GGS10 Paul's Meter Of Time Structure in Eph1:3-14

An archive & consolidation of brainout's YouTube and Vimeo videos. The descriptions are preserved on the pages along with remastered and consolidated videos.

You may want to proceed through this series of playlists as such:

  1. GGS10 Paul's Meter Of Time Structure in Eph1:3-14
  2. GGS11 Paul Maps Future Church History
  3. GGS11s Magnificat Meter of Time

Full playlist is embedded below:

NOTE: Episodes posted from 11/07/13 onward will not be in Youtube, but in vimeo: Episode 10, ; Episode 11,

SERIES GIST: Bible's Rhetorical TIME METER style is vital to hermeneutics, yet is not known (but is suspected) among scholars today. With it you can better proof WHAT words are really God's, WHEN those words were written, and PROPHETICAL or HISTORICAL timelines. For, all those uses of meter, were common practice.

Ancient Greek & Roman literature was predicated on the idea that what happened on Earth, represented events among the gods. So that duality is a constant theme in Scripture; God, invented it. So by the time Moses pens Genesis that duality was well-known.

Now, you can apply what you find in this playlist to any passage in Scripture, and TEST.

In brief: Episodes 10.x are background on the meter structure, a rhetorical style established by Moses in Psalm 90, and furthered by Isaiah 53, Daniel 9, among other OT writers. Episode 11 goes through the NT meter's past and FUTURE historical usage, how Paul, Mary and Zecharias, map history via syllable=year.

To that end, the Ephesians1Reparsed.doc in each video description houses all the many related links so you can learn the style and test it, pan-Bible.

This playlist is a subset of Greek Geek Stuff, which is on Bible Greek rhetorical styles. The styles do much to elucidate interpretation.

This playlist is interlaced with and adjunctive to my Psalm 90 Meter of Time and my YMH Episode 10.

To play these videos in order: channel . Sorting: click on 'Browse This Channel', then 'Videos'. Uploads are ad hoc, mostly on Daniel.

This channel is a subset of the Youtube GGS 10-11 series. Focus in Episode 10, is on the STRUCTURE of Paul's meter, so that you can see how cleverly he plots the Future History of Church, using the same metering rhetorical style of Bible writers since Moses. A German site presents an intriguing alternative idea of meter, which is more classical, and . By contrast, this channel focuses on Bible's OWN meter style, apart from human culture. For the Bible's own style is demonstrable from the HEBREW, even with Greek words; for the style, goes back to Moses.

Episode 11 will cover the actual future history Paul plots, but we also get foretastes of that style, here in Episode 10. Finally, no one in Christendom has documented this style, or even appears to know it exists. So the material needs to be vetted.

NOTE: Episodes posted from 11/07/13 onward are in vimeo ( ). Youtube playlists are a torture to reorder, so videos from the June 2015 resumption of Youtube posting, will have to be at the end, sorry. Youtube programmers hate us, obviously.

How God Words His Word in Greek text, deliciously. Features of the Greek language in specific verses are covered so you can 'taste' these features, instead of learning them in the usual dry (and boring!) teaching style.

JUST THE LANGUAGE is presented, without denominational 'spin'. Of course, as you learn the features, the interpretation just jumps out at you, so occasionally I'll feel compelled to say something which ends up favoring one doctrinal position over another. But you can ignore my comments. JUST LEARN THE LANGUAGE, you'll never regret it!

God's Play of History

Bible's Rhetorical style of Timeline-convergence display. For overview, download: BibleHebrewAccountingMeter.doc. Or, view it as a blog entry at bloggodsrhetoricalarchive.htm#accounting-meter.

I'm doing a comprehensive explanation of this rhetorical ACCOUNTING TIME METER style, (still in draft): Ps90Isa53Dan9Eph1.doc (last updated 6/14/2011). It will help you navigate between 10 GGS and Psalm 90 playlists. Pay special attention to the doc's first three pages and the 'E' footnote on Daniel 9's meter-maps to HISTORICAL years of Israel's kings in Chronicles and Kings. Thus you see Daniel is 'reading' the once-future Isaiah 53's TIMELINE USAGE of meter, and 'talking back' to how it was fulfilled, by syllable-count 'tagging'. (See Psalm 90 episode 23b's video description for that rhetorical style.)

For as has been shown in the Psalm 90 videos, Isaiah 53 and Psalm 90 are TIME PROMISES. An accounting of the FUTURE. Isaiah's is a future chronology of the kings' characters and attitudes.

So, Daniel keeps on invoking Isaiah 53 syllable by year, line item by line item, as the legal BASIS for his own petition. Through Dan 9:14, he does that tracking, starting with the 'kings' reference (first being David). He uses the meter to track their sad history, resulting in Temple Down. But Isaiah 53 and Psalm 90 promised a FUTURE. So, Daniel begins verse 15, still referencing that FUTURE part of both past chapters, in the METER. And that same meter is explictly used by Gabriel in Daniel 9:24-27. To GRANT what Daniel asked via his accounting meter. God's answer is metered, too, and the meter is also reflected in the explicit numbers stated (i.e., 49).

They are real numbers for real time, not symbolic. Because, the meter is an ACCOUNTING. Accounting, for TIME. Past, future, anytime.

Preterism is toast. Harold Camping's Black-Widow timelines are toast. This is REAL Bible and any dufus can count the syllables. Which, Daniel had to learn as a child, since he was taken to Babylon while still a TEENAGER. Heh.

1st Moral of the Story: Ain't the Bible grand? Wouldn't it be a pity if you could only learn it in English?

2nd Moral of the Story, as shown in Camping's Failure video: the more boring the Bible text, the more exciting its real meaning. But you have to pay attention. Daniel 9, for example, sounds churchy and boring in English. A canned, repetitive, prayer. Guess again! He meters each line to real past history, ties each meter at specific points to specific sections in Isaiah 53 and Psalm 90. So guess what? WE KNOW WHEN DANIEL 9 was WRITTEN. And it wasn't in 164BC, honey. It was early in 538BC. For the meter first has a DATELINE. As you will see, from the Word doc, above.

Paul's Ephesians 1:3-14 has the same meter function, for beginning in HIS verse 15, Paul apes Daniel's prayer! So just as Daniel did IN his prayer, Paul SETS UP his NON-metered prayer WITH meter. For he already has the answer. :) In other words, Ephesians 1:15-23 is a RESPONSE to the answer, a kind of doxology. So the prayer isn't metered, but the setup IS.

Yeah, baby: a few syllables' likeness between two texts, you can call coincidence. But not a consecutive tracking to 476 of them, referencing the CONTENT of the other passage, each time. :)

Next up, Ps90 23hi video. Sadly, the one-hour video tanked. Have to remake it to fit the audio, what a pain. Hope the above draft doc will help you, the meanwhile.

Ephesians 1:3-14 in Metered Greek, read aloud

Download JUST the verses as shown, here (3-page pdf): Ephesians1v3-14ReadAloud.pdf. Then, practice! Full version with extensive exegesis and Roman-Empire proof of Paul's wry historical underpinning per Greek syllable=AD year: Ephesians1REPARSED.doc. Pdf (not navigable): Eph1DecreeSyllablesREPARSED.pdf

Paul's vowel pronunciation somewhat differs from Mary's, 57 years prior. Paul's meter assumes almost no elision. During Mary's day, the Greek and Latin rhetoricians were debating the proper pronunciation of their languages -- specifically, with reference to elision, which they called 'hiatus' and 'krasis'. Those two terms are philosophical, as well as philological, the idea being to reconcile their philosophy and their language. Rhetoric was THE way to be respected in those days, so the elites spent much time learning it, debating it. A short statement about that, is here: Pronunciation of Ancient Greek

Read the text a few pages before and after the section which you see. You can download that book for free. There are many other books on the topic, but for video purposes that one offers the shortest confirmation of what was happening in rhetorical circles at the time Mary speaks.

I've not read this passage aloud in months, so sometimes my pronunciation rots. I can't stop mixing modern and ancient Greek sounds. I used 16:9 and HD 'high quality video (large)' settings in Windows Movie Maker, but Youtube only gives it 480p, not HD. But the text is readable.

GGS1a (Greek Geek Stuff) Romans 7:24-25 Dramatic Ellipsis

This is the header video for GGS Series. Series focus: the DELICIOUS way God words His Word, without 'spin' on interpretation, denominations, etc. But you will find out how clear an interpretation becomes, when you see how God words His Word. It's a no-brainer -- in the original!

So Focus in 1a is on ellipsis; here, of verb eimi, meaning 'to be', how leaving it out STRESSES the BE-ness. It's commonly used pan-Bible, and frankly every language ever spoken has the same 'feature'. When you are excited, you drop words, to stress something. In 1b, we'll see the ellipsis of prepositions. In 1c, we'll see the 'flow' of including or ellipting prepositions, to see the DRAMATIC MEANING such a 'flow' gives to verses 7:24-8:2.

So learn how 'ellipsis' works, and then search on the many Bible verses, which use it! Bible translations unfortunately MASK this excitement and insert the missing words, so you MISS THE POINT made, and the FLAVOR is all blanded out. So misinterpretation results. Here, some dingbats claim Paul is not a sinner because 'eimi' is removed from the verse. Just the opposite is true: BECAUSE Paul eliminates the verb, he's STRESSING that he is still a sinner post-salvation!

More importantly, the ellipsis shows how Christ's PAYMENT is all-inclusive, and why you can't lose your salvation (context runs from verse 24 to Romans 8:10). But you CAN lose spiritual MATURATION, because you can NEVER stop sinning. Hence the need to name sins and get back into the Filling of the Spirit.

See, Bible ignorance of the original-language texts is dangerous. Use 1John1:9 like breathing, so you will be alerted when to look up the Real Word God Preserved!

GGS2a Laconic Writing in Bible

Episode 2 of Greek Geek Stuff (in two subparts), how 'laconic writing' -- THE major rhetorical style in Bible -- tells you much, by saying little. God's Genius wording takes advantage of terseness, so you are free to see volumes of Love.

Here, the first books of OT and NT are compared, so you can see how Matthew wryly ties back to Genesis 1 and Isaiah 53, laconically. :)

All languages employ laconic style, and the best authors in world literature, specialize in it. Less, is more.

GGS2b Laconic Writing in Bible

See, Scripture had to be MEMORIZED. So word economy is essential. The test of good writing is this: short, memorable, manifold. The test of DIVINE writing is that it be divinely short, tasty, memorable, an endless banquet of analysis. For it's glory to keep seeing Infinite Glory, in the smallest things. Like, a preposition. A noun. Deftly juxtaposed.

GGS10 Paul indexes Isa53 &Ps90 meter to Eph1 Greek! Intro

OUTDATED VIDEO. Its meter was the first-draft, is now REPLACED by 11a+ GGS videos, using the UPDATED pdf of Eph1:3-14 linked in this description (not shown in the video). So comments are disabled. Updated links follow, below.

Upshot: Smoking Gun! Paul 'maps' Isa53&Ps90's meter in Ephesians 1:3-14's Greek! When you compare content, whoa! It's a type of antiphony for which the Levites, Psalms and Isaiah were famous. Bible writers use Meter to REFERENCE verses as a kind of indexing system, as well as to show interpretation. For the Jews had to memorize Bible orally; so Paul takes advantage of that, by referring the reader to the matching SYLLABLE COUNT in what he writes. Thus we have more proof of WHAT Scripture is, and how to read it! Scholars don't know of this tool, and it will revolutionize Christianity (and Judaism) once they become aware of it. Textual criticism, hermeneutics, debated doctrines will all need reformation (heh) in light of this very useful tool which God preserved in Scripture. Proving, by the way, HOW He preserved Scripture. So you can have more assurance, He Keeps His Word!

Updated doc and PDFs: Ephesians1REPARSED.doc (more useful for navigating, 148+pages, use 'htm' extension for htm version); and Eph1DecreeSyllablesREPARSED.pdf. The orange numbers clearly show he maps to Psalm 90 and Isaiah 53. Shocking. Compare to these maps of Ps90 and Isa53: Isa53Hypo4Dotted3.pdf and Ps90Parsed.pdf. Isaiah 53's meter map is clearer, here: Isa53Map.jpg. A trilingual parsed version of Psalm 90: Psalm90ParsedTrilingual.pdf. See Psalm 90 playlist and Part 10 of my Yapping Most High videos, if you want a content comparison of both chapters.

10a GGS provides links to the associated video playlists and webpages.

Meter is doctrinal, so matches by content. Serves as an indexing system for people who memorized the text aurally. Clear evidence of Scripture being compared with Scripture, as well as clear evidence of God's 490-year Time Grant System, being a known and used doctrine.

This video's meter count is wrong until the the 434 syllables=62 weeks (Daniel 9:25, tying back to Psalm 90 and Isa53's meter). Above pdf corrects that. Paul uses it to underscore how legal precedence for Church's insertion, is the same as for Dan9:25's 62 weeks. (434=REIMBURSED time, since 1st Temple stood plus 70 years 'owed' for voting period that its standing justified.) Ergo, Tribulation is kicked off BY the Rapture, since 7 years of 1st-Temple time never got to play, owing to Israel's rejection of Christ.

For Christ died 7 years PRIOR TO His Scheduled Death of 37AD, which was the 1000th anniversary of David's death. Because 'scholars' mistake Bible's year as lunar, these extra 7 years are mistakenly truncated (490 solar years = 483 lunar years, and 483 solar years=476 lunar years, so it's easy to screw up). Now you know why Calvinists claim the 7 years, has already played. They don't realize there are TWO 7s: one played 64-70 AD (as Calvinists claim), but 2nd is yet future: Dan9:27. Dispies also mistake years as lunar, so neither side sees the TWO sevens.

There are TWO, as 1st Temple died 14 years BEFORE its time was up (950BC+490=460BC, but it died 586BC). Moses and Isaiah thus stress 14, as does Matt1, Paul in Acts 13:20, and here in Eph1:3-14.

Paul thus INDEXES Moses, Isaiah, and Daniel 9:25-27. Via, meter. For it's an ACCOUNTING for TIME. Promise Time: Abraham matured 54 years early, 54 year credit; Israel dallied 40 years in wilderness, 14 year credit left; so that's why the Temple remained standing 40 years after Christ died, and Israel remained a nation -- to reimburse the LAND for the 40-year delay. During, Gentile Time (40 of the 54 years owed the Gentiles).

But also, Israel lost 28 years due to 1st Temple going down early, so net debit of 14 remained, when Christ came. During, His Time OR Gentile Time (so now 40+14=54, books balance). Problem was, the Jews rejected Him and killed Him 7 years early. So the 14 remains when Paul writes Ephesians.

So Paul EXACTLY copies Isaiah and Moses' meter, alternating between each one's style, to explain this story, line by line (even syllable by syllable, in Eph 1:11)!

GGS10a How I learned Bible's Meter

UPDATE -- See 10 GGS's video description for link to the updated parsing pdf of Paul's meter in Eph1:3-14. It's shocking, be warned.

Gist: Scholars involved in 'Textual Criticism' have in part sought to know whether Bible uses meter. This would help prove WHAT WORDS are really Bible's versus scribal errors. It's been a problem for them. I didn't know that, back in 1999 when I was caused to be on this journey. All I knew, was that my pastor taught God uses believers to buy time to BRIDGE BACK TO His Time Promise for the Jews and specifically for Messiah The Lord Jesus Christ -- of both Trib and Millennium.

I didn't see how my pastor knew that from Bible. So, I asked God for proof in Bible. That took me on a 10+year ride through Bible, resulting in my webpages and videos which you can now see for yourself.

So in this audio I summarize that ride, and the importance of Bible's rhetorical style of METER. For, both Jews and Christians needed a way to prove they memorized ORALLY-TRANSMITTED Scripture correctly.

So finding Bible's meter helps prove what was given, memorized; and in the bargain, God uses the meter to reinforce doctrine taught. All scholars whether Jewish or Christian alike know Bible numerology, i.e., 7 for perfection, 6 for man, 4 for completeness, etc. Bible uses these well-known meanings to CRAFT its meter, so you'd get more out of each metered verse!

Repeat: Doctrine already taught explicitly in Bible, but also taught by means of the numbering system all theologians know (like 7 for perfection, 6 for man, 5 for profit, etc). Every jot and tittle of the Bible is used to teach God's Thinking to us: including, meter. Only a fool would mistake this useful metering number function for Kabbala junk or Bible codes!

GGS10b Our Christmas Inheritance

Graced Out! Christ is THE ELECT, so He Inherits us, Isa53:12! So our inheritance is IN Him, Eph 1:3-14!

Paul parses the HEBREW syllables in each Psalm 90 and Isaiah 53 to show the irony of He Who Inherits, causing us to inherit IN Him! So I rant about that, here. MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERY DAY FOREVER TO YOU!

GGS10c Why Paul apes Ps90/Isa53 Meter in Eph1:3-14

Backstory for Paul's meter, just as for the OT writers, deals with the 'time bank' of the Gentiles, which was short 54 years. Abraham's Maturity On Time meant the 54 years could be repaid.. if Israel herself didn't run short of 'time' funds.

But she did, by 14 years. Moses knew she would. Isaiah knew she would. God told Daniel how that 14 shortage would be made up during Messiah's time and the Trib, were Israel positive.

She wasn't positve. Hence the insertion of Church, just like the insertion of the 70 years between Temples. Paul uses this analogy to explain the legal precedence for Christ's Decision to create Church (per Father's discretion) in Matt16:18, John 17 prayer. But Paul shows it, through the memorized meter pattern every Jew knew to use, to tell what TIME it was in Israel's Time Bank book.

Due largely to longstanding anti-semitism among the Catholics and Calvinists -- for they adhere to the false doctrine of Replacement Theology and hence preterism -- we Christians don't know this doctrine of God's Time Meter, used ever since Moses.

But we can prove it, right in Bible. Future videos will show how: here is more material, to get you started:

For one 'master' (comprehensive) explanation and set of links, get Ephesians1REPARSED.doc (use 'htm' if you don't care about formatting). PDF: Eph1DecreeSyllablesREPARSED.pdf.

That meter is color-coded for easier analysis. So the gold/orange numbers clearly show he's mapping to Psalm 90 and Isaiah 53 meter 'paragraphs'. Shocking. Compare to these meter maps of Ps90 and Isa53: Isa53Hypo4Dotted3.pdf and Ps90Parsed.pdf. Isaiah 53's meter map is clearer, here: Isa53Map.jpg. A trilingual parsed version of Psalm 90, is here: Psalm90ParsedTrilingual.pdf.



Their video descriptions contain links to the above webpages. It's a lot of material, since this doctrine is Bible-provable, but unknown in Christendom. The vimeo playlists are easier to navigate from my vimeo home page: . Just click on its 'Collections', and then 'Channels'. The Youtube channel/playlist links, are listed individually below.

GGS10d1-2 How Paul apes Ps90 and Isa 53 meter in Eph1:3-14

Sabbatical (7-factor) metering in Hebrew Bible conveys God's doctrine about Time and Israel's (then-prophetical) history. In Greek, Paul (and other NT authors) will use it in exactly the same way as Moses in Psalm 90, Isaiah in Isa53, and many other OT (and NT) passages. So here we focus on HOW that's done, by first revisiting God's Juridical Rules for Time itself.

Scholars would know about these rules had they consulted the Jews, who still know a garbled version of the rules. But scholars from the Church Fathers forward have spurned the Jews. Our historical loss. But can be your gain, if you learn the rules now. Everything you'll see in the videos is provable directly FROM Bible, if you're willing to do your homework.

Part 10 GGS and its10a-b, furnish you with the links you'll need to do that homework.

GGS10d3-5 How Paul apes Ps90 and Isa 53 meter in Eph1:3-14

Continued. Focus now on Israel's (then-prophetical) history. Sabbatical (7-factor) metering in Hebrew Bible conveys God's doctrine about Time AS FULFILLED in world history, so as WILL BE fulfilled in Israel's yet-to-finish history. In Greek, Paul (and other NT authors) will use this meter to convey both meanings, exactly the same way as Moses in Psalm 90, Isaiah in Isa53, and many other OT (and NT) passages. All Bible passages relating to Time (and hence to prophecy about Messiah) will use this meter. For example, Paul uses it again in Philippians 3:14 (clever mix of classical Greek hexameter AND Bible Hebrew sevening meter); writer of Hebrews (who is not Paul, Paul had just died) uses it in Hebrews 11:1, since like Ephesians, Hebrews focuses on the change in 'time' to Church, versus Israel's on-hold covenant. There are other examples, too, in OT and New.

Scholars would know about these rules had they consulted the Bible, which only uses SOLAR years (scholars mistake prophetic years as lunar); had they also consulted the Jews, who still know a garbled version of the Time rules. But scholars from the Church Fathers forward have spurned the Jews. Our historical loss. But can be your gain, if you learn the rules now. Everything you'll see in the videos is provable directly FROM Bible, if you're willing to do your homework.

Part 10 GGS and its10a-b, furnish you with the links you'll need to do that homework. The jpg links for this video are in Part 10 of YMH, which actually draws live, what you end up seeing here; or, just PM me and I'll send you the links.

GGS10d6-7 How Paul apes Ps90 and Isa 53 meter in Eph1:3-14

Preview of Eph 1:3-14's meter, how Paul ties to the time diagrams you just saw.

UP NEXT VIDEO: Psalm 90's updated meter and how it played in Israel's real history. Due to Paul's constant tracking to that Psalm, I was able to correct meter (versus my Psalm 90 playlist videos). See? Bible is self-auditing. When you screw up -- like I did on the Psalm 90 meter, in a few of its verses (idea right, count wrong) -- when you screw up, God provides a way to aright you. Here, it's from Paul doing the same meter count. Awesome stuff. If God kills me now, I'll be grateful to die!

You'll also see how the same time diagram played out in REAL HISTORY. So all the time (heh) you spent on this 10 GGS, will begin to pay off with proof you can see in both Bible and history you can test!

GGS10e1 God and Adam vote in Psalm 90 Play of History Act 1

Psalm 90 is a DRAMA, 'The Play of History', Act I. That's how Bible writers treat it. Isaiah 53 plays off Psalm 90 to create Act II; God plays off Isaiah 53 to create Act III, in Daniel 9; and God has Paul create Act IV, in Eph 1:3-14. God then has John's Revelation, ape Psalm 90 to emphasize how Act IV ends the play with the rescue of Time and Israel, thus fulfilling what Moses wrote in Psalm 90:1-4. Download links below provide more detail.

Video here goes through the first 8 verses, spanning the first 1050 of history. This video updates and makes minor corrections in the previous Psalm 90 videos (beginning with • 14Ps90 1/5 Psalm 90 Epilogue: Moses c... ) . For due to Paul's meter, I learned how to correct Psalm 90's. Subsequent 10e GGS videos will cover the rest of the corrections, showing how the content pregnantly depicts the historical period referenced.

Scholars have missed this 'fit' between the passages, largely because they didn't consult the Jews' understanding of it; preterists in particular, ignore eschatology related to the Jews. The Dispensationalists also misread the above passages though believing in Israel's restoration -- because they don't know about the METER ties, and misread time in the Bible (i.e., mistaking Bible's years as lunar, using Josephus instead of Bible, using the stars instead of Bible, looking at past scholars and not checking what THEY said versus Bible, etc). So everyone's got a little egg on the face, here. But it's easily corrected, once you see the 'fit' of the passages; fit of meter, fit of content, one big PLAY which God is Producing, Directing, and Saving at the End.

So whether you're Dispensational or just curious about Bible's rhetorical styles, it's worth your time (heh) to learn the structure of Psalm 90's Hebrew, which here I've translated to FOLLOW the Hebrew meter. That way you can remember it in English. The tandem video explaining the re-translation itself, is here: • 19Ps90 Psalm 90:1-7 Hebrew-Metered, E... .

There will be a tandem video in the Psalm 90 playlist starting at • 19Ps90 Psalm 90:1-7 Hebrew-Metered, E... , which ONLY explains the translation versus published Bibles. For published translations all miss vital wordplay key to interpreting the 'fit' between Psalm 90, Isaiah 53, Daniel 9, Eph1:3-14, and Revelation. That too, partly accounts for why the 'scholars' don't know how these passages 'fit': they spend too much time looking at translations, rather than the original-language texts. Ooops. No big deal, to make a mistake. Only a big deal, if the mistake is denied.

The more you study Psalm 90's meter, the more you'll get out of Eph 1:3-14 and Revelation. Will blow you away, when you see the fit.

GGS10e2 Flood Vote in Psalm 90 Play of History Act 1

Tandem video in the Psalm 90 playlist further explaining the translation, is here: • 20Ps90 Psalm 90:8-11 Hebrew-Metered, ... . Sorry it's so complex, but Paul's meter in Ephesians 1 dramatically impacts how you read it and Bible eschatology -- all of which 'hub' to Psalm 90!

The more you study Psalm 90's meter, the more you'll get out of Eph 1:3-14 and Revelation. Will blow you away, when you see the fit. I don't know if I'll ever recover.

GGS10e3 Moses Votes in Psalm 90 Play of History Act 1

Psalm 90:12-15 records the most important pre-Christ vote in Bible: THIS is why we're alive. All other Bible writers 'hub' around this passage in unending wordplay. This is why Isaiah chapter 53 is in evenly- paired paragraphs each divisible by 7. Moses started that rhetorical style, BASED ON the prayer you'll see here.

Paul, of course, does the same thing, using Greek words to create HEBREW meter, in Eph1:3-14 -- aping Moses paragraphs, almost exactly. And the scholars still don't know that Bible Hebrew has meter? LOL.

If you learn nothing else, learn what Moses says here, notice the wit. If you do, your life will never be the same again.

GGS10e4 Moses Votes in Psalm 90, cont.

Here Ps90:12-15's translation is analyzed in light of the history you've seen. Tandem video in the Psalm 90 playlist further explains the translation: • 21Ps90 Psalm 90:12-15 Hebrew-Metered,... .

Again, Psalm 90:12-15 records the most important pre-Christ vote in Bible: THIS is why we're alive. All other Bible writers 'hub' around this passage in unending wordplay. This is why Isaiah chapter 53 in evenly- paired paragraphs each divisible by 7. Moses started that rhetorical style, BASED ON the prayer you'll see here.

Paul, of course, does the same thing, using Greek words to create HEBREW meter, in Eph1:3-14 -- aping Moses paragraphs, almost exactly. And the scholars still don't know that Bible Hebrew has meter? LOL.

If you learn nothing else, learn what Moses says here, notice the wit. If you do, your life will never be the same again.

GGS10e5 post-Purim Vote in Psalm 90 Play of History Act 1

PAYOFF for time you spent watching these videos, begins! For here, Ps90:16-17's historical backdrop is covered. Tandem video in Psalm 90 playlist further explains translation: • 22Ps90 Psalm 90:16-17 Hebrew-Metered,... . By contrast, here in GGS 10e5-8, we examine (then-future) HISTORY 'underneath' Ps90:16-17, spanning 1400 BC to 397BC; the last 49 years of it are the '49' in Daniel 9:25. Ephesians 1:3-4 centers on both passages: for Church now has the same role, as the 2nd Temple to be built as Body (prelude to Ephesians 2).

What role is that? Well, God USES Psalm 90's and Isaiah 53's updated meter to explain Renewing Temple Time, in Daniel 9! Get this: Daniel 9:24 is metered to Psalm 90:14-16's 63 syllables, AND to Psalm 90:1-3's 63 syllables. Dan 9:24 uses 63 syllables to communicate God's (NOT some human king's) Decree! 63, of course, is 56+7, aka 49+14!

Five 9's and three 6's, in Dan 9:24. There are three 6's in Psalm 90:15. Daniel 9:4, is metered just like Moses 90:1-3, in sevens, TO TELL YOU WHEN HE'S WRITING. Theologians would kill to know that. They would know it for free, if they would COUNT SYLLABLES like the Jews had to do. Oh well.

For Daniel 9's prayer is also metered in huge chunks, to MATCH THE ELLIPSIS in Isaiah 53: this is tantamount to asking God to make good on the past. I just learned it last night (1/14/2011) when parsing the prayer. So in the Episodes for 10e9 we'll review from Moses forward, then segue into Paul, from Daniel's prayer. Will blow you away!

Also, Isaiah chapter 53's parallel passage is the basis for what becomes Daniel 9:24, as a palindrome: 63 syllables from Isaiah 53:9-10, or from 53:10-11, which is the Decree to Pay for Sins and its fulfillment. In actual (then-future) history as Isaiah tracks it (1 syllable=1 year), Isa53:9-10 corresponds to the period from 460BC to 397BC -- the last 70-year historical voting window, pre-Christ, covered by Esther, Ezra, Nehemiah, etc.

Paul in Greek words, recreates that Hebrew-style palindromic meter, in Eph1:3-14; compare • 22aPs90 Psalm 90's Palindromic Meter Map of Psalm 90's palindromes, to the now-updated Eph1DecreeSyllablesREPARSED.pdf.

Moses uses 70's, but Paul will use 91=70+14. For the 14 didn't get completed, just as Moses warned in Psalm 90. So Paul will show how it gets completed -- through us VOTING -- as a Time Bridge. (See also Hebrews 11:39-40, in context since Chapter 10.)

Scholars don't know all this, including even the Dispies. Hence the heavy, time-consuming documentation in videos, and webpages (linked below). You can prove it all in Bible: even a brainout can do it. :)

Bet you didn't know your life was made by God to BUY TIME, huh. Now you know what 'salt of the earth', really means!

GGS10e6 post-Purim Vote in Psalm 90:16-17, cont.

PAYOFF Continues from 10e5 GGS. Now you'll see the dramatic meaning behind Psalm 90:16-17 in history. Theology in Judaism and Christianity will revolutionize, once this meter is known. It will be known (and fought over!) by the end of this century, but is unknown til yet.

GGS10e8 post-Purim Vote in Psalm 90:16-17 and Eph1:3-14

Translation of Ps90:16-17 and how Paul ties to it, introduced (tandem translation video in Ps90 playlist: • 22Ps90 Psalm 90:16-17 Hebrew-Metered,... ). I redid the translation pdf on Ephesians 1:3-14, so you'll need to download it: link is below. For Ephesians is Act IV of the Play of Time. Acts I-III will be presented in in Episode 10e9-11 GGS (will upload them over the weekend, hopefully).

Then we'll be ready for Paul again in Episode 11 GGS; we'll see how the content of Psalm 90, Isaiah 53, Daniel 9, and Ephesians 1 constitute a 4-Act Play of Time, via keyword TEMPLE. You can't see that fact in translation, as the crucial keywords are all mistranslated! Satan is clever. God is more clever: He preserved His Real Words from Moses forward: and we can PROVE we have them, i.e., by the METER.

One day theologians will accept the fact Bible uses meter, but don't hold your breath. Get it now, so you don't have to wait 100 years until they stop debating. :) And they will debate that long, because the meter proves preterism toast, that Messiah came on time and Rapture is Pre-Trib; so many Jews and also 'the Church Fathers', were all spiritual retards. Sorry to say that: respecting Bible matters more than hoary heads having a bad hair day=2000 years, with eschatology. I'm sorry, but five-year-old Hebrew kids learn the meter. So even this brainout, can plot it. So why, 2000 years of head-scratching by the theologians? No 1John1:9, that's why.

GGS10e9a Moses counts to Millennium ACT 1

Now we set up the Four-Act Play from Psalm 90, to see why Eph1:3-14 is Act IV. Because, Rapture is something to FEAR, not gloat over; as Paul will stress, in Eph 1:15-23. John's Revelation explains why, and furthers the plot on how Act IV will play. This 10e9a and b will cover Act 1; 10e9c will cover Act II, Isaiah 53; 10e9d will cover Act III, Daniel. Then we'll be ready for Paul.

Hence this Act I video runs tandem with my 23 Ps90 video. It showed how Daniel's prayer is metered, too. So is Daniel 9:24 -- based ON Moses' meter. Hence we go back to Act 1, Moses, to set up for Daniel.

If you're not familiar with Book of Daniel, I did extensive audio links in the vid description to my 10a1 YMH video. Episode 10 of the YMH (Yapping Most High) series is also about Jewish Dispensationalism, and ties to 10 GGS series. Sorry, but the doctrine is long and complex .. and awesome.

GGS10e9b Moses counts to the Millennium ACT 1, cont.

Continued from 10e9a GGS, showing how Moses' meter takes into account the foreknown, previously-scheduled END OF TIME, had Israel accepted Christ. For each syllable stands for a year. Question is, what year? Well, there are two time tracks Moses uses:

  1. Comprehensive, with years in ellipsis: from Decree for Messiah and Millennium, through the last voting period for Israel in history (which will be in jeopardy).
  2. Annual (no ellipsis), from when Moses writes in 1400 BC (disclosed by the 63 sevens he uses in Psalm 90:1-3), to 1050 BC when his poem ends (350 syllables later). It will be in 1050 BC that Israel rejects her King-God, and gets a human king as she demands.

So the ending chronology of Psalm 90 warns of BOTH problems. In advance. Year by year, syllable by syllable. So when it comes to pass as it has, we can look back and say God did it right, and we did it wrong.

All this sets up for Isaiah, then Daniel, and finally Paul, the remaining three Acts of the Play of History. They all follow essentially the same sevening, two-time-track 'style' as Moses. Why? Because TIME is a JUSTICE issue, and so must be ACCOUNTED.

Of course, everyone THINKS he understands Daniel. So much garbage is out there, from the quack 'scholars' who claim Daniel was written after the 2nd Temple, to the preterists who can't see the TWO sevens because they use lunar years, to my fellow Dispies who rightly know the Rapture is pre-Trib but also mistake the 490 as being lunar; to the Joe Youtuber who thinks that 2300 days or 1335 days stands for years. Hoo-boy.

Good thing God had Daniel meter his prayer based on Isaiah 53 and Psalm 90, so we can prove by the MATH, what Daniel means, what Daniel 9:24 (also metered to Psalm 90's '63') means! You'll start to see all that in 10e9c, next video.

GGS10e9c1 Isaiah counts to Millennium, ACT 2

Watch in HD. Bible dates vindicated! Bible, Millennium and Rapture debunkers proven slipshod! Setup for Act III (Daniel 9) and Act IV (Ephesians 1)! Anyone can play fancy games with numbers. But only GOD can orchestrate TIME ITSELF to 'balance' to those numbers. Forward, and Backward. So Bible writers use meter as an ACCOUNTING DEVICE for Time, for dates, for how-long-in-the-future a thing will occur.

Example: each Bible writer tells you WHEN he writes and how to CROSS REFERENCE what he writes elsewhere in Bible, via a palindromic, sevening meter system; it tells you how many years FROM a known past event, he's writing; and, the same number of years TO a future event, if he apes Moses' style. So the meter works like dateline, and is self-auditing.

Here's how. The writer creates a series of 'paragraphs' DIVISIBLE BY SEVEN. First such paragraph's syllables signify either the number of 'sevens' or the number of years EQUALLY backward and forward from the date of writing, to several related events. Related, to the content of what's said. That's why you can audit date calculations.

Here we see that audit in both Psalm 90 and Isaiah 53, with awesome converging detail; thus we know Act II is Isaiah 53, for it 'wraps' around Act I, Psalm 90, Play of History to Messiah, to Millennium; which history, due to Israel's rejection, constitutes PRECEDENT for the Rapture. Daniel and Paul use the same style, to constitute Act III and IV. Revelation wraps to them all.

Hence this EQUIDISTANCE rhetorical style helps one interpret, too. For the equidistance stresses relationships of events to what's written. Ergo, when you see the style here, you can find it elsewhere in Bible (i.e., in Isaiah 1:1, telling you when his ministry began). Just count the syllables.

Above all, this style proves only SOLAR years are used by Bible: the accounting is event-anniversary based. Lunar accounting would never yield correct anniversaries of events. All Bible yearly measures are based on a solar year, and all are anniversary-based, as God explained to Moses in Exodus 12. God's been accounting that way, ever since Genesis 5, if we would but pay attention rather than yawn, listening instead to 'respectable' but incompetent scholarship!

Scholars are important and valuable. BIBLE is more important and valuable. So when scholars don't work properly in BIBLE, champion the latter and reform the former. But we won't reform, so perpetuate incompetence!

Thus centuries of inept debate over Bible whens, like Exodus, Daniel, or whether 'Isaiah' was really three people, can be put to rest!



Act IV, Eph1:3-14: . Paul clearly maps to Psalm 90, Isaiah 53, and Daniel 9 metered 'paragraphs'.

Act III, Daniel 9:4-19 (mapped to Ps90 and Isa53) and Dan9:24-25 (mapped to Psalm 90:1-3, and Dan9:13,16,18): . Hebrew big meter picture: . It has many notes. Unparsed one-pager: .

For Act II, Isa53: Hebrew big meter picture: (or ) and . Hebrew-metered English translation: . See also my Isaiah 53 Meter video playlist, which covers Hebrew and translation (last three videos); See also Episode 10s1 et seq. of my YMH playlist, on how Isa53 meters to Messiah ANNUALLY from 712 BC (yet unfinished).

For Act I, Psalm 90: see my Psalm 90 Meter of Time playlist for background. UPDATED (vs. video) meter: or pdf . That has my English translation mapped to the Hebrew.

Trilingual (Heb, Greek, NASB English), parsed: .

Psalm 90's palindromic meter map is in the description to my 22a Ps90 video; there, palindromes not covered in the videos are listed. Use it to track Acts II through IV. Psalm 90's two time tracks use meter to represent real years: a) sabbatically accounted by 70-year voting period from Adam, and b) straight-line accounted (one syllable per year from when he writes). Isaiah, Daniel, and Paul play off that two-track accounting.

The video's timeline worksheet: . Bible verses on derivation of the dates and fuller explanation: and .

File Name: 10e9c1GGS.avi, 1/20/11.

GGS10e9c2 Isaiah counts to Millennium, ACT 2 (cont.)

Watch in HD. Continued from 10e9c1. See that video's description. Next video will be 10e9d, Act III, how Daniel's meter wraps around Psalm 90 and Isaiah 53's. It will be a week or more before I post it.

File Name: 10e9c2GGS.avi, 1/20/11.

Isaiah 53 Meters History (Trailer)

This is a mnemonic snippet, the climactic ending to the 26--minute Isaiah 53 Meter video on God's Future Calendar, .

File Name: Isa53Hypo4Add2Trailer.avi, 9/20/08. Youtube copy: .

GGS10e9d1 Daniel counts to the Millennium, ACT 3

Intro to Act 3 via Psalm 90, comprehensive review of Moses' Two Time Tracks -- for Daniel 9's prayer meter, as well as Daniel 9:24 and 25, TAG Psalm 90 at key syllable junctures to MATCH Time Track 1. Tandem video shows how Paul does it also, in the Psalm 90 playlist, here:

Relevant other links:
Video worksheet reconciling Psalm 90 and Book of Judges: . If you need it in pdf, here it is:

Daniel 9's prayer pdf: (use 'pdf' as last three letters if you prefer pdf). It is an exhaustive proof how Daniel counts to the Mill. See also my video '24 Ps90', which shows Daniel 9:24-27, with its own doc/pdf.

PDFs of the full meter pattern in Eph1:3-14, Ps90, and Isa53: .

Compare to these meter maps of Ps90 and Isa53: . Trilingual version is See also or . and the translation, which is
Isaiah 53's meter map is clearer, here: .

The video's timeline worksheet: . Bible verses supporting it are shown in and .

If you're not familiar with Book of Daniel, I did extensive audio links in the vid description to my 10a1 YMH video. Episode 10 of the YMH (Yapping Most High) series is also about Jewish Dispensationalism, and ties to 10 GGS series. Sorry, but the doctrine is long and complex .. and awesome.

File Name: 10e9d1GGS.avi, 1/30/11.

GGS10e9d2 Daniel counts to Millennium via Isaiah 53

This video is not in Youtube. I forgot to post it there. Continuing from GGS10e9d1 ( in GGS10 Paul's Meter Of Time Structure in Eph1:3-14 ), we now go back through Isaiah's meter, in order to better understand Daniel's.

For Daniel's is very complex: he will create a trifurcated timeline. First timeline starts at his own capture and comes full circle to his date of speaking. Second and related third timelines are developed by 'tagging' Isaiah at his syllable 133 = end Isaiah 53:2; playing on how Manasseh despised God; so, he was punished with capture, by Assyria. So, Manasseh was tagged by God in 2Kings 21:10-15 as the reason for the Temple's downfall.

Manasseh's repentance is thus paralleled with Christ: 'ish makovot, w'idua holi', Isa53:3 (translated, 'The HeartBreak Man, knowing lovesick grief').

From there, Daniel goes forward in the future, tying together all the prophecy God gave him since Daniel 2, in order to plot the sequence of the future rise and subsequent fall, of Greece and Rome. That's why Daniel 10-12, exist. They answer Daniel's METERED sequencing, in Daniel 9!

Mary's meter will pick up where Daniel ends, and Paul's meter will pick up where Mary's, ends. Peter's meter wraps around Paul's, to cover the same future Church History period on a tandem subject, the 'temple' of Church, since the OT Temple had its own 490, Daniel 9!

See: Daniel's metered sophistication (and satire!) sets new precedence for the NT meter style, so it's worth learning. We miss so much meaning in Bible, simply because we don't count the syllables and don't trust the Bible enough to actually be RIGHT in its timelines! But, I digress.

In GGS10e9d3 and 4, we'll see something of Daniel's style.

If you want, you can download the docs used in the video. for the Hebrew 'map'.

Word docs of the metered translation:
2-Page translation of Chapter, landscape mode (has translation upgrade):

3-Page version, portrait mode (pre-upgrade):

PS: I apologize for annoying Episode names like 'GGS10e9d2'; but the videos were made in 2011, and had many views. Within Youtube, few see the vids, but for some reason I can't fathom, they were picked up elsewhere, and embedded into other websites. So now, past viewers (and websites using these vids) would become confused, if I change the names. File Name: 10e9d2GGSIsaMill.avi, 1/12/11.

GGS10e9d3 Daniel counts to Millennium via Isaiah 53, cont.

This video continues from GGS10e9d2 in vimeo, and is also not in Youtube. It presumes you're familiar with Daniel.

GIST: Daniel knew Isaiah 53's meter when he was a teenager. When he's 70 years older in Daniel 9, he prays. So he 'tags' his prayer meter to the very syllables = years in Isa53, which depicted Daniel's deportation (cf. Jer52:28, early 607BC, Nebuchadnezzar not yet sole king). From this Daniel crafts a juridical basis, for his bifurcated and metered, prayer. For the 70 years itself, was bifurcated:

* There was a '70', measured from the first deportation, Zech 1:12, 7:5, Jer52:28. The Zechariah 7 people self-righteously petition God, BECAUSE the 70 ended 2 years prior, when 2nd Temple's foundation was laid, see Zech 1 compared to Haggai 2. But they KEPT weeping and fasting afterwards; thus you know they're self-righteous: Temple's demise was fifth month, Jer 52:12. God never ordered them to do that; hence His Sharp Reply, in Jeremiah 7:6.

* There was next, a separate TEMPLE 70, see Jer25:11, 29:10. God's Metered Reply in Dan9:24-27, 'balances' to this 70. Those verses are long misaccounted by Christendom and Judaism, BECAUSE we don't know the meter! So this video covers the background. Next two videos will cover the Daniel 9:24-27, meter. Mary, Paul and Peter will ape his syllable-by-year, satirical meter; so it's worthwhile to learn Daniel 9's style.

For better understanding of those videos,

* Read It provides (exhausting!) Bible proof how Daniel counts to the Millennium. It shows how Daniel's prayer is structured, how he tracks Isaiah 53's Timeline Meter, and also what Kings and Chronicles verses he's thinking about, as he talks!

* The last video in this channel, 'Ps90 Epi24', shows GOD's meter in Daniel 9:24-27, has its own doc/pdf, That meter is introduced at the end of this video.

PDFs of the full meter pattern in Eph1:3-14, Ps90, and Isa53:

Ephesians .

Psalm 90 . Trilingual version is .
See also or .

Isaiah 53 and the translation, which is
Isaiah 53's meter map .

Timeline worksheet . Bible verses supporting it are shown in and .

Audios on the whole book of Daniel, Yapping Most High Episode 10a1: use its description, to click on and listen to (or download) the audios: .

File Name: 10e9d3DanMill1.avi, 1/12/11.

GGS10e9d4 Daniel counts to Millennium via Isaiah 53, conclusion

Continued from and concluding, GGS10e9d3 ( ). This video is not in Youtube. Watch me get egg on my face, for I was VERY LAZY when making this video. I did not WANT Daniel 9:25 to be metered, so at 10:32 in this video, I claim it's not metered. Wrongo! So during the tandem Ps90 Epi24 video (next in this channel), I have to admit I was wrong, and then make even more mistakes during the video, and then have to admit that during the video, since the Holy Spirit keeps warning me that I'm wrong. And I wouldn't listen. Well, not at first.

Aha. Now it's easier to understand why others don't listen, either.

File Name: 10e9d4DanMill2.avi, 1/12/11.

24Ps90 God Trinity-Meters Double Tribulation in Daniel 9:24-27

God's reply to Daniel plays off Daniel's meter, tagging it and Psalm 90, Isaiah 53 Decree sections, thus resolving WHO decreed the Rebuilding of Jerusalem, and other corrections which have long baffled scholars.

For example, '63' is the number of God's Decree, used by Psalm 90:1-3's meter, and repeated with update -- but still at 63 syllables -- in Isaiah 53:9+10 OR 10+11. When you see the text, you'll notice in each section God is talking. So too, here: the meter of Daniel 9:24, is 63 syllables. Thus you know Who makes the Rebuild-Jerusalem decree, in Daniel 9:25: God, no human king. A decree which matches real then-future, history.

Bible is self-auditing. If you make a mistake, it won't balance. Scholars can't make Daniel 9 balance, so invent all kinds of wacky justifications, i.e., lunar years, claiming His Entry into Jerusalem rather than the TEXT telling you Crucifixion -- completes the 62 weeks. Text says the 62 weeks isn't completed until the TEMPLE goes down. Oh well.

Here, you'll see me also make stupid mistakes and how the Bible's self-auditing process, corrected them -- alongside the vibrant John 14:26 'reminder' function -- all in one very long video. Very short doc was used for it: Dan924HebParsed.pdf

Daniel's prayer meter is extensively covered here (now with a new chronology chart): DAN9V4-19HebOnePagerPARSED.RTF

Master document with all related links, is Ephesians1REPARSED.doc, for Paul uses God's Meter, to craft Eph1:3-14.

Along the way, you'll see how God via Gabriel, uses Trinity and Hypostatic Meter to convey number-metaphor Doctrines underlying the explicit text. The doctrinal meanings of numbers are well known in theology. So via recourse to meter, one quickly has proof that a) there are TWO tribulational sevens, not one; b) NO human king decrees the rebuilding of Jerusalem, but instead, God; c) how to measure the time listed in the explicit text of Daniel 9:24-27, i.e., there is an interval of 140 years Decreed between Temple Down in 586BC and when Jerusalem is rebuilt; there is a 50 year hiatus between Daniel 9:26 and 9:27; d) the Daniel 9:27 piece is to PAY BACK the too-early maturation of Abraham, and e) HOW LONG it will take for the second Temple to go down. To the very day.

The above two-page Dan924 doc has more spectacular Trinity stuff about the numbers than I knew when making this video. Just learned it now while awaiting the upload.

23hi Ps90 video is still under reconstruction; but meanwhile, this vid helps you see the structure of the former's content.

This video ties to the 10GGS series.

Noahic Flood Precedence for 'our' Church Age

Brainstorming vid, with only some answers. If you have better info, I'd appreciate hearing what you've learned. For a quick sense of its huge import for Church, see . Harold Camping made his phony Rapture prediction using Genesis 7:11; he used the wrong calendar, wrong text, and of course wrong hermeneutic (FATHER'S DISCRETION controls Rapture date, per John 17:17-23, so no one on earth is ALLOWED to know). So it becomes important to review Flood significance for us. It has a different importance, versus what Camping claimed.

Word doc in the video: FloodChronoREVISED.doc (updated 6/14/2011). If you prefer pdf, change 'doc' to 'pdf'.

Video ends with a link to a book you can buy on this same subject, here: A study of the interpretation of Noah and the flood in Jewish and Christian literature.

Genesis Midrash Rabbah, 'Noach ' (with space) section: Goofy stuff.

Date benchmarks have more meaning than I cover in the video. Example: the '57' fronts and ends TIME, just as it does for Noah's birthday relative to his entry and exit from the Ark. Example: Christ was scheduled to die 57 years prior to the then-scheduled Millennium, which was supposed to start Year 4200 from Adam's fall, aka 'our' 94AD.

When that schedule didn't occur due to Church Age intervening, both Christians and Jews became disheartened and chucked the idea of a Millennium (well, the Jews postponed it to the end of the newly-invented 'common era'). So Revelation was written to explain the new Trib timeline (post- unpredictable Rapture). The so-called Church Fathers were a-millennial (i.e., Augustine allegorized away, Revelation's meaning). Big mistake.

The '40' is always paired, to front and end an epoch: 40 years in the wilderness, 40 years the Temple remains standing after Church begins. 40 years x 2, for Joseph; 40 x 2, for Saul+David (see Acts 13), 40x2 David and Solomon, 40 years for the prophets (usually back-to-back, with Moses and Samuel fronting and backing -- again see Acts 13). Christ's life=reign was supposed to run 40 years. Due to Jewish rejection He dies 7 years early, and so Trib is still FUTURE. (TWO sevens, the first played 64-70AD, and the last one is Dan9:27, yet future.)

Since God MIRRORS time, the mirrored segments in the FloodChrono document above, are highlighted in yellow. Palindromic mirroring is a prominent feature of Hebrew meter: Psalm 90, Isaiah 53 and Eph1:3-14 all stress it. (Daniel 9's palindrome is a pair of poignant 58's.) See Ps90Isa53Dan9Eph1.doc (updated 6/14/2011) for details. These passages are covered at length in my 10 GGS and Psalm 90 playlists. Playlists are unfinished, ongoing.

Quick summary of Meter Style: BibleHebrewAccountingMeter.doc. Or, view it as a blog entry at bloggodsrhetoricalarchive.htm#accounting-meter

Oh: the Trinity sevens with dove are the likely precedent for Jacob's time in Haran (he goes there in the 490th year after Flood, age 40). So Jacob's years 'outside the Land', tie.

That leaves the 4 in abeyance; I'm sure it points to 10 Nisan-14 Nisan (Exo12). Also, it's a convenient way to recall leap year, practiced at least since Christ's day. (Julius Caesar put Roman world on a leap year calendar, in 45BC or so.)

Really, it's 3.5, often used in Bible; I'm not sure how to classify it. Bifurcated Trib, days the Lord is in Hades, maybe the last half of the civil war period in 2Sam5 (first half, both sides mutually warred against the Philistines). Maybe Absalom's revolution, or other things.

Noah received his first covenant in 1556 from Adam's Fall, signified by Shem's birth. That's 16 years into the voting window for his epoch, so 53.5 years REMAINED in that window. Abraham supermatures in year 2046 from Adam, which is also 53.5 years PRIOR TO the end of his epoch (year 2100). Coincidence? Hardly. Note the Time segments keep replaying: . Put your mouse on cell A2 and read the note there (unfreeze titles, if needed). Use Views Custom Views to navigate sheet.

Master webpage with all links and vids: Mirroring.htm.

Lemme know what you think. :)

Acknowledgements: thanks to God using TheEdge012's 'Revival' video, plus the Harold Camping fiasco and, I was caused to learn this!

GGS10e9d5 Daniel Revisited

This video follows up on GGS10e9d4 which is only in vimeo (link to paulmeterggs10, follows below). It continues the sidetrip into Daniel 9's meter to show what DANIEL was thinking when he spoke, for he's talking out loud in meter, and later writes it down. The meter is vital to the interpretation of Daniel, for since childhood he obviously was trained in it (you can't just talk in meter, it must be a habit you learn to do), and without the meter you can't tell he's COUNTING YEARS and keying what he says to the YEARS of the 'kings' he recounts.

THE ORIGIN OF THE 62 WEEKS is in Daniel's prayer: so God is REPLYING to Daniel using the same number. You can't see that unless you know the meter, as shown here. And it means: YEARS ISRAEL WAS UNFAITHFUL. Paul will use that same meter, signifying Church infidelity, in Eph 1:3-14!

The video is fast, sorry; it focuses on how Daniel uses the 49 and 42 bookends, with some added material I didn't cover before. GGS10e9d6 will cover more about the third legal clause (verses 9:15-19).

The content of Daniel's meter has been out four years now; I can't make new videos acquainting people with its beginning. So you'll have to read the document for yourself, to follow along well in this video. If you find your eyes glazing over, just shut the video off. The two main channels are and (latter has the same videos as the former, plus some related Psalm 90 vids). The Genesis 1 meter, starts here:

GGS10e9d7 Daniel Revisited, cont.

This video follows GGS10e9d6. It continues the sidetrip into Daniel 9's Hebrew meter, now focusing on the '69' bookend (to which God replies with the 69 weeks, heh) -- which runs from Daniel 9:7-18. (Video 9d9 will show the textual bookending I found, but it's slim.)

Overall, the 'Revisit' is done to show we can tell what DANIEL was thinking when he spoke, for he's talking out loud in meter, and later writes it down. Any exegete will tell you the goal for Scriptural exegesis "is to apprehend the exact thought of the writer." In Daniel 9, we can do this, because his prayer is metered.

The meter is vital to the interpretation of Daniel, for since childhood he obviously was trained in it (you can't just talk in meter, it must be a habit you learn to do), and without the meter you can't tell he's COUNTING YEARS and keying what he says to the YEARS of the 'kings' he recounts.

THE ORIGIN OF THE 62 WEEKS is in Daniel's prayer: so God is REPLYING to Daniel using the same number. You can't see that unless you know the meter, as shown here. And it means: YEARS ISRAEL WAS UNFAITHFUL. Paul will use that same meter, signifying Church infidelity, in Eph 1:3-14!

GGS10e9d10 Daniel Revisited Corrections

This video follows GGS10e9d9, and makes Corrections to the ending 69 Time Track 2-3 values (Daniel 9:18), which should end 277BC and then v.19's 230 BC, specifically. If you notice, there's a math error in Time Track 2-3, where only 62 is subtracted, instead of 69.

So the benchmarks in Daniel end at the 1st Syrian and the 1st Illyrian War, both pivotal in history to the rise of the Seleucid and Rome's power in the Middle East, respectively. Israel's history wouldn't have transpired as it did.. including the arrival of Messiah and Rome being suzerain -- had these two events not occurred. The link to that timeline and the events' import used in the video, is here: . It's also in the ChronoChart section of the Daniel piece for verse 9:18, listed below.

That correction matters, as it ties more to what Mary does when she piggybacks on Daniel. In the Mary videos, I'd said she debits 73 years to match Daniel's, but the difference is only 66 years from his end point. That she deliberately matches his end points is visible from her own metering, as shown in the video (page 11 of the

Overall, the 'Revisit' is done to show we can tell what DANIEL was thinking when he spoke, for he's talking out loud in meter, and later writes it down. Any exegete will tell you the goal for Scriptural exegesis "is to apprehend the exact thought of the writer." In Daniel 9, we can do this, because his prayer is metered.

The meter is vital to the interpretation of Daniel, for since childhood he obviously was trained in it (you can't just talk in meter, it must be a habit you learn to do), and without the meter you can't tell he's COUNTING YEARS and keying what he says to the YEARS of the 'kings' he recounts.

THE ORIGIN OF THE 62 WEEKS is in Daniel's prayer: so God is REPLYING to Daniel using the same number. You can't see that unless you know the meter, as shown here. And it means: YEARS ISRAEL WAS UNFAITHFUL. Paul will use that same meter, signifying Church infidelity, in Eph 1:3-14!

GGS10e9d8 Daniel Revisited, cont.

This video follows GGS10e9d7. It continues the sidetrip into Daniel 9's Hebrew meter, now focusing on the '58' bookend, which runs from Daniel 9:11-12, the proximate juridical cause for Temple Down, playing also on Manasseh's capture at the same age as the missed sabbatical years. Notice how Daniel cleverly debits 1 from each the 49 which should be 50, and the 69 which should be 70, to then add to 56 to make 58.. twice. For 50 and 70 are God's assigned 'times', shorted. Because, that time was spent on being late (56 between Passover and Pentecost, between Pentecost and 9th Av, since 30 days per month excepting Elul was the calendar David set up in 1 Chron 24, based on a SOLAR year). Heh.

(Video 9d9 will show the '69' textual bookending I found, but it's slim.)

Overall, the 'Revisit' is done to show we can tell what DANIEL was thinking when he spoke, for he's talking out loud in meter, and later writes it down. Any exegete will tell you the goal for Scriptural exegesis "is to apprehend the exact thought of the writer." In Daniel 9, we can do this, because his prayer is metered.

The meter is vital to the interpretation of Daniel, for since childhood he obviously was trained in it (you can't just talk in meter, it must be a habit you learn to do), and without the meter you can't tell he's COUNTING YEARS and keying what he says to the YEARS of the 'kings' he recounts.

THE ORIGIN OF THE 62 WEEKS is in Daniel's prayer: so God is REPLYING to Daniel using the same number. You can't see that unless you know the meter, as shown here. And it means: YEARS ISRAEL WAS UNFAITHFUL. Paul will use that same meter, signifying Church infidelity, in Eph 1:3-14!

GGS10e9d9 Daniel Revisited, cont.

This video follows GGS10e9d8. It continues the sidetrip into Daniel 9's meter, focusing on the '69' textual bookending I found.. but it's slim. Essentially, Daniel keys off Solomon in verse 18, by invoking 1Kings 9 which Solomon -- while he was yet in fellowship with God -- had prayed. Very poignant, to couple what Solomon said during his 'good' years, with his reign back in verse 7.

GGS10e9d11 Daniel Revisited Import Summary

This video follows GGS10e9d10, Summarizes Import, replies to frankforum/viewtopic.php?f=36&t=82#p512. So if you watch only one of the Daniel Revisited videos, watch THIS one. It proves the origin of God's Reply, since the NUMBERS in Daniel's METER are the same as the numbered TEXT in God's Reply of Dan9:24-27.

Everyone in theology has to go back to square one, now. Seriously. See for yourself. All you gotta do, is count syllables in the BIBLE text. Many mainstream ideas are proven right, many proven wrong, whether in Christendom or Judaism.

Which proves fairly conclusively that God REPLIES to Daniel's meter, in Daniel 9:24-27. Very different origin for the numbers, which all theologies have completely missed for 2000 years!

GGS10e9d10 made Corrections to the 69 Time Track 2-3 values (Daniel 9:18), to end @277BC and v.19's 230 BC. Math error in Time Track 2-3 (only 62 is subtracted).

So the corrected benchmarks end at the 1st Syrian and 1st Illyrian War, both pivotal to the rise of Seleucid and Rome's power in the Middle East. Israel's history wouldn't have transpired as it did.. including the arrival of Messiah and Rome being suzerain -- had these two events not occurred. Link to that timeline and events' import, is here: It's also in the ChronoChart section of the Daniel piece for verse 9:18, listed below.

That correction ties more to Mary's piggyback on Daniel. In the Mary videos, I'd said she debits 73 years to match Daniel's, but the difference is only 66. That she deliberately matches his end points is visible from her own meters, as shown in page 11 of the MagnificatMeterDraft2R.pdf

Overall, the 'Revisit' is done to show we can tell what DANIEL meant. Goal for Scriptural exegesis "is to apprehend the exact thought of the writer." In Dan9 we can do this, because his prayer is metered.
