DDNA subpages: ["You, in Me!" table] [Isa53:10-12, in 4th Aspect]  [Introduction to Love]  [Production to Love]  [God's Soliloquy] [1st Aspect: what DDNA is, 'sires']  [King's Body, King's Riches]  [King's Riches, King's Love]  [King's Love, King's Riches, on Trial]  [King's Victory, King's Booty]  [1st Aspect, Summary]  [Divine Nucleotides Table] [2nd Aspect: DDNA isn't Bulimia, but Balance]  [3rd Aspect: how DDNA blesses others, forever]  [4th Aspect: we inherit His Isa53:10-12 Contract]  [DDNA, the True Grail]  [Exo6:20 and Jochebed]  [About Bible Mistranslation

Divine DNA! Doctrinal DNA! The LOVE Contract of Isa53:10-12

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First Aspect: Bible in your head is Doctrinal DNA, and thus is the 'superior parent' siring (as it were) out from the body life, a 'body' of Divine Thinking in your own soul: gold silver precious stones. Via the Holy Spirit, and due to being in God's System.

The Body of a King, requires the Riches of a King. Bible keyterm "Riches", DDNA.

The more DDNA in you, the bigger your soul. The bigger your soul, the more capacity it has for everything. So you become King-sized, fit for THE King in eternity: so, fit to INHERIT a kingdom FOR eternity. Funny thing about being wealthy, or being a king: the more you own, the more what you own, owns you. You are not your own.

Capacities determine relationships, and everything is RELATIVE TO those capacities and relationships. You hold a cup in your hand. It can only hold so MUCH, within some range of TEMPERATURE; if the cup is made of GLASS, the VISCOSITY capacity of glass means that thin COLD liquid will 'weep' through it. If the cup is made of paper, temperature and viscosity factors can cause the cup to BREAK DOWN faster. Notice how the integrity of the cup is its HOLDING power. Integrity is a holding, especially despite pressure. Earthquakes, hurricanes, heat, cold, wind, mold, etc. all are THREATS to integrity.

So the CAPACITY of a thing determines what relationship you can HAVE with the thing. The capacity of an athelete determines whether he can engage professionally, or merely on Sunday afternoons. Your capacity to hear your relative go on and on about his/her lumbago, determines how long and often, you'll visit that relative, and what the CONTENT of your relationship will be. There, it's Shallow. Your capacity to hear about GOD, therefore, determines how Shallow Or Deep, Short Or Tall, Short Or Long, Narrow or Broad, will be your relationship with Him. Relationship is about COMMONALITY, and that depends on commonality of CAPACITY. It's a BEING thing, not a doing thing. Prove this quickly: with someone whom you had nothing in common.. have you ever gone on 'vacation'? How much fun did you really have, even if you went to nice restaurants, saw nice scenery, dressed nicely and met nice people? Very little. The prolonged togetherness took its toll, and you were relieved to get home. No wonder relatives are glad when Christmas ends!

For years my pastor harped on spiritual capacity, even inventing the term "capacity righteousness" to describe the Spirit's activity as Paul depicts it in Romans 8, replete with computer-generated diagrams. And for years, I had no clue what my pastor meant. Well, that clueless day has left the building...

The real you is your soul. Your real shape is determined by the CAPACITIES of your soul, the DIMENSIONS of those capacities. So all your relationships are likewise 'boundaried' by the relative COMPATIBLE capacities in others. So you are large-souled, or small-souled. Shaped proportionately, or disproportionately in your soul 'depth', your soul 'height', your soul 'length', your soul 'breadth.' So the 'body' is not even remotely what you see in the mirror; not at all, your fingers and toes and (ulp) the need to lose weight. What you see in the mirror is but CLOTHING your soul wears, as David puts it in Ps139's Hebrew. And clothing is DEAD, which is why you have to keep on doing stuff TO your body, to keep it going. But YOU, are alive. When was the last time, you fed your soul? Unlike the body which dies from starving, the soul starved of spiritual food, goes into a coma.

So your REAL body is the body of your soul's THINKING. Your Own Thinking is the 'DNA' of your soul, and it therefore GOVERNS how you will be. So your capacities, the 'shape' of you, are totally PROGRAMMED by what you think. Thus all your relationships in life will be governed by how you think. Doesn't matter that other people seem to have control over you, YOU are the arbiter INSIDE your own soul. So YOU are only the product of what YOU think. So all capacities develop or retrogress, are shallow or deep, short or tall, short or long, narrow or broad -- based on how shallow (etc.) is the THINKING. But God's Thinking, is INFINITE...

Whoa -- so those same thinking and capacity facts mean you can EXCHANGE 'your' body of Thinking, for HIS. That is your rejectible Royal Destiny, to become Christ-capacious. All bodies have shapes, sizes, capacities. Hence the body of a lumberman, would make a poor horse jockey. The body of a horse jockey, would make a poor lumberman. A person poor in thinking, makes a poor president; a president rich in thinking, makes a poor housekeeper. The level and capacity of your body's abilities, make you suited to certain occupations but not others. The Level And Capacity Of Your Thinking Abilities, make you suited to certain occupations but not others. And here, the Thinking Required, is a king's. So when you grow up in God's System, heh: you are then only suited to become a king, 'fattened' by His Thinking. And only, under the King of Kings. Forever. Everyone in the Body Politic God Will Have Granted You, Is To Live On Your Fatness-Of-Divine-Thinking. Because, they didn't grow up in it. As Part III (LordvSatan3.htm) explains, that is your destiny. But you can reject it.

For here's the origin of this our rejectible Royal Destiny. The Spirit via the Cross, Converted All Sin Into DDNA -- inside Christ Himself, per that contract with Father, Isa53:10-12. Thus He became The Heir of "all things" (Bible keyword, most often used by Paul). This is the POSITIONING of our so-great salvation, that the First Person Benefitted by the Cross itself, was Christ Himself. Let's revisit the LXX of Isa53:11, since repetition makes meaning clearer, each time: Ergo: Christ would not be as CAPACIOUS as He is in His Humanity, were it not for the VOLUME of the sins imputed to Him and judged on Him, Phili2:5-10, last half of Romans 5. What, you don't think Father would impute and judge His Own Son without it benefitting His Son, do you? Well, what was the biggest benefit to GET, but total rapport, in His Humanity, with Father? God is no sadist. So from His Perspective, each human being born was used to make His Son BIGGER; so it doesn't matter, what the human chooses -- the Son was Benefitted. Never forget that. Like Paul says in Gal3, it's "Seed", not "seeds". So now, that Seed can get into us. For, like Paul also explains in Romans 6, we Died In Him on the Cross, so now we Live In Him (see also 2Cor5). We need feel no guilt whatsoever: guilt is a sin anyway, but more a stupidity, since from God's perspective He says: I chose you in part to bless My Son, and thus you are used to make Him the Head of all (subtheme of Heb1-2). God profitted His Son by means of the very sins we sin, by ENLARGING His Son.. with maxed-out, DDNA. Kinda like what Joseph told his brothers, we meant sin for bad, but God turned it into good. Viral conversion of Divine Thinking on sin thinking made DDNA out of it all, Heb1:4, Heb7, 10. He became "more excellent" through His Victory on the Cross.

Of course, all this Begetting was planned since eternity past, theme of Isa 53:11, all of Eph1. So when God says He created man in His Own Image in Gen1:26, He's not kidding. When God says you become a "son of God in Christ Jesus" the first nanosecond you are saved, He's not kidding. CHRIST WAS MADE, so now you can be made OUT FROM Him. So if we don't take His Word seriously, we will misuse the Enormous Power Granted To Us In Christ, and wreck our lives. We really should get briefed on the "surpassing greatness of His Superior Power to those of us who believe", Eph1:19 (my pastor's translation). [Nerd note: pretty much everything Paul writes is centered on the LXX's Isa53:11 process being completed in US. Since that verse in the LXX is cut out from translated Bibles, you can't see how often Paul 'accesses' it as a frame of reference for every verse he writes. All other NT writers and the Lord do this too, but Paul is given it as a primary expository task. I really wish theology would 'discover' this. It would be the find of the 21st century.]

For God doesn't want babies, morons, pets or automatons, He Wants Equals. It's sheer arrogance to think God should settle for anything less! We saw why, in "God's Soliloquy" (link at pagetop). Because, He wants Unlimited Rapport, which requires the other party in that rapport, Be Equal In Nature. That's why we get His Own Righteousness imputed to us due to the Cross, 2Cor5:21. All else is built around it, i.e., Eternal Life, Truth deposits, the powerhouse function of prayer, etc. Every Attribute of God is Undivided, so Love = Truth = Righteousness = Omniscience = Omnipotence, etc. So by getting Truth deposits, you are made More of His Attributes, DDNA! From all those DDNA deposits, is built a compatible-with-God Structure And Function, In Your Own Soul, Eph3:15-19! Such that, the full power of God can CYCLE in you, Eph3:19! Yet not kill you. Yet, become enjoyable TO you. Yet, eventually MERGE with what else you already are as a finite person, so you can see Him as He is, 1Jn3. You can't see what is not compatible with your own nature. So to say you will be able to see Him as He is, means you too will BE as He is. Hence Right Now, you are THAT work of HIS in progress, Eph2:10.

So God Sovereignly Wants To Clone His Own Attributes Into You, By Cloning His Son's Thinking Into You. He committed to do this in eternity past, For The Sake Of Christ. So He does this, to fulfill the "great ones" Contract Provision of Isa53:12. So it's not some sentimental whim, or nice dream you can later imagine arrogant, k? Your choice, how much of that Contract Fulfillment, to get.

So to fulfill 'His End' of the Isa53:11 Contract, God Follows That Same Five-Infinitive Procedure in the believer: Purify, Plunder, Point-Out, Plassw (Sculpt), Perfect (Make Righteous). In Greek, the infinitives (in vocabulary form) are worth memorizing:
              • katharizw (kath-ar-IDZ-oh), to purify;
              • aphairew (af-ay-REH-oh), to carry off (as plunder);
              • deiknumi (dike-NOOM-ee), to point out, exhibit;
              • plassw (PLAH-ssoh), to sculpt;
              • dikaiow (dick-eye-OH-oh), to make Righteous/Justify.

For, He uses your existing body of thought 'DNA', to renovate/create the Spiritual Body, DDNA; your God-given, innate, power of thinking over your own body, born the moment when you first drew breath, is what He uses to make that Rom12:1-3 transmutation.
[See Rom121-3.htm for corrected translation. Greek word sumorphologew is here rendered "transmutation".] You think. You have ideas. You have beliefs. What you believe, drives your life. Your thinking is like DNA to your body, the instructions to it, on how it ought to 'remember' or 'regard' events or information it receives. Body cannot discern anything. It must be programmed. Soul tells the body what truth is, and body won't know if it's getting bad instructions. The body is designed to 'obey' the instructions it gets, which is what DNA, is. So your soul does to your body, what DNA does to your cells: tells them what to BE. Hence bad thinking makes you truly sick, even more than any virus. For your soul, is a bizillion times more powerful, than all the DNA in your body.

Now let's examine a 'case study' in how DDNA changes your thinking, so you can see how God manufactures DDNA out of 'soul' DNA: how He changes the 'body' of your Thinking to become more compatible with the 'Body' of His Son's. Say you believed that it was holy to light candles in church, for your deceased relatives. Say also that you were very interested in Bible, and you were lucky enough to have a priest who told you about 1Jn1:9, so you didn't really have to go to confession each Sunday, since you can tell God Himself that you sinned. So pretend you do that, and you start reading your Bible in the Douhay-Rheims version (the official version of the Catholic Church).

This is personal and intimate, not dry Blecch! stuff you cram down, so you can 'do great things for God.' Oh no. God Is Doing Great And Refreshing Things To Your Soul! The learning Christ is Living Christ, Phil1:21! Togetherness, flat: WORD in your head, 24/7, in God's System. So not at all dry and boring, but really, finally, learning the Real God. Closer to you than your next thought. And it's more beautifully intimate, than any romance could even dream. Not emotional, either, but.. eventually, Absolute. Nothing beats DDNA, for DDNA results in Love. And Love is an Absolute Attitude, not an emotion, 1Jn4:19. As my pastor likes to put it, "The Love of God is true wealth." Yep, the "riches" verses in the NT are all linked to Word-in-you, Word-in-head, Word=Love. Inseparably.

So notice: gradually, easily, refreshingly, your 'body' of thinking changes into His Body of Thinking as you grow in God's System. You Learn to Love God that way. Because you Come To Know God that way, Eph3:15-21 via Eph4:11-16. Can't love someone you don't know, says 1Jn repeatedly. So learn Him, and you learn to love Him, because what you learn about Him, IS Love=Truth=Righteousness=Omniscience=Justice=Bible. In your own head, LIVING. You are never alone!

Getting this Word, this DDNA in you, also happens to be the Only Holy Thing You Can Do. The Body of a King, is Church. So requires the Riches of a King, His Thinking. Again: Capacities determine relationships, and everything is RELATIVE TO those capacities and relationships. So Royal Capacity for Royal Bride Relationship is required, and everything is relative to that. So to the Royal, go much wealth and much responsibility: "to whom much is given, much is expected." Not peasant thinking, but Royal thinking.

The Riches of a King, are the LOVE of a King.
They are ONLY acquired by Royally learning Bible in God's System,
and ONLY under the King-Mentor, the Holy Spirit. For God IS Love.

This is a very long section. Here are its main subsections, in order; they function as an outline. Click on one of the items, to go back and forth between the subsections: for the content interweaves, and is sometimes confusing.

  1. The more DDNA in you, the bigger your soul; the more capacity; so you become King-sized, fit for THE King in Eternity.
  2. Hence LOVE Capacities determine RICHES Relationships.
  3. "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." Treasure of knowing Him.
  4. For God's HEAD is Treasure. Love Heads His Heart, By Divine Decree. Ergo LOVE is the First Commandment.
  5. So 1 John uses 1 Cor's metaphor of Word in Head as Love, since Canon=Love being completed, via John.
  6. So everything "from the beginning" (in the Garden) is Now come Full Circle.
  7. So Now the Last Adam, gets the Last Eve -- first, as His kids, being Sired by 'Mom', the Holy Spirit!
  8. For MARITAL Love Capacities determine MARITAL Relationships.
  9. For God is always about Marriage, and the Angelic Divorce Trial is about Marriage, so the Garden and hence Church's Marriage to Christ, was and is.. On Trial.
  10. So 1 John explains that to develop Divine Marital Love, requires Marital-Level Intimate Knowledge of God, which takes Divine Power to produce.
  11. So it's not about human love, but Word in You, which IS Divine Love. THAT is what's On Trial.
  12. So Learning Word is the first "flank" of Divine Love. Second "flank" is Believing What You Learn. Believing-in, is the 'heart' of Love.
  13. So Love as a Metaphor of Word means the Spirit has Built ENOUGH Dendritic Word in you, such that you maturely love, even as Christ does.
  14. Hence 1 John's theme: Completion of Canon AS Love, wraps up history, via First Commandment Living in You.

1. The more DDNA in you, the bigger your soul; the more capacity; so you become King-sized, fit for THE King in Eternity.

The more DDNA in you, the bigger your soul. The bigger your soul, the more capacity it has for everything. So you become King-sized, fit for THE King in eternity: so, fit to INHERIT a kingdom for eternity. Funny thing about being wealthy, or being a king: the more you own, the more what you own, owns you. You are not your own. And you are not your own, because by the time your soul is King-Sized, it's the KING you live for. Not for yourself. In a word, you have come to LOVE Him.

2. Hence LOVE Capacities determine RICHES Relationships.

Hence LOVE Capacities determine RICHES relationships, and everything is RELATIVE TO those capacities and relationships. Love is a focus ON the love object. But the Integrity of Love depends on the other attributes of the subject. Since God by nature is Infinite, He is therefore Undivided in His Attributes: you can't 'separate' His Attributes. So His Love is characterized by ALL His other Attributes, which is why you can't change God's Love by who you are or what you do. By contrast, everything about finity depends on division, even DNA itself. Finity must be modular, cellular, to continue living. So man's attributes are necessarily divided, in order for man to keep on living. That's the heart of the problem in the infinity-finity dichotomy between God and man. So to get DDNA in you is a True Transmutation in Truth, which means in Love. For Love isn't really love, if it's divided, apart from virtue.

3. "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." Treasure of knowing Him.

"For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also", Matt 6:21, Luke12:34. "Oh, the depth of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable His judgments, and His Ways beyond tracing out!" Romans 11:33. God's Heart, God's Love is beyond our radar screen, our comprehension, our accounting. So His Riches are, too. His Riches are His Love: as you'll hopefully see, in this subsection. Satan and all religion of any stripe would have you think God is the god of poverty. You know the gambit: if they scream on behalf of the poor, they are the holy ones and you are to feel guilty. But "My Ways are not your ways", He says in Isa55. Yeah, The Way to God is a PERSON, not a religion. That's why early Christianity was called, "The Way" after the famous phrase, "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life". That Person is Seated, Now. So where should our heart be?

4. For God's HEAD is Treasure. Love Heads His Heart, By Divine Decree. Ergo LOVE is the First Commandment.

So God's HEAD Attribute, which at 'heart' is Love, Decreed that every verse in the Bible be about His Son's Heart-Making DDNA, instead of heart-breaking, religion: all to build and answer, Eph3:15-19, with focus on the ingressive aorist of ginoskw, "and to come to know the Love of/for Christ", in v.19. For Divine Love is Something you Learn. And it changes you. That's DDNA, baby. Coming from Wholly-Matrimonial Divine Love, God in you, answer to His John 17 prayer. So the Real Holy Matrimony, First Commandment, you in Him. Lived and Loved, 24/7, 1Jn4:19. Communion, never divorce!

5. So 1 John uses 1 Cor's metaphor of Word in Head as Love, since Canon=Love Being Completed, via John.

So, 1John uses Paul's 1Cor metaphor of Bible Doctrine in your head as Love, since John is writing about 30+ years later: because "Love" is being completed with John's writings; and because "Love" is the First Commandment. For all love is based on knowledge, and all Divine Life And Love Comes Through Knowledge, Hosea 4:6 (book's theme). God's life and love, John 3:16. Hence you have life and can know Him. The circle of love, Rom5:5, is the circle of life, the Word; without Word=Love, there is no point in living, 1Cor13. Love is something you Learn, by learning Him (ibid). So 1Jn is on how things have come full circle (playing on Eph1), and hence Completing. For he knew he was the last author of Canon. (See how he plays with all that, in 1Jn2's incredible Greek.)

6. So everything "from the beginning" (in the Garden), is Now come Full Circle.

As 1Jn deftly explains, historically everything "now" (=Church, its timeslot) is come full circle; because with Canon's completion, Church the Bride can complete IN the First Commandment. The wedding is on, fulfilling the purpose of that Garden wedding, "from the beginning"! So John is also showing his audience WHY everything comes full circle by means of all those FIRSTS in his socratic equations. Very deft. Very unlike modern writing, so 1Jn is routinely mistranslated and misinterpreted. Try reading the whole epistle aloud, and change all present-tense verbs to the English PROGRESSIVE tense, see what a difference it makes in comprehension.

7. So Now the Last Adam, gets the Last Eve -- first, as His kids, being Sired by 'Mom', the Holy Spirit!

Oh, Holy Matrimonial Wit! Look: Christ is the Last Adam, so we as Last Wife (lol!), have to FIRST be His Kids!

8. For MARITAL Love Capacities determine MARITAL Relationships.

Hence MARITAL Love capacities determine MARITAL relationships, and everything is RELATIVE TO those capacities and relationships. No marital capacity, no marital relationship, no matter how many carats are on your wedding finger. Marriage is the most intimate of relationships, so requires the most Love. Love is not native to man, though he fancies himself a lover. Hence the divorce rate. Those not divorced, usually just stick it out. A truly happy married couple shines like a lighthouse in a storm, and is just as rare.

9. For God is always about Marriage,
and the Angelic Divorce Trial is about Marriage,
so the Garden and hence Church's Marriage to Christ,
was and is.. On Trial.

God is always about marriage, and the Angelic Divorce Trial is about marriage, so the Garden couple's Marriage was on Trial -- was God more important, or not? The irony was, in the name of marriage, Adam took that fruit from his wife, rejecting God. So we've all been divorcing HIM.. ever since. Just like Adam did, we choose people rather than God, and we call that choice, virtuous. Replacing the Real "God" of the First Commandment with "people"! Expecting God to reward us, of course. Funny how we keep cutting the head off the Commandments, paying so much attention to the 2nd through the 10th, but ignoring, the First. So we have no marital relationship with God. So we have no love for people, either: main theme of 1Jn.

10. So 1 John explains that to develop Divine Marital Love,
requires Marital-Level Intimate Knowledge of God,
which takes Divine Power to produce.

So 1Jn explains that to develop Divine Marital Love, requires Marital-level Intimate Knowledge of God; and that, takes Divine Power to produce -- parallel is Eph1:19's "surpassing greatness" (wordplay on Christ as Head). [Whenever Paul uses huperbole, he's playing on His Head in your Head, the Head Attribute of God's Word=Love. Fabulous stuff!] See, first the Groom had to be developed, for the Bride to be able to 'copy' Him. Israel was supposed to be that Bride, but she played Vashti (Part IVa of Thinking series is on this topic). So now Esther gets developed. The Husband 'bought' His Wife on the Cross. So now she learns Her Husband, prior to the Wedding. It's an old royal metaphor: in ancient times, a royal betrothal took place when both intendeds were young, and the bride was often raised in the royal house of her future husband (i.e., "Mary, Queen of Scots" had been betrothed to the future King of France, so spent her childhood there). So now we are in training to become Fit Bride for Our Royal Husband. It's a lot to learn.

11. So it's not about human love,
but Word in You, which IS Divine Love.
THAT is On Trial.

1Jn (and his Gospel) stresses that Word-Love connection which Paul had earlier explained in 1Cor13; which the Lord had first explained, in John 14-17. So it's not about human love, but Word In You. That is True Love. Nothing else. For "love" in Greek has different words to denote a different source for the love. In Greek, "agape" is never used for any other Source, but God. In Greek lit., "agape" was the love from the gods, and to the gods, but the latter was always a product of the former. That's why you have the "subjective and objective genitive" in classical Greek, which construction the Bible uses a lot (i.e., in every "love of God" or "of love"). The 'god' cycling in you, is the idea. So the proper English translation requires an adjective front the verb: Divine Love, not merely "love". [Typical of translations, to chop God out of the picture. Happens so predictably, you can set your watch. If the word "God" or "Divine" is part of the meaning of the word, you must translate it. But hey: no one does. Find even one translation of the word "agape" properly rendered, "God's Love" or "Divine Love", I dare ya. Everyone knows this word, so why is it continually mistranslated! Aarrrrrgggghhhh.]

12. So Learning Word is the first "flank" of Divine Love.
Second "flank" is Believing What You Learn. Believing-in, is the 'heart' of Love.

So Learning the Word is the first "flank" of getting Divine Love. But there's a second flank: Believing In What You Learn. For Love always begins with a believing-in. If you 'abide' in believing-in, you eventually come to love, say the socratic equations in 1Jn4:7-19. From there, you 'abide' in the love, the same way you got there: "Love believes all things..endures all things", Paul writes in 1Cor13:4ff. Paul's main meaning level, speaks of the All-Things of Christ, His Word. Like the writer of Hebrews, John ties in the "believes" (in) and "endures" keywords, from 1Cor13:4ff: to explain how you can know you are loving God, especially in 1Jn4:7-19.

13. So Love as a Metaphor of Word means
the Spirit has Built ENOUGH Dendritic Word in you,
such that you maturely love, even as Christ does.

So Love used as a metaphor for the Word means enough OF that dendritic Word has been built by the Spirit IN you, with the result that you maturely love even as Christ does: John parallels the goal of Eph4:13, Eph3:15-19, in 1Jn4:12-17. To show how the completion of Canon, leads to its completion in your head; leads to the completion of history. So you become a king in eternity, and get a Kingdom of kids to love.

14. Hence 1 John's theme:
Completion of Canon AS Love,
wraps up history,
via First Commandment Living in You.

Hence 1John's theme from Chapter 1 is thus the Completion of Canon AS Love, wrapping up history -- in you. Completion ("perfecting" in English Bibles) of a Written Contract which Fulfills the First Commandment, completes Canon, completes Church, completes you, completes God's Trial Answer to Satan&Co. Note how this Trinity Love Contract is expressed in Isa53:10-12: If you will give Your Soul as a substitute for sin, you will sire many, who will via You, get the Light of the Word. There's not one verse in Bible which doesn't point to this Contract, which was made between Father and Son in eternity past. John understood it; he's using "Light" in 1Jn to reference the (missing-in-translation) LXX of Isa53:11, since it's the Heart Of The Our Legacy In Christ; so when he repeatedly uses the Greek verb teleiow (=to complete, "to perfect" in legal sense), he's thus showing how that contract gets fulfilled first in (1Jn4:12), and then in association with, us (1Jn4:16).

Hence both the Riches AND Love of a King, are always under attack.
More specifically: ON TRIAL. As in, Legal Trial.

So of course, our Plot, our Script, our Story is rather dramatic. Fitting, for a Trial By Combat. The Script/Plot/Story nature is one of WAR. Specifically, CIVIL war. The story of this war and our role in it, is comprehensively explained in the "Thinking" series, accessible from the Home Page (upper right teal box); the first page in that series, is LordvSatan1.htm, which furnishes you with an overview. This DDNA webseries is the 'micro' side of the Thinking series, to explain how you are DDNA-transmuted; but the war is over WHETHER you DDNA-transmute. For that's the same war angels had before mankind was created: back then, Satan decided that God's DDNA-transmuting plan for the angels, was evil. So he along with 1/3rd of the angels, rebelled against it, Isa14:13-14. ["Satan" is a title, not a name: means "adversary" as in "opposing attorney" in a trial. But his real name is Haylel ben-Shachar, which name can be rendered "Shining Son of the Dawn", Isa14:12. LXX renders it "MorningStar, Descendant" -- well, the LXX uses incredible wordplay, you'd better just look it up.]

So it has always been a war/struggle over whether Superior God makes you like HIM, or whether you make yourself your OWN way. For God is infinite, but you are finite; so if you love God, you want to be more like Him FOR Him. If you hate God's superiority, you want.. divorce. So you can be your own god. Satan&Co. will gladly 'help' you be your own god. In fact, you'd then need their help, for you can't improve yourself on your own. [Adam was created perfect, so no improvement mechanism inside himself was created. It wasn't justifiable. Any further growth would be beyond his then-current nature, so such growth would have to come from God.] You aren't your own, and weren't designed to be on your own, so you always need either God's Power, or Satan's. There is no middle ground. See, you were designed to be a King-Priest. No king owns himself, but his kingdom owns him. So if you want to be made like the Most High FOR the Most High, God will do that TO you and FOR you. If, by contrast, you want to be made like Satan&Co., they will do that TO you and FOR themselves. Your choice.

So: in this Culminating Phase of the War-Trial, God is out to build a Bride for His Son, which is Church. Then, to marry her off for all eternity; at which point, she keeps on birthing DDNA kids; starting, Down Here And Right Now. For in that first nanosecond you believe(d) in Christ, you marry Him. What kind of marriage ensues after that, depends on how much DDNA gets put in you. The marriage, is absolute. The way it forever plays on and for you, is a matter of your consent, every second you breathe. You can always reverse a prior vote, but many prior votes of course will take time to nullify. Meanwhile, every positive vote you make has a bizillion times the effect. Which you know, because God took your first vote for John 3:16, and saved you forever. So how much more now will He do with your subsequent positive votes! For you are not your own, but His, now. So this spiritual siring by God, occurs amidst a Divorce Trial which Satan&Co. filed; hence we were created. Hence the human race has always been "evidence" in the Trial. In this phase of the Trial, we Church are being developed and then presented in evidence (by both sides, actually) to show the results of Love as Word IN you. Or, the lack thereof. Word, not works. Love=Word, not works.

So what's on Trial, is God's LOVE. Satan contends God lies, and does not love, essentially. So it's a big battle over the works of God, versus the works of Satan&Co. That's why Satan tempts the Lord in Matt4, with works! You can see where this argument is heading, can't you? Do you Wait for God to Work, or .. do YOU work? Satan was trying to break the Lord's waiting on Father...
    • So: if you Wait on the Lord to do the Work He wants to do in you, 2Pet3:18 -- you will be a Victorious Witness, and own ("inherit", in Bible) your own kingdom, for all eternity. Just as it stands written, "Wait on the Lord, be of good courage; and He will give you the desires of your heart." Ps27:14, 31:24, 37:4.

    • By contrast, if you don't have the Word in you, you aren't abiding in God and you don't love Him, and your Trial witness is a failure. But you will be putting a lot of touchdown works.. in Satan's endzone. See 1Cor3:13, 2Pet3:10.

    Notice the apples-and-oranges goals and results. God doesn't want works, He wants sons; so only does works for the sons He's developing; because those sons are in the world, the world benefits from God's works; because those who are not sons refuse to become sons -- could God make it easier, than John 3:16? -- God will not do works for them. By contrast, Satan says because God won't do works for the refusers, God doesn't love. So Satan does works for the refusers, alleging he's the greater lover. Yeah, he is that petty. Welcome to reality.

    God's Work, therefore, is to Produce Children Of Love. That means, Happy Children. Truly happy, not automatons. Truly happy, therefore independent. Irony of how total dependence on God produces maximum independence, is Christ Himself (thesis of Book of Hebrews). So His Victory on the Cross, demonstrated Maximum Happy Independence via Maximum Dependence, Heb5:8-9, Heb12:2. So he defeated Satan in the Trial (Heb1-2), but.. now the kiddies get produced (ibid).

      Christ paid for every soul in history on the Cross. So clearly God Loves every soul He makes at birth, no exceptions (1Jn2:2, 2Pet3:9). So He loves all the angels, too, including Satan&Co., since He made them. But when the child rebels, the child is refusing to have God's Involvement in the child's life. So, a Loving God accepts that refusal. But the same Loving God, knows what will most aid the child to see that his refusal is the source of his unhappiness. So, part of the Blessing The World Gets Due To The Developing Sons In It, is a blessing of discipline: lest the rebelling children, have no escape route out of their self-made unhappiness. That's another reason why hell will always exist. God never gives up, 1Cor13:4ff, Rom9.

      Judicially, the issue is related: The King Who Made You is being refused. Christ's many parables on this topic in the Gospels, explain that issue. So what is at heart a Loving Father's discipline, is judicially, a warring: hence the last half of John 3, is about that warring 'match' Justice would require. So the hating world can see in its own 'language', what Justice must ensue. And its children-of-God, get blessed (and spanked, of course). So the hating world can see the advantage -- again, in its own language -- of making peace. Frankly, the West only developed due to the few believers in it. The US is not of itself, powerful. Same is true of any other nation. The sons in the nation are the only source of blessing, because it's a Justice Issue. Founded, by Love.

    Satan's work, therefore, is to produce Children Of Misery. That means bored children, prickly children, fighting children, dependent children who never grow up. For Satan is all about aborting whatever God creates. So he's all about faking out the prolifers who never look at Bible in the original languages, to see how no soul is ever in a womb. So, he can chuckle over how he's aborting their very real spiritual life, in the name of life. Yeah, he's that petty. Should see how much more cruel a game he plays on the Moslems via the Koran, but I digress...

      As 1Jn keeps repeating, if you are in the Word you are loving (i.e., 1Jn2:5); if not, you are hating (ibid, immediate context). So at any moment, believer, you are either hatred-based or love-based. The unbeliever is only hatred-based, and wouldn't know love -- again, 1Jn repeatedly explains all this.

      When a hatred-based person is attracted, he must beat up the object of his attraction. Therefore the more you do for a child of misery, the more you will be hated for it, and the more you will 'make' him miserable. So at some point, you must stand off. Conversely, whatever mistakes you make (and we all do), the more those mistakes will be blown out of proportion, to justify further hatred of you. So again, at some point you must stand off.

      When a love-based person is attracted, he must leave free the object of his attraction. So the children of love, are quiet; but the children of misery, are loud. The children of love, put UP (and put up with) the objects of their love; but the children of misery, must put down the objects of their attraction. Seduction of any kind is a put down; flirting, compliments, you-name-it, are done to manipulate, and are all coming from misery. For misery seeks power. Love seeks to avoid power, since it already has too much and wouldn't want to influence the love object in any way.

      So that's yet another reason why God stands aloof from the world, sending His blessing only through the children of love. God is not like the children of misery, but since those children are clamoring and loud, they can't 'hear' His Quietness. So all they 'hear', is their own language. Yet, He demonstrates He Himself is not like them, by leaving them free to clamor, etc. Sooner or later, many of these children (of which we all once were) will catch onto God's Quiet Freedom. For lightning doesn't strike them down, the wicked do prosper, especially the religious wicked. They need space and time to see that God is Quiet, because He is Loving. So they need that contrast, even as they need the seeming 'warring' in their own language. The 'mix' between the two varies all the time, for God knows when you need to 'hear' Him 'mimic' your own miserable nature, and when you need to 'hear' Him be Quiet. No one, but no one, goes UNloved by God. Not even in hell.

    So: Who shall work upon YOU? God, or Satan&Co.? You and I are in the operating theatre; you and I are on the stage, in the stadium: with billions of angels (and probably many dead believers, I dunno).. watching. See how much we miss when we cut God out of the First Commandment? Thus mistaking Who sees us, as mere people? The whole people-people thing, doesn't even matter! The whole people-stress thing comes from the guys who enjoy guffawing at our touchbacks! (Per dictionary.com, a "touchback" occurs you make a touchdown for the opposing team. That's the definition I grew up with in the 1950's. Not all dictionaries agree, today.]

There's an unbelievably-gigantic difference between God's DDNA-Love-Production works, and Satan's dDNA version; because, God's love and Satan's, are antithetical. Again, this is Trial Evidence. And your own Trial witness/production is this: How You Vote. How Do You Vote.. and Keep Voting? For GOD'S works.. or for Satan's? It's Evidence, hence Legal: you're voting for Who Rules you, every second. Therefore Because Of You, 'in your name', Works get Produced. The works of 'you' are always bigger than whatever you do, good or bad. Because this is a Trial, and what's getting done TO you is always the Bigger Power. So if you're getting dDNA, that's a bigger power than anything you personally are doing -- Satan&Co. are doing works through and in you, and that's the Evidence 'you' are producing. Conversely, if you're getting DDNA because you're voting for God by Being In His System, then that Power is Producing IN and FOR you, Works IN you and in the world. And that is Evidence, as well. So at no point are you the product of what you do. You are only the product of what gets done TO you, and most of the time you can't even see what's happening to you, or what's being done in the world 'in your name'. Welcome to reality. It's exhilirating and humiliating, and it's the truth. The Real Truth. You are simultaneously both bigger, and smaller, than you think yourself. Play on the Hypostatic Union, dual-natured value, per the Greek of Heb11:1. [See Heb111.htm for a corrected translation, since no translated Bible I can read, but screws up that verse.]

Moreover, your own ultimate nature is the outcome of all those amalgamated votes. As always, any past votes you made, can be undone (usually gradually). So it's never too late to change your voting pattern. In all events, you are always voting with every thought you think, every action you do. And absent DDNA building in you.. you're voting for Satan. No way around it: You Can't Vote For God, Absent God's Power. So when you vote for God, the Holy Spirit makes that vote produce DDNA, even as He made your first 'vote' for John 3:16, save you forever. But now, the question changes to what goes atop that salvation, as Paul puts it in Romans 8:4.

Meanwhile the world, Christians included, largely votes for Satan: people rely on people rather than God, so they vote for Satan rather than God, so.. touchdown! for the enemy side.

So with all this satanically-sponsored soul pollution of motive, insanity and incompetence evident, God's Love Evidence stands out in stark, mute contrast. The human can't hear or see it, "silence of Jonah" clause in Luke 11:29. [The "sign" of Jonah, is 'silence'; play on the witty Hebrew term "damah" in Hosea 4:5-6, which was the Message Jonah also gave to Ninevah. "Damah" has two roots: 1) silencing/destroying Bible teaching leads to 2), national destruction ("mother" being the nation). The Lord makes a Genius parallelism, here: it's not just the three days and three nights, but the pregnancy metaphor running throughout Isa52:14-53:12, the resultant fulfillment of Dan9:26, which is parallel to both Hosea and Jonah's messages of Believe.. or else. You'll have to read both Hosea and Jonah to see His clever conceptual concatenation. Awesome stuff.]

So, like every other NT book, 1Jn4:12-17 shows why the Building-Up of Church "sons" is the Culmination of History, because it Finishes God's Love Answer to Satan&Co. in the Trial; hence Canon's completion will be the cause of Church's completion, and hence Church becomes the cause of Love's completion (v.17 compared to v.12, in the Greek). And with the culmination of history, no more time is needed to answer Satan, so: the Rapture occurs, playing out the last 1007 years of history previously reserved (pre-Church). 1Jn4:12-17 elaborates on Eph1:15-23, essentially. [Re the 1007 years, see Mirroring.htm's "Jesus the Christ" link.]

CENTRAL TRIAL PROOF: LOVE capacities determine LOVE relationships, and everything is relative to those capacities and relationships. God is out to Build A Marital Relationship Between His Son And You. His Son's 'side' in that relationship was previously built on the Cross, 2000 years ago. So now it's a question how much on your 'side', you want to be built. This is an Exclusive, Personal, Intimate Relationship. It matters not at all that there are billions of us; in our lingo, it's a relationship that's 'as if' each of us were the only person in the universe. For God's Love is not 'diminished' by a plurality of objects, by differences among the objects, nor any other factor about the objects. God's Love is Absolute, which is why no human can do it, which is Why It Must Be Built In You. But Love never coerces, so your consent is constantly required. God does all the work, you just consent.

In sum, Love=DDNA=Word Being Built In You Is The Spiritual Life: you are to be DDNA-Transmuted, like His Son's Soul. So it's what you are to become by means of Who you learn, that defeats Satan&Co. in the Trial. Because, You Keep Voting To Learn Him So You remain Learning Him; rather than, change your vote and instead, learn Satan. You aren't being trained to learn something in order to do something else, ever. God is infinite, and your life is forever about learning Him. Whatever you are to 'do' is for the purposes of learning. Which, if you Love Him, is a dream come true. Which, if you do not love Him, is a nightmare. No middle ground.

So it's never never never never about 'earning'. "Earning" is what happens when the "L" for "Lord" is missing. If you don't learn this ASAP, you will waste your time and have a lot of later regrets. The world lies: it's not at all about works, since the work is what God works in you -- building that Love up, one precept at a time, every second you breathe. No matter what you do. So if you don't breathe 1Jn1:9 and live in God's System, you are as evil as Satan -- a threaded theme throughout 1Jn and James. You can even see it in the Gospels, when the Lord excoriates the religious types. Example: in Jn8:44, He calls their father, "the devil". Hint hint.

Hence Satan&Co. are out to make it about "earning", so to abort God's Progeny. But at the same time, they mock us for not Learning Bible. Their strategy and tactics are not at all hidden. Rather, they advertise their involvement to Deride the spiritual life, to Imbalance the spiritual life, to Obfuscate the spiritual life, and finally to Substitute their own viral dDNA, in lieu of spiritual DDNA; so the poor soppy Christian, has no excuse for his votes against God.

Let's now examine in more detail, how they accomplish this "DIOS" strategy, thus making the Real God 'foreign' to us. A strange god... [Satan's "D-I-O-S" strategy is explained at length in SatStrat.htm. Search on "D-I-O-S", once you load that page. "MEGA" table in LvS4c.htm is also instructive. Search on that term, once you load the page.] So let's pause in our review of Satan&Co.'s DIOS plan, to note a litmus test. After all, God does mandate behaviors, so.. how do you tell the difference between obeying God, or.. somehow slipping into Satan's Works System? Well, operationally, it boils down to MOTIVE. Why are you thinking/doing What you are thinking/doing? And it also boils down to Where You Are Living, whose Power System. So: are you living on Bible in God's System.. or living on works/people, in Satan's System? Live in God's System, and DDNA grows. Live in Satan's system, and dDNA grows.

So back to their DIOS Plan... So: if you don't learn those socratic equations in 1Jn, you'll become Satanfodder, mistaking 1Jn as about works and being nice to people. A socratic equation is a rhetorical style which is kinda like tic-tac-toe. It's modular, and the sentence structure is balanced. Notice, for example, that in 1Jn1:5-10, you have three clauses in each sentence; if you 'vertically' examine them, every first clause parallels every next first clause; every second clause parallels its next second clause, etc. So that you can equate the protases of later sentences, to similar protases in prior sentences. So the one who sins is in darkness, doesn't have the truth in him (so is a liar), doesn't have the Word in Him (calls God a liar). This is a sophisticated form of parallelism, so you can move the modules around and equate conditions and results. Hence Word=Love=abiding in God. All else, not. Very deft technique.

In conclusion, ti gar oun, ti oun estin: for whom are you voting, and who's making you? Are you getting DDNA, or dDNA, fancying yourself holy? For surely, it's murder if you key your life to people, and you're making touchdowns for Satan, but never God; especially, if you do all that AIDS abortive, Word-distortive work in the name of God. For God alone has first "dibs" on your life, and if He's not getting all your heart and soul and understanding, the Lord's Amendment Of The First Commandment is a sham. So you reject Your Savior, too. There's no "people" in the First Commandment, and it's First. So that's the "work" which is good. All else, is a phony substitute, Cain's vegetables, Zech7: are you doing that fasting for ME, Israel? Isa1:13, I can't stand your sacrifices any more, they stink. Lots of verses like this in Bible. So there's a lot of satire on works which in translation you can't see; the normal style, like here in 1Jn, is to tweak the religiously apostate's works by calling 'em something immoral (major rhetorical style in the OT); by stating what real good, work, love.. is.

So the Warring against the King, produces Battlefield Royalty: kings.
And Battlefield Plunder, Booty, Isa53:12.

John writes 1John so believers can know what constitutes being "spiritual" for God; what constitutes good evidence in the Angelic Trial we are in, because we can't see anything from down here; and we can't see them (the demons, angels, God, etc). So John outlines four types of things which in that Trial are used to demonstrate God's handiwork. He's referencing and elaborating on Heb11:1 (in the Greek), which they all knew. What they didn't know, was what now that the Temple is gone, and God seems to have gone silent?

So, the Silence Of Jonah is the answer: Bible Teaching, Just As The Lord Had Promised Back In The Gospels. (Matt12:39, 16:4, Luk11:19; the later explains what "Jonah" meant for Ninevah.) Hence the Word in us, the THEME of the Trial, Love being brought to completion in association with us. (1Jn4:17, but brought up in v.12.) It's not running around to people gushing love, for crying out loud. That's what the Gnostics and the religionists were all doing -- just like today. Love is a Thought Pattern Of The Word In You, so can't show up on any radar screen except heaven's. This Trial and this Witness is something we ourselves can't even see, so of course it's not even playing to the world. It's playing, to GOD. And thus, to the angels on both sides of Him, in the Angelic Trial.

So Father silently answers Son's John 17:17-21 prayer by putting His Son's Thinking, which is the Truth, in us hapless earthen vessels. Consequently, for Trial purposes, these four major demonstrations of Invisible God are the "Work" God is accomplishing in us. These four are listed in 1Jn4:12-17. Put too simply, these four are:

  1. The Spirit teaching and FILLING, thus EMPOWERING us, which is why 1Jn is written, why one needs to live on Word Study and 1Jn1:9; this is the entire spiritual life, for Church. For in the beginning which was not a beginning, was the Word. And the Word was with God, and the Word was God. So began John's Gospel. "Word" is the quintessential moniker for God in the OT, and particularly, the Son of God: dabar in Hebrew, ho Logos in Greek. For that means God's Thinking, His Essence. So loving the Word, is loving God. And if you love the Word, you cherish/guard the Word, 1Jn2:5. Anything else.. not. For that's only how the Lord 'walked', Matt4:4.

  2. As a result, we thus truly know we 'see' the Invisible God, Who sent His Son, the Savior; we're thus eyewitnesses, in the larger Angelic Trial, and not but condimentally, witnesses to people; and in fact we can see and know God like 1Jn explains, because we are becoming like Him via the Spirit's transforming DDNA in our souls (the Word itself, its Thinking Results);

  3. So We admit that Jesus is that Son of God, and for that reason, keep abiding in Him ('confess' is an admittance something is true, hence obviously you believe it); John 15 is thus fulfilled.

  4. Hence, the climactic completion: We have come to know the Word and believed Him, so we reflect that Love: Him. A love the world can't match, no matter how hard it tries. A Love the world can't see; but it's not about what the world sees: it's about what God sees. God, not people.
Because, we are truly spiritually-born, and it's all the Spirit's DDNA, proving the authenticity. Not, how nice we are to people.

This invisibility is just like all the other Trial witnesses of the Bible. Who saw Abraham sacrifice Isaac? Who saw Job pass the test? Who saw Christ on the Cross? The angels, not people. So who is seeing you now? The angels, not people down here. Search on "angels" verses in the NT, see how many Trial references are made to them. It's so bald in the OT and NT that this Angelic Trial is going on (fuzzed over in translation, of course), it's totally amazing that all our fascination with them doesn't yield a more sober understanding. My pastor has taught this extensively for over 50 years, as have some others. Consequently, we have no reason to be so obtuse about the fact that the Trial is before the angels; not at all, before mankind.

So people have very little to do with this witness. So we need to have little to do with people, but a lot to do with God. Once we are "rooted and grounded in Love", Eph3:17, we'll have enough discernment and proper motivation from Word to know what, if anything, we do in witnessing (etc) to people. Frankly, God's not too coy about what He wants: he just flat brings people to you when He thinks you are the appropriate mouth for whatever He wants. Then, they run around and tell everyone they know what you said. You never see the person again, after that. Ships that pass in the night. So God, not you, remains the sole focus. After all, you get chateaubriand, Him. Why should your brethren then settle for you, who are dog doo-doo?

But Up High in the 3rd Heaven, beyond this universe, those who know the difference between what is normal human and Bible Doctrine IN the human, are the unseen combatants in the Trial. They are very involved with humankind. They intently watch us down here. Peter uses "epithumousin angeloi parakupsai" to describe them craning their necks, like you would from up in the stands at a NASCAR race or a football game, totally involved in the 'play' -- one of my pastor's favorite reminders, 1Pet1:12. Think of us as a stadium (1Cor4:9, Greek), as a laboratory, where the results of Satan's implanted thinking versus the Lord's implanted thinking are all on display (viz., beginning of Job1 and 2, Eph3:10, 1Tim5:21). Now you get a better sense of what 1Jn4:12-17 is about. This Trial is real. You are onstage. You are being watched. By God, by the angels. So forget the people thing: you are part of something of so much greater importance, you can't even imagine. As a result, your potential impact on the human race right now is so vast, you can't even imagine. So forget the works thing, too. Stay In God's System, not works! John keeps repeating. Now you know why.

Here's a quick list of the tangle of conflicts and issues this spiritual life creates due to the Trial, and especially due to the diffferential between Infinite God putting His Own Truth in you.. and your own nature. Each of the items below is happening within each of the above four dimensions of this DDNA buildup. This DDNA transmutation, is a killer!

  1. Spirituality is what happens in your soul: this DDNA growing in you is impossible from the get-go. You can't even understand it, or use it, yourself. You can only vote "yes" or "no". So the Trial Test is, do you learn Christ and thus become like Him in your soul, or do you instead become like Satan? Same test, as in the Garden. When the woman took the fruit, she became like Satan, not God. Macro version: when we stupid Christians make an issue of "fruit-bearing" we imitate the woman's sin -- see how Matt7, 12, Luke 6 talk about "fruit": rotten figs, Jeremiah (i.e., 24:8, 29:17) reference. Read the context of Jeremiah closely; notice how from Chapter 22 onward God is talking about how He will destroy the Temple due to all those rotten figs with their rotten works. It's gruesome text. It's what's going to happen to Christendom, and all its associated countries, if we don't grow up in God's System. One person growing up makes so vast a difference, you can't imagine. See Mirroring.htm, if you want the measly-version (where 490 years was granted to the whole planet due to God being pleased -- so what more is happening, now that Christ is risen)!

  2. It's Learning, not earning! So from whose tree are you 'eating' learning? If Satan's, you'll be all about visible works stuff. If God's, then you'll live as Christ did, Matt4:4. For the Fruit of the Spirit is all inside you, Gal5:22. Spirit is invisible, and so is what HE produces, since He produces it for God. Not, for people. But heck: what people can get just because you 'abide' in the Spirit, is a bizillion times bigger than all the works since Day One until the end of time. This is not hyperbole, but "the surpassing greatness of His superior power" (my pastor's translation), Eph1:19, Eph3:19. "Surpassing" in both those verses, is a frequent wordplay technique Paul uses to designate His Head, which is superior to the Body, being in our heads, which IS the spiritual life. (See also 1Cor1:5, 10, 12:31, 2Cor4:7, 2Cor12:7 in Greek where the same punning wordplay is used -- Greek word is some form of huperbole, but sometimes the imagery is used instead of the word. Peter seems to like huparchein -- well, he loves using hupo- prefixed words, designating you are Under the Head, the Word.) Keep on being in God's System, and you'll see it for yourself. Invisibly, taught to you by the Holy Spirit Himself.

  3. Because, the Divine Thinking and the human body are not compatible. Which is why spirituality and spiritual growth, is only the learning. As you grow in Christ you will be increasingly living only on the Word in the Spirit. You cannot survive, else. So, apart from Him you can do nothing (John 15). But if a part of Him in the Spirit, you need do nothing. Just stay (aka "abide") in His System. Now you know why 1Jn is so 'simply' written. When under pressure, those 'simple' reminders, are your lifeline. Spiritual Growth and spiritual importance are always 'blind' to your human nature, so to that nature this life will always seem 'wrong' or surreal. You only know due to the Spirit telling you; and He only tells you through the Word, John 4:23-24, 14:26, 1Jn4, Heb4:12, Eph3:15-19, 4:11-16, etc. That's why you need the Word for proof, so you can keep on seeing that you aren't hallucinating. God never commands us to make bricks without straw. Religion, however, is for those blind-of-Word; which is why Christianity proves itself blind-of-Word, constantly working working working to make touchdowns for Satan&Co., per Rev17.

  4. God truly changes the person who grows in His System. Ironically, this means your sins are bigger than they were before. Because, YOU are bigger than you were. This problem is a concomitant hazard of growing in what my pastor terms, "capacity righteousness" (keying off the Greek in Rom8:4). As you grow, you will become much more discerning about what is truly righteous, and what is not. This leads to a vulnerability in your soul: you will become more ashamed or guilty about your own failures, because you are more discerning. You will also become more offended at the failures around you, for the same reason. So you are weaker, not stronger, humanly: thus more vulnerable to attack (by your own sin nature, by the world's thinking, by Satan&Co).

      God never urges; so the urges you feel, are never coming from God; the urges will seem like they come from God (sure mark you are being messed with, by the unseen defendants in the Trial). God never accuses. God never casts doubt. God never expresses disapproval the way we expect. He informs, but there's no taint. Even Divine Discipline is loving, Heb12:5ff.

      So it's an occupational hazard, to step 'out' of God's System, as this burgeoning discernment, beckons you to react. Cling to 'Mom' (the Holy Spirit) in the Word with all your heart and soul (aka "mind") and strength. Breathe through it, hanging onto whatever Doctrine you know, learning what you can about our hapless condition as humans. It's a normal part of the growth process of knowledge, to suddenly see and need to react. Hang on in the Word. Use 1Jn1:9, get up, and keep going. Over and over and over. It's spiritual LaMaze, frankly. "Me amal", Hebrew prep phrase of birthing in Isa53:11, depicting His 'labor pains' of the Cross; being paradigmally played for your benefit IN you, fulfilling Isa53:11, fellowship of His Sufferings. Couldn't be a more valuable experience, one you will come to cherish. Fourth Aspect will cover this topic in more detail.

      "My Food is to do the Will of Him Who sent Me," said the Lord in the Gospels. And what is the Will of Him [Father] Who sent Him [the Son] into the world? To Do Nothing. Be a lamb. Let Holy Spirit carry you to and through the slaughter of the Cross. Lambs don't care for themselves, and neither should you.

  5. Guilt and shame and offense are big-ticket items for the human race, to motivate works so Satan&Co. can get more touchdowns and spiritual abortions. So guilt, etc. are even bigger ticket items, when used on the believer. Christ paid for ALL sin on the Cross, but we humans want to put our oars in: the more power you have, the greater the urge to "do" something with that power, so Satan&Co. use guilt (etc.) in order to push the believer to "do" something. Guilt is a sin-nature trait (bio-psychological remnant of remembering that first sin). Can't get rid of it. Treat it like an allergy, so you take your medicine of Bible you know, under the Spirit, in His System. You will be tempted like the psychomatic paralytic my pastor taught us about, in Matt9 (Mk2, Luke5): to think your sins have cut you off from God. Well, your sins were paid off, since 2000 years ago! so take up your bed of fake misery -- use 1Jn1:9 to name the guilt, shame, offense -- and walk away. It's a lie that you ought to feel guilty, ashamed, bad or offended. All a lie. Christ didn't die on the Cross in vain. If you don't use 1Jn1:9, you in essence claim the Cross a fraud; that somehow what you did either didn't get paid, or that you don't need to name the sin since the Cross did occur. Evil lie, either way: see 1Jn1:10 and :8. See also Heb6:6, Rom4:14, 1Cor1:17.

  6. Divine, Absolute Power is growing in you line on line, precept on precept. For the Trial is about whose Power is superior, and we humans are the recipients of both kinds. Test is, What Does The Human Become Under God's Power.. or, under Satan's? It's not about anything else, at the Trial level. So you must be careful what you want. What you want, will be given EFFECT. That's why we have prayer. That's why we have a spiritual life. It's one long series of votes for whose power will govern. So you are powerful, not in yourself, but in your God-given Role. And that role is way too powerful, to be treated dismissively or emotionally. Christ was God-Man, because that would maximally express the range of power options available. He chose to spurn the use of His Godness to benefit Himself or anyone else -- unless and to the extent that, Father wanted Son to use it. Christ also chose to spurn the use of His Human Power, completely. Instead, He relied on the Spirit. That is what we must do also. But we will be tempted to quit or use this power wrongly. Just as Christ was. This is the closest thing to being in Hypostatic Union a sinner human can get. No other group of believers was given so much power, theme of Eph1. No other group post-Church will get it, because we are Body of Christ. No one else has that role. If Christians really knew this, they'd probably be too shocked to move for weeks...

      The more power you have, the less you should 'do', because you are more powerful. You don't kill a fly with a neutron bomb. You don't spend your wealth on the poor, you invest your wealth, because then the poor can have jobs and make their own wealth (socialism always bankrupts a country, sooner or later). The more power you have, the smaller must be whatever you do. Because whatever you do, is way more powerful than everything else.

      DDNA is very small. All life depends on it. Quarks are very small: all the cosmos depends on them. Aggregations of the small stuff thus get big, whether in biology or cosmology (vacuums 'unite' quarks and general theory of relativity). So the 'big' stuff gets all the attention, since we can see it; but big is little, really. So the Holy Spirit focuses on the 'little' thoughts you have, lovingly. Thereby turning spiritual fission, into spiritual fusion. Biggest power in the Universe: "not by might, not by power, but By My Spirit, saith the Lord", Zech4:6. The Holy Breath, Invisible. On Whom, all life depends.

      So you only win in the spiritual life by God CARRYING you, since Only His Power does Everything, and.. since you're not God, you can't properly use all the power He makes you BECOME. Satan&Co. will try to USE that power He makes you become. Hide in 'Mom', the Holy Spirit. Just stand still, as Eph6 counsels. Stay below-radar, just keep on learning Him. Don't give into the temptation to come out from 'under' the Holy Spirit, but instead "abide in Him". Like a soldier staying at his post, not giving into the taunts to leave (i.e., to help defeat the enemy). God Does All The Fighting. He did it all in the OT, and He still does. Stay Put. Be a 'faithful wife' and stay at home, no matter how it seems you glorify your Husband if you do it yourself. Christ never used His Deity for Father: Satan was baiting and berating Him for that, in Matt4. Jesus always could have done so, even on the Cross. But Christ Stayed Put. So must we. That's 1Jn's strident, never-ceasing warning.

      In practice, you'll mess up over and over and over. Think of it like training in your favorite sport. For example, in racquetball, for every killshot you make, you'd previously shot a thousand high balls. But with continued practice, you get more killshots per 1000 bad ones. So keep breathing 1Jn1:9, try again. And again. And again. John's style of Greek writing is over and over and over, very driven, very repetitive. That's how success in the spiritual life, is built. That's how even biological DNA is constructed. One nucleotide upon another in a gigantic chain; one moment chained to the next, repeatedly. No flash.

  7. Because it's God's power, the entire mechanism with respect to the human race, is INDIRECT. You pray for what you want. You live in God's System according to how HE wants, and you pray instead of do, anything (big running theme in 1Jn). Whatever your body life, it will have exigencies, intrinsics which tell you what God wants you to 'do' with that body life, so you live that life in God's System as a Bible class, 24/7. But your spiritual life rides 'atop' it, so to speak, and you use all the body stuff for learning. So you yourself, are 'indirect' with respect to the world: in it, but not of it. Because, you are taken off the world's playing field that first nanosecond you believed in Christ. So you live to God, and no other way (main theme in Romans 6-8, 2Cor5, Ephesians, Colossians, 1Cor). Satan&Co. will continually try to get you off the spiritual life in the name of being spiritual or serving God. To tap that power of God's. For you belong to God, and when you want to do the wrong thing, well.. certain responses BY God are required. Trust Him, these responses are not what you would want, were you in your right mind (see Lev26, Deut28, for a harrowing picture). In the Thinking series (link @pagetop), Part III's "Corollary 3" items and all of Part IV are dedicated to the beyond-imagination effect God's Power has on the human race due to believers and how they are growing or retrogressing in Christ.

      1Jn is very focused on this fact. From the beginning he weaves the theme of the separation from the world, that we are. Technically, since the world doesn't want Him, it won't want us either, so we don't play on the world's turf. Instead, we just learn Him. Father then uses that progress to reward the world -- really, to sustain us, as if we owned the world already -- so the world gets paid far more than what we could have done, for it.

      In the previous section, I explained how in college I was training for a career in diplomacy; but God didn't want me in that field. So, I didn't go into it. So what I might have owed the world in that field, HE paid by answering a prayer I prayed during my too-dumb-to-know-Bible days. I don't need to tell you that the breakup of the Soviet Union completely changed the balance of political power in the world. Additionally, all those hard-working diplomats on both sides, not to mention the now freer peoples, got to be involved in that change. Not in a million years' training, could I have directly helped them that much. But God is Infinite, whereas I am infinitesmal.

      So: I'm not the only believer on the planet, am I? So what must He be paying on your behalf? Gotta be at least that big, huh. For we are equal in Christ, per Romans 6, 2Cor5:17, all of Galatians. Our status in eternity might not be equal, but we're still down here and thus are equal as Priests. And all of us, are Kings-in-Training. So the world gets a king's ransom out of us. Or a king's worth of damage, if we try to play on this world's turf. Avoid all power motives -- and Churchinanity claptrap -- like the plague. They only make touchdowns for Satan's team.

  8. God's Power is indirect, because He's too big for us. You have to be 1) a believer in Christ (so to have the requisite spiritual structure and thus not die from directness), and you must be 2) in God's System (for Truth is the way He reveals Himself). Also, because we humans largely don't want a relationship with Him. We'd rather be ashamed, offended, preening about our own vaunted accomplishments. In short, we want some other version of "God" (which praises US).. than Him. So, that's what we get. The sin nature is incurable. Adam fell for the pitch that he'd become something greater than he was, by disobeying God, so that urge has been genetically in our cells, ever since (sin nature is only genetic). So the only cure to bad DNA, is DDNA via spiritual cloning, re-engineering by the Master Surgeon, the Holy Spirit, Heb4:12, Eph4:23 (Greek), Eph5:18, Gal5, Rom12:1-3 (Greek), Eph4:11-16 (Greek). Period.

  9. Hence Divine, Absolute Beauty is growing in you line on line, precept on precept. For the Trial is also about whose Beauty is superior, and we humans are the recipients of both kinds. This beauty will be played on, attacked, and human agents will be used. This is ironic. Most of the world's singles are pining for the right person to meet, and they constantly manipulate their own lives and the lives of others, to get someone. Well, that's why they are lonely: as my pastor loves to repeat, "marriage isn't about finding the right person, but about being the right person." Since you are automatically the 'right person' for Christ and are being trained by the Holy Spirit, well.. a whole lot of humans who are not in God's System, will be attracted to you. Because you are not like others; you aren't needy. So you are not FAKE.

      People will be thus be attracted to you for no apparent reason, or disproportionate to the reason which seems apt; you won't see your own beauty, so you will mistake what's going on. You gotta be reserved; royalty faces the problem of being too desired, so they must be somewhat aloof from admirers -- and so must you, since you are being trained by your King-Mentor. Many of these encounters will turn into truly weird relationships in business, friendship, even romance -- and in each case, the person becomes extremely possessive. See, people who are interested in something outside themselves, are attractive to begin with. When that interest is in God, it's even more attractive. So people uncannily pick up on your interest in God -- or, while immature you don't keep quiet about it -- and then they use it to 'acquire' you. This is a kind of kidnapping, really, very predatory. It's you they are after. This is not the typical predatory behavior just to get money or support. It's a personal need these people have, and they themselves are largely unaware of the "God" connection, or wish that connection were not there. They think it's you they want. Oh what sops we all are, being used by Satan&Co.!

      So: if the relationship lasts long enough and becomes close enough, you'll get or sense an ultimatum to give up your interest in God as the 'price' of the relationship. For, they become jealous of that interest, wanting that interest on them. All kinds of vindictive behaviors then ensue, if you don't give up your interest in God. You see this story time and again in the Bible -- especially with respect to Christ Himself -- and you'll see it in life. I could tell real-life stories about it, but God will show you how this theme plays in your own periphery. One category you can research: a good pastor is always excoriated by those jealous of his flock. That you can research on the internet, and find play throughout history (Paul, Jeremiah are two quick Biblical examples, to see the pattern). Also study Canonicity (i.e., read Christopher DeHamel's The Book, a history of how we got our Bible), for the same pattern is exhibited there. [Or see "Satan's Kidnapping Scheme" table in SatStrat.htm.] This pattern happens the most on a personal level, because the Rapture occurs when enough believers have reached Pleroma maturity; so the individual is the main target; the objective is to entice you away from the spiritual life, or to make you miserable for not 'giving in'. You are being pursued, and as you grow up in God's System you'll one day maturely recognize that. Meanwhile, just remember: You Can't Afford To Live Outside God's System. Cling to 'Mom' (the Holy Spirit) for dear life!

Now, the angels all well know we humans can't stand still, that we're squirming (drowning) in our own blood, Eze16:6ff. For they well know what "normal human" is. And none of these four spiritual functions/dimensions is normal, for a human. Every one of them completely goes against our herding nature as a human; completely goes against our insecure sin nature, which is genetic (talk about biological determinism)! Every one of them goes entirely against the nature of the world we live in, which is propagandizing constantly with fit in, be nice to get nice, don't stick out, win others over, gain gain gain but pretend otherwise, feel good. Might as well be in a torture chamber, to believe in Christ and grow in the spiritual life, what with all this antithetical body life we all have. Impossible. Good thing we but once believe He paid for all our sins, to be forever saved!

So to get a spiritual life at Christ's Own Level, sheesh -- that should be a recipe for disaster. It's a real spiritual birth, and of a uniquely-high spiritual species to boot (kaine ktisis, 2Cor5:17, so to be most compatible with His Spiritual Nature). We have both the Righteousness of God the Father and the Son as our own, imputed to us at salvation. So what do you think happens when we sin -- Adam went wacko, and he didn't have any of these attributes. But we do. As a result, our spiritual being is utterly incompatible with our physical being, and our storm-tossed souls (theme of Romans 7 and 8, Eph4:14). So we need DDNA, to keep from devolving into insanity. Just the same, the process is completely incompatible with our sin nature, which has the upper hand. So: we should be wigging out (and we are), we should be running away (and we are), we should be hostile to God (and we are).

  1. Witness, the impossibility of Dimension 1, Spirit Teaching and Filling, 1Jn4:13: it's not natural, to just sit and study Someone you cannot see. We can't even do that in secular school, but must twiddle with our hair, gum, or throw spitballs. We can't sit still in a concert, a ballgame, a lecture. We nod off or eyes glaze over after about 10 minutes. That's why commercials and packaging always change and are loud. To get our attention. We can't sustain attention, and thinking is harder than passing kidney stones. It's not natural. Angels all know this, and laugh at us for feeling so guilty about our natural puny state. Satan&Co. are completely flummoxed by any sustained concentration or learning of the spiritual life. It's impossible, and they know it. Doesn't matter that the Holy Spirit does it, we should not be able to consent on a sustained basis. No basis for the motive, since we are constantly picking the lint out of our navels.

  2. Next, Dimension 2, Actually Knowing God, 1Jn4:14. This should have flat killed Christ Himself. Much more, it should kill a sin nature person, so Satan&Co. reason. Part III of the "Thinking" series explains what we inherited as a spiritual lifestyle from Him, and when you read it, you're exhausted. It's a constant monitoring of thinking, a constant awareness of God, a constant fighting with your dippy body urge, and a constant attempt to stay on an even keel although you are constantly shocked that you actually know God. We don't get the buffer of visible training aids and miracles like they had in the OT. Those things give you a 'comfort' of looking at something not-God, to indirectly see God -- kinda like using sunglasses, and still not looking directly at the sun. But Christ didn't have that luxury, and we don't either. Knowledge can kill you. When you 'know' your spouse cheated, or you 'know' torture or abuse, it changes your life. When you 'know' that all your efforts to save a life were in vain, or all your hard work got trampled on, that changes your life. So knowing God is the hardest and most alien kind of knowledge you'll ever get. So you go nuts, or you grow up, but it's impossible to live with. Hence the need for Indwelling and Filling of Spirit, or you'd not survive. The angels all know this.

  3. Next, Dimension 3, being able to Admit and Abide in Him, 1Jn4:15. This is utterly impossible. To do this makes one a wacko in the eyes of the world. Even among Christians, belief is sidelined in favor of works, because to believe too much, well.. where IS He? You can't see Him, touch Him, taste Him, and this old Bible, well.. it's obtuse. Might as well believe in the Easter bunny. The world laughs at belief in God, and especially at belief in Christ. It's offensive and silly, and what proof is there, lalalalalala, snicker snicker snicker. So how do you sustain belief ("abide")? Just some book telling you? You don't have human 'help' or approval (only fake ideas about Christ get herded, the true ideas are always isolating). So how do you continue to believe? When the pressure mounts, when things get way nicer than you expected, oh! Why don't you peel off? Humans aren't loyal to anything, by nature. So this "abiding" shouldn't be happening. And it's not happening due to human strength, but.. Why The Continuing Consent? God isn't forcing that. It's not your merit which provokes the consent, but as you grow up in God's System you understand better, see better, so your consent has more basis. So, in your mind, it's easier to continue. But that's the Spirit holding you together, 2Cor5:14 and Rom5:5. So it's factually impossible, and Satan&Co. absolutely hate it. Admire it and hate it.

  4. But nothing is more impossible, than to be Made Like Him, Dimension 4, 1Jn4:16. Which means, we come to have God's Own Attribute of Love built out of all those millions of Diamond Doctrine deposits. Doo-doo made into Diamonds? The process is a killer, of course. So how is it you stay the course? Naw, this shouldn't be happening. Period.

So most of us, quite understandably, don't stay the course, parable in Luke 8. But some of us are aberrants; we just plain become these impossible reflections of Christ, and hence 'abnormal'.. solely due to the Spirit's DNA working, within this Plan of God's. So we become bigger targets, for Satan&Co. Even the lowliest believer is one, but much more, those who are learning the Word -- such as the audience of 1Jn. For, the Word is designed to Finish The Transformation, Building on the Imputed Righteousness what my pastor likes to call "capacity righteousness" -- capacity to enjoy God (theme of Romans 8, esp. 8:4). So it's a real transformation, this Word being poured into our hearts, Romans 5:5: actually, a TRANSmutation, (sumorphologew, kaine ktsis, in Roman12:2 and 2Cor5:17, respectively). We don't see it happening, because we're just wigging out or so busy trying to live ON the Doctrine, we pay no attention to our transformation. Of course, the world we live in, only hears the weirdoes; we aberrants are too small and uninteresting for the world's radar -- but not for angelic radar. For apostacy is always what's popular. Anything to denounce God.

And the Booty? Well, 99.9% of us Christians reject the spiritual life. So, we don't become the kings, we become the PROPERTY inside Kingdoms which are awarded to those kings. Isaiah 53:12 is stark. Calling the rejecting believers "the many" (and it's not complimentary), these "many" get divided up among the "great ones", with Christ handing out everything. Christ told a great many parables of this future event in the Gospels. The king-gone-away who came back to see how his slaves handled his investments, for example. Two did well, the other didn't invest the money, but hid it. So that latter, had to give what he was entrusted with, to the one who had the most money. Then there's the parable of the stewards who kept beating up the king's servants when those servants came to get the produce, finally beating up the Son. Lots of parables like these. In each case, The King Returns, and those who rejected Him, are made into booty or otherwise judged. So yeah, we will all be happy in heaven. But none of us will be equal. John 14:2ff is about ranking in the Royal Family of God, not about rooms. Wish people would do their homework.

So you have one of two future fates, and you choose which one: become a King by living in God's System down here, growing up to the Eph4:13 level; or, be miserable while you are here, and be booty in someone else's kingdom. It honors Christ to become a King. It dishonors Him to be a peasant, however Royally-related. A king wants another king, doesn't need more peasants. Again, God Is Rich. And everyone hates Him for it. Too bleeping bad. Love Pulled Out All The Stops So Everyone Could Become A King. That few accept, and "the many" reject, well.. God won't get cheated. Frankly, when we see Him in heaven we'll be screaming for those kings to get everything; for at that time we will all only care about what God gets; all this horrible ego-focus will be gone. And then, we will account ourselves as deserving death. But, will never suffer again, because that ego-focus is gone. It's the "me" thing which wrecks our lives. Get in God's System, and the "He" thing gradually replaces the "me" thing. And then you'd be happy as a pauper or prince, but then you will be made.. a King.

1st Aspect Macro Siring Results, Summary:
4-Dimensioned Body of 'Fertile' DDNA Kings, Rev1:6, 5:10.
Cloned from His Thinking in God's System per the five infinitives in LXX of Isa53:10-11, via Eph4:11-16;
and thus also, from viral RNA-DNA 'interaction' WAR against them, Rom Chaps 6-8, Rev Chaps 1-3, 2Tim4:7-8, etc.
Just as Christ was made ON the Cross, Isa53:10-12.

Now we have to go back to cell structure. Everything in the universe, no matter what it is, is essentially cellular in nature. That is to say, composed of 'parts' which are very small, which aggregate in certain ways to form larger 'parts', which larger parts also aggregate into much larger parts, and so on. All these 'parts' are very very busy. They are focused on their own natures, and don't see the larger aggregation to which they belong. And they live, these cells of ours, in the bizillions.. and only for a few days, a few weeks, a few months. All that frenetic activity, that warring, for such a short life? And sheesh: only the DNA itself, lives on! Everything else ends up being recycled and finally processed as fuel, 2nd half of 2Pet. It's hell, to be a cell.

So notice the Infinity-finity dichotomy, 'from the get-go': God Himself is a 'composite' of Attributes which are not divided, because He is Infinite. So finity reflects its Creator, and also exists in composites. Because, however, it IS finite, it is barriered into cellular-type structures, no one of which can 'live' independently; no one of which, is complete; each 'part' has some independence, but could not live 'alone'. So: whether a quark in physics, or a nucleotide in a cell's nucleus, everything is cellular and dependent. By contrast, God's Love is not separated from His Righteousness, or Justice, or Omniscience. So His Attribute of Truth IS at the same time Loving, Righteous, Just, Omniscient, etc. Complete and Eternal, never dying, is each 'cell' of His Immaterial, Infinite, Perfect Nature. So when you get His Truth into you, you are getting wholes of Him.. in 'dots' learned precept by precept, under the Holy Spirit. Which wholes, live forever. For only DDNA, God's 'genes'.. last forever, sustaining all else.

So: your soul, like your body, can be said to be 'cellular' in nature, though the soul is immaterial. Look: one thought links with another to form aggregates, and the sum of all these aggregates, is the real you. So your 'soul' DNA, is essentially all of what 'Instructions' You Believe. And your believing, is Your Volition Choosing To Believe, at all times. Whether you understand the effect of that belief ON you.. or not. So, You Program Your Next Thought Based On What You Believe. However incorrect, doesn't matter. You are what you think, Prov23:7. Same is true for your biology, your physical body. It depends on -- and mindlessly -- the instructions given it. These instructions reside in genes, and the genes are in the nuclei of your cells. For a new cell to form, the instructions must first be replicated. For a new thought to be formed, the instructions for it must first be replicated -- and your volition decides those instructions. So if you decide that God should form those instructions, you live in His System and live on Bible under the Holy Spirit as long and as often as possible, breathing 1Jn1:9 whenever you even think you are sinning.

Bible is Food For The Soul, Matt4:4. Most of the body, is composed of protein. For protein is 'body' component of the cell; fats protect it, carbohydrates fuel it, and nucleic acids instruct it how to make and use the proteins; how to use the fats and carbohydrates. DNA itself is composed of the building blocks of proteins, our instruction set -- Bible is our soul's instruction set, hence all food is produced from it. DNA is basically a chain of nucleic acids which act on and are acted on by, fats, carbohydrates, and proteins. So everything depends on everything else, but most of all -- you need the meat of proteins, the meat of the Word. So DDNA is the Instruction Set which tells the cells of your 'soul', how to make proteins of God's Thinking from within itself. This process is run by the Holy Spirit. We don't run our body's cells, either, so watch in what follows, for the parallels God designed in the very body itself...

The (spiritual hence soul-and-) biological cell itself, is composed of the following parts, which in cell biology are called "organelles":

Ok: now we are ready to get into DNA, again. Within the cell's nucleus, DNA itself is encapsulated via its compacting (folding over itself), into pairs called "chromosomes"; what differentiates one lifeform from the next is the number and makeup of these chromosomes. In man, and there are 46 of these (23 pairs). "Genes", by contrast, are the string of instructions (literally, a string of nucleotide BASES, covered below) -- so a gene is a portion of the 'sum' of what DNA 'instructs' for cell creation, function, and even death. These gene strings are parts of chromosomes. So you could say the whole of DNA is the instruction book, organized into chromosome 'chapters'; and each 'gene' is a subsection within a chromosome 'chapter'. [This sentence might be confusing. Rethink it. DNA is technically composed of the smallest units, organized into genes, and next up in the ladder of organization are the chromosomes. But the entire string of DNA is the real book and the real generator of the whole cell, so maybe let the sentence stand as is.]

So inside the nucleus, you have chromosomes; inside them, is DNA; and the 'strings' (sections) of DNA inside the chromosomes, are the genes. You are thus wholly produced, whether in your soul -- the real you -- or in your body, by INSTRUCTION, period. No other way to exist.

"Warring" is a but a form of energy producing a result; this result always comes from the collision and coalescence of opposites. A true description of Spiritual DDNA-RNA 'warring' to make you alive or sick would take much webspace. So it's really worth your time to separately study how these interactions work in biology (cell genetics): because the Bible Is Wholly Depicted in that science. You Are Designed To Be Cloned. So Christ Is Cloned Into You, in accordance with each discrete consent to be in God's System. So: Your very cells right now, work exactly the way Scripture is Written, and right now depict what Scripture via the Spirit does TO your soul. So if you want to understand the Bible's spiritual genetics better, learn more about DNA-RNA. Most encyclopedias will cover the details in their "genetics" articles. What follows is not so detailled; its purpose is to analogize, to show how the Four Dimensions of Love -- God's DDNA -- get produced in your SOUL while you are in God's System. And, if you finish the Course of Growth, that DDNA Production (Eph2:10) will make you yourself a DDNA King 'reproducing' much DDNA progeny, in eternity. [In Romans and in Ephesians, Paul likes bookending: he begins a conceptual segment with a type of birthing, and the ends it with the birthing-to-eternity. So Eph2:8-9 is the your spiritual birthing, but Eph2:10 is the birthing-to-eternity goal of cloning His Son in us (very deft in Greek: search on "God Endowers Bride" in LvS4b.htm). Parallel passage is Rom5:12-21, sweeping from our physical birth to our birth-to-eternity ("reign in righteousness" in v.21). I'm trying to describe this process using something you can test in science, because the two are so alike! So if you are a geneticist, I apologize for any gaffes in the explanation -- I'm just a layman. I'll keep trying to find better books to read so I can explain it better. If you know of any, please let me know!]

So let's review DNA-RNA structures, and add some more information (as is the Bible's typical writing style). Remember: in order for a new cell to form, it must be given INSTRUCTION. This instruction tells the cell what it is, how to behave, how to live, and how to die. You can see the immediate parallel to the spiritual life: without God's Instruction, we don't know how to be, live OR die. Frankly, that's what we're here for: This Life Is But A Pregnancy, say Paul and the other NT writers: we are here to Learn How To Live In Heaven With God Forever, Heb10:5. No other purpose. "For this purpose I came into this world", said the Lord (e.g., John 9:39, Heb10:5, John 12:27 -- look at context). Don't miss this purpose!

Cells are made up of protein, whether formed as enzymes or Golgi bodies or DNA, etc. -- Encarta posits there are 30,000 kinds of protein! -- so the instructions a cell receives from DNA, tells it what kinds of protein to make. DNA itself, is composed of nitrogen-hydrogen-oxygen atom "bases", and these bases are the instructions themselves. [Thymine has one carbon atom, but the others have none.] But for the instructions to execute, they must have energy to be held together and pull apart: thus they themselves bind together via carbon-hydrogen-oxygen compounds; aka sugars; and also by means of salt compounds in the form of phosphates. The latter act like 'arms' to hold two sugar molecules together: the phosphate 'body' is between each molecule. Thus the vertical 'stair' of DNA is made up of alternating sugar-phosphate-sugar molecules, and the nitrogen-hydrogen-oxygen atom "bases", attach to the sugar molecules horizontally. If you have Encarta 2004, click on its "DNA Replication" picture in its "Genetics" article; a short-but-helpful video will play, so you get a good visual idea of this structure.

  1. So ironically, the first step in cell multiplication, is division! (Remember, Infinity is hupostatic in nature!) To prepare for that, the cell's instructions need to be replicated, so their replication also begins with division. You divorce this life in favor of God's life, that first second you believed in Christ. Therefore all life multiplies, for you. So: technically, the cell first forms (or gets) free nucleotides (sugar+phosphate+"base", covered below). When there are enough of these, the DNA molecule splits. As you grow in God's System learning Bible, you get lots of 'free' floating information and you have no clue how it all fits together. That's what happens in this first step for cells, and in the first phase of your spiritual life (just like childhood -- lots of input, no internal organization).

  2. So the DNA splits, next. Remember, DNA is this twisted staircase with half-runged 'bases', so it can split. At which point, it looks like two 'combs', no longer a staircase. When something in Bible you are learning 'clicks', your DDNA is splitting so it can link up with that free-floating info you suddenly are ready to understand better. The more you mature in Christ, the more often this happens, and the bigger the splits become; sometimes it's overwhelming.
  3. DNA splits, but then stops; it doesn't replicate on its own. It needs RNA to make that happen. Part of the instructive action of DNA in protein synthesis, on which your whole life depends, is in the DNA itself, but RNA is what's needed to finish that process. This is what the Spirit does to your soul when your DDNA splits. He's the Real/Royal Nurturer of Absolute Truth.

  4. This RNA comes in three types, and they are all essential to each other.
    • The main type, is ribosomal RNA (rRNA), which makes the actual process of DNA replication happen. But for rRNA to work, it needs to be acted on, so it has two siblings:
    • "messenger RNA" (mRNA), is the actual instruction manual for rRNA;
    • the other sibling is "transfer RNA" (tRNA), which carries amino acids to your cell's ribosomes, to make proteins. Notice the Trinity depicted, except that of course Each Member of the Godhead can do all things. They Don't Choose To Operate Separately, however. So, notice: you can analogously see how rRNA, is the Son; mRNA, is the Father; tRNA, is the Holy Spirit. Or, you can say these are three sub-Ministries of the Filling of the Spirit.

  5. The components of DNA and RNA are sugar, phosphates, and five different nitrogen compounds called "bases".
  6. Each "nucleotide" is composed of two sugar molecules, one phosphate molecule, and one "base". Then the "nucleotides" all join up to form what we know as the double helix structure of DNA (RNA is a single strand, except that some forms of viral RNA are two-stranded).
  7. The bases are each half-'rungs'; they pair to form a full rung. So think of a "T", where the top part of the "T" is the phosphate, 'flanked' by the sugar molecules, and the vertical part of the "T" is the "base". Then (mentally) turn the "T" sideways, to 'see' the half rung, like this: |--. The "|" is now the sugar-phosphate combo, which hooks to the "|" of another nucleotide. The "--" is the base, which hooks up with another "base". So a pair of bases hooked horizontally, looks like this: |----|. And a longer chain, looks like this (pretend the vertical bars all connect, lol):
  8. There are five types of bases, but only four of them pair up. These five are:
    • "guanine", a "purine" member of the bases, primarily has a FERTILIZING function (i.e., bat guano, a fiercely-sought fertilizer of the late 1800's). Purines are hypostatic in nature: what distinguishes a purine is that its own atomic structure is four-sided; but it doesn't exist alone -- it joins what would otherwise be a pyrimidine, which is six-sided. Think of a pentagon's 'fifth' side joined to a hexagon, leaving the other four sides 'free'. By contrast, a pyrimidine lacks the 'pentagon' attachment. Now get this: Purines only mate with pyrimidines: there's no same-sex in cells either, lol !! Further, they don't mate, without a MEDIATOR to CATALYZE that hupostatic hybridization (hint hint). Next base, is

    • "adenine", the other "purine" member, which primarily has an ENERGIZING function. Next, is
    • "cytosine", a pyrimidine member, which primarily has a FAT-PROCESSING function. Fat is essential to everything in cell function: would take too long to describe it all. Basically, fat protects, preserves, lubricates, and provides a reserve when carbohydrate metabolism is insufficient; it saves your life, when all else fails. Fat is also the most efficient energy there is -- ergo, it's hard to get rid of. Chemically, 'fat' itself, is a combination -- get this -- of fatty acids and alcohol. That combo produces an "esther" (look it up): without esthers, you can't metabolise anything: your DNA would just sit there, dead. Next base, is

    • "thymine", the other pyrimidine member, which primarily has a MUTATION function. All mutations require thymine, to occur. Next base, which only occurs in RNA, but on which DNA depends, is
    • "uracil", which only exists in RNA. It, too, is a pyrimidine; its 'job' is to metabolize carbohydrates, so the entire process of RNA-DNA interaction cannot occur without uracil. For RNA and DNA depend on two other components, as we saw earlier: sugars, and phosphates. The latter is a salt. Salt controls how you can absorb nutrients. But no matter how you absorb them, you can't use what you absorb, unless you have energy; but you can't get that energy, without sugar; and you can't get the sugar, without uracil. Note well: salt bonds sugar together. Without salt (=Bible in you, Biblical metaphor), your entire DNA would fall apart: the 'vertical' part of the DNA 'double-helix staircase' is entirely composed of phosphates (salt) and ribose (sugar), in alternating 'blocks', because the 'blocks' of sugar are bonded by the salt blocks. Moreover, brain DNA requires more salt and sugar, and has its own salt generators for this reason; else, you couldn't think and you'd be dead. Hint hint: the spiritual life is not something you provide, not of works but of God's Works Upon You, Eph2:10; and it's not a pain-in-the-donkey, either, Ps34:8!

        So what do these bases do? they INSTRUCT all the process of cell formation. They, in turn, are dependent on sugar and salts for that instruction to even form. These four combine in sequences to form all the amino acids. These sequences are vertically 'read' from the order of the 'rungs' on each side of the DNA strand, kinda like you'd read a sentence. They form what are called "triplets", and each "triplet" ("codon" in RNA) instructs what type of amino acid will be produced. The amino acids form into proteins -- sometimes as many as 100 amino acids are needed to form ONE protein! So the TAG, GAC or CAG or ACG or AGC (etc.) sequencing tells every cell what to become. Else, you'd not be here. Given what seems to be the fundamental function of each base, it appears that
        • Thymine, which has a MUTATION function, is the Transmutation base, setting the parameters of how the cell can change.
        • Guanine, which has a FERTILIZING function, is the Growth base, setting the parameters of growth character and dimension.
        • Adenine, which has an ENERGIZING function, is the Aggregating base. It catalyses energy, and sets parameters on what kinds of energy to use, how much, when, etc.
        • Cytosine, which has a fat-processing function, is the Christ base. "Christ" in Greek (i.e., in Dan9:25-6, LXX) means "Anointed One"="messiah" in Hebrew; and all "anointing" in Bible is done with oil, a fat. Heh -- salvation depends on fat, and "all fat is the Lord's"! Seems pretty bald, since cytosine alone is uniquely composed of three nitrogen and three hydrogen atoms (plus one oxygen atom). Cytosine thus determines the quality of cell life in all parameters (i.e., without the lipids, the cell has no integrity). Apt metaphor, huh.
        • Uracil is the Uniting base. Without uracil, the sugars couldn't hold to the phosphates, nor could the sugars be metabolised to enable the splitting and recombining in DNA-RNA interactions. So you wouldn't be alive without uracil, either: all the above four (TGAC) require uracil to 'do its stuff'.
    • The latter two bases, thymine and uracil, exchange places in RNA-DNA interactions (thymine is in DNA, but uracil is in RNA, and adenine pairs with either of them).
    • Guanine only pairs up with cytosine, and vice versa. Perfect picture of God-man. Father's 'guanine' is the same as Son's, but Son takes on Humanity, to become the Christ base; to pair up with our viral RNA -- sins -- ON the Cross; on which sins, He used the DDNA Holy Spirit gifted Him -- so then that process 'fertilized' Him so completely, He even IN His Humanity, gained total Rapport with Father.
    • So you can have a rung of cytosine and guanine (the 'split' is in the middle, with hydrogen bonding the two).
    • So you can also have a rung of adenine and thymine, or adenine and uracil, but never both.
    • The four also act on each other to form catalytic processes, but in order to do that, they must break down and 'die'. So the energy function of adenine is often warring with cytosine or guanine, etc.
    • So notice how all energy comes from waste. As in, warring. As in, the puny body life we live, the attacks of temptation and sin, the attacks by Satan&Co. All that waste is turned into spiritual energy (the adenine and cytosine) by the Holy Spirit (His 'uracil' function)! Is God witty, or what?

  9. These bases form sequences, and the precise order of them tells the cell what to be, do, etc. If you understand binary code in computer programming, you can better understand DNA sequencing. Or, think of it like composing a series of letters into a sentence that can be read. These are chemical sentences which can be read as how-to-make-proteins, on which everything else depends. So some string-sections (a gene) are very long, and some are very short. It's amazing that only four bases are needed to do all this instruction. In Bible, "4" is the number of completeness, so I guess a Christian shouldn't be surprised. But the amazement then intensifies: Trinity are Three, and Each of Them is Wholly God, needing nothing: yet Christ's Humanity makes a '4', which is why we are necessary. God's Love Wanted Us, though we are completely undeserving. So He flips our complete waste of nature into complete in Him, Eph1:15-21.

  10. DNA replication and RNA interaction require that the phosphate-and-ribose pairs hold during the process; or dissolve when being recombined. Since sugar has no nutrition, and salt represents Bible-in-your-head, and your volition fuels how your life goes (for better or for worse), it seems apt to say the believer's soul is represented by these salt-and-sugar blocks. Again, you are deciding, but that's all you can do. You don't make the instructions, you choose what instructions to obey/believe. Better be God's Instructions, huh...

  11. "Recombinant DNA" results from very precise surgical changes in the sequencing of these bases. So your choices will have effects, Col3:25, 1Cor3. So choosing God's Instructions result in previous 'soul' DNA, changing to DDNA. For, that's Your Vote (the choosing). As we saw near the beginning of this First Aspect in the example of the Catholic who stopped lighting candles for the dead, that 'soul' DNA was Acted On By the Holy Spirit, and the transmuted belief was truly beneficial for the dead and the living, not to mention of immense benefit to the believer who no longer had to mess with it, anymore. God's into spiritual genetic engineering, in accordance with your consent. So, analogously: genetic engineering of DNA changes how proteins form; and proteins, are the basis of all life; All Thus Depends On The Instructions Replicated.

      Notice how a small change in DNA will have a huge effect: a small change in your DNA during replication causes a mutation; descendent cells thus contain the mutation. Spiritual lesson depicted: Infinity is God's Attribute, and hence only a 'dot' of it is enough to save you to Him forever, John 3:16. You believe, which is 'soul' DNA; in that very second God the Holy Spirit -- the Real/Royal Nurturer of Absolute Truth, Who because you Believed A Truth (the Gospel) -- thus Transmutes your 'soul' DNA into His Own DDNA Nature, Titus 3:5, etc. That's why You Cannot Lose Salvation. So keep that analogy in mind, when you read what follows. Because now you'll see the Romans 8 Superstructure Built Atop that first 'Cell' of Salvation (Rom8:4ff), as you live in God's DDNA-RRNA making System. It's pretty shocking.

Divine Nucleotides, Always Recombinant:
via the Uniting Holy Spirit, Who is the Hydrogen (bond) and Sodium of our lives,
God Adds Christ's Thinking.

Is Christian activism against knowing the Word, genetic engineering, stem cell research and cloning because all those things are the Very Plan Of God? Sure looks like it. See Gal4:19, Eph3:17, Phili2:5-10, Col1:25-27, Rom8:10, Heb8:8-12, Heb10:15-17, all of John 14-17; not to mention the cloning words like hupogrammos (in Peter), lithoi, etc. Not to mention all the transmutation verses like Romans 12:1-3 (mistranslated), and 2Cor5:17-21 (also surgically mistranslated); not to mention the transmutation/cloning process which is run by the Spirit through each pastor, Eph4:11-16 (always mistranslated). Then there are the "sons of God" references in Galatians, Romans, Colossians, 1Jn3. Propagating: God is propagating His Son!

See how God is the Ultimate, Cloning Geneticist. Repeating: the four major demonstrations of Invisible God are the "Work" God is accomplishing in us. These four are listed in 1Jn4:12-17. They are demonstrations, functions, foundations, dimensions. Of a living building which keeps on getting, 'additions'. Specifically, the building God makes of you, inside yourself. Put simply, these four prove the superiority of what God does versus what Satan&Co. do; versus what mankind does. So superior are these results, that mankind can't even see them. So neither can you. (Body-thinking is too limited to perceive the changes Spirit is making; what it thinks it perceives, is foolishness to it, 1Cor2, Rom8:1-10.) So 1Jn is about how you can nonetheless know what's happening. 1Jn4:12-17, summarizes that process.

And God's Work needs to be happening in you, because the person needs to be remade by God, to be good enough for God: to be happy. It's not God who needs anything from us: we need everything from Him. To not be God, is to have a hellish life, so God moves hell and high water to make us "sons of God in Christ Jesus" (Galatians 3). That's what true good, is. All else will be burnt, 1Cor3, 2nd half of 2Peter. Again, it's hell.. to be a cell. So we might look like and behave like 'cells' now, but that's not what we are becoming. Rather, our 'cells' are designed to be replaced with His DDNA cells, just as was done to Him (especially, on the Cross).

Repeating, but now on a macro level: 1Jn4:12 introduces the LOVE=WORD building structure's DIMENSIONS and demonstration. Love is a Thought Pattern Of The Word In You, so it can't show up on any radar screen except heaven's. This demonstration of DIMENSIONS, completes the Dimensions of God's Testimony in the (Satan&Co.) Divorce Trial. John loves Greek drama. God has him write epic themes. So John writes in socratic equations, and he always stresses the FIRSTs: that's another Greek listing technique. Idea that the first in a list tells you what list is in view, so only the first item needs to be mentioned. Also, first of importance, first as foundational, first as sine qua non. So his writing style's seeming simplicity is lost on the modern reader, who glazes over it; but the Greek reader of his day would be thunderstruck. This passage is very dramatic, in Greek: the simpler the sentence structure, the more dramatic it is. So if you're reading 1John in translation, Turn Over The Words' meanings many times, Thinking Out What They Mean, and Keep On Noticing The Parallels he draws to the Gospel of John, esp. Chaps 14-17 (he uses them as a 'base' in writing, and from there ties in ALL of the Bible except 2&3Jn and Rev, which hadn't yet been written). Oh: and change most of the verbs in 1Jn to the progressive tense, when reading: John is writing pictorially about actions in progress, as any good dramatist would. Translators all know that, but stupid translation rules only used for Bible, prohibit recognizing John's pictorial style in proper English. [The stupid rule is that you must use one English word per Greek word. But you can't ever do that, and be loyal to the source language, when translating. Incredibly bad rule, this. No translating company on earth holds to that rule, and you'd be fired from the UN or any embassy, if you followed such a rule. But this is the Bible, so it can be trashed, lol, who cares about God!]

And here's the reason for the epic drama: This Trial Witness is not even playing to the world. It's playing, to God. And thus, to the angels on both sides of Him, in the Angelic Trial. So what constitutes a work, is what plays to God. Not ever, what plays to mankind. Heck, you need merely read Revelation in translation, to know that: notice how Heaven Watches, but the earth has no clue, not even when informed by the Witnesses in Rev11, or the angels in Rev14, for example. We are blind, so what's the point of playing to the world? Hint hint!

Therefore, your life is measured in these Four Dimensions (referencing Eph3:18-19, but John plays out the dimensions in reverse order), since they "perfect" (complete) the contract of God: which is to bring to completion, Christ's Love-Thinking in our souls, 1Jn4:12. This creates an aggregate 'building' of Hero-Love Thinking in the believer, who is here dramatically depicted in aggregate. To wit:

  1. 1Jn4:13, Love's Depth/Foundation: The Spirit Teaching and Filling us, so we keep living on Word Study and 1Jn1:9; this is the heart of DDNA manufacture. Verse 13 shouldn't end "given us of the Spirit", because John is using the birthing preposition "ek" plus the partitive genitive. The Holy Spirit births us, just as he'd recorded in John 3. So a better translation would be "given us the siring of the Spirit" (goes with the mistranslated "born of God" in his letter, which should be translated "being sired by God" -- progressive tense -- everywhere it appears). Greek drama shifts to verbal nouns, prep phrases (with or without the preposition) or infinitives or verbs without objects when heightening drama: it's a type of dramatic ellipsis. To render that meaning in English, often the nouns (etc.) have to be translated as progressive verbs. For once you are spiritually born, you keep needing spiritual siring forever atop that DDNA of your spiritual birth, 2Cor5:21+Rom8:4. Because God Is Infinite, so it never stops. You're a new creation at the new birth, so an empty 'vessel', 2Cor5:17. So need Him to keep siring you -- Filling you up with Christ's 'seed', see. True Fellowship, True Communion! Deepest Love, 2Cor13:14! [My pastor has speculated a lot about this, at times surmising that only the Pleroma keep on growing after death. Seems to me that we all keep growing, but the spiritual capital we start with post-death, becomes our Capital Base In Eternity. So if you have a Pleroma spiritual-capital base, obviously there's so much more 'yield' than someone who quit the spiritual life, so only has the de minimis needed to live in heaven forever. And only DDNA forms the capital base. Currency is only Christ's Thinking since that Thinking paid for sins, see Isa53trans.htm's translation.]

      Shallow love is gushy, splashy, childish. Deep love is silent, accepting, mature.. hence unfathomable, to most. Shallow love is akin to excitement, so can always be faked; in fact, the one faked out the most, is the one shallowly loving. Watch how quickly such a person can be disappointed, lose faith, etc. Body has emotion, and shallow 'love' is all about emotion. So any emotion 'changes' that 'love'. Deep love, by contrast, is utterly independent of emotion, so cannot be faked; as a result, it is usually not recognized, either. God's Love is Infinite, so Infinitely Deep. The Cross is a Depth, which is why Christ is the Foundation. So the test/demonstration/dimension reveals How Much You Want To Abide In Him, and therefore how Deeply You Come To Love Him. You vote to learn, you 'vote' 1Jn1:9, and God transmutes each such vote into more DDNA, which Deepens Your Desire To Vote The Same Way, The Next Time. So at some point, you must get added energy of 'suffering', so greater transmutations will occur 'downward', deepening you further.

      So whenever you suffer, you are getting DEPTH training, no matter what or who is the nominal source. No matter whether God gives you the suffering as discipline, or not. If discipline, convert it quickly to the faster type of Divine Depth blessing, by using 1Jn1:9 (I breathe that verse a bizillion times a day, just in case). Once you die, you will be Most Grateful for the Suffering. It's the best asset in the Divine Portfolio for Growing You. Don't seek suffering, but learn to accept whatever you get, knowing this is the real reason why you get it. The height of any structure, be it a boat or a skyscraper, is proportioned to and dependent on, its depth. Structural integrity in buildings or believers-being-made-living-Temples, is the same.

      Man has no depth; he lost the capacity to get depth, in Gen3. So growth in Love is impossible, because Love requires Depth as its Foundation. God loves the impossible. So what He loves, He does to the believer. And what He does, works. We are His Craftsmanship, Eph2:10. Christ is the Ultimate Proof of what God can do.

      By contrast, in the world there is a 'depth' of shallowness: much complaining, striving, ooohing and ahhing, with an attention span of five seconds, unless the attention is on the self; and any suffering, only raises the world's clamor -- again, for five seconds, after which it goes back to the same ol', same ol', perpetually looking at its navel. Everyone blames everyone else. Everyone grabs at everyone else. All in the name of 'love', but sheesh -- see the hypocrisy? True love never grabs at anyone, but the world knows nothing of love. So for all its vaunted achievements in every field, sheesh -- outhen results. Nothing. What good is it to be the most rich, most beautiful, most talented person on the planet.. but without Love? No good at all. Satan's plan for us fools us into thinking that if we go after the things of this world, we'll get love. No, we get death. There's no love, down here. Yearning, yes; fantasizing, yes. But there's no pea under any of the world's walnut shells. Notice How the Testimony is Not About Sin, But About Good. Whose 'good' is really good for anything?

      God answers Satan's 'good' height, with DEPTH. If what's bad is still voted for by the believer because he has been grown up enough in the Spirit to want the bad as well (think of Job), then.. Satan's arguments are demonstrated to be outhen, nothing. More importantly, the believer thus grown in depth truly does yearn for the opposite of what he wanted, prior to spiritual growth. Everything else is too small; all the world's heights are but anthills, windmills, anticlimatic and .. boring. The paired "Fourth" Reasons in LordvSatan3.htm explain more why. It's a real desire, and it reflects Christ's Own Reason for yearning for the Cross, Luke 22:15ff.

      This Depth dimension, as it develops, will develop this motive. And the Height IS the Depth. Spiritual maturation is all about developing in knowledge of God and motive toward Him; when you're a spiritual baby, the world is big in your mind, and God is a distant, fuzzy computer-like icon. But in the final stage of spiritual growth ("Pleroma", Eph3:19), all that focus is completely reversed: it's all about Christ, and the world is but a pinprick, hardly even noticed. Everything else is comparatively uninteresting, even your own life. Whatever you do or are in the world, is redefined in terms of the spiritual life, Phili1:21. You still sin (that's incurable, hence the need for 1Jn1:9), but your Motive for Living completely reverses from what it was when you were saved -- again, Phili1:21 IS your life, period.

      That's a key demonstration in the Trial. Satan can't produce spiritual maturation for all the tea in China, though he beats his brains out trying. Maturation in the world's values is maturation in evil. True evil is near white, not black. All that altruism, is a replacement of God. So it's the most evil. The one maturing in Satan's system will be very moral, and very stuck on the world; God is dismissed from the mind, treated as not important or as approving the evil person's good. In reality, the evilly-matured person in Satan's system tells God what to think. And is mighty ticked off if he is not 'obeyed'. Hell will be heavily populated with these people, many of whom called themselves 'Christians', but they never 'did' John 3:16. Breathing 1Jn1:9 as needed, repeatedly read Jeremiah and the Gospels even in translation, sometime: see for yourself.

      Again, It's Not About Sin, But About Good. Satan maintains his plan for mankind is better than God's; which argument, is founded upon his argument in previous angelic trial: to wit, that a Loving God wouldn't treat His Creatures as He does. So that's what the Trial is about, still. And we are the new crop of lower-creation witnesses to finish off the (now, final-appeal) Trial. So the test of Depth, proves that even when God treats you 'bad', you want it with all your heart. Now you know why Hebrews Chaps1-2 state flatly that Christ beat Satan via the Cross. All the bad He absorbed: and yet never rejected Father even once (theme is repeated at the end of Chap4). For true sin is rejection of God. That's the only reason why anyone goes to hell, John 16:9.

      Capacities determine relationships, and everything is relative to those capacities and relationships. So the capacity resulting from being DDNA Depth-Developed by the Holy Spirit, is a Depth of God's Love IN you, conquering and reversing, what you were. So the capacity resulting from being depth-developed by Satan's dDNA, is unconquerable pride and hence its hateful children: prickliness, a pervading martyr-complex, ennui, and above all.. bitterness.

  2. 1Jn4:14, Love's Height: We thus truly keep knowing we 'see' the Invisible God, Who sent His Son, the Savior; we're eyewitnesses in the larger Angelic Trial; which proves the DDNA, for to see and know means we are becoming like Him via the Spirit's transforming DDNA in our souls, demonstrated by the presence of the Word itself, the Thinking results in our souls: This Is The Goal Of DDNA Manufacture. You really do come to see God Face-to-Face In Thinking, even while down here in this body. It takes a lifetime, but it's worth more than all the kingdoms of the world from Adam's fall until the end of time. Seeing Him is incomparable to anything else you will ever know, and it's not emotional, but a State Of Being, A Constant.

      How to tell? Your Awareness of Him becomes ever-more-pervasive in your life as you age in God's System. Eventually He is always on your mind and you are always 'looking' at Him in your mind. You have to learn how to walk and chew gum at the same time, all over again. It isn't a thrill thing, but a thlipsis (=tribulation) thing. And it's a thlipsis thing, because it's a shock to see God. And so you ease into it, react to it, get back in, many ups and downs, many zig-zags. But you acclimate to the shock gradually; so you calm down after some years. Meanwhile, you coalesce and can really live in this world even while seeing Him: "Third" and "Fourth" paired "Reasons" in LordvSatan3.htm, explore this changeover further. It's big change, and it begins in spiritual adulthood. "First Reason of Invisibility" link in LordvSatan3.htm provides you with an overview of the vicissitudes of spiritual growth. Upshot: You Change Focus from people and things.. to Him. Love is a FOCUS, not an emotion, 2Cor5 (esp. v.14). The changeover is shocking to your sin and human nature, and you won't recognize the true nature of the change for a long time: you'll constantly misdiagnose what's happening as something wrong with you or someone/something else. Only if you keep on going, will you come to recognize this change for what it is, as you enter spiritual maturity (well, sometime after you entered).

      So notice how spiritual growth progression, progressively shocks you as your Awareness of Him grows. That seems like depth, because you will often feel low, as you come to see how High He is. So that recognition of lowness, tempts despair, demoralization, etc. But think: again, you can't see what is unlike you, or too far off. So if you are better seeing how high HE is, that means you yourself were grown higher, so that you can see His Highness. So you are also grown closer, so that you can see His Highness Up Close. God is the God of irony, baby. And you're no baby, anymore...

      The world absolutely cannot handle such up-close, high recognition of anyone, much less, God: hence all religions are so kooky and insulting, to whatever 'god' they claim to worship. We routinely beat up our rich, our famous, our heroes. We smother them with praise, we grab at them to get some praise (or money), we pick at them for even the smallest 'foible', and make up a good many; we dissect them in conversation constantly.. as if they were but cattle. That's not love. But we'll call it love, to justify doing it over and over and over...

      By contrast, here you are, surviving and even thriving -- feeling like doo-doo, but hey -- and the world, can't handle that. People who know of your interest in God (hope they are few, not many) will be "utterly appalled UP at you", Isa52:14 (see Isa53trans.htm). Interest in God is not their idea of fun; they are highly offended that you disagree with them, and they have this urge to 'convert' you away from that interest. Ever notice how people are uncomfortable around some "man of the cloth"? Hoo-boy, what irony: the most common complaint against Christians is that they are 'pushy'. But the pushy one, is the one pushing against the Christians! Why be so offended? Who the blazes cares that we Christians are often so childish? Why not get that upset at the Hare Krishnas, or the Moslems, or other faiths? What's so special about Christianity, that it is always the preferred target? Well, because it's the real thing. We Christians didn't make that true. We can't handle it any better than the world can. So here you are, not a child but a Christian, whaddya know. So you have to be attacked, because your highness is perceived by them. Just as Christ was, Isa52:14ff. And yet you go on, not giving up, not cursing God. This is impossible. And very upsetting, inside and outside, Isa52:14.

      So depth is height, and height is depth, and all Satan's expert horsemen can't ride as well as you are. Even though you will look like Don Quixote, it's the world which deludes itself about heroes.

      Capacities determine relationships, and everything is relative to those capacities and relationships. So the capacity resulting from being DDNA Height-Developed by the Holy Spirit, is Height of God's Love IN you, making you like the Most High Himself; your ability to Know Him demonstrates that likeness, since you can't see what is UNlike you. So the capacity resulting from being height-developed by Satan's dDNA, is unconquerable blindness and its groping children: tyrannical grabbing, vanity (inability to be satisfied by what you get), ennui, and above all.. bitterness.

  3. 1Jn4:15, Love's LENGTH (of your life): We thus keep admitting (on the witness stand, Greek verb homologew) that Jesus is that Son of God and keep abiding in Him, another sign of our Transforming Compatibility; which compatibility should be impossible, given our natures; this is the Function of DDNA Having BEEN Manufactured.

      The double-helix nature of DDNA operates like "mutual flanks", which is my pastor's term. (He borrowed it from military lingo, to explain the spiritual life better, starting really in 1997 with the parallel of the breakout of the WWII Fallaise-Argentan "gap" (June-Aug, 1944); but he fully developed the concept for the spiritual life, in year 2000+ classes.) The term is further explained in the "2nd Aspect" of this webpage. There, the "sugar-phosphate group" in DNA, is in DDNA, the Reciprocity flank; the "bases" in DNA are in DDNA, the Doctrine "flank". "Protein synthesis" function of DNA, is in DDNA, the four functions/dimensions in 1Jn4:12-17, this table. Divine Sequencing, which literally makes you, clones you by your choice, to become like His Son in Thinking. So you keep admitting Who He is, despite mounting pressure, despite ongoing pressure, as you age.

        Two kinds of pressure in life, whether pleasant or unpleasant: acute, and sustained. Notice that pleasant or unpleasant are still pressures, so still suffering. "Suffering" means that something beyond your current capacity-for-tolerance, is occurring. Pain or pleasure per se only add to the addiction quality, urging you to cave in. The childish idea that "suffering" is only restricted to stuff which feels 'bad', thus ensnares millions in the more-common suffering due to pleasure. Whatever enslaves you or has puppet-power over you, is a suffering.

        So you can never say, "a gorilla is better than an ant." Yes, a gorilla is stronger in certain visible ways. But the gorilla can be felled the more easily, for that same reason. The gorilla needs more food, is susceptible to more diseases, etc. The ant can be trodden on more easily, but it can also hide better, build better, needs almost no food (but ironically eats more, proportional to its size, than does the gorilla). Notice how capacities are specific, and in the 'right' spot, 'best' is only one moment. Capacities determine relationships, and everything is relative to those capacities and relationships.

        So we humans really can't measure ourselves BY ourselves, yet we spend the LENGTH of our lives, doing just that; we are puppetted thereby. We don't have the facts, and we don't have the requisite information on either capacities, or needs. That too, is a kind of suffering, the worst kind: judgementalism due to ignorance. Most common suffering in the human race, because in Adam we are all terminally insecure. So we are under pressure all the time, and we use everything to buttress ego: even accrediting ourselves, if we believe in a good thing or buy a good product, lol! If you 'look good' on a given day, why does that look suddenly make you good, and you you you get the credit? It's a product, lol! It is good, and you get the privilege of using it, but you are not changed! Every actor or actress knows this. Five hours in makeup and exercise each day yields a product which can be sold. Puleese.

        So to your terminally-insecure human nature, acute pressure is a surprise; so your Love-Word 'instincts' are tested the more. Sustained pressure is debilitating, so Love-Motive instincts are tested. A short war is shocking, but a long war is tiring. In short pressure, there's a reaction, an apnea, followed by a rah-rah phase; but if that pressure continues, the rah-rah wears out. That's what happened to Christianity in the years following the Crucifixion, as LvS4a.htm, paints. So John has to write these tired, demoralized people who've just suffered a lot of attrition -- believers who deserted Word in favor of works. So those left, began to naturally wonder if they were even spiritual. Hence John's Gospel and 1Jn are focused on showing why the Word in you, is the only spiritual life. The Gospel, highlights that evidence (which everyone knew, but they needed a Canon for best authority-assurance). 1Jn draws on that Gospel and all prior Canon, to show the Staying Power of "abiding", as opposed to works.

        So to your terminally-insecure human nature, all these pressures, whether painful or pleasant, acute or sustained, beg your attention. They hook, as if you were just a fish. Your body is just this bundle of urges you can't help, and the mammoth media campaign of Satan &Co. to herd you, is more than the body can bear. Just this once. Just this little bit. Only for a moment. Won't harm me. I can take it. No, you can't! With each give-in, the next give-in lasts a little longer. Then a little longer and a lot longer and then the rest of your life. This is how people get fat, lazy, justify crime, etc. It's all the same process, and is just a matter of time.

        So as a Christian growing in His System, you are an anomaly extraordinaire, swimming upstream. Funny thing, though: you don't feel good about it. You don't feel but out-of-place, a fish outta water and swimming upstream in the 'ether'. And.. you are. For everyone around you is calling 'Christian', the product Satan sells. Buying it all up, baby.. Pavlov's dogs. And you are not among the pack, so all that barking, doesn't keep you going, but rather tires you out. That's when you know you are spiritually-powered, not living on your own strength. Because, You have none.

      So as John puts it in 1Jn4:15, the Word is a series of Divine Thinking, Love 'nucleotides' which pair and chain together, GACT. So the effect on your soul as a whole, is that it transforms, just as Romans 12:1-3 explains. So you keep admitting, since your belief is sustained by that Word. Sustained in depth, sustained in height, so sustained in length. Despite sustained, ever-growing, pressure against the weak capacities of your human nature. Humans aren't capable of sustained independent loyalty. They keep needing ego-stroking goodies, kinda like those greyhound racers need that stupid 'rabbit' running in front of them on the racecourse.

      The world is a walking corpse. What is truly dead, it calls 'life'. What is truly life, it calls 'death.' Hence the world is all preoccupied with feeling, but not with thinking; with doing, but not with learning: the world doesn't know the Divine GACT sequencing, so its biological sequencing ends up controlling the soul. That's death-in-progress, not life. Corpses need to kept moving, else rigor mortis sets in. Death is the absence of circulating thought (flat EEG). So people who have the world's death-thinking in them, are not attracted to God. They are instead attracted to insulting ideas of "God": Satan's many-religioned caricature, always derisive in the extreme. As John says in 1Jn4:5, people of the world think like the world, and only want to hear IT. Even if they have believed in Christ. Because, they don't have the Word in them. So it doesn't matter how smart they are (and often they are brilliant); it matters how spiritually discerning they are. Which they are not, because the only one who can even become spiritually discerning, is the one getting DDNA built into him, via the Spirit.

      So as 1Jn says, that is how we know we are being made like Him, and abiding in Him -- because you can't see or understand or be attracted to, what is UNlike you. Incompatibility does not attract, for incompatibility is a BARRIER, a type of divorce/death. Spiritually-alive people have eternal life, sired by God, so have spiritual thought. Capacities determine relationships, and everything is relative to those capacities and relationships. Couldn't be a greater incompatibility, than between spiritual life and spiritual death. The believer, then, who doesn't get DDNA built in him, lives down here in a spiritual coma; marionetted like the world is, so indistinguishable from the walking corpses; but when he dies physically, he will be in heaven forever.

      Not to put too fine a point on it, but the world is like that sci-fi movie, "Invasion of the Body Snatchers", only worse. At least in both versions of the movie, you could empathize that the person couldn't possibly stay awake and avoid being 'replaced' by the alien. In real life, the aliens are the demons, and they can make anyone do what they like -- so long as the person consents. To get that consent, they play to our arrogances and needs. So we, not they, are responsible. You can't explain the furor over Enron and Arthur Anderson, else. You can't explain the reaction to Princess Diana, else. You can't explain Christian activism, else. You can't explain that stupid bell Japan spent countless man-hours and millions of dollars to make to ring for the Earth on March 20?! else. We don't have enough facts pro- or con-, to warrant such a reaction. But then, we didn't want any facts. We just wanted a feeling: with the bell, the puppet strings are "children" and "Earth Day" and "coins" and "bell" and "ring". Just as, we wanted to light candles and put klieg lights up to the sky at Ground Zero, to allegedly honor the victims of 9/11; not recognizing, that's what Albert Speer did for Hitler at Nurenberg!

      See? We're marionettes, pure and simple. Gurgling with delight, the whole time.

      See, It's Not About Sin, But About What 'Good' Is. And the world's good, is insane! So the believer is doubly tortured to finish the length of this dimension, when he finally sees God and the Truth in enough detail, to realize how insane the world is. This world is soooo 'Twilight Zone', and sometime during this "Length" dimension of Love, he realizes that fact. Worse, the more he becomes like Christ in his soul, the more tortured he is inside, to see his own humanity be So Much Less Than Father Should See! Torn apart: Romans 7. But then, he reflects Christ there, too: for how much more torn-apart can you be, than to be God-Man, since finiteness is so short, even when perfect? And then, to be on the Cross???! And Complete it?!! What, No Price Too High????! Capacities determine relationships, and everything is relative to those capacities and relationships.

      In humans, what passes for love is necessarily a PRICED object. We haggle over price: you do for me, and I do for you. All 'love' relationships are really agreements on PRICE -- which relationships, when the price becomes a problem.. break up, divorce, become bitter. Then, the real hatred which is the basis for all 'price' concepts, shows its true nature. So much for our vaunted 'love', k? Hatred is always and only about price. True love is priceless, Isa55. Only God is true love, so it's here in LENGTH that the constantly-increasing 'price' of relationship with Him, shows you are Spiritually Loving, just as God does. The Holy Spirit built that love via Bible in your head. Your head changes, since God's Truth is simultaneously characterized by all His Other Attributes (God's Attributes are not divided, see ArchiDes.htm). So in building Truth, He's building Love, as we saw earlier in this 1st Aspect ("King's Riches, King's Love" link at pagetop).

      So the one growing in His System, finds the ever-higher prices of STAYING with Him, still desirable; as time passes that one comes to realize there IS no price too high (shocking the self, maybe). All the while, that one has thus gained inner strength to keep on keeping on, Eph3:16, Phili3:14. That is love. The one loving doesn't even want anything in return, having previously concluded that what he gets, is already way higher than he can ever pay (2Cor5, theme) -- so all he wants to do, is keep on 'paying'. Just the opposite of normal human nature, weirdoes excepted. So you will be accounted a weirdo by the 'world' of your periphery, once you've exceeded their idea of the 'Price' Of Wanting God. At which point they will attack you, leave you, cajole you, or quietly drift away. There's no commonality between love-for-God and the world's thinking.

      Capacities determine relationships, and everything is relative to those capacities and relationships. Your true cross will be your interest in God. As you grow in His System you'll find that out. It's not God who makes the problems of this life, but disinterest in God makes all problems. Rejection of God is the most destructive power in the universe. And it must seek adherents. As it does, it shrinks and shrinks and shrinks. For the price becomes ever too high, as rejection-of-God 'ages' in a person. At the end, the person is just this quivering, reacting lump of emotion; or, dead-to-the-world. Disinterest is an RNA virus, see. So disinterest in God spreads like mold spores throughout all the rest of life, and at the end, the person gets ennui for all his huffing. So he fancies himself a martyr, and longs to DIE.

      It's not "sin" you should fear, but rather, DISinterest in God. That's the most deadly virus in the human race: just turn on your television, watch it spread.

      By contrast -- and this is a big theme in 1Jn -- the believer growing in His System, also yearns ever-more-desperately to free his fellow humans, since he once was as they are. But who will believe our report, Isa53:1. No one believed the guy at the end of (1st version of) "Invasion of the Body Snatchers", either. The guy looked like a raving maniac, wandering through traffic, warning everyone to stay away from the city.. didn't he? So will you, if you run around and warn folks. So you stay on God's radar, content to avoid the world's. They're deaf, anyway, since God is evidencing Himself constantly and they won't hear HIM, first. Just as they didn't hear but instead laughed, in the 1000-year Warning period before the Flood, so they also won't hear and ridicule, today, theme in 2Peter. [The names in the Gen5 roster tell you reams of information about the character of the time in which those people lived. Finding out the meaning of the names is a real pistol, since lexicons don't 'translate' proper names, but you can research the syllables. Good pastors do this. So "Methusaleh" means, "when he dies, IT (destruction) happens." So the "it" being the Flood, was already long known. Which you also can tell, by the names prior to Methusaleh. Enoch, for example, means Dedicated-to-God (root for "Chanukah"). So Enoch had that message to give, and that's why he named his son "Methusaleh", to leave behind a reminder to all.]

      Again, capacities determine relationships, and everything is relative to those capacities and relationships. So the capacity resulting from being DDNA Length-Developed by the Holy Spirit, is LENGTH (staying power) of God's Love IN you, making you independently Love like the Most High Himself, even during your own 'crosses'; your ability to Stay in Him demonstrates that likeness. So the capacity resulting from being length-developed by Satan's dDNA, is unconquerable shrinkage and its devolving children: tyrannically-puppetted, insane (unreasoning), bored, and above all.. bitter.

  4. 1Jn4:16, Love's Breadth/Width (of your spiritual understanding, and hence love): Thus the completion, we come to know the Love-Word and believe it, so we reflect Him. This Is The Result Of DDNA'S Function. This love, Satan can't match, the world can't match or even see; and thus we have confidence at the Bema. Confidence in and from and toward God, not people, 1Jn4:17.

      There's wordplay in 1Jn4:16 which isn't translated. Verse should go, "We have come to know and have believed the Love-Word God has built in us..." The capped word 'built', isn't in the text, but it's what John means. The usual translation mistakes the sentence to mean just the Love God has for us, which is true, but the Greek syntax and words chosen, here mean more than that. They signify what God did atop giving His Son, to demonstrate His Love. So this is a BREADTH of Love Deposit in us, His Word. So all those GACT sequences got built enough to knit together into many DDNA strands, and the strands built many 'cells' of spiritual understanding, so that now a whole body of spiritual discernment, understanding, and mastery (recalling Isa52:13, 53:10) exists.

      This is the fulfillment of the John 17 prayer, which is why the second half of 1Jn4:16, reads as it does. See also John Chaps 14-17 in context, which is the Lord's detailled explanation of WHY we get saved (what happens as a consequence). The whole point is to Abide In Oneness With God. That's not a mystical thing, but a Rapport thing. Like, an old happily-married couple: they think so alike, you can't tell them apart. Where the thought of one 'ends' and the other 'begins', is all one whole. That's what happens, in 1Jn4:16. You Are completed in "grow in Grace and in the Knowledge of Our Lord and Savior", 2Pet3:18. So that verse ends in glory, and so do you, Eph3:19, Col1:25-27. Capacities determine relationships, and everything is relative to those capacities and relationships.

      Breadth of spiritual understanding makes you spiritually denser. What once took you many hours to understand, you now understand in a few seconds. The breadth of your thinking Doctrine is far bigger, far faster and more fluent -- so much so, you must be careful what you say to others, since your secular thinking has also become much 'smarter', as well. People will be intimidated and will have trouble understanding you because your ability to think outpaces theirs. So you must slow down -- which will become very frustrating -- for their sakes. This you will be able to detect, when the Spirit has knitted enough breadth in you. You will become cocky, at first; then God will spank you a lot, and then you will really come to see what He's done to your soul. In the "Thinking" series (link at pagetop), Part III's First Reason for Invisibility extensively examines those vicissitudes.

      It's an odd kind of smartness, compared to human smarts. Humans consider lots of quantity knowledge important. But rather, Right Connections To Right Data are alone important. So very brilliant people mistake all their hordes of data, for relevance. So can't detect relevance. But the Holy Spirit, can. So when you find yourself being able to solve conundra brilliant people can't solve, it's again evidence of the DDNA at work in you. The recognition is alternately exhilirating and humiliating. And you can't explain to anyone that they shouldn't give you credit for what they perceive as your smarts.

      The other big differential between human smarts and spiritual smarts, is the accounting 'system' used. Humans have zero breadth. Their definitions of who they are, look: my name is, my gender is, my race is, my nationality is, my religion is, i live at, my job is, my wealth is and on and on and on. Those facts tell you nothing about the soul, except that the soul, can't think. To account such definitions as valid indicators of identity, says that you are no more than your outers, all of which are dead. So you are identifying yourself the way a coroner must identify a corpse. By contrast, spiritual smarts causes thought to run along truth lines, which are principles related to God and His Nature, His Purpose, His Planned Future, etc. So you think like Paul does, in Philippians or in 2Cor5. So you don't value or even define life as the world does. The world hates Galatians 3, which knocks down all barriers: so the world can't preen over its dead differences. But you love Gal3, since those Barriers Are Down. Really gigantic difference.

      So again, it's not about sin, but about what 'good' means. The accounting of true good. God's Accounting, or Satan's. And here in Breadth, you become adept in God's Accounting, always via the Spirit. And that's just how you want it, too: living apart from 'Mom' is anathema to you. To the world, you will look like a fool, and you will be accused of wasting your smarts -- for you can't hide the smarts, even if you can manage to hide that they are spiritual smarts. But you don't value being smart. You value.. seeing Him. All else is narrow, foolish. So you look the fool. And the world's dead definitions, keep on getting those gold stars.

      Mirroring.htm shows you the Divine View of History. Who the real heroes are. The webpage only goes through 70AD, but from its accounting principles you can prove that the Continuation Of Time Goes On Because More Heroes Are Being Manufactured. That's what John's talking about, here in 1Jn4:16's breadth -- parallelling the 'hero' Paul prayed God make of each of us, in Eph3:15-19. The hero whose Hero is Christ. See: to see Him you have to become like Him, so you have to become a hero too, Eph4:13. Defeating, Satan&Co. Satan wanted to become like the "Most High" (pre-fall angelic title for the Son), Isa14:13-14. Well, that's what God wanted all along. But Satan wanted to do iT himself, which was impossible. So Satan is the true Don Quixote. And we'll replace him and his kin (i.e., 1Cor6:3).

      So it's here in breadth that you will be able to see what He's done to you, most poignantly. From that moment onward, the best and worst period of your life, begins. It's one kind of challenge, to persist in "abiding" in the spiritual life (i.e., #1's Filling maintained), when you do not know much; but an even bigger challenge, when you DO know much. Satan flunked his breadth tests. Christ passed them all -- even through the Substitutionary Spiritual Death (my pastor's term) on the Cross. [The term is actually in the Bible, and quite often. Isaiah repeats "huper" and "psuche" in the LXX as a refrain, to show how Christ died for our sins. It's not physical, but He gave His Soul, and "huper" means "as a substitute for" -- don't ever call it merely "for" if you study Greek in seminary, unless you want to flunk that test question. Unfortunately, after seminary most translators forgot that fact, so you'll find the wrong translation of huper (and peri) as merely "for", in English Bibles. Oh well.]

      God is Truth and God is Omniscient, so the building of Truth in you makes you more functionally compatible with those two Attributes of God, as well as with His other Attributes like Love and Righteousness. Which of course, means your puny body can't take that Truth. At all. So again -- best and worst life, is when you finally do "come to know". [Nerd Note: we are given God's Righteousness and the Son's Righteousness at the first moment we are saved, but that doesn't mean we know how to live out those attributes. It's like money: you have to learn how to have it, once you have it.]

      Capacities determine relationships, and everything is relative to those capacities and relationships. So the capacity resulting from being DDNA Breadth-Developed by the Holy Spirit, is Breadth of God's Love IN you, making you CAPACIOUS like the Most High Himself; your ability to think truth thus demonstrates that Likeness: the "delight thyself in fatness" of Isa55, and Greek of Rom12:1-3 (corr trans is in Rom121-3.htm). So the capacity resulting from being breadth-developed by Satan's dDNA, is unconquerable famine and its bony children: tyrannical hunger (inability to be satisfied by what you get), narrowness-of-mind, lassitude, and above all.. bitterness.

All these functioning LOVE CAPACITY dimensions demonstrate that we are truly spiritually-born; that it's all the Spirit's work of DDNA, Our Savior's Thinking.. transforming us. It's a whole Building of Love Thinking, so you inherit a whole POLITY if you get completed in it, Isa53:12. Those you inherit, did not get completed, and need you to complete them. Just as even down here, we all need each other, since no one of us is able to be the best at everything; even so, in heaven we need each other to be a happy aggregate. And it will be happy: what 'competition' there is, lol! is a competition of everyone falling down before everyone else, anxious to give! See those angels falling down before Him with utter enjoyment, in Rev4? That's how we'll think, too! No one inferior will feel bad about it. No one superior will even want to preen. All that stuff will be way "passé"! Just the opposite of the one-upmanship and scratching/biting fake 'love' down here on this dirtball.

    Capacities are dimensioned, hence relationships are also. Relationships to self, to things, to people.. and especially, to GOD. Dimensions are shallow, short, narrow; or, deep, tall, long and broad. Structural integrity has very particular dimensions, as any boat or skyscraper builder can tell you. God is out to build His Own Structural Integrity, in you. Because, you will be living with HIM forever and ever. You will never sin again once you die. But what is atop that perfect nature, after you die? Do you realize, you will reverse most of the values you now have? Can you imagine being a Christian of shallow dimensions down here, suddenly realizing how he wasted his life on the stuff down here? He will be the opposite of what he is now. We all will be.

    Hence 2Pet3:9, which is the strongest verse I can find to indicate that those in Hell can get out, but don't want to. God knows now how it will be then, and He Never Wants anyone to perish, but have eternal life with HIM. He's not imposing, but Proposing. Forever. For Better and for Worse, and He Knows Both. For God's Capacity is Infinite, Endless, and so He can save anyone at any time. But from what you've just read about what happens to our capacities.. we won't want to be saved, in hell. We are too shallow, too short, too narrow to want anything but vibrating hatred. That's how Satan is now. God is using Satan, like He did Pharaoh, to Wake The Rest Of Us Up. Because He really is NEVER willing that anyone should perish, Satan included -- but we are willing. Caveat emptor. [If you're also under my pastor, you might recall his reversal of whether angels had eternal life, so were not paid for on the Cross, back sometime in 1999 or so. I'm not disagreeing with that, but rather refining what I think it means. Somehow God must be paid for ALL shortfall in all creation, but how it got 'booked' -- as direct cost or indirect cost -- I don't know. Further, since God had to be paid, then the 'funds' exist and He's Omnipotent, so it's not a matter of whether He can save -- and we know from 2Pet3:9 that He Never Stops wanting to do that -- but it's a matter of what happens to volition in someone who always refuses John 3:16 (and its equivalent, for Satan&Co). Clearly the volition becomes scelrotic and permanently negative. So all the flames of hell are designed to save the person, still -- even if out of a natural desire to avoid pain. But, looking at Luke 16:20ff and Satan&Co.'s continued behavior, clearly even that pain doesn't register so much as the self-insanity addiction they've so carefully dDNA'd over all the years. Makes you wanna weep forever. LordvSatan2.htm has a table on this topic of what-if-no-angelic salvation; you'll see it linked at that pagetop. LordvSatan5.htm's last section is on the (imo, defensible) premise that even those in hell, can still believe in Christ to get out, but (likely) never will.]

    So it becomes critical to get Fully-Dimensioned IN God, before you die. Let's review these Dimensions He builds in you:

    1. Depth-of-Love, #1 Dimension, 1Jn4:13, demonstrated by Keeping On In The Spirit, despite Deepening pressure, Deepens your DDNA love=Word. Man has no depth in himself, except depth-of-arrogance. So this is Spiritual Depth, contrasted with the world's fake-messianic, Isa14:13-14 arrogances. Spiritual Depth Capacities Determine Spiritual Depth Relationships, and everything is relative to those capacities and relationships.

    2. Height-of-Love, #2 Dimension, 1Jn4:14, demonstrated by Keeping On In Awarness and Knowing Him, despite the enormous shock, and the ever-growing recognition of self-lowness. The greater love grows, the greater this accounting of His Highness and one's own lowness, becomes. It's not fake or maudlin, like the world's grovelling. So paradoxically, this Heightens your appreciation of Him, and raises your own soul 'height' capacity, as well. Which others will recognize, much to your chagrin. That you ARE chagrined, that you don't quit despite the overwhelming sense of self-lowness, are completely antithetical to the human nature. But totally reflective of your spiritual nature. Spiritual Height Capacities Determine Spiritual Height Relationships, and everything is relative to those capacities and relationships.

    3. Length-of-Love, #3 Dimension, 1Jn4:15, demonstrated by keeping on in admitting He is the Lord of your life, despite all that ever-dripping sustained torture of being in the world. The world's argument is that God is bad if things are bad. Your thinking is the opposite. And keeps on staying that way. Love is a staying power, a hupomone, Greek word comprised of "hupo" (under) and menw (to "abide", "remain", "stay"). So the Length (staying power) of this Love is demonstrated. The world has no love, knows no love, fakes love, views real love as weakness. Well, Love is God's Head Attribute, theme of 1Cor. Which theme is cut off, in translation (see ArchiDes.htm). So even Christians view Love as a weakness. For the world is about power, not love. But God already is Power, so is Love. Therefore His Word-Head-Love is the greater power, 1Cor13:13. So the staying power of Divine Love in a your DDNA spiritual nature is demonstrated, 1Jn4:19. Spiritual Length Capacities Determine Spiritual Length Relationships, and everything is relative to those capacities and relationships.

    4. Breadth-of-Love, #4 Dimension, 1Jn4:16, demonstrated by keeping on knowing more maturely, despite the honor and horror such knowledge brings. Honor of Him, increases as you Know Him Better. The horror of anything else, is thus unavoidably known. And you live with both. Worse, your own knowing abilities in order to know Him better, had to increase. So they spill over into all other areas, too. So everyone and everything is now low, slow, very hard-to-live with, and you can't hide the smarts, so people close to you are intimidated. Sticking it out despite what you know is always the harder. The very Structure of your knowledge versus the world's, is like apples and oranges, so it's not human knowledge, but Spiritual Knowledge, and hence Spiritual Love-Breadth, is demonstrated. For you keep on going in it. This is not humanly possible to even build, much less want to have. Too big. Yet you keep on maturing.. to completion. Spiritual Breadth Capacities Determine Spiritual Breadth Relationships, and everything is relative to those capacities and relationships.

    All the while, your human nature is completely side-swiped by the spiritual life. You're living in two antithethical worlds, and for all your Spiritual Dimensions, your body is none the wiser. It can't 'hear' or 'see' what your soul sees, theme in Rom7-8. Whatever understanding you have, your body will distort. Your body is something you have to keep on fighting, the most. Like Paul explained, you have to box it, constantly. This pressure of hypostatic growing distance is the closest experience to Christ's own -- for He is God-Man, and the differential couldn't be greater. Being Perfect Humanity is much harder, since the Perception is Perfect. Our dead body blunts the perception of the difference, comparatively. But it's a killer, that growing differential, like being on "the rack". Your Internal Incompatibility Increases, Not Decreases, As You Mature In Christ. Thus your own body is like a 'cross', which is used to Leverage The Love=Word Dimensions, even further. Think of leverage in finance or physics, and you'll see what God does with 'bad'. It's just capital, baby, DNA which He uses to make DDNA, the most.

    Mel Gibson's "The Passion of Christ" movie focused on the Day He went to the Cross. It's a gruesome movie, but His Constantly-Trudging LOYALTY is well-depicted. That's how the spiritual life plays, and that's how 1Jn is composed in Greek, a steady rhythm: menw menw menw abide remain stay rest hupomenw stand under understand keep going trudge day in day out keep going. Even and especially when you think you can't go another step, when it seems you're not growing or learning or 'doing' anything for God, even when it's so shallow a life, so menial, so.. empty. Yeah, that's His Trudging toward Golgatha. Fellowship of His Sufferings, Isa54:1 being birthed!

    So don't be surprised that your learning seems to produce no improvement on your body's behavior. Body is dead, Gen2:17. When you're spiritually young, you don't really know that. Like DNA production, the first step in spiritual growing pains, is Division. God progressively divorces you from all your human attachments, and Grafts In DDNA attachments. At some point in spiritual adulthood, you experience a reversal of your old attachments, consciously. And from that point forward, this world is not where you want to be, anymore. Usually the awareness of the changeover is traumatic, but it's been a gradual replacement, all along.

    So as you age, you'll mistake your growing awareness of your deadness, for some new 'flaw' in you. It's not new: you're just newly aware of the shortfall ("come short" clause in Rom3:23), so for a long time you will angst over it, thinking yourself a spiritual failure. Just keep using 1Jn1:9 and living in God's System, and even this angst the Holy Spirit will resolve. The body gets left behind. You will grow to understand that. For It's Not About Sin, Not About Works, So Not About The Body, At All. But rather, it's about "Christ in you, the Confidence of glory", Col1:25-27. Love Glory, Eph3:20, which comes right after all those Dimensions are completed, in Eph3:19. Which comes as a Result of Learning Him, last clause in 2Pet3:18.

Hence 1Jn4:17 reads as it does, pointing (again) to Isa53:12's "great ones" clauses. Love gets completed IN ASSOCIATION WITH us, in the Trial. We are the end group in God's Rebuttal to Satan. "For (1Jn4:17c) just as He is, so also we are in the world." And later (1Jn4:19), John climactically explains why: we love, because He FIRST loved us! That verse ties back to Ephesians 1, which is on the same epic topic of God's Love completing in the Body of Christ, aka Church, via the Depositing of His Love-Thinking in our heads, aka Scripture via the Spirit, John 4:23-24, 14:26. So those of us who get completed IN this Love Answer, have no reason for shame at the Bema, 1Jn4:17b, because we are the Pleroma, Eph3:19. And anyone can be completed, for it's never about sin, it's never about works, but it's only about What God Does, Eph2:10, 3:15-19, 4:11-16, 1Jn4:12-17!

    This Witness is therefore higher than other Trial witnesses of the Bible, except Christ's Own. Watch for the Highness of the testimony, the Arduousness of it, and the Likeness to Christ's:
    • Who else gets a double portion of Righteousness in this puny sin nature body?
    • Who else has a Standard Of Growing Up To Be Like The Perfect Son Of God, despite being in a sin nature body?
    • Who else was appointed a Royal Priest forever, the second he was saved --
    • and then held accountable for that unearned status?
    • Who else gets the arduous standard of monitoring thought 24/7, so to be sure to stay online (in fellowship) with the Holy Spirit? The Biggest Sin A Church Believer Can Commit Is To Not Use 1Jn1:9, because that denies the Holy Spirit His DDNA Function On The Believer. ["Third Reason for Invisibility" in LordvSatan3.htm covers this problem in some detail. The Building Opportunity lost is far worse than any sin you can commit. No one gets away with sin, and this is the worst one: to not use 1Jn1:9.] No one else was so accountable.

    • Who else has to bring every thought into captivity, so that Father can get the hearing He likes, 2Cor10:5?
    • Who else gets a job pray properly and
    • to BUY TIME, via learning Son so Father Grants Time -- so the world can Breathe One More Day (see Mirroring.htm and MirrorNOW.htm)?
    • Who else gets spanked and even executed for doing good deeds, Acts 5 (see also Matt 4 to learn why)?
    • Who else gets blessed the more, just by brushing the teeth while thinking Bible under the Spirit?
    • Who else can even see that we are important and responsible, so We Can't Ever Explain Ourselves?

    Man is born under a horrible mismatch between the power of his mind to imagine and value, versus the power of his body to enact what his soul thinks. In the Garden, that mismatch wasn't a problem, for God supplied the requisite power: we were designed to be in Union with Him, from the get-go. Notice that there were no works in the Garden. For man is Not meant for works, but for Union. God works. That's always how the relationship works: it's One-Sided, at God's end; hence the mismatch is deliberate -- we need His Power for Fellowship, not works. So, we have weak bodies, comparatively. Which bodies, did no works. That essential message and meaning continued despite the Fall, and was stressed, i.e., on the sabbath You Do No Work. Waiting for God to Work On You, so that you could be spiritually-matured and then Go Home To Eternal And Full fellowship with him, Psalm 23:6.

    So: Eph3:16 explains that if you are to have power, you need strength: for Church the Highest Levels of both are given. When you ride a horse, the horse has power, and you need the strength to control that power; control requires self-restraint. The foremost use of power is to hold it, not flap it around. Judicious Restraint constitutes the wise use of power. Which thus requires strength. So: when you pick up something, you need strength not only to pick it up, but to control how you do it, and most of that control, is a kind of waiting. Hence you need a certain body strength, which in turn requires integrity of mind to focus, to be aware, to have the right values so you can be competent in using your strength and power over the horse, over your arms, etc.

    Without strength to hold power, it will crush you. We are subject to two warring powers, down here: Satan's power, and God's Power. We are no match for either. Surely all the Bible mistranslations in my websites should prove that to you by now: our best and brightest scholars screw up the Bible, and not a one of them intends or even believes he is doing that. But the evidence is overwhelming. So: if our best mess up so badly, we the laymen-puny don't stand a chance! Hence 1Jn1:9 is our lifeline. Literally.

    Love is the greatest power there is, and hence the greatest wealth. Love is also integrity and strength (Latin "virtus" depicts this meaning well). But we humans, have no integrity and no strength and no power, so can't handle this Divine Love. So, Eph3:16 explains that the Holy Spirit produces it via Bible's doctrine in your head (mistranslated "faith", in English Bibles). Notice those components: strength in your soul, and power in your soul, and Spirit running both, and Bible-in-your-head is the means He uses to do this running. No rituals, work. No taboos, work. No amount of charitable giving, works. No amount of altruism, works. In short, no works, work. Bible alone works (main theme in James, always mistranslated and misunderstood). So This is True Wealth: His Thinking in Your Head, His Love-Word in your words, 24/7, main theme of 1Cor (always mistranslated, too). Paul advances that theme here in Ephesians, and John dramatically summarizes the meaning and effects of both 1Cor and Ephesians, in 1Jn4:17. Bema Blessing Is based on Bible in your Spiritual Brain, BY the Brain, the Holy Breath. No Breath, no Brain, no Bible, no Bema Blessing. Period.

    One can't help empathizing with Satan's motive to rebel. Satan was made the highest of God's creatures, at that time. Imagine the burden he came to know: Oh, all I'll ever be is second-fiddle to the Most High Himself, and yet HE will pay for future "humans"? They can sin, but I cannot? It's very rough to be high. You have all the burden, and those below you are so far below you, the satisfaction of 'fellowship' with them is rather unfulfilling. So either you Grow Further and Learn to Love The Burden, or.. you do what Satan did, and decide to shake your fist forever.

    We Christians face an even higher burden than Satan did, since Our Progenitor IS that Most High, Who Became (YH+WH), Jesus the Christ, Heb12:1-2, Greek. Higher burden, higher blessing. For God really means to make us Like His Son. You can't transmute without suffering. Even exercise teaches you that. So it's to gain something, not to sacrifice something. But as you pursue this Blessing Life, Phili3:14, you will be attacked. Those not wanting such a life won't let you pursue it in peace.

    People born to royalty and immense wealth, face these same problems on a much smaller scale. Many of them end up bitter. Others get into the royal/rich honor code, which has from time immemorial, helped the poor without any legislation. Don't kid yourself about status and wealth: it's a killer, not a party. (Frankly, the parties are boring.) Christ was crucified for being the Richest Person in the Universe. We are in the world even as He was, so our status -- and fate -- will be the same. Playing quietly, on every demonic radarscreen near you.

    So this life is about Two Warring Powers: the power of sin, which is death (i.e., 1Cor15, Rom7), run by Satan&Co.; and the power of Love, which is Life, run by the Holy Spirit (Eph3:15-19, Rom8). We humans have no ability to control either one, and we mess up whichever power we get. So both sides build that ability, and keep having to nurture it. The Trial demonstrates the results of each side's 'building': the dimensions, the resultant strength, the resultant "production" (1Cor3), etc.

    Notice the contrast: the apostate version of Christianity -- run by Satan&Co. -- is all about visible works. So bad is this works-tainted thinking, our Bible translations are all slanted to it. So really, you're not reading The Bible God Wrote, in translation. At best, you get a vague idea of what God might mean. At worst, you get infected with the power of a whole lot of lies. So of course, you'll end up loving death, and hating life, by life's end. For the idea that you just study the Word to get His Thinking IN you, isn't even visible in translation. Whereas in the original-language texts, that's all you see harped on, over and over and over. So the world can't see even from the Bible, what God says. Much less, how to obey Him. They had the same problem, even back when the original-language texts were new and everyone could read them. So we know it's the world's blindness 'powered' by Satan&Co. which we prefer, rather than the deadness of the ancient Greek. If you read 2Jn and 3Jn, you'll notice that a whole lot of folks still kept peeling off, hankering for the world's religious self-praise. Funny how to this day, religious Christians are utterly blind to the tremendous excoriation of religion in every verse of Bible, especially in 1Jn. To their blind eyes, Bible buttresses their religious arrogance. Amazing.

    For as 1Jn stresses over and over, all religions are Rev17 harlots, competing for customers. But the real believer really growing in Christ, is Just Like Christ, quietly learning, turning down the Matthew 4 temptations of the world. Sure, we aren't as 'big' as Him -- but we are reflecting Him, since we are being made of the same 'spiritual genes'. Even a little piece of a mirror, still reflects the Big One from Whom it came. Gemstones reflect, whether big or little. And we are stones of the BedRock ("Petra", big Greek Keyword for Christ in OT, designating the Holy-of-Holies Arkstand, on which Isaac was almost sacrificed). Being made into, Diamonds.

    So this is a big Trial between Two Big Powers, and we hapless humans are caught in the middle. But we are given the means to know and choose and hence be made strong. Which way, though? Satan's huff-and-puff power, or God's Quiet Breathing Power? That's the drama of it, that's what gets answered with us Church, that's the decision you face every second you breathe...

Do you now see something of the TRANSformation which must be occurring, so that we too don't consider this spiritual life, crazy, 1Cor2? For we cannot go on in this life, unless we are doing all those four functions, every second we "abide" in the spiritual life. Because it is all Invisible, and so we can't rely on the usual buck-ups people use to motivate themselves (i.e., peer praise or pressure). We Can't Talk About It. It's an isolated life, even amidst a crowd. So if we aren't living in those four spiritual dimensions, baby, we're cooked!

So now you know why 1Jn is written as it is. The believer privately lives this life. The spiritual life is choosing God, not works. So God is thus Juridically Free to do God's Own Works. Directly. I'm sorry, but that's a far bigger 'work' for 'you' to do, than all the world's works put together. For the world rejects God, so God must stand off. But you, puny believer, are Learning Him. Look how God granted 490 years to the entire planet, just because Daniel admitted Israel's sin and prayed for a reconciliation, in Dan 9. That's not a work Daniel did, capisce? It was an Attitude. Oh, how we underestimate the value of knowing God...

So follow 1Jn's Script, live in God's System. No one but the unseen and you will know how you are doing, this side of heaven. And pay no attention to the loud mouths, for they aren't playing in heaven; they are playing on the Wrong Playing Field -- 2Jn9, still fancying themselves actors in the world's play, though God removed them from that cast, the first nanosecond they believed in Christ. (See Romans 6-8, 1Jn2:15-19. When reviewing 2Jn9, my pastor always stops to explain "proago" in simile: like a quarterback hotdogging it with the ball. No points added to his team, just a lot of childish blather.) So Christ told even the demons to shut up about Him in Mark's Gospel (awesome Gospel), so we aren't to run around advertising ourselves, either. Learn And Live On The Word. One day at a time. Then, you will truly be becoming like Your Savior, as the Spirit deposits all that DDNA in you. Then, at the Bema, 1Jn4:17 will be your victory shout.

In sum: Christ could have just died on the Cross, and having done so, creation can stop: its purpose is fulfilled, by producing Him. But God replies (as it were) Oh yes, that's true! So now that purpose is fulfilled, it's time to make sons! Hence Doctrine is DDNA, His Thinking is spiritual genes; which elaborate code, play like fractals throughout the life: line upon line, precept upon precept, day after day, from glory to glory, once seeing as a child, but now with unveiled face. We who are a new creation in Christ (2Cor5:17) get filled up with Righteous Thinking (Romans 8:4, in context) and thus are transmuted (Titus3:5 parlaying into Romans 8 into Romans 12:1-3). So to become pregnant with Him (Eph3:15-19), and thus in labor like He was on the Cross (me amal, Heb of Isa53:11), groaning (Rom8:11ff); so to become raised up a spiritual body (1Cor15), in glory. To the Glory of Father, thus fulfilling John 17.

So in 1Jn, just like all the other epistles and especially the Gospel of John, Isa53:11 is altogether in view, as well as Paul's use of Love to mean Word in You, by John's deft crafting in 1Jn4. Awesome stuff. DDNA! Doctrinal DNA! 1Jn 5:4, Doctrine overcomes the world!

Doctrine, Divine thinking, Not Adikia!

About Tracking Bible Definitions, esp. in 1John

Every Bible book's definitions are determined by references to other Bible passages with the same words in them; or, a Bible book's beginning sets up its own definitions of the metaphors to be used (usually both devices are used so you know where and how to define the words). Then you track the definitions thesauretically. Especially in 1Jn, which is very sophisticated; the whole epistle is crafted in parallelism, like math formulas where variables are changed to show an EQUATING matrix. Makes me think of what it must've been like to see Einstein quickly writing his general theory of relativity, on a blackboard. John repeats the variables over and over in formulaic patterns; so what you look for, are the CHANGES in the formulas. So, for example, you compare all the abide-in-Hims to see that numberset of variables, etc. It's always important to get the overall BIG picture of a Bible book before you analyze any verses in it. Else, you can mistake the import of the verse(s) you're examining. This would be a great book to print out and color code the parallels: for example, it's like tic-tac-toe in 1Jn1:5-10, each clause in a vertical parallel with its brother clause in each following verse.

Now let's return to how 1Jn uses rhetorical parallelisms to act as an EQUATING matrix. Greek key words used in this equating are logos, menw, poiew (really important -- John's distinguishing between doing the Word versus works), light, commandments (esp. the First: compare use of tereo, to keep/cherish/guard in 1Jn2:4-5). So Word=Word of life=truth='doing' truth=naming sins to be purified like a temple you are, so you can re-abide IN truth -- all these metaphors are set up in the first chapter. So you know the math paradigm, so you can interpret the rest of the letter. So when you see "practice (poiew) righteousness" in later chapters, you know that "righteousness" is the truth you're learning, which is the Word you are learning. So when you see other "does" and "practice" clauses, you realize that "sin" and "lawlessness" and "hate" are all tied to the same parallelism as in 1Jn1:8,10 -- NOT learning Him.

This is especially true with the "abide" (menw) clauses.

  • So you're supposed to recall that same "abide" metaphor which Christ used in John 14-17, and tie it in (i.e., 14:23-26, 15:5-10, where "fruit" means the Word from the Seed, get it?) -- which also ties to Isaiah 5, about false teachers wrecking God's vineyard of the earth (Law in head, resulting in wine).
  • By 1 John Chapter 4, "love" is Equated to Word.
  • Back in Chapter 2:1-11, you learn that if you don't get the Word in you, you can't stop sinning (2:1 should be translated "stop sinning", not "not sin"); else, you're not doing the Commandment (esp. the First One), not 'walking' (living) as Christ lived (reference to Matt4:4). So the "Love" equating to Word begins back in Chapter 2.
  • Another example, 2:4-5 is about having the Word in you, else you're not keeping "the" commandment; v.7 is a reference to the shema, the command to learn and live on the Word of God 24/7.
  • Another example, 2:8 is about Canon "true Light", the fulfillment of Isa53:11 (in LXX) and Jer31:31-34.
  • 1Jn2:12's "fathers" know Him, versus the children who know only the Father, and the young spiritual adults, who are said to conquer evil one (by learning Him, see previous verses' metaphor of light and darkness).
  • So to father children yourself, You Must Know Christ. Can't love Someone you don't know, and "knowing" is also a metaphor for marital intimacy. Parallel concept is the focus of Ephesians (passim, since the whole letter is about God's siring superior progeny, compared to "Ion") and 2Pet3:18.
  • Hence 1Jn2:18, doing (poiew tracker) the Will of God is to learn Him, established earlier 2:1-11, repeated again (setting the tone for all the "abide" of later verses), in 2:24.
  • And 3:3, making use of Romans 5:5! Which you won't know, if you don't know that "cleanse" is a culturally loaded word, refs back to water ritual to depict purification, esp. in connection with the Nazirite vow -- which then ties back to the far bigger cleansing of katharizw in 1Jn1:9! [Whoever the audience was for this epistle, they were well trained in OT concepts; maybe they were Jewish, or very well-trained-in-Law Christians. John relies on their understanding of OT becoming NT as he writes, and like the writer of Hebrews, he uses those concepts. Kinda like a post-Temple reminder of what Hebrews explained.]

    Additional Technical Notes about 1Jn4:12-17

    Again, when you read any Bible book, you have to know its own definitions. Trouble is, the Greek language at the time John wrote, had very refined definitions which don't port over to English. So you can see the same words in English, and entirely miss the meaning. You have to know the definitions in the Greek, so that when you read the English, you can understand. For, John is writing Socratically and in terms of Greek drama. [Even the dumbest person in the empire was familiar with these concepts, since the whole language was based on them. So this isn't intellectualism. It was everyday language and thinking. Dramas were for the common people (same, for Shakespeare's, in his day; same, for operas when they were composed). We've gotten so stupid since those times, we call all this stuff high-brow, now. Well, it wasn't. We've just become incredibly animalistic, eschewing thinking.]

    Of course, you can only know all that if you are reading IN the Greek. And that means, you have to know Socrates' definitions, and the Greek drama concepts, or you can't understand what you are reading. For, John takes those definitions (as all Greek writers did), and builds from them, God's definitions. Furthermore, John weaves into these, the OT definitions. Furthermore, John is weaving all the NT known at the time of writing, to show how it all comes together to glorify God, reaching a series of crescendoes. So if you don't know all those definitions, 1Jn will be greek to you. Especially, in the English.

    So here are some critical definitions to keep in your head as you read 1Jn in the English.

    • "Love" means 1st Commandment, without which, nothing. Ties to 1Cor13:1-3.
    • So "Love" means Word in you, since the First Commandment is only obeyed if you are constantly thinking the Word of God: "you shall love the Lord with all your heart (thinking) and soul (place of will) and strength (of will)." So it's not human love, and it's not emotion: if you love God, you live on His Word, Matt4:4. So John is folding in the entire OT, when he uses the Word Love. It's a Hebraism, reminding the reader of the shema, which was the beginning of a series of commandments Moses gave the people to keep having the Word in them, like leather strips on their heads and arms. All day long. All night long. So, it's "not a new commandment", but yet a "new commandment" (see 1Jn2), since the "new" is the Level Of Word we can now get. Ties to 1Cor13, completion of His Head in our heads. So you are only obeying, if you are Learning And Living On The Word. Period. You are only loving if you are Learning And Living On The Word. Period.

    • "Love" is only and always, God's Level: it's not human, so you can't do it, you must learn it, by learning the Word. This was a well-defined Greek concept, and even more, Hebrew (see how well the Ps119 people understood that); so the word "Love" for only this type of love, is (in Greek), "agape" (ah-GAH-pay). Verbal nouns in Greek are more dramatic than verbs. So John is being very dramatic in his writing (as opposed to the sleepy English translations). So simultaneously you understand, if reading in the Greek, that all the epic-drama meaning of "agape" is what's to happen in YOUR life. By, Word building in you.

    • So by 1Jn4:12-17, John summarizes the 'play' of your life and its intended result; the play began at the end of Chapter 2, talking about how we are to develop so we can have confidence in the "Day of Evaluation" instead of shrinking back. So you have to know that in Greek plays, there were usually a set of four plays to constitute a whole epic story: these are the four dimensions of 1Jn4:12-17. And this epic story, always plays on two levels (hupostasis): one level, seemingly-mundane (daily life); but the "level of the gods", the higher story being worked on you BY "the gods", as part of THEIR objectives. So, the Real God has Real Objectives HE works on you. Not, you working. Hence Chapter 3 is the seemingly-mundane level (well, chapter divisions are funky, so it's really 3 through mid-4). Then beginning about 4:8, he begins to merge the seemingly-mundane with the larger from-heaven epic meaning being simultaneously worked IN you BY the Holy Spirit. To win in the Angelic Trial.

    • Put simply, this 'play' is the play of us learning the Word, by which one 'overcomes' Satan&Co. in the Trial; culminating with God winning and us being victors in the "Day of Evaluation" (Bema, review of heroes and losers), 1Jn4:17. So he begins in Chapter 3, with the seemingly-mundane activities; comparing good versus evil, Divine Good versus works. So by the end of Chapter 3, you are stunned: oh my goodness, if I am not learning this Word and living on it in my thinking 24/7, it's as if I were a murderer, a thief, a liar, and withholding my brother's worldly needs. Pretty dramatic, huh.
    • In Chapter 4, he keeps on with the theme of if you're not growing in the Word then you don't love God nor your fellow man, by showing the mechanics like prayer, being in fellowship, testing what you hear. The repetition of loving the brethren is a constant refrain, to show that if you are in the spiritual mechanics (which harken back to Chapters 1 and 2), then you are growing in this Love. Which then sets up the dramatic summary, 1Jn4:12-17.

    • A new crescendo is set up on v.17, to flourish in high Greek drama of v.19. So verses 17-19 review in panorama, the cycling of this growing Love Word in you, the fulfillment of v.17, the Completion of the First Commandment. Hence the verse in Greek, "We love, because He first loved us!" In Greek, no direct object and two nominatives denoted Absoluteness. Note the clever use of "First". Because God first loved us, we can do the First Commandment, as a result of which, He becomes the First in our lives. Thus we love Him. Thus we love the brethren. Thus we fulfill all commandments (the Hebraic aphorism about loving God and your neighbor being the fulfillment of the Law, see the Gospel discussion Christ had with the teacher on it). Climax, victory. In between, is the zig-zag course of fear (representing all sin, not just that category, first in a list, Greek rhetorical device) and love. Which, brings the reader back to Chapter 1 and 2, with emphasis on the turnover in 1Jn1:9. So you see the wholeness of the dynamic, in v.17 and 19; in v.12-17, you got the four-dimensioned, dynamic structure.

      Whew. Now you see why Christianity is so messed up. No one bothers to really learn the Bible in the languages God actually wrote! So much for our vaunted "oh how I love Jesus", and all the people who think a translated Bible is just as good as the Real One Which God wrote. Oh well.

    So I need to say a lot more about what these four dimensions are, especially since they are deliberately tied to what Paul says in Eph3:18. Lesson 1707 of 92SD of my pastor links both passages together, but doesn't explicitly link the four dimensions in both passages. However, it was a Sunday class, and he wasn't feeling well. However, if you take what he says as the four dimensions in Eph3:18, and then apply them to 1Jn4:12-17, you'll get a match. So when you add up what Paul is saying with what John is saying, you get Depth/foundation of your spiritual life (or of its failure), height of Seeing Him Who is Invisible, length of the Doctrine+Reciprocity mutual flanks (covered in the 1st and 2nd Aspects), width of God's Love and your reciprocating that Love Word in you so you too are completed in it. You are the building, so if you don't know the structural-integrity procedures followed to construct buildings, you will have a hard time understanding how you get built by God. Heh: the woman was built for Adam (banah, Hebrew in Gen2). We get built for Christ. You'll notice we get built in Word, never works. Never emotion. Love is THINKING which no one can see, just as no one can see God. Invisible. Real building -- "Edification Complex of the Soul", my pastor used to call it. So Paul explains how this building works in Eph3:17; in L.1707, my pastor explained this as being FIRMLY rooted (hence incapable of being uprooted, when diaster hits) in Doctrine, and STRONGLY secure in your motivation (reciprocity, covered in 2nd Aspect) -- both of which, accomplished by the Holy Spirit, only and always.

    John depicts the order of building in the reverse of Paul's listing, to make it goal-oriented and chronological, since you always start by building a foundation, and you always have an eye on height, when building the rest of the structure (so that the integrity of the structure is secure, its building goals are met). Paul talks about this building first in terms of the superstructure you see, because his point of departure is that you already have one. So John is reminding his audience of Eph3:18 -- the four dimensions, which are impersonal substantives, each relate back to Eph3:17's "Love", the burgeoning Spirit-deposited, Christ's Love-Thinking in you.

    There's a double-entendre meaning to "depth". It's true that depth has both a negative and a positive connotation. That the depth is supposed to keep on increasing means your soul is getting bigger; hence depth and height are mentioned together, so the 'foundation' of you is getting bigger, too. So think of depth both in terms of getting back into fellowship via 1Jn1:9, and rising no higher than the foundation of salvation if you are not; but also, the positive idea of "depth", living in the Spirit and on Doctrine (since the deep moments of life are usually the very unpleasant ones, "deep" in the sense of really hitting you hard).

    The next big thing to note is that verses 14-15 (which 'threw' me for 20+ years, even though I've heard my pastor teach this passage dozens of times) are probably a Greek idiom of repeating the first thing on a list, to incorporate by reference ALL of a previously-stated list. You'll see the same kind of structure, for example, in Hebrews 6:6's "repentence" (just after he'd listed basic doctrines, beginning with that one (another Bible keyword to denote the function in 1Jn1:9, which was always true, even in OT -- metanoew); which they were supposed to have learned, but didn't). The see-and-testify, and the Who-is-Son are the first things John mentions in his letter. Which is John's point, in 1Jn4:14-15, i.e., Keep Looking At Him Who We See And Have Testified -- idea that, you yourself see Him and could testify. Also, idea that you yourself keep admitting He is that Son, because you see Him and want to abide in Him. Which of course you couldn't do, unless you were seeing Him and abiding in Him (staying online with the Spirit, 1Jn1:9 used and learning His Thinking).

    So John is talking about all the letter, and hence all of Canon, by referencing those two firsts in vv14-15. Idea that you should be remembering all of it, and since you actually can, you must be abiding under the Spirit and in God, since it takes God's Power (John 14:26) to enable such comprehensive understanding and rememberance. So you have EVIDENCE that you are in Him, by means of this function; so you are being demonstrated AS Evidence in the Trial, by means of this function.

    Dramatic or really important passages in Greek are written by dropping objects, prepositions, and leaving just a stark verbal noun or verb seemingly dangling -- to indicate Comprehensive And Absolute Function of that verb or verbal noun. So you track such verbs or verbal nouns in a passage to see how they interrelate. So when saying His Love is brought to completion in us, he's saying this is a culmination-of-history (so in all ways and at all points, with respect to all objects, brought to completion). Same kind of structure is in Eph3:18's dimensions. That's why in Eph3:18 you don't see breadth of any one "what" ("love", though, is the antecedent noun the impersonal substantives relate to) -- because Love is the foundation for all "breadths". John is picking up on that comprehensiveness and elaborating on it when he words 1Jn4:12-17. By this he also ties back to Eph1, incorporating the entire chapter by reference. See how the deceptive simplicity of John's words are instead, the most sophisticated?

    So you are to interpret verses 14-15 as hubs or foundations, baselines from which all other Word-learned seeing and testifying, abiding, spring. Which in practice, they do, since at the lowest moments of your life you'll find yourself USING those facts to motivate breathing your next breath, viz, "You're God, and that's all I know". "He's My Lord, and that's all I know." Absolute belief, in the trenches. So after v.17, you see the results of that Witness, contrasted with the world's: no fear, loving God and His Word (aka "commandments"), hence really loving the brethren, overcoming the world (Our Doctrine, 1Jn5:4), you keep on believing, and your 'blood' is His Thinking -- big tipoff there of the nature of DDNA -- by agency of the Spirit, you are in agreement with Father's Testimony. So now you know you have eternal life, seeing the evidence of what once you believed, but didn't actually know. So you have confidence in prayer, staying power (1Jn5:18 should be translated with progressive tenses, in English -- verse is not about salvation, but post-salvation fellowship). So one knows He is Genuine and we are genuinely from Him and in Him (v.20 looks like a parallel to unveiled face verse in 1Cor13).

  • Sisyphus