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Amen Legw Humin Syllable count distances, before and after the phrase
Syll. 57 /3 /7 63 /3 /7 1110 /3 /7 1116 /3 /7 1118 /3 /7 1532 /3 /7 1538 /3 /7 1540 /3 /7 2000 /3 /7 2006 /3 /7 2960 /3 /7 2966 /3 /7 3164 /3 /7 3170 /3 /7
57 0 0 0 6 2 0.8571 1053 351 150.43 1059 353 151.29 1061 353.67 151.57 1475 491.67 210.71 1481 493.67 211.57 1483 494.33 211.86 1943 647.67 277.57 1949 649.67 278.43 2903 967.67 414.71 2909 969.67 415.57 3107 1035.7 443.86 3113 1037.7 444.71
63 6 2 0.8571 0 0 0 1047 349 149.57 1053 351 150.43 1055 351.67 150.71 1469 489.67 209.86 1475 491.67 210.71 1477 492.33 211 1937 645.67 276.71 1943 647.67 277.57 2897 965.67 413.86 2903 967.67 414.71 3101 1033.7 443 3107 1035.7 443.86
1110 1053 351 150.43 1047 349 149.57 0 0 0 6 2 0.8571 8 2.6667 1.1429 422 140.67 60.286 428 142.67 61.143 430 143.33 61.429 890 296.67 127.14 896 298.67 128 1850 616.67 264.29 1856 618.67 265.14 2054 684.67 293.43 2060 686.67 294.29
1116 1059 353 151.29 1053 351 150.43 6 2 0.8571 0 0 0 2 0.6667 0.2857 416 138.67 59.429 422 140.67 60.286 424 141.33 60.571 884 294.67 126.29 890 296.67 127.14 1844 614.67 263.43 1850 616.67 264.29 2048 682.67 292.57 2054 684.67 293.43
1118 1061 353.67 151.57 1055 351.67 150.71 8 2.6667 1.1429 2 0.6667 0.2857 0 0 0 414 138 59.143 420 140 60 422 140.67 60.286 882 294 126 888 296 126.86 1842 614 263.14 1848 616 264 2046 682 292.29 2052 684 293.14
1532 1475 491.67 210.71 1469 489.67 209.86 422 140.67 60.286 416 138.67 59.429 414 138 59.143 0 0 0 6 2 0.8571 8 2.6667 1.1429 468 156 66.857 474 158 67.714 1428 476 204 1434 478 204.86 1632 544 233.14 1638 546 234
1538 1481 493.67 211.57 1475 491.67 210.71 428 142.67 61.143 422 140.67 60.286 420 140 60 6 2 0.8571 0 0 0 2 0.6667 0.2857 462 154 66 468 156 66.857 1422 474 203.14 1428 476 204 1626 542 232.29 1632 544 233.14
1540 1483 494.33 211.86 1477 492.33 211 430 143.33 61.429 424 141.33 60.571 422 140.67 60.286 8 2.6667 1.1429 2 0.6667 0.2857 0 0 0 460 153.33 65.714 466 155.33 66.571 1420 473.33 202.86 1426 475.33 203.71 1624 541.33 232 1630 543.33 232.86
2000 1943 647.67 277.57 1937 645.67 276.71 890 296.67 127.14 884 294.67 126.29 882 294 126 468 156 66.857 462 154 66 460 153.33 65.714 0 0 0 6 2 0.8571 960 320 137.14 966 322 138 1164 388 166.29 1170 390 167.14
2006 1949 649.67 278.43 1943 647.67 277.57 896 298.67 128 890 296.67 127.14 888 296 126.86 474 158 67.714 468 156 66.857 466 155.33 66.571 6 2 0.8571 0 0 0 954 318 136.29 960 320 137.14 1158 386 165.43 1164 388 166.29
2960 2903 967.67 414.71 2897 965.67 413.86 1850 616.67 264.29 1844 614.67 263.43 1842 614 263.14 1428 476 204 1422 474 203.14 1420 473.33 202.86 960 320 137.14 954 318 136.29 0 0 0 6 2 0.8571 204 68 29.143 210 70 30
2966 2909 969.67 415.57 2903 967.67 414.71 1856 618.67 265.14 1850 616.67 264.29 1848 616 264 1434 478 204.86 1428 476 204 1426 475.33 203.71 966 322 138 960 320 137.14 6 2 0.8571 0 0 0 198 66 28.286 204 68 29.143
3164 3107 1035.7 443.86 3101 1033.7 443 2054 684.67 293.43 2048 682.67 292.57 2046 682 292.29 1632 544 233.14 1626 542 232.29 1624 541.33 232 1164 388 166.29 1158 386 165.43 204 68 29.143 198 66 28.286 0 0 0 6 2 0.8571
3170 3113 1037.7 444.71 3107 1035.7 443.86 2060 686.67 294.29 2054 684.67 293.43 2052 684 293.14 1638 546 234 1632 544 233.14 1630 543.33 232.86 1170 390 167.14 1164 388 166.29 210 70 30 204 68 29.143 6 2 0.8571 0 0 0
7's sum 445 211 234
454 Conseq 7's, overlap of the center amen legw humin, so that's where Paul's style (doing the same in Eph1:12) comes from.
So it's really 444 sevens, given that the overlap is 8, with a 1 remainder (for fiscal switch). Plus 9 more sevens (the 63).
3's sum 1037 353 684
6342 Conseq 3's, 1116-1118 excluded; 57=19 threes, so is added. Notice how the 1 remainder from the sevens, is 'made up in the 3's, so it's added.
Convert purple and green in rows 21 and 23 to yrs, then add together. EACH SUM is 3171, so it balances.
Red-banded cells show overlapping HISTORICAL TREND periods which are central to the history. Here, it's lead-in to English Reformation, and its aftermath.
6 1