason. So what would it matter what objective proof exists? We won't buy it. We want to believe whatever we want, and whoever agrees or gives us what we want, that we call good and right and true.

Then look inside your own heart and notice how you find a thing hard to believe until someone popular/respected/liked says the same thing, even when the truth stares you in the face. Embarrassing, huh. Maxima mea culpa! So we are indeed, hypocrites, all of us! Like Paul says at the end of Romans 7, who will deliver us from this body of death?

So forget about even trying to be truthful or expect it from anyone else. Only if there is a happy serendipity between objective truth and your likes, will you actually BELIEVE something that's true.

THAT is human integration. No wonder it has to be a simple BELIEVE to be saved!

Follows gd13c9 ( • GD13c9 Integ God's Decisions ; vimeo link is gd13c9),

File Name: 13d1.avi, 9/20/15 made from mp3 13c10 of 4/24/15, downloadable in vimeo, here:

Continued from 13d1: So what is hypocrisy, and why are we so addicted to it? Embarrassingly, hypocrisy is deemed a virtue you are taught to value, from the cradle. This audio explores some highlights of how it works, so you can see how prevalent it is, and how much we value it as a means of 'getting along' as individuals, family, friends, business associates, even nations and empires. Yikes.

File Name: 13d1b.wmv, 9/28/15 made from mp3 13d1b of 9/28/15. Vimeo address (for downloading as well): . Whole channel aka playlist for Episode 13, is here:

Continues to show how hypocrisy is deemed a virtue in mankind, so God creates the Mosaic law as a SATIRE against religion. We being hypocrities, never ANALYZE the Law, so never get that joke! . Yikes.

File Name: 13d2.wmv, 10/05/15 made from mp3 13d2 of 9/21/15.

Continues to show how hypocrisy comes to exist, and we don't even know we're being hypocritical, because we think horizontally (toward people, no matter what we claim of God) -- which we think 'right'. Yikes.

File Name: 13d3.wmv, 10/11/15 made from mp3 13d3 of 9/22/15.

Continues to show how hypocrisy comes to exist, back to GOD's DESIGN. So it becomes easier to understand, why God constructs the Mill and Eternity, as He does.

Yeah, free. That's actually the whole point of our staying alive after being saved, down here. To grow spiritually enough so our souls won't have to be SMALL in order to be free. Galatians 5:1. Talk about creating your own destiny.

File Name: 13d5.wmv, 10/26/15 made from mp3 13d5 of 9/23/15.

So how does God integrate all this hypocrisy?

File Name: 13d8.wmv, 11/15/15 made from mp3 13d8IntegGodDecisions of 9/23/15.

God Deeds 13e~

New Segment, on how all the pieces since Episode 1, are being worked together for Good By God, Romans 8:28 to the WHY of it: so you play God to KNOW God better. So this WHY is about WHY God did all this, starting with how you PLAY God so you can KNOW God better.

It's not arrogant to play God, it's your JOB. Video introduces how you can know that, why it's your job, and how to start playing.

Related is the Psalm 82 channel videos showing how that channel's mistranslated, here:

File Name: 13e1a.wmv, 11/30/15 from MP3 of the same date.

Here, fastforward to eternity, the connection: how all the pieces since Episode 1, are being worked together for Good By God, Romans 8:28 to the WHY of it: so you play God to KNOW God better.

File Name: 13e1b.wmv, 12/07/15 from MP3 of 11/30/15.

Regrouping now, back to the Garden, to revisit that time; so the whys begin to gel..

Filename: 13e2.wmv 12/28/15

Exploring the flipside of Integrated whys, why we don't change our minds despite the evidence (and why we don't sin, in eternity). It's really important to understand that eternity is unequal, due to volition controlling the outcome of your life. Forever.

Opening Example of Windows 10 and its horrific EULA language being denied by those who've even read it, covered in more detail, here: frankforum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=59

Filename: 13e6.wmv 1/24/16 from audio made last November.

Rethinking why God Integrates Truth versus other options, since He's omnipotent.

Filename: 13e7.wmv 1/31/16.

God Deeds 13f~

Time to play God to see God better...

Filename: 13f1.wmv 02/22/16.

Now to the big reason for Play...

Filename: 13f2.wmv 02/28/16.

View In 720p (text highlight too dark in video, should be light yellow). Integration Body PLAY to answer Christ's Prayer in John 17 (onscreen whole video).

Filename: 13f3.wmv 03/06/16.

BTW, I made the audio months ago, didn't realize until after posting, that it would cover the FALSE Easter date we just had. Real Crucifixion date is ALWAYS 14th day after vernal equinox, so our April 3, upcoming. Real Resurrection=FirstFruits in Bible ('Christ Our Firstfruits', 1Cor15:20-23), is post-sundown on April 6.

Filename: 13f6.wmv 03/28/16.

Continuing on with the implications of pearls before swine -- when the swine, is SELF. BTW, the proof we all are swine, is that we don't even know that the Crucifixion anniversary is always the 14th day after the vernal equinox, meaning April 3. Real Easter is April 6 post-sundown.

See: we can't even get His Death Day right.

Filename: 13f7.wmv 04/04/16.

So now, to the 'play' at home. How 'integration' -- especially in studying Bible -- is like agriculture.

At about 5 mins, I mentioned the 'slavery' verse which is actual slavery. It is in Exo21:16. What we call slavery is THAT kind, in Bible. Other forms mistranslated 'slavery' are really VOLUNTARY employment contracts, as you'll see if you actually READ Exo21's first half.

Filename: 13f7.wmv 04/12/16.

Still on the 'play' at home. How 'integration' -- especially in studying Bible -- is like agriculture.

Filename: 13f9.wmv 04/18/16.

Heavy stuff ahead. That's what the meter in Matthew 24-25 convey. So how do you NOW integrate your life to prepare for what looks like WAR by 2036, if we parsed that PROPHETIC ANNUAL TIMELINE meter rightly?

Meter videos are in Youtube (vimeo is too much hassle now), • Matt24 Meter. Those videos at start, play a different timing scenario, but still this period is crucial. Later videos there, will show details for what's said here.

The latest rendition of the meter, with EASY to count AD years (just add 30 to the middle number column), is here, still under discussion: frankforum/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=512&start=250#p2304

I didn't do the meter initially, Anonynomenon of Frankforum did it. Upshot is, just like his and my pastor warned that 1998 would be the beginning of the end for the US (speculating, since negative volition to Bible in his congregation was so high), so too the Meter has 'the bridegroom' SHUTTING THE DOOR, the same year (syllable 1968=1998 AD, end Matt25:10 in Greek, is 'door').

Video comment at 24:26 about The FFI forum link about Divorce announced in a grocery store, is here:

The actual thread is apparently gone, now. It was 60 pages long. Cat (who's talking in that above link) was there then too, and would maybe have access to it, but I don't.

References to Ted Cruz and Donald Trump being backed by Dominioinists and Seven Mountains people at video's 16:29:


And/or Google: Dominionism + Jerry Falwell+ Pat Robertson + Oral Roberts + Liberty U + Ted Cruz + Donald Trump


The PB (Prolife Blasphemy) series mentioned in video at 12:50 is here: That 30th video begins Episode 9 where God ORDERS abortion. Episode 10 is on Exo 21:22 saying abortion aka miscarriage is not murder.

The video I had in the playlist referred to here at 9:52 is no longer extant. But I found something similar, and put it here: The other two parts show up along the side when you watch Part One.

Also, and

FileName: 13f10.wmv, 04/25/16.

Christ Lambasts Constantine's Rise In Matthew 24

Adjunct to 13f10 in 'God Deeds' series, preview of coming meter changes in Matt 24 series, and example of article reply to Right Scoop, how Christ set the prophetic satire prophecy pattern warning against Political Church, which John will finally 'top off' as Rev 17 harlot.

For historical background, here's a classic by one of the more-renowned ancient Roman historians (who praises Constantine), The Cambridge Medieval History: The Christian Roman empire and the foundation of the Teutonic kingdoms

It's a free download. Just search on the years I cover in the video.

God Deeds 13g~

One of the biggest PLAY problems will be Contradictions, whether they are seeming contradictions in Bible you have to think through or even argue.. or contradictions in yourself, Romans 7 theme. For the biggest contradiction of all is WAR, and that's where the world is headed, as we saw in the last Episode (gdf10).

For again, that's what the meter in Matthew 24-25 convey. So how do you NOW integrate your life to prepare for what looks like WAR by 2036, if we parsed that PROPHETIC ANNUAL TIMELINE meter rightly?

Meter videos are in Youtube (vimeo is too much hassle now), • Matt24 Meter. Those videos at start, play a different timing scenario, but still this period is crucial. Later videos there, will show details for what's said here.

I didn't do the meter initially, Anonynomenon of Frankforum did it. Upshot is, just like his and my pastor warned that 1998 would be the beginning of the end for the US (speculating, since negative volition to Bible in his congregation was so high), so too the Meter has 'the bridegroom' SHUTTING THE DOOR, the same year (syllable 1968=1998 AD, end Matt25:10 in Greek, is 'door').

File Name 13g1.wmv 5/01/16.

Getting a little heavy now. Here, diagnostic links and an overview of how the Spiritual Maturation Process enables you to integrate CONTRADICTIONS as they 'play' in your life.

FileName: gd13g3.wmv , and vimeo alt name, . All vimeo vids have an alt address which equals the episode number with 'gd' prefix.

Now to the corollaries.

FileName: gd13g4.wmv , and vimeo alt name, . All vimeo vids have an alt address which equals the episode number with 'gd' prefix.

So armed with this information, a 'new year' can begin. How shall you use it?

FileName: gd13g5.wmv , and vimeo alt name, . All vimeo vids have an alt address which equals the episode number with 'gd' prefix.

Back to the New Year's resolution theme from gd13g5.

FileName: gd13g6ab.wmv , and vimeo alt name, . All vimeo vids have an alt address which equals the episode number with 'gd' prefix.

Now the crescendo: you have to outgrow being HUMAN? Yep.

FileName: 13g7.wmv , and vimeo alt name, . All vimeo vids have an alt address which equals the episode number with 'gd' prefix.

So now, let's look at this from God's Eye View...

FileName: 13g8.wmv , and vimeo alt name, . All vimeo vids have an alt address which equals the episode number with 'gd' prefix.

So now, let's look at how the opposites 'mix'..

FileName: 13g9.wmv , and vimeo alt name, . All vimeo vids have an alt address which equals the episode number with 'gd' prefix.

So now, let's go a bit deeper...

FileName: 13g10.wmv , and vimeo alt name, . All vimeo vids have an alt address which equals the episode number with 'gd' prefix.

God Deeds 13h~

Looking at how Contradictions are Coordinated for an Eternal State.
FileName: 13h1.wmv , and vimeo alt name, . All vimeo vids have an alt address which equals the episode number with 'gd' prefix.

Still looking at how Contradictions are Coordinated for an Eternal State.
FileName: 13h2.wmv , and vimeo alt name, . All vimeo vids have an alt address which equals the episode number with 'gd' prefix.

Still looking at how Contradictions are Coordinated for an Eternal State, this time restricted to BELIEVERS.
FileName: 13h3.wmv , and vimeo alt name, . All vimeo vids have an alt address which equals the episode number with 'gd' prefix.

Now, to the downside... to BELIEVERS.
Related, are diagnostic links and an overview of how the Spiritual Maturation Process enables you to integrate CONTRADICTIONS as they 'play' in your life.

Now, to the downside... to BELIEVERS, eternal state.

PostScript on BELIEVERS, eternal state.

'Do it For The Doctrine' PostScript on BELIEVERS NOW, continues.

Christ on Trial in you: His life playing in yours.
BELIEVERS NOW, continues.

Now to politics, NATIONAL TESTING of Integration, its BATTLE. I recorded this before I knew of the Matt24-25 meter.
THINKING is your real spiritual agenda, down here.

So how do you learn to LOVE the Battle, is now a front and center BATTLE issue all its own. The actual MATURE spiritual life and its victory, is to learn to love fighting. Satan failed this.

Note the fine distinction: learning to LOVE the fight is an integration all its own. Some things you'll enjoy fighting, others not. But all must get to the love level. Real love is an insistence, a demand, not a feel-good thing, kinda like addiction. But unlike addiction, the more you learn to love all the fights, the more even the smallest victory, pleases. Addiction, by contrast, requires higher and higher rewards but each time you get less and less pleasure.

God's love is the opposite of that, total pleasure even in the smallest and worst things (viz, the Cross). So that's how the integrating function of the LOVE for the BATTLE, develops.

For THINKING is your real spiritual agenda, down here.

Learning to love the Battle as God does means to love battling as a PROCESS...

For the MATURE spiritual life and its victory, is to learn to love fighting. Satan failed this.

Note the fine distinction: learning to LOVE the fight is an integration all its own. Some things you'll enjoy fighting, others not. But all must get to the love level. Real love is an insistence, a demand, not a feel-good thing, kinda like addiction. But unlike addiction, the more you learn to love all the fights, the more even the smallest victory, pleases. Addiction, by contrast, requires higher and higher rewards but each time you get less and less pleasure.

God's love is the opposite of that, total pleasure even in the smallest and worst things (viz, the Cross). So that's how the integrating function of the LOVE for the BATTLE, develops.

For THINKING is your real spiritual agenda, down here.

God Deeds 13i~

Back to the Big Eternal Picture and why THINKING is your real spiritual agenda, down here.


Related, are diagnostic links and an overview of how the Spiritual Maturation Process enables you to integrate CONTRADICTIONS as they 'play' in your life.

You can actually test yourself for growth. My pastor spent 12 years diagramming the Spiritual Maturation process, which I condensed into a six-page chart, SMP.doc. If your version of Word precedes 2002 or is much later and you can't read the doc, try this link: SMPdocforOlderWordprograms.doc. If that doesn't work, please message me. I can turn it into pdf.

Videos to explain that chart (sound is scratchy, so you need an equalizer): • 1/13b, Spiritual Maturation, Intro

Angelic Conflict is about that maturation, explan (very long) starts here: LordvSatan3.htm

FileName: 13i1.wmv , and vimeo alt name, . All vimeo vids have an alt address which equals the episode number with 'gd' prefix.

Back to prior '4th Objection' re how YOU are the Integrator in the Big Eternal Picture, so THINKING is your real spiritual agenda, down here.

FileName: 13i2.wmv

So now we're fully into the TODAY of Integration, its BATTLE. THINKING is your real spiritual agenda, down here.

FileName: 13i3.wmv

Now to politics, NATIONAL TESTING of Integration, its BATTLE. I recorded this before I knew of the Matt24-25 meter.

The election (2016) proves what Thieme said back then. More importantly, he did say in 1997's New Years eve (12/31/97) and ever after, that we lost the pivot. BIBLE confirms that in Matt 25:9, which Anonynomenon found back in 2011 or so but I wouldn't listen to him. So that's why the Matt24 metering thread exists in frankforum,, and you'll see I kept bucking him until February 5.

Link mentioned at about 3 mins in, about Psalm 139's import, is in NoWombLife.htm w actual exegesis. I show the Hebrew of Psalm 139:16 too, here:

FileName: 13i6.wmv

God Deeds 13j~

So how do you learn to LOVE the Battle, is now a front and center BATTLE issue all its own. The actual MATURE spiritual life and its victory, is to learn to love fighting. Satan failed this.

Note the fine distinction: learning to LOVE the fight is an integration all its own. Some things you'll enjoy fighting, others not. But all must get to the love level. Real love is an insistence, a demand, not a feel-good thing, kinda like addiction. But unlike addiction, the more you learn to love all the fights, the more even the smallest victory, pleases. Addiction, by contrast, requires higher and higher rewards but each time you get less and less pleasure.

God's love is the opposite of that, total pleasure even in the smallest and worst things (viz, the Cross). So that's how the integrating function of the LOVE for the BATTLE, develops.

FileName: 13j1.wmv

So how do you TEST that love?

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Time for a little review, so you can see how that TEST is a really big deal, considering we start out as blanks.

FileName: 13j4.wmv

Corollaries on how that TEST is a really big deal.

FileName: 13j5.wmv

Now to the next aspect of the Love Test: besides learning God better, the test helps you learn HIS PLAN better. Which in turn, helps you love God better.

This is one of my better audios. I forgot what it said. God interrupts me so much, it might seem spotty, but ask Him for the verses and meaning if you're having trouble following. For what He did to me, is His Plan of integration for ANYONE. That was the point of His interrupting.

(Too often, Christians regard themselves as special if they know they got some kind of understanding from God. Not so: John 14:26 is playing live, and it's THE STANDARD God wants ALL the time for EVERYONE, as that verse explains. So this audio, inter alia, demonstrates how that verse plays live in a believer: here it happens to be me. Can be you, just use 1Jn1:9 and ASK.)

FileName: 13j8.wmv

Learning to love the Battle as God does means to love battling as a PROCESS...

FileName: 13j10.wmv

God Deeds 13k~

So how do you know you ARE learning to love the Battle as God does? Ever higher appreciation of even the smallest and worst things (viz, the Cross). So that's how the integrating function of the LOVE for the BATTLE, develops.

FileName: 13k1.wmv

Funny how the biggest failures come at the point of success...

FileName: 13k2.wmv

So back to your life NOW, as a King-in-Training.

FileName: 13k3.wmv

Satan's battle for Integration is much like ours: it's a battle over recognition that one is INFERIOR to God...

FileName: 13k4.wmv

Satan's battle for Integration was about RULERSHIP: so our battle, emulates his. First rule of Rulership: whatever decision you make, YOU LOSE something. (Audio recorded 6/16, hence uses election analogy.)

Putative novel I wrote on it back in 2006, including audio conversion:

So that's how the integrating function of the LOVE for the BATTLE, develops.

FileName: 13k5.wmv

Corollaries to First rule of Rulership: whatever decision you make, YOU LOSE something. (Audio recorded 6/16, hence uses election analogy.)

FileName: 13k6-7.wmv

Corollaries to Rulership: you're THE Role Model, like it or not. (Biggest reason Trump is bad POTUS: he's immoral, lie cheat steal defraud -- which is a bad ROLE MODEL for US.)

FileName: 13k8.wmv

God Deeds 13l~

So in light of all these facts, Peter closes his life and last letter with this question: 'what sort of person MUST we become, in a dedicated-to-God lifestyle?'

That's what this 'l' section is all about: LOVE. How do you BECOME Love? FOCUS. You focus on what you love. 'Occupation with Christ', Watchman Nee and my pastor (and others of the 1930s theological schools), called it. Focus on Him. 10th Problem Solving Device, Spiritual Maturation final phase, usually after several decades of daily learning and living on Bible under your right (male only) teacher.

Doing that, is focus. Doing that, becomes Love. 1Cor13.

New thread in frankforum contains BOTH SETS of playlists of this God Deeds series from both vimeo and Youtube. Might be easier for you to view from it: Guests and Members can post here. You NEVER have to provide any valid email or id data, to join; there are no ads, no mods, and you're not tracked.

Love is the Integrity of God.. and of you, too. Integrating you in His Love is the spiritual life, FAR ABOVE mere morality. So, 'diagnostic' is easy: how are you growing in LOVE? The Word is Love, 1Cor13. If you're growing in Love, you will progressively think you do NOT love God. So Truth often appears opposite of what it is.

What Role and What Model, you? Dr Jekyl, or Mr Hyde?

FileName: 13l2.wmv

Now back to spiritual growth via doctrinal instincts, the integration battle becoming SEQUENCING, like brushing your teeth or other repeated tasks you learn to do as second-nature...

FileName: 13l3.wmv.

Continuing re spiritual growth via doctrinal instincts, the integration battle becoming SEQUENCING, like brushing your teeth or other repeated tasks you learn to do as second-nature...

Here, macro doctrinal instincts, like.. politics (recorded pre-2016 election). Where should you stand? That's a DOCTRINAL issue, not a political one. Christianity got this wrong for CENTURIES, and is getting it wrong now, Matt25:11.

Continuing re spiritual growth via MACRO doctrinal instincts w focus on macro politics (pre 2016 election), conservative vs liberalism, the Sisyphean integration FIGHT becoming SEQUENCING, like brushing your teeth or other repeated tasks you learn to do as second-nature...

Where should you stand? That's a DOCTRINAL issue, not a political one. Christianity got this wrong for CENTURIES, and is getting it wrong now, Matt25:11.

FileName: 13l5.wmv
