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Totals 351
Cumu. Psalm 90 tally

50[1] post-Moses, Joshua and that generation

Judges 3:8 8 oppression under Cushan-rishathaim and Othniel
 3:9 8 Othniel

 3:11 40 means 40 years en toto passed after Joshua & that generation 90
 3:14 18 oppression under Eglon of Moab and Ehud

 3:30 80 Verse means 80 more years passed, en toto 170
4:3 20 Deborah and oppression by Jabin king of Canaan
 5:31 40 Verse means 40 more years passed, en toto 210 tallies to Ps90:10 at end
6:01 7 oppression by Midian

8:28 40 Gideon, +peace, +Abimelech=40 more years pass en toto 250
9:22 3 Abimelech

10:02 23 Tola 273
10:03 22 Jair 295 might tally to Ps90:15, rounding
10:08 18 Oppression under the Ammonites 313
12:07 6[2] Jepthah: included in the 18, years 295-301

12:09 7 Ibzan: included in the 18

12:11 10 Elon (maybe overlaps with Samuel) 323
12:14 8 Abdon (overlaps with Samuel) 331
13:01, 15:20, 16:31 20 Samson (overlaps with Samuel) 351 End of Psalm 90

Acts 13:20ff tells us it took 10 years to subdue the Land, so this period spans 50 years.
11:26 tallies if spoken in the 5th year.