Any topics here are also vetted in much more detail in my other websites. Focus here is on the ESSENTIALS of the answer, not the backup validating it.
First, the GOOD NEWS! Due to the Successful Outcome of the Cross, GOD GAVE SCRIPTURE TO EVERYONE, and everyone between Pentecost and Rapture, is a Royal Priest. (Hebrews 1, 1Pet2:5,9; Rev1:6, 5:10; Eph2, whole chapter. LordvSatan3.htm explains w/a LOT more detail.) For, GOD WANTS INTIMACY, not distance. Even what theology calls "verbal plenary inspiration", is really the heart and soul of the spiritual life: COMPATIBLE INTIMACY with INFINITE GOD. For, Intimacy without compatibility, is hell! But, Infinity by NATURE is INTIMATE, pervading EVERYTHING! Even the dumbest person can understand that compatibility makes for enjoyment. So even the dumbest person SHOULD understand that Infinitely-Righteous God wants COMPATIBILITY with who He creates. So, Bible is EVIDENCE of HOW God the Holy Spirit CREATES that compatibility: He 'writes' into a human soul, the Lord's (Humanity's, in NT) own THINKING. Then, the human receiving that thinking 'exhales' it, so to speak: in writing, the Canon.
So, as one grows spiritually in this God-designed process, His Thinking is PROGRESSIVELY built and exhaled in every thought. Aha, now note the parallel, the FUNCTION of verbal plenariness, so to speak: Eph3:15-19, the goal of the spiritual life. Of course, it takes a lifetime (or nearly so) to reach this goal. Of course, it SHOULD take that long, for life is but a pregnancy. (Rom8:18-end chapter -- English trans covers up the pregnancy analogy, because English translators almost always cover up any sexual meanings Bible uses; so use a HUGE, UNABRIDGED Greek lexicon as you read each word in that passage. NIV does bring out some of the analogy, but Paul is making the analogy with marriage/ sex/ pregnancy keywords in EVERY verse of the passage, strongly alluding to the STRESS on such concepts in the OT as well.) When we die, we are born to eternity with Him. (1Cor15:20-28, 35-57; whole chapter, really.)
So, look what a threat it is to the GROUP, if someone is just plain INTERESTED in God, so wants to LEARN HIS BOOK. Oh! can't gain power over people unless God is painted as Someone who is to be FEARED, not known! That idea taps directly into the initial sin reaction (remember when Adam hid, in Gen3), so it finds a WIDE AUDIENCE. To which audience, YOU are a threat, if you don't 'join', see. [Tie-in verses are many, but these few come immediately to mind: Luke 14:28 in context, Eph6:12 in context of Eph3:10 (the other 'angelic' bookend for this theme); "persecute" verses in KJV and similar-theme verses.]
So we should learn from this Paul that our own bodies will play tricks on us in God's name. Body CANNOT LEARN SCRIPTURE (theme in Rom8). So when one is NOT Filled with Spirit, NOT using 1Jn1:9 but instead in a state of 1Jn1:8 or 10, the BODY's ideas of the words IN Scripture, are the 'interepretation' taken. Which of course, will look 'right' to the BODY. Sin nature's ideas, bought by soul, because NO FILLING. Hence all the warring. For the profit/fruit of the Spirit, is love and prosperity, peace -- Gal5. So the warring is NOT a spiritual interpretation; note how it doesn't matter HOW MATURE you are, spiritually, how EDUCATED you are, secularly, how TALENTED you are, naturally -- absent Filling, you're Satanfodder, and so is anyone else.
Ergo, bodies read passages like Galatians 5, and say oh, we must never fight! Ignoring, conveniently, the fact that God ordered the ANNIHILATION of mostly everyone in the Land, when He ordered Joshua to go in. Or, bodies read passages like Joshua, and say, oh, we must ALWAYS FIGHT! and thus behave like the Crusaders and adherents of Catholic Church did, ANNIHILATING anyone who disagreed with them. Truth is TWO-sided: a time to fight, a time to make peace. Bodies, though, have no CLUE about those borderlines, because they are SPIRITUALLY discerned (1Cor2).
This, because the REVERSE of God, is what people want. It's in the genes (Adam's old sin nature is genetic). So you can easily prove from any reading of history that people want God's goodies, but not Him. For, God is but a status symbol: status and fitting-in with other PEOPLE is their real 'god'.[Phili3:19, but Greek word for "belly" is literally "womb", and idiomatic translation means "emotion"; term has thus a distinct pregnancy/sexual connotation, much like the pregnancy analogy of James 1. Spiritual fornication. Isaiah6 ties in.]
These predilections we all genetically inherited from Adam as a result of him choosing the woman over God when she sinned. So, we believe "x" because parents or friends do; because it's politically-correct; because of some feeling; because the belief seems 'smart'; in short, belief based on ANYthing BUT the content. Not just content regarding God, but regarding anything! We use all information in life to 'get ahead' or make a name for ourselves, or impress. So truth is NOT desired, but rather its NAME, so to get its goodies; relationships are not desired, only their goodies. For, one can't reject GOD, and thereafter avoid rejecting all else...
See, when we believe in Christ (John 3:16, faith alone in Christ alone, PERMANENTLY SAVES ANYONE), WE ARE SPIRITUALLY BORN AGAIN. So, as spiritual babies we are BLANK; additionally, we had genetically inherited Adam's sin nature, which renders man spiritually-blind-dead, and BLAMING (analyse Gen3, see also Rom5-8): that genetic, dissociative (psychiatric term), predilection REMAINS, so long as we are in this body. So, once SPIRITUALLY-born (John 3), we begin learning just as we did as physical babies, by doings and commandments and simple, concrete things. Problem is, in the Royal Spiritual Life Christ gave us, we aren't to STAY babies. The OT is babyish, by comparison. So, that's what Christians gravitate TO: the concrete statements in Scripture, the "milk". Overlooking, never learning, the "meat" (see Heb5:11-6:6, Greek). A sympathetic explanation of this phenomenon, which OT folks experienced in their way, is covered in LordvSatan2.htm and LordvSatan3.htm. What follows, by contrast, catalogues the nasty results of remaining spiritually-retarded.
That's how BIBLE TRANSLATIONS are riddled with incredibly-obvious errors no one even bothers to fix -- for centuries. What, is it too much trouble to fix "Kenchreia" in Acts 18:18 to KEGCHREIA? What, is it too much trouble to de-capitalize "pros" in James 4:5? And, in both cases, FIX THE CENTURIES-OLD errant translations? Even though, particularly with Jas4:5, the ERROR MALIGNS the Holy Spirit? LOL! But oh, why bother, if people aren't interested, and too DUMB? But oh, can't admit a mistake, we'll lose parishoners! People won't TRUST us anymore! As if the Holy Spirit were 'chopped liver', and couldn't communicate such sophistication! LOL: even retarded persons can learn under Spirit: we had some in our own congregation, and their understanding of Him would put these elites, to shame...
Then again, the elitists are proven RIGHT in hiding mistakes, in teaching Bible in kindergarten-y soundbytes, for look what happened when ONE priest-pederast is publically convicted IN COURT. Oh, then people whine and mew about losing their faith! And then imagine whole POPULATIONS of pederasts, going on TV with their imaginings! Whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty? What, can't priests be human, too? Clearly all these people whining NEVER WANTED GOD in the first place, but only the ATTENTION! What a horrible job, to have such FICKLE parishoners in your care, all your years of hard work on their behalf RUINED FOREVER because one man of the cloth, gave into his sin nature...
It happens all the time, in every area of authority: people PRETEND respect, PRETEND interest, but really.. you screw up once, baby, and they can't devour you fast enough. Because, it was all a PRETENSE. Just turn on TV, anytime since Watergate. Greed, baby. Greed to RUIN someone in authority, to get on TV, to get money, to get attention, waaahhhh waaaahhh wahhhh. Diapered spiritual babies. Full of, you-know-what. When we could INSTEAD get full of Diamonds...
No fancy institutions should keep a distance between God's OWN SCRIPT and you, calling that distance, holy?! What a spit upon God that is! What, were your sins distant from Christ on the Cross? What, does Romans 6 not exist? What, does 2Cor5 mean nothing? What, if family members chanted the same things to YOU every Sunday, and only prayed to GET something, grovelling on their knees with the ulterior idea you must LIKE grovelling -- would THAT be true praise? Even the 1970's British rock band, "Jethro Tull", knew better: singing on the 2nd side of the Aqualung album, "He's not the kind you have to wind up ... on Son-day."
Notice how clever Satan was. He fostered the INSTITUTIONALIZATION of Christendom into a HARLOT beginning in the 90's AD. Hence all the Canon epistles of that time focus mostly on BEWARE FALSE TEACHERS. The theme literally saturates Peter's, John's, Jude's letters. Those are all post-Temple letters. [Well, some don't say 1Peter is post-Temple, but after siege began. Will revise when I learn more.] Ergo, Revelation, which stresses the SAME theme, and shows how through the end of History (Dan9:26-27, elaborated), this apostacy will always take the same trend. Satan's strategy is Rev12-13,17.
So notice how clever Satan is now: since the 90's AD, we've collectively gone through a BREAKUP of institutionalized Christianity, but REBIRTHED it with many WARRING children, instead of just one warring, Catholic Church. It's 'universal', allright. Everyone WARRING with their respective denominations; everyone CLAMORING for political power. We splintered into STATE CHURCHES in the Reformation, that's all. Then we came to America, wanting to be out from UNDER state control, and vowed never to have that link between state and church. Yet, look where we are RETROGRESSING, in America today? And every 'doctrine' we crusade on, is THE EXACT OPPOSITE of what Scripture says. Provably. Soooo evil, so NOT focused on God, so IN His Name, but not in Him AT ALL. Never underestimate the power of Satan.
Today, we are rapidly betraying ourselves, and the Christian right leads the way, raping our history with its satanic idea that we were founded as a UNION of church and state (guess they can't even read The Federalist Papers, anymore). Here in America the quality of Bible Teaching has really declined since the 1950's. The 'people' like simple, shiny, splashy -- so, that desire is catered to, especially today with so many 'Disneyland' megachurches. On the other hand, elitists here, like elitists anywhere, have long claimed that the people are too DUMB or UNINTERESTED to get Scripture's real import, so they teach it diluted, processed, de-germed, stripped and sugared.
And no wonder. Witness the next item in evidence: Watch how easily you can prove that where a Bible quote is not recognized as such, and its content IS recognized, that man is INSULTED by what Bible says. So, when it comes to God's BOOK, people demonstrate an ongoing proclivity to examine anything BUT content. Take, for example, the June 2004 issue of Good Housekeeping. On page 144 you will find a tirade against Matt7:6's "do not cast your pearls before swine". Clearly the author, a New York Times journalist, didn't even do his homework to first recognize that the quote is in the BIBLE, that the LORD spoke it; and, of course, GH didn't do their homework, either. The author takes umbrage at the idea that pigs are being maligned, for he owns two of them. So he spends the ENTIRE ARTICLE on how great his pigs are, to REFUTE the quotation. Deeming the quote to reference one's OWN ABILITIES, he concludes the article with a "moral" that one's pearls should not be selfishly kept away from mankind; that mankind isn't swinish, and pigs "bring out the best in me".
Whoa. So, of course, the SWINISH WRITING in that piece stands out for all to see. Poor guy: he didn't mean to make a fool of himself, and any of us at any time do the same thing, so we can all empathize with him. Look: the verse is about SCRIPTURE ("do not give what is HOLY to dogs"), not about man at all. "Swine" at the time of writing were forbidden food under the Law, and so the term is NOT talking about pigs, but about eating the wrong beliefs, or SELLING THE RIGHT BELIEFS (the Word) to those who REJECT them. See also Acts 21:14's last clause; and the writing-in-the-sand passage (about the woman caught in adultery). It's a recurrent theme, in Gospels: The Lord flatly contradicts Christendom's posture today -- the LORD says, DON'T SELL BIBLE. God wrote it, God handles it. God doesn't need white-shoed salesman to hawk His wares. Matt7:6's obvious IMPORT: don't treat God's Holy Word AS IF IT WERE SPOILED FOOD fit only for throwing out to dogs or pigs. (See also Romans 2, and Galatians, where Paul tells the legalists in his audience that they ARE trashing/trampling the Word, causing it to be reviled.)
Of course, the verse's meaning is obvious if you know how Bible uses simple terms like "holy", "pearl", "eat", "food" (Matt4:4); "dogs", and "swine". If you don't do homework in how Bible uses its own metaphors, then you make the same self-embarrassing mistake as the journalist did, above. We all don't do our homework, we all blindly abuse Bible, we all are swine. That's the BEST we are. Which, articles like the one above, amply illustrate. Listen to almost anyone use some Scripture at any time, and you'll find the same embarrassment parade. Heck, we even make fools of ourselves by proposing marriage amendments, which are OBVIOUSLY unconstitutional! No wonder Bible calls us sheep... [Sheep are the stupidest, smelliest animals on the planet. They can't find water, don't have any antibiotic properties in their saliva, have a proclivity for getting lost or stuck or run over, and have to be CONSTANTLY taught to forage.]
Next item in evidence: notice also how clever Satan is to link the ONE thing America has going for it, PRO-ISRAEL, to the harlot; so that a DISCERNING Christian has to choose between a PRO-God choice (Israel), and an ANTI-God choice (the evil influence of the Christian right on domestic politics). It's RIGHT to be in Iraq. Most brilliant understanding of America's role in the world since we were founded. You never CATER to terrorism, you can't CONTAIN terrorism (Wolfwitz is brilliant, as are the rest of the team) -- you ERADICATE terrorism. And you eradicate it in ITS NEST. Like you do, termites and cockroaches. To exterminate roaches, you have to mount prolonged and repeated campaigns until you reduce their numbers so much, they can't REPRODUCE well. It's not a "Predator" movie's solution, for crying out loud.
It's a never-ending battle, and until Iraq has a GENERATION of people who learn something BESIDES the terrorism they all grew up with, it CAN'T change. SO WE NEED TO DO RIGHT IN IRAQ what we didn't do, in Vietnam... STICK IT OUT FOR AT LEAST A GENERATION. That's good for them, good for US, and all the whining against it, is satanic. Those who malign US are basically saying it was quite alright for the TERRORISTS to murder lots of innocent people in ships, planes, buildings. But God forbid that the US, in order to DEFEND ITSELF AGAINST FUTURE ATTACKS, should attack the guy who was terrorizing his own people, and who spearheaded terrorism to get MONEY from others who support it. Common sense would tell you that any WMD would have been SMUGGLED OUT of the country long before we came in -- it's not as though they didn't have 12 years WARNING... sheesh.
We shoulda done in 1990 what we did in 2002, and then MANY lives would have been spared. What other nation in the Middle East, blew up tons of oil, thereby condemning millions to poverty, sickness -- money that had to be spent on CLEANUP which could have been spent on the poor. What other nation in the Middle East kept playing games with the UN? Hussein and all those who supported him are MONSTERS. Yet, we just slapped little ineffectual sanctions -- which made any WMD, that much BETTER A CURRENCY FOR SALES. Oh, and the global community was soooo afraid of the US exercising its muscle.. we didn't have the political WILL in 1990 to do it. The whiners in 1990 et seq., are the real murderers. God warned the Israelites to wipe out people when He sent them into the Land. There was a REASON for that: the Canaanites were terrorizing their own people. But Israel didn't listen, either, for the same reason we are wimping out, now.
Now, watch Satan's genius in the 2004 election, such that no matter how one votes, he ends up voting, EVIL. Via the Rev17 harlot having control in American Politics, Satan thus links the BRILLIANT policy on Iraq, to the most evil, the Christian right: many infiltrations into our personal lives, wrecking whole corporations, promulgating stupid abortion and marriage laws and amendments which are ALL UNCONSTITUTIONAL AND ANTI-BIBLICAL -- by Christians who wouldn't know their Bible, if it BIT THEM. Which, it will: Lev26, and they who take up the sword (activism, revolution) will perish BY it. Trouble is, as Jeremiah explains IN GREAT DETAIL, if TOO MANY in the nation are ROTTEN FIGS, the entire nation is destroyed -- any good figs are first REMOVED.
So your vote is rather important: FIRST FOR DOCTRINE, then for USING doctrine to be a citizen. So what does a voter do? Well, wheat (pro-Iraq, pro-Israel) exist side by side with the tares (evil Christian right). Do what the Lord says, use 1Jn1:9, ask Father in Son's name for the THINKING you need to make the right voting decision -- ask GOD, not man. It's before the Lord, WHAT THINKING you should have; then, whatever that is, you do it. Christ did that: "My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me." We are AMBASSADORS for Christ, NOT crusaders. The most WRONG thing you can do as a FOREIGN resident, is to DISOBEY or CRUSADE against, the laws of the country to which you are sent. Well, as a CITIZEN of whatever country you are in, you are SENT THERE BY GOD. So, when Christ was SENT, He didn't crusade, He didn't use violence, we are to be good citizens (Timothy letters, Rom13, Philemon) -- and EAT DOCTRINE EVERY SECOND. That will deliver the nation, Sodom and Gomorrah analogy.
So study is no light thing, because interest in God must be opposed, both by your own inherited sin nature, and by others'. So perhaps ignore, disregard (write in sand) or be 'low-key' in your response to all opposers within and without, to spare the opposers greater embarrassment at the Bema. Understand that Scripture's every jot and tittle has been fought over, maligned, chopped off, hidden (if possible) since Adam's fall. And of course, still is: both the "Bible Bumpkins" and "Thinking Out Loud" links on the Home page seek to explain how this raging battle plays in history; especially, NOW. (The discovery shocked me; so much so, I've had to keep writing, to myself recognize how universal the war has always been, though for decades my pastor taught us this fact. Guess I was hiding my own brainout head in the sand for all those decades under him, lol!) So if you are interested in God, you are at war. God fights the battles, you stand firm in the Word (cf Eph6), and just keep studying and learning how to use His Thinking in your every minute's breath. Oh, but this IS the hardest thing to 'do'! Conclusion: how do you reply to your 'enemies' who don't usually MEAN to BE, enemies? To those who scoff at Scripture study-in-depth? Or, to one's sin-nature arguments that deep Bible study is elitist or easy, or some "Western"/"white" heresy which threatens one's ancestral culture (as if God even had a body or gender)? Here's a great reply: isn't God the MOST IMPORTANT PERSON TO KNOW? How can you execute the First Commandment, if you don't KNOW the One who Bids it? After all, He DID write a BOOK: Heb4:12, 2Tim2:15,KJV; 2Tim3:16,NIV!
And to the argument that, well.. someone is too low in IQ, too handicapped, or too remote, or doesn't have the study tools needed: hello, isn't EVERYONE brained-out, when it comes to knowing God? Hello: is God Omnipotent, or what? If someone WANTS and BELIEVES Him, God provides! After all, HE ALONE PERSONALLY MADE EACH of US at Birth, so He knows how to TRANSCEND any handicap! [See NoWombLife.htm and the "near-and-far keywords" sections of NTKeys.htm. Lots of other Bible proof on this topic is scattered throughout these sites, because it is soo useful a topic to illustrate how Satan blinds us all.] No one, but No one is more interested in giving Bible, than its AUTHOR! And just imagine the contrast: for as I type, there are places in the world SO VERY HUNGRY for even a torn portion of the Bible! Reminds you of the Ps119 people... ( helps get the Word to remote locations, which is how I learned this.) Someone told me of a tribesman in Africa who had to hike 30 miles just to get a lesson from his pastor. Where do you find positive volition like that in the US?
Meanwhile, expect the war to go on and on and on with every variety of spiritual cockroaches. Grow, Christian! so God thus can justify RESCUING our fellow cockroaches, among whom we all once were, from...
So too, even today, even though SCRIPTURE IN THE ORIGINAL LANGUAGES HAS BEEN MADE MORE FREELY AVAILABLE THAN ANYTIME SINCE 90'S AD, there is almost ZERO interest in it. So there is ZERO EXCUSE to misinterpret it, in aggregate. Granted, it takes time to learn, but we HAD ARMIES of etymologists, lexicographers, collectors -- a real PRIZE of people, in the 1800's. Only to IGNORE the results of all that hard work, since the 1930's? (Well, the decline began about then, and then accelerated markedly in the 1950's.)
Ask almost any Christian, "how do you get saved?" Then watch the silly answers. Out of 1000 people asked, it's practically a MIRACLE if anyone correctly STATES John 3:16, or UNDERSTANDS what those words MEAN. Never seen anyone get it right yet, on Christian cable stations. Only saw a FEW get it right, in daily (and prolonged) chat- channel visits over two+ years. Makes you wonder how many CHRISTIANS really exist... So, UNKNOWINGLY imitating EVERY type of believer-nutcase IN the Book, we emote; or, opposite pole, become humorless. So AntidoteGod, judas-BELIEVERS profusely bloom in every variety, and Satan seeds them all. By piously CLAIMING CHRIST DISTANT, they can preen about their slavish works and experiences, gloat over who has the highest degrees, keep away the WORD from hearts! Why else do you think the Jews and Judas are so evilly excoriated by CHRISTIANS, in every generation since the Cross? The mirror (Jas1:22-24) hurts our me-be-god-instead-of-god desires, so we thirst after OTHERs' past flaws. So, other flowering legalists fruitup god-dolls by means of taboos and appearances, since 'god' is a mere puppet; their marionette cousins, the feeling-god Christians, not to be outdone, roll in aisles, spout some 'prophecy', sing rousing songs, and thus primitively DEFINE 'relationship with God' as an oooh-ahh, no different from movies like "Cocoon", or "Close Encounter of the Third Kind". People, people, people, feel feel feel!! I ask you: who's the god, then? Paul replies, "their emotion" (see Phili 3:18-19). Paul ought to know: during his emotional zigzag over being denied voice to evangelize his fellow Jews, he caved into his friend James' political compromise (1Cor1:15:1-10, Gal2:15ff, Romans 15:24ff, Acts 19-26). Note God's reply: Paul STILL went to Rome, as God had initially ordered; Paul, the NT Jonah, went there in chains, not a whale. While everyone else -- depicted by Luke's nominatives (as distinct from genitive absolutes used to spotlight Paul, the good guy) -- patted their own backs from the sidelines. And JUST WHO did the HS use to write Canon? The pious ones, or that lover-of-coarse language from Tarsus? Philippians 3:8! And rightly so: see the oozing hypocrisy of religion? See how even in the 21st century, we retain the same witch-hunt mentality, slapping God's name on our lusts? No wonder the atheists can justify their irrational unbelief (see Rom2). Every religious sect on the planet imposes do's and don'ts, rather than learn's and know's, lacing the do's with lots of feel-good doggy treats for those who comport: reminds one of Fredrik Pohl's "Redemption in the Quantum Realm", only not that honest. Jingle jingle jingle people people people do do do -- that's the only "trinity" Christendom now and historically, respects. For, man should be god, see -- the real God is just a genie, a figurehead. Satan's fantasy! (See Isa14:13-14.) Which, of course, is easy to make man want.
Ironically, Relic hunters tied up my Home page in April 2004, with the result that the server BLOCKED my page for an hour (a geocities policy when too many try to access a page). I had words in the page then which (unbeknownst to me) echoed the name of some expedition seeking to find Noah's ARK. So many people SEARCHED to find data about that expedition, the server overloaded. So now, think: what good would it do to find Noah's Ark? Like James' bones, who can ever be SURE it's the Ark? So what if it was? Wouldn't Noah have been a FOOL to leave all that great wood jammed on some hilltop? Wouldn't he have been PRUDENT to BREAK UP the wood and cart it downhill via all those many animals? Wouldn't it be more MEANINGFUL to then build a HOUSE out of the wood, once settled? As a memorial to GRACE? I mean, it's NORMAL to be a relic-hunter, because we all like touching the past.
A friend of mine once went on and on about how a BBC search for relics of the Exodus in the Sinai turned up nothing -- thereby proving the Exodus didn't happen! "Oh?" I said calmly, "After 3000+ years they actually EXPECTED to find something?" So Christians aren't the only ones drawing insane conclusions from relics (or lack thereof)...
God never compels. What, do you think GOD motivated all those dippy people to search for Noah's Ark expedition? When He took the time to PERSONALLY FEED SCRIPTURE to over 40 people over 1500 years? Which RELIC do you think GOD 'backs': some gopher wood which might be stuck in a mountain -- or the MOUNTAIN OF SCRIPTURE WHICH IS THE ROCK'S THINKING? Sheesh. Just like the Dome of the Rock, something greater than Noah's Ark is here, the REAL ARK's Thinking -- and well, we're not interested....
God never resorts to salesmanship, nor does He ever ask you to do it, either, i.e., make a sacrifice -- BECAUSE HIS SON ALREADY PAID, remember? So you don't need dog-and-pony shows from God, and He doesn't need them from YOU, either. Look more CLOSELY at all works and sacrifices in the Bible -- notice how they all BENEFIT the recipient, so can't properly be CALLED works or sacrifice. Bible's use of these terms should have been rendered in English with single quotes, to show how God tweaks works (i.e., Phili3 and all Gospel statements by the Lord). Man is the one who, due to SIN, wants works; so God, ever the Patient Teacher, FRAMES HIS TEACHING using the good-and-evil vocabulary fallen man can understand. So to have the WORD, the CONTENT of the WORD, is at once the ultimate SECURITY and the ultimate protection from the FLASHY Wolf in Sheep's Clothing, who ALWAYS wants your money, honey: Eph6, Rev17.
Old Testament people couldn't get a full Bible, but only PARTS of it, because until Christ invented the ROYAL ADULT spiritual life, the relationship to God was EXTREMELY limited (John 7:39, 14-17, all of Hebrews, 1&2Cor, Ephesians have this topic as a major subtheme). So, the OT folks HAD to rely on ritual, dreams, visions, relics -- and had all kinds of UPSET as a result. Remember Gideon? He didn't trust the miracles he got. Remember Jacob? He wouldn't let the Lord go (theophany), in that mock wrestling match; then, lame, he was STILL in shock. Remember Moses? Wow, he went through event after event before he was willing to go BACK to Egypt -- and then, only if he had a mouthpiece (Moses was ELOQUENT, not a stammerer). All these problems, for good reason: direct contact with God or a miracle from God is shocking, not pleasant. Kinda hard to learn principles when you have only pictures (i.e., miracle/dream) to go by. So much easier to get a written explanation YOU CAN'T LATER CALL A HALLUCINATION.
Parting shot: just as NTKeys.htm began, if we're looking for PHYSICAL EVIDENCE the Bible is right.. just click your mouse on the link which takes you to the camera facing the Wailing Wall. [Link is in the "Multi-Religion Index" webpage accessible from my Home Page. I think it's in the "Non-Christian" subpage of links.] Or, just go to the library, and find a book on the Dome of the Rock. Daniel 9:26-27, right there. Matt24, right there. Every OT prophecy showing it's ON TIME in the Daniel timeline of fulfillment, right there. WHAT OTHER FAITH has THAT MUCH PROOF? Can the Koran prove itself, even though "proofs" are one of its catch phrases? NO! Can the Vedas, or the Bhagavad-Gita prove their divine origin? NO! You believe it or not.. but with BIBLE, here you have LIVING proof in the Dome and the Wailing wall, demonstrating MESSIAH IS CHRIST! For over 500 years, Israel knew the EXACT YEAR of His Birth, and since the Temple Destruction, has INCONTROVERTIBLE proof, that He left exactly AS PROMISED SINCE DANIEL AND THE OTHER PROPHETS. Again, what other faith, has so much UNDISPUTED RELIC proof?! We can't call the Dome and Wailing Wall, hallucination. No one disputes their existence. No one disputes their MEANING as STRUCTURES. But no one LOOKS AT HOW BIBLE PREDICTED THEM. ["Abomination" is anyone but Israel, making a shrine out of the Rock. That there will be a real talking statue there in the Tribulation, is just another kind of abomination, that's all.] I rest my case, and weep for Israel...
Many otherwise-positive believers are stuck here, thinking that oh, since the Holy Spirit is Our Teacher, then I don't NEED a pastor! They even get into Bible-related projects with robots and such, so think themselves qualified to study on their own. Oh yeah? Then why are 1Tim and 2 Tim and Eph2-4 and 1Cor12-13 in the Bible? Get real! There are, on the internet, pastors who teach in some depth in the original languages; many more have local churches in various spots around the world (with or without an internet address). Some of the ones I saw on the internet (my pastor is but one), had tape ministries, so you could order tapes from them. So you have NO excuse not to be under a right pastor. And you wouldn't WANT any, for once you see the DIFFERENCE it makes in the quality of your spiritual and secular life, you'll kick yourself for not getting under, earlier!
At least, start SOMEWHERE. Look: I was just as goofy at the beginning of my Christian life as any other Christian born. God introduced me to my right pastor as soon as I was a legal adult (see how God, the GREATEST AUTHORITY, Himself respects authority). Did I just jump in, studying? NO! I ALSO dallied around with other teachers, who I knew were NOT my own right pastor. It took about 10 years (oh, this is embarrassing to admit) before I 'graduated' from those (for me) diluted teachers, to ONLY the RIGHT one for me, and you don't even WANT to know how much Divine Discipline I got during those 10 years. In my case, when I finally woke up and smelled the coffee in 1981, my RIGHT teacher kept growing at a very rapid pace, so I didn't have to 'graduate' to someone else. (Some others graduate from one pastor to another, kinda like graduating from school: depends on how the pastor is growing, compared to how you are growing, under him. If you are growing so fast you need someone more advanced, God will show that person to you. Don't disregard His Voice.)
So if you are queasy about someone who teaches in the original languages, start with someone on a Christian channel or at a church who AT LEAST spends time in EXPOSITIONAL TEACHING OF SCRIPTURE rather than focusing on doo-goods or entertainment. I happened to chance upon at least five guys on Trinity Broadcasting Network who DO teach Scripture FOR ITSELF. So if over a few days I could find even five who TEACH at all on "TBN", the MALE teacher for YOU is 'out there' at a level which you find comfortable.
Conversely, a lot of Christians go overboard on the fact we each need a teacher and misinterpret Heb10:25 as a mandate to physical gathering in a church; and brand those who do NOT do this, as heretical. Well, then all those New Testament epistles were heretical, since they weren't 'face-to-face'? People gathered to HEAR THE LETTERS READ: they didn't have the internet, you know. They didn't gather to socialize, either: socializing was incidental to LEARNING CHRIST, for crying out loud. Greek word "didaskalos" means TEACHER TEACHES A GROUP. In the days while the New Testament was being codified, there were teachers armed by the Holy Spirit with pre-knowledge of what would BECOME Canon (1Cor13 is on this topic), and people assembled to LEARN. Just as the Jews did, in synagogue. It's not a social order to 'assemble', but an order to LEARN. Under a TEACHER. Whoever the teacher is, for YOU. HOWEVER you get that teaching, is "forsaking not". Socialization is optional, but getting the teaching, is REQUIRED.
And -- get this -- the spiritual demarcation of AUTHORITY is there, BECAUSE both male and female are EQUAL in Christ. It's just HOW we learn to become KINGS. Yep, KINGS. There is NO gender differentiation, post-death. So to have the differentiation now and OBEY it where appropriate, BETTER TRAINS YOU. As Galatians and Corinthians and all those kingship verses repeatedly stress, ANYONE OF ANY GENDER can get to Pleroma (Eph3:19-21), the threshold of spiritual development which VESTS your Kingship promise, for any Church believer COMPLETING that phase. So gender is only a part of the overall CIRCUMSTANTIAL FORMAT in which you learn Christ, and is never a limitation; just as, no physical or social handicap hinders anyone from growing up to Pleroma, either. So don't EVER regard not being eligible for pastoral/evangelist roles due to feminine gender, demeaning. Unless, of course, you love being spanked by God, lol.
Just because we are equal in Christ, we are NOT equal in spiritual authority. A woman might have more doctrine than a male pastor, but that fact COUNTS FOR NOTHING, in the BODY's hierarchical structure. Eph4:11-16 is the succinct depiction of how the pastoral structure, WORKS. Look: just because Deborah was a judge in Israel; just because some women can teach other women ADJUNCTIVELY; just because some women in PRE-CANON times were given 'prophetess' roles, does NOT mean that PASTORAL WORD TEACHING was given to women. Believe me, if I could prove otherwise, I'd say so, because a whole lot of folks over the years have bugged me to teach, and I lost a good friend by REFUSING! A female with doctrine has a LOT of important roles which DON'T WORK unless ABSENT authority: this, because sometimes the WORD is easier to ACCEPT or understand if the speaker has NO authority. So the woman can encourage, pass on data, witness, report, and most important of all, THINK TOWARD FATHER; she can maybe even assist a pastor's research (I'm not sure how much), but she is NEVER an authority.
Wives, obey your husbands it says in Peter and Ephesians. Why? Because CHRIST IS OUR HUSBAND, and look what HE did?! He obeyed all the way THROUGH the Cross (Phili2:5-10). So, the man, he gets to learn the whole realm of Christ's Thinking in a 'fatherly' kind of way, being in charge. The woman, gets to learn the whole realm of Christ's Thinking in a 'motherly' kind of way, looking UP. Both, really, end up REFLECTING CHRIST ON THE CROSS, by life's end, if they grew to Pleroma. It's a very meaningful life. We shouldn't let cockroach-y ideas about authority, infect it...
Worse, those UNDER him EXPECT him to be a kind of 'god', just as children are so traumatized if their parents make (what the kids think is, or truly is) a mistake. This expectation INTENSIFIES the stabbing nature of command pressure. So, mistakes intensify, too. The biggest category of mistakes in this category is to DEMAND OBEDIENCE. It's RIGHT to demand it, but NOT right to squelch the learning, by squelching VOLITION. Thus you understand how Christianity's tyrannically-abusive "don't question!" standard got innocently developed: like parents to kids, "just DO it!"
What God is doing, is SANCTIFYING. Matt23 statements about what is ON the altar, IN the Temple, being SANCTIFIED by it. Hebrews 10, Sanctified for all time. Eph5, Husband SANCTIFYING the wife. God SANCTIFYING us. Idea of the AUTHORITY SANCTIFYING what is the decision -- making it have a HIGHER meaning than if apart from that AUTHORITY. Surely anyone understands that AUTHORITY SANCTIONS a thing, so SANCTIFIES it, makes it ACCEPTABLE. Someone must be in charge. So, GOD is in charge. How, though, to represent that idea, to humanity? Well, in a marriage, in a corporate structure, in a SPIRITUAL structure, there must be a HEAD to make HOLY, what is BODY. So, that's called "male". So, the male is GIFTED to be a HEAD: in marriage, in spiritual matters. Not every male is for every female. Not every male is equal to every other male. But for AUTHORITY communication, the pastor must be MALE. Not, because he is anything, but because the AUTHORITY GIVEN HIM, is from God. Simple and beautiful, as that.
So, this is how to be under your right pastor. A pastor you're under may not always be the right one for you: times change, and people change. If this condition becomes true in your case, you will be caused to a) become aware of it, and b) know under which succeeding pastor you should 'sit'. At which time, you quietly depart: for those remaining under the pastor you're leaving, how do YOU know if he's not the right pastor, for THEM? For, we aren't perfect: only GOD is Perfect. So we don't have perfect authorities, parents, rich people, etc: but GOD gives them whatever offices they have (1Tim2, Romans 13). So it's up to GOD to run the show with respect to them, and it's up to us to OBEY HIM. Which we do, by aiming continually at TRUE RESPECT, "neither to the right (slavish obedience), nor to the left (overthrow)."
Sorry for the satire, here.. breaks my heart that academes who WORK SO HARD are sooo deluded. We're all human! Pray for these people, ok? We need authority. We also need to discern between the 'spirit' of error and the Spirit of Truth, as 1Jn4 puts it, for the Highest Authority (Who by the way can FIX those spirits of error, so we needn't try) -- is GOD. Having determined which is which, we don't CRUSADE against the spirits of error, we just LEARN what the Spirit of Truth, teaches by such exposure...
It makes immediate sense that if a topic is politically-sensitive, be it in any discipline of science or medicine, charity or especially religion, what passes for objectivity should be suspect. After all, the researchers need money to carry on their research; outcomes of the research will engender dispute and even outright political conflict, whether the outcomes are correctly-concluded, or not. In ancient Greek times, "rhetoric" was used to reason out truth DEDUCTIVELY. The discipline of rhetoric was used in debate, and a person adopted one of five "classes" of premise conditions: true, false, maybe-true, wish-it-were-true, and (I forget the fifth one, will stick it in here later). Greek logicians (i.e., Chrysippus or Socrates or Aristotle) would then debate or otherwise reason out from a particular "class" of condition regarding a topic through to the conclusion. So, it was ACKNOWLEDGED that a premise of some sort would take a 'side': then, going by evidence and logic, a conclusion would be reached. If from premise through conclusion there was SENSE, and the all the available data FIT, the conclusion was regarded as correct.. until disproven, of course.
Aristotle, though trained in deductive reasoning, seems to be one of the founders of the INDUCTIVE method; which, instead of starting with any premise at all, one just looks at facts (he started with biology and astronomy), and then one concludes the next level 'up', building from there. Modern methods of determining truth unfortunately are inductive, on the grounds that any deductive method starts with a slant, so can't result in an objective conclusion. So, all the inductive research lacks shape. Therefore, much of what passes for research is a meandering, with the result that true answers are rarely found. Of course, such fuzziness is more politically-acceptable, and research grants are thus easier to get. Sadly, most Biblical scholarship caves into the inductive approach; worse, the scholarship starts from the wrong rhetorical direction, 3rd class condition, maybe-true, maybe-not; which SOUNDS more 'objective', but isn't: the analysis paths one follows if Divine Authorship is NOT presumed true are so different, one never SEES the relevant data. In short, it's a fallacious method, roughly analogous to those who demand scientific instruments 'detect' God -- since the former can only measure the material, but the Latter is IMMATERIAL, obviously 'God' will never be detected by the former. At least, not recognizably. As a result, what the BIBLE SAYS is barely glanced at; scholarship re what the TEXT SAYS is so shoddy, one's embarrassed for the 'scholars'. Worse, relics and other (never-conclusive) physical stuff are 'researched' as if THAT stuff were more important, than the Word itself. Oh, because the presumption is, by AVOIDING THE CONTENT of Scripture one is more 'objective!' No wonder, then, that even sympathetic scholarship goes awry, resulting only in tidbits of undoubted importance, but nowhere near "Complete". Surely then the UNsympathetic scholarship will fare worse. No wonder, then, that so much of what passes for scholarship in any endeavor lacks competence. We are embroiled in politics, pressed for time, short on funds, and everyone can call an incompetence a 'difference of opinion', if the one making that opinion has the right number of letters after his name. Truth, of course, gets sacrificed in the process. An example here is necessary. The Discovery Channel and the Christian channels periodically replay a video called "Jesus: the Complete Story". It is, on the whole, an attempt to sympathetically verify through science the plausibility of items like the Star of Bethelehem, whether the Lord's Crucifixion was through the hand or the wrist, could He have survived the Cross (did He really die, was He really Resurrected), etc. While the term "Complete" is not accurate, many interesting angles of answer are mentioned, and the viewer is not forced to agree.
So, because the focus is wrong, the conclusions are at times, wacko and hostile -- no one meaning to be wacko OR hostile, of course. In the process of the analysis, you hear some strange comments, like the claim that since Matthew didn't record the going-to-register-in-Bethelehem, somehow Luke's Gospel 'contradicts'. LOL, so if one writer doesn't use a fact because it's irrelevant to the overall framework of writing but another of a different framework includes the fact, they contradict? That's a classic case of not reading Scripture, for each writer has a particular FRAMEWORK for what he writes, and if you don't know the framework, you don't understand the writing. Luke's framework in both his Gospel and Acts, is historical and causational, so he'd include events and details within them the other Gospel writers would not. Cardinal reading principle, one we are all taught in school: first recognize what the WRITER MEANS TO WRITE ABOUT AND WHY. Only then can you understand WHY certain points are included or excluded. The video had lots of little crazinesses like this, but so did Holy Blood, Holy Grail. Here's another video gem of insanity: the PRESUMPTION that the Lord didn't know WHY He was here, and had to figure it out (lol). So I guess the video makers just IGNORED all of John 1-5; as well as, all the Scripture the Lord quoted to POINT TO HIMSELF; as well as, all the Levitical Sacrifices POINTING TO HIM, which HE ALSO KEPT QUOTING; as well as, Gabriel's announcement to HIS MOTHER, Mary; as well as the Baby being wrapped in DEATH BANDAGES ("swaddling" was swaddling for death) -- was all that never told to Him? LOL! Or, this gem: the quest to find out if virgin births are possible biologically -- what, the fact that Scripture says THE HOLY SPIRIT DID IT (Luke 1:35), so DOESN'T claim a natural process, however aberrantly corroborated IN nature -- that Bible statement doesn't matter? Or, the verse that the Lord sweated "like great drops of blood" -- LIKE, ok? But oh, someone researched that there's a process in humans under extreme pressure in which they ACTUALLY sweat blood. Ok, that's fine, but it's NOT what Scripture ACTUALLY SAYS (Luke22:44), so it's IRRELEVANT to validate. Drops of blood are usually big and heavy, and sweat can also be big and heavy, for crying out loud. But my all-time-favorite was the guy who, looking at the Greek meaning of paradidomi, concluded that Christ FIXED HIS OWN CONDEMNATION WITH JUDAS. Oh, so then why did Judas have a GUILT ATTACK and thus hang himself (Matt27:5)? It's disgusting when someone makes a technical point -- yet doesn't do his homework! Oh well, we all belong to the same ol' politically-sensitive human race... See how it matters to compare BIBLE? See how the CONTENT OF SCRIPTURE gets short shrift in the very name of validating it? And, not to be outdone, even the venerable Zondervan, that foremost publisher of Bibles, dares to say in its introductions to the Gospels of Updated New American Standard Bible, Reference Edition, Library of Congress Card Number 98-61548, egregious statements like (preface to John's Gospel), "The Gospel of John was INFLUENCED (!) by the Old Testament... obviously based on the recollections of an eyewitness." LOL! Do you know, there are a good DOZEN verses in that Gospel where John testifies he himself is an eyewitness, INFLUENCED by the Holy Spirit? What, did the editor of this particular Bible forget how to READ? Or, the Zondervan comment at the beginning of Mark's Gospel, on how the Church Fathers "agreed" Mark reproduces Peter's teaching????? Excuse me, but isn't this about CHRIST, and who gives a flip what the Church Fathers 'agree' -- what GOD SAYS is rather more important, right? And didn't GOD THE HOLY SPIRIT give Mark to write the Gospel, rather than Mark using Gospel as a showcase for Peter, for crying out loud! See how dippy even we respectable Christians ARE?
Of course it never will: you best DEFAME if you ASK AND ANSWER THE WRONG QUESTIONS, PRETENDING THEY ARE THE RIGHT QUESTIONS. Every politician knows that if he makes a big stink out of his opponent's problemmatic FAMILY life, the RELEVANT question of the opponent's COMPETENCE FOR THE JOB will no longer matter. Every trial lawyer knows by discrediting the witness on something IRRELEVANT, the RELEVANT parts of the witness' testimony will be likewise discredited.
Check out this claim for yourself. It's easily seen in some Bible software like BibleWorks, and it's not rocket science to find it: just search the Greek texts for all "Petra" references, and read those verses. So documentaries using that 'Peter-is-the-Rock' interpretation betray themselves as being of bogus scholarship, whether they seem to be pro-Bible, or not. View them with caution. Oh, and it never ends, the stupid-question quest: "Jesus: the Complete Story" was fixated on proving HOW LONG His Hair was. To prove why those pictures painted of Him BY MEN were wrong, as if it even MATTERED that they were wrong. What, were the paintings painted by God, that this question is important? What did GOD SAY ABOUT THE LENGTH OF HIS HAIR? NOTHING. 'Classic instance of people drawing WRONG CONCLUSIONS based on WRONG PREMISES. Here, paintings, for crying out loud.
Secondly, is the INTERPRETATION people MAKE of the item, accurate? Often, "no"! Thirdly, does this thing shed any light on BIBLE DOCTRINE? Generally, no; sometimes, yes. If "yes", the item is MAYBE helpful. Else, it's a waste of time. Come on: does it REALLY MATTER what the Lord looked like? So yes, people mispainted Him having long hair, whooppee. THE BIBLE doesn't say how long His Hair was, what He looked like, etc. FOR A REASON, lol: those aren't RELEVANT questions. Notice how, by discrediting the paintings which are held in esteem and SANCTIONED by 'the Church', 'the Church' is itself discredited, and thus the BIBLE 'the Church' also praises is discredited. Satan is not stupid. [Isagogics and other items establish things like what clothes and hair were common at the time. Some verses help, but if God doesn't make a stink about a thing, then LOGIC would conclude we shouldn't, either.]
Funny how in all these documentaries, pro- or con-, no one asks the MOST IMPORTANT question: if there is a God, HOW DOES HE GET PAID? And then, find what books ANSWER that question. Bible is the only one. Surely if God exists, and most of us are not SO insane, we'd deny that fact -- surely since God exists, HE SHOULD BE PAID. We can't be enjoyable, to look at. Justice has to be served, no matter that God doesn't NEED to be paid. It's the PRINCIPLE of the thing. If He's not just to Himself, how is He just, anywhere else? See, again: asking the wrong questions, getting the wrong answers, is just so much SUBLIMINATION -- a defense mechanism, a PREJUDICE; not at all, 'scientific'.
In this, the so-called scholars engage in the same sort of irrationality as plagues every ATHEIST: set up a standard of 'proof' which CAN'T be conclusive or CAN'T but prove false, so one can pretend to self that he's been objective, so can JUSTIFY not believing. [Example: the DEMAND that God can't do a Flood, based on false empirical data, like how much water is in the atmosphere now, when Bible ITSELF tells you most of the water came from the oceans and freshwater ON GROUND; meaning, among other phenomena HE MIGHT OR MIGHT NOT have used, EARTHQUAKES etc. RELEASED the water and levelled the land.] So, then: how can they see the relevant data, how can they even LOOK for the relevant data, when they have tautological and irrelevant PREMISES, to start with? Not long ago, a guy who's apparently famous for leaving the Catholic Church, had a book signing near where I live. It was advertised on a radio station I hear upon waking in the morning, that because this guy left the Church he is more objective in evaluating the Church -- so you should come by, get his autograph, and buy the book. SNAKE OIL! Can you imagine, WRITING and then ADVERTISING a book on why he left 'the Church'? Would you in good conscience be able to spend the money you made, on such a topic? Same kind of WRONG PREMISE -- here, that whatever was wrong with 'the Church' is likewise wrong with BIBLE -- cute tautology. And then to make money on it -- how SINCERE is that book's message, then? Puleese. Of course it never will: you best DEFAME if you ASK AND ANSWER THE WRONG QUESTIONS, PRETENDING THEY ARE THE RIGHT QUESTIONS. Every politician knows that if he makes a big stink out of his opponent's problemmatic FAMILY life, the RELEVANT question of the opponent's COMPETENCE FOR THE JOB will no longer matter. Every trial lawyer knows by discrediting the witness on something IRRELEVANT, the RELEVANT parts of the witness' testimony will be likewise discredited. The good news is, for us Christians, we'll CELEBRATE all the stupidities we 'bought' while down here.. forever. We'll laugh, boast in our many weaknesses, for God gives us the Victory in Christ.. forever! [2Cor12:9ff., 1Cor15, etc.] |
God being INFINITE, wants INFINITE INTIMACY with whatever He creates. So, that means SHARING His Thinking, to have that COMPATIBLE intimacy. Which means, FREE WILL on God's Part, to TEACH us His Thinking; which means, free will on OUR part, to LEARN that Thinking. Has zippo to do with works, but EVERYTHING to do with WANTING GOD. So, GOD'S TEACHING GOD'S WORD to a person, such that it is written in the heart (BELIEVING part of soul) and mind (ACADEMIC PROCESSING part of soul), is the biggest promise of the OT, and THE reason to live. Third and Fourth Reasons in LordvSatan3.htm explore the ramifications of this promise for Church, in great detail.
So, the task is, who can be DEVELOPED in this Thinking to EXHALE it, in Writing? Theopneustos, God-breathed, Bible Keyword. So, first, to TEACH a person means that the person obviously NEEDED the teaching; so, obviously, didn't KNOW until taught; so, obviously, didn't necessarily YET know ALL of God's teaching. So, obviously, when God taught certain truths to a person such that the person COULD 'breathe out' God's Meaning wholly accurately, God could use that person to WRITE SCRIPTURE on those topics.
So, obviously, we can indeed learn well enough to really KNOW God, since the writers of Scripture were taught enough to PERFECTLY WRITE whatever God had assigned to them. It wasn't automatic writing. It was CONVERSATION, faithfully converted into the writer's OWN style of writing, without waiving anything God wanted said the WAY God wanted it said. God knows how a person thinks. God knows how a person will COMMUNICATE what he learns from God. So God knows HOW TO TEACH a person, to get the desired OUTPUT God wants. All this, without waiving any human characteristic in the person, and DEFINITELY without waiving his free will. (Sheesh. People give God no credit whatsoever when they tie themselves in knots over the Inspiration of Scripture.)
Frankly, this BREATHING in by the BREATH (heh -- Holy Spirit, the Breath of our Spiritual Life!), is the same method as for spiritual growth in any believer -- difference is, the believer doesn't get the learning to WRITE SCRIPTURE, since it is perfect/complete/finished -- since Christ is Seated and all the apostles are dead (John died last). Instead, the believer gets this COMPLETED WORD, to learn and LIVE on it: "living stones", as Peter calls us (wordplay on his own nickname).
So: just as we don't learn the whole Word at once, neither did the WRITERS of Scripture. That's why certain things are omitted by one writer, but covered by another. So, for example, each Gospel writer has a particular underlying framework on which his deposition is constructed, by means of, and under the direction of, the Holy Spirit Himself. So, God's Word fits together perfectly, but there's a PROGRESSIVE REVELATION quality to it, since the books are written by different folks at different dates who had differing UNDERSTANDING. NO MAGIC to this. It's LEARNING. Better than magic, this: it shows GOD directed them all, especially since each one didn't know all of the being-revealed truth. Many misinterpretations of Scripture will be avoided, if this how-did-Scripture-get-written history, is remembered.
So GOD ORCHESTRATED ALL THESE DIFFERING GROWTH RATES, all these folks, throughout OT and NT; AND ORCHESTRATED the meanwhile, via the TEMPORARY spiritual gifts like prophecy, visions, teaching and knowledge, what was GOING TO BE IN WRITING. Thus HE orchestrated was taught to the then-current crop of believers. The so-called 'spectacular' NT temporary gifts like tongues, miracles, and healing were given as letters-of-credit, to prove that those TEACHING were really from God -- because, there WAS no written NT available, yet. Just as, in the OT, during the time when Israel was yet positive enough, to even hear anyone. Sadly, by the days of Malachi, they were so NEGATIVE, Malachi has to be the last guy -- book ends on the prediction that Elijah will return to proclaim Messiah, which we of course know as John the Baptist (see Gospel of John for the Lord's statement to that effect).
Meanwhile, this guy named Alexander, also predicted and arriving on time per Daniel 9, swept over the Middle East and most of India. As a consequence, this guy insisted everyone learn his language, a polyglot Greek known as "koine" (common -- idea that all Greeks would speak one COMMON version). So, the conquered peoples learned that GREEK, just in time for the COMPLETION of the OT to be made IN that Greek, which we know as the "LXX". Just in time for the language to be so natural, when the Lord ARRIVED on time, that LXX was the Bible. For the Jews had largely forgotten, their Hebrew. Even more amazingly, within 200 years AFTER the Lord was here, no one could READ that Greek; the vernacular had changed too much. So notice how precise is our PROOF of when LXX was translated, and NT Scripture was written -- the language itself has a very narrow time window of fluency. Then, all you have to do is look for the historical markers, aka "isagogics", to get the WRITING DATES within a year or two of the ACTUAL date written. Even if using a copy many centuries hence. (It's not that they didn't have the Hebrew text, but that the majority were LESS COMFORTABLE, using it. It was the less-familiar of the two Inspired Texts, for the NT more often quotes from the LXX. We know that there was a Hebrew text extant, for some of the quotes are from what we call the "Masoretic" (aka BHS, one of the Masoretic manuscripts), which is VERY close.)
Additionally, God's ORCHESTRATION offers thousands of applications which affect every speck of dust in life: THERE ARE NO ACCIDENTS. If He orchestrates TIME, then nothing is accidental. A thing is free to occur, as it freely is, but that doesn't mean God can't turn a lemon into lemonade. Doesn't mean God can't turn lemon scholarship into lemonade even the scholar who WAS ONCE a lemon, will himself, savor...
God's Orchestration of NT writers, is phenomenal. It's a wonder these folks learned as quickly as they did: Paul, 14 years; James, 15 years (assuming Book of James was penned in 45AD). Those two weren't even BELIEVERS until the Lord in Resurrection Body Personally APPEARED to them severally, AFTER His Crucifixion! So why be surprised, that between roughly 50-65AD, Paul's letters were penned; that Luke wrote most contemporaneously, for Acts ends with Paul being under house arrest in Rome, not afterwards (so you pick up the timeline with the prison epistles); that Peter wrote post-60's AD, to the DIASPORA (some think the 90's); that John didn't write his Gospel until maybe 90's AD. Believers grow at differing rates: especially, to a level required to enable accurate writing of SCRIPTURE. And even if they were already grown enough -- was the AUDIENCE READY? Folks don't think of that, when debating whether Gospels contradict. Yeah, well folks don't think. So let's try...
Today's lemons will have the same satisfaction, though everyone puckers, now. There has long been a very UNscholarly practice of oh-so-slightly DEBUNKING the Divinity of Bible, by sly intonations which accompany a term like, "Pauline". As if some verse or epistle were Paul's idea, not God's. Like the debate over whether Luke COPIED from someone else -- oh, he couldn't get it from the Holy Spirit? Or they debate the DATES of the letters to see who COPIED from someone else. Mark's Gospel is disputed. If any of today's lemon-scholars actually spent time CROSS-REFERENCING and thinking over the words, they'd see GOD WROTE IT through these people. So a 'scholar' who debunks like this is automatically UNqualified, sorry. Such a person wouldn't know the Bible if it bit him, and it does; and it shows. But then, he's in good company, for once upon a time, even James and Paul were lemons. As indeed, all of us...
So, the puckering Bible debunkers and weak believers think it rational to expect that within a year or so after the Crucifixion, believers would be SO trained in God's Thinking, they should just spew out the Gospels; for, critics are forever debating what they consider the 'late' Gospel writing dates (45 or 50-96AD). Oh, these books were written so LATE, they must be inaccurate memories. LOL! What, is the HOLY SPIRIT unable to remember? What, are John 14:26 and 2Pet1:20-21, 3:15, and Heb4:12 and missing in their Bibles? What, do YOU go from babyhood to being a nuclear physicist in only one year after the most politically-traumatic event in history, the Cross?
It positively amazes me how no one recognizes the tremendous UPSET the Cross created for all the polities in and around Israel at the time; within a generation or two, how it traumatized every so-called 'civilized' society all over the world. Christianity spread like wildfire. Everyone and his brother either wanted to kill believers, or ape them; counterfeit 'gospels' abounded. Every religion extant at the time underwent MAJOR revision, partly to keep their adherents. Jews, in particular, under James (maybe he was forced), ran around trying to track these folks down and KILL them. That's what Paul was trying to do when the Lord APPEARED to him in Resurrection Body (badge of apostleship, that). WOW: it's SO patent how devastating the event was WORLDWIDE, how there was a massive attempt to either piggyback onto the new "Way", or to crush all reference to it -- even, in the acerbic comments of Tacitus and Suetonius.
Look at today's problem of American culture 'infesting' all other polities on the globe. Even in the remotest parts of Amazon you'll find children with DKNY T-shirts! Iraqis, who are supposed to hate us, giving their kids Mickey Mouse T-shirts (recent TIME or LIFE photo shoot of "21 Days to Baghdad"). Of course, that's why Osama wanted us attacked: we are the Great Satan, see -- decadent. A threat to the young. Yep, and we BEGAN to be that threat as a result of our victory in WWII, when an exhausted Europe no longer could keep hegemony. We are the big bear in the candy shop, the evil moneybaggers, you name it. We have a secular, not a religious culture. And everyone WANTS what we have. Which is why the entrenched authorities, feel compelled to debunk US. The loudest critics reflect a populus which is the most threatened. That's always been true historically; right now, it's US; by BREATHING, we are the object of OTHER PEOPLE'S insecurities, just because we exist. And our behavior, gives them an excuse to condemn. 100 years ago, political consciousness was LOW, because there was less FREEDOM in the world. Now, with more freedom, well.. more vociferousness. But then why are our products, popular? We don't FORCE people to buy our T-shirts and videos, for crying out loud...
NOTE WELL: GOD'S MIRACLES ALWAYS HAVE A RATIONAL AND NORMAL PURPOSE. The Crucifixion's upheaval needed special treatment. God is the God of Authority, so miracles were used to CALM DOWN people, so they WOULD NOT REBEL against authority; thus the miracles were first of all, AUTHORITATIVE 'credit cards' -- ORDERED to prove that these many spectacular claims of Messiah, weren't FALSE. That's what prophecy was FOR, the ESTABLISHMENT of TRUTH, not titillation: you compared the claim to its fulfillment, so you could separate the sheep from the goats. Then, you wouldn't NEED to rebel against authority, for the superior authority handling ALL authority, is God. (Like today's Christian right, like Hitler, false messiahs throughout history are always about overthrowing existing human authority. The Lord turned DOWN that offer when Satan made it, when the Zealots made it, when the Palm Sunday crowd made it, when Pilate queried it.)
So God managed, thank you, to teach people what they needed to know while the apostles and writers like Jude and Luke were being grown up enough to write their assigned books. Which, the meanwhile, the HOLY SPIRIT HIMSELF also communicated -- just as He had always done since time immemorial (OT verses are loaded with Spirit-empowering clauses) -- to the other folks who wouldn't yet see Canon. So much for the tawdry argument that NT writers needed some other eyewitness. LOL!
Yet when you read the older Romans, Paul painstakingingly traces the origin of our spiritual life out from the OT version. Similarly, Hebrews, written due to Paul's execution or near it, sketches the same thing because what believers weren't hearing, was the Matt24 warning. Again, same problem then, same problem, now.
What's really interesting when you do this chronological comparison, is that each writer uses his OWN keywords. For example, the beginning of 1Peter is an awful lot like Ephesians 1, but in PETER's shorter style. We know at the end of 2Peter that Peter was familiar with what Paul wrote, but only CONCEPTUALLY do you find commonalities: the VOCABULARY is different; complementary, but different.
What common keywords the NT writers all draw on, ARE IN the Gospels and the OT; which thus means the AUDIENCE had something of that material in writing already; or, well-taught ORALLY (more convenient -- ancient memories were better than ours). Because, seldom does a writers spend time EXPLAINING definitions; but by contrast, they all spend a LOT of time on how to USE the information. HOW TO THINK WHAT YOU KNOW is the driving purpose of all these epistles.
See? We always overlook the obvious: you don't need to write about what people already know. You need to write about what they DON'T know, or are still getting confused. So, remember that as you read: what is NOT said tells you volumes about what HAD BEEN said, prior.
The fact that each writer of Scripture corroborates other writers, in that each one is given the same basic doctrines to explain, PLUS the fact that each of the writers is given some unique things to teach, should be borne in mind when you read Scripture. Ask: what DOCTRINES does the writer express? What DOCTRINES does the writer UNIQUELY express? What DOCTRINES does the writer corroborate? Then, HOW does the writer express, express uniquely, corroborate? For, just as in a corporation, everyone has some tasks in common, so also each one has some unique duties.
So, for example, when you read what another writer writes, viz., James, you should FIRST ORGANIZE CHRONOLOGICALLY, and then ADD together the portions of James which tie to CHURCH that Paul wrote. There is a lot of overlap, but James' job assigned by God was not Paul's, and vice versa: the problem of the Jerusalem church was that they DID NOT ACCEPT what the Holy Spirit gave to Paul; so James has to talk about what they DO accept. To not recognize the CHRONOLOGY and AUDIENCE is to misinterpret Scripture. For, only when you ORGANIZE the epistles by their DATES and then LOOK to see how they all fit together, do you avoid the many controversies in Christendom's history.
Apostacy began immediately after the Session, as Acts so painfully reveals. Just as was true with Israel from its foundation forward, so also for Christianity, over 90% of believers never get beyond spiritual childhood. There are periods where belief in Christ might reach 10% or more of a populus, but that populus never grows up. The pious noises are just so much eyewash, but with the Lord's Name splatted on for attention. Just as the Lord explained in the seed parable (i.e., in Luke 8). So opposition is THE NORM, and as it progresses, it progresses into activism and -- finally, violence. Kinda like, today in the US. Just like Paul explained in his letters, how he MORALLY caused the destitution, imprisonment, and death of Christians.
James became a believer, just as Paul did, owing to the Resurrection appearance of Christ to each of them. That appearance constituted their appointment as apostles (James replaced Matthias). James, as head of the Jerusalem Church, helped Paul (Acts 15:20) but also was behind the persecution of Paul by the Judaizers (was influenced/forced to go along, by the other leaders in the Jerusalem faction). Paul, distinct from the other apostles, taught the full Church doctrine, a doctrine he got directly from the Holy Spirit; a doctrine which you can see unfold in his letters, if you arrange them chronologically. Everyone else, was somewhat confused.
So not everyone knew what CHURCH actually was -- except, through Paul. And the others, opposed the idea of the Mosaic Law being abandoned. So, yes: James wrote the book of James, but his ACCEPTANCE of all doctrine was not complete when he wrote it. Yet, God gave him that slot on the team of the Body of Christ, anyway.
So, even today, you'll find that most of Christendom interprets the spiritual life as quasi-Mosaic Law, which both the Book of Hebrews (talking about the changeover to Church in Judaic terms) and the book of Ephesians expressly DENY. For, most of Christendom continues that old apostate controversy which started after the Session, rejecting CHURCH as Paul was given to teach. Check it yourself. We've always been a Body of mostly dingbats. Yet, even dingbats can be used to harvest a crop! Yet, even the worst of us dingbats, can be grown up by the Holy Spirit, and we all grow up at different, fluctuating, rates!
Principle: these were real people, who had real problems, who were NOT fully versed on all doctrines at the time of writing. NONETHELESS, they were qualified in some respects, and GOD USED THEM WHERE THEY WERE QUALIFIED. So also, does He use us. I have this particular fact on my refrigerator to constantly remind me: it's a question of FIT, not merely competence, and one doesn't have to be COMPLETED to have a FITTING role.
Another Principle: God STILL communicated His Full and complete message by means of these writers. That's why Canon CLOSED with John's Apocalypse; that's why the counterfeit bible books are all scams (obvious, except to those yet hooked on emotion). So there is more to the message than they themselves understood at the time of writing. They knew ENOUGH to express it rightly, but they didn't NECESSARILY understand at the time of writing all the meaning in the words they wrote. "Verbal Plenary Inspiration" means GOD KNEW and GOD DIRECTED, but the individuals' own attributes, understanding, personality, etc. are nonetheless expressed in the writing as well. So for the student of Scripture, it's critical to notice what THEIR understanding was, compared to GOD'S message in their words. That requires the constant use of 1Jn1:9 and study under one's right pastor. It takes time.
Try this experiment: While under the Spirit, try writing out a doctrine you yourself know. Give it your all, don't be dilatory. Then, read it over, edit and revise anything, add corollaries you discover. You should find that you express a thing rightly, but when writing it you yourself did NOT see certain facets of meaning IN THOSE WORDS -- until you re-read what you wrote! If you do this enough, you'll notice a huge DIFFERENCE in your competence here -- versus the rest of your life. That's a SPIRITUAL competence the Holy Spirit is building. Try to detect it early, so you won't get cocky and mistake it for your OWN ability, yikes!
So, often I cringe when reading these webpages, for I'm a withdrawer, a tribble: not at all inclined to criticize. It's not that I'm afraid, but I can't stand confrontation: perhaps it is more like impatience mixed with too much empathy for how the words SOUND to a hearer/reader, I dunno. By contrast, God is TOTAL LOVE, so nothing He says, however confrontational, is a put-down. God puts UP, not down. So while God doesn't really criticize the way we humans do, He doesn't mince words, either. I do, though. So to see that yes, I really wrote this, but see how STRONG it is -- the natural 'diplomat' in me, recoils. Worse, the more I practice this THINKING the LESS 'mincing' I myself want to be: what is happening, yikes! Now it makes sense that the no-holds-barred Paul, actually ASKED people in one of his letters to PRAY THAT HE WOULD HAVE COURAGE to speak the Gospel fearlessly. Yikes! Hits Home! So you might find something of that observation helpful in your own detection -- so you WON'T MISTAKE what you should LEARN for something great you yourself are. That mistake is pure poppycock, thank God!
You gain confidence in your own spiritual life if you recognize that just because a DOCTRINE is in your head, doesn't make it less valid. 'As well as, seeing how the spiritual life 'plays' when trying to USE a doctrine you've learned. So you'll see it's NOT magic, but LEARNING: it's more like math, where you know the answer but when you REVIEW the answer, you see more TRUTH there than you saw while solving the problem; which leads to many corollaries, reveals more postulates, etc.
Of course, the idea of 'sheparding Israel' and the Lord as the Good Shepard are OT doctrines of long standing. The question was, Judaism WAS monolithic: its splintering was a sign of apostacy. BY CONTRAST, this new "pastor-teacher" role REPLACED the monolith with local churches, PRECISELY BECAUSE THE GOOD SHEPARD WAS NOW RISEN AND RULING. So, no more need for one organization on the earth. For, the Mosaic law was rescinded (stated several times in several ways in the Book of Hebrews, and each epistle of Paul's). See how important it is to know WHEN a thing CHANGES?
One of the cardinal rules of "hermeneutics" (finding Bible's OWN interpretation of itself) is that you compare Scripture with Scripture. That's how one VALIDATES whether a verse or book is of God, and is one of the skills required in textual criticism, far more important than the age of the manuscript media. So, yet again, first-century problems and foibles, keep on replicating in every Generation of Church. We face the SAME DEBATE.. and keep on flunking it...
A quick look at church history reveals a lot of the power plays which happened throughout its shameful story thus far are based on allegations that there should be ONE denomination. Thus, denominations form and fight, each one trying to be "the" one -- kinda like the tongues crowd -- not knowing, THEY ARE NOT AUTHORIZED BY GOD. God's use of Hebrews, Paul and John and Peter here completely shatters the denominationists' incompetent interpretations (or lies, I GLADLY can't tell which); and John's Revelation 13-17 explains WHY. See how important it is to be CAREFUL how you study Scripture?
Sure, the Catholic Church was involved, and we owe it a debt of gratitude; sure, sects since have had a LOT to do with getting those manuscripts so we can see the ORIGINAL languages of Scripture, all nicely put together, in what we have now; we owe ALL these organizations and people, our UNDYING affection, for their work is enormously sacrificial. But let us NEVER forget that GOD orchestrated it all, never man.
For if it is really GOD's Word, it is really attacked by Satan&Co. Sure enough, you don't hear people make a swear word out of "Allah", or "Krishna".. you don't see people trying to attack Divinity by attacking those books.. ahh, but they all attack what? THE BIBLE. And if the Bible is ATTACKED, it NEEDS a 'buddy system', so that people can GET IT, anyway. Even if a torn portion, as is so hungrily desired in Africa and some parts of China. Yeah -- and that teeny portion, can save a life...
As just noted, Catholicism doesn't pretend their Apochrypha is Divine, only that Pope pronounces it so. Well, it's nice they are so honest with their parishoners (or were, back in the red-leather edition I have). Same kind of distinction is usually made, with respect to OTHER sects which ADD BOOKS or SUBTRACT Books from Bible. So, look: it's not as though no one recognizes there's a difference, k?
Frankly, even Satan gets in on the act: every fake holy book of satanic authorship ADVERTISES that fact. It's very subtle, as the wordplays are made on BIBLE VERSES IN REAL BIBLE in the ORIGINAL Languages. I couldn't believe my eyes for a LONG time, once I discovered this: frankly, I felt like one of those wild-eyed weirdoes who talk of the evil of Satan and the end times -- which is not me at all. So, to make SURE I wasn't descending into a looney bin of my own making, I spent more than a year vetting the Appendix of the "Thinking" series (LordvSatan pages) for that reason; that page walks the reader through some examples, so he can do his own empirical comparisons.
So we are EXTREMELY blessed to have a RELIABLE SET OF WHOLE CANON available to us. It's only in the last 150 years that this is true (click on Canonicity link at pagetop). It's only in the last 50 years we had truly-reliable Greek grammar (found in the 50's). Granted, earlier versions of Bible did exist, particularly Geneva and KJV -- but these were based on inferior manuscripts (more copying errors in them than the best ones later found). Moreover, until the last 150 years or so it was VERY hard for the common man to GET a full Bible. So, most people made do with a few Bible books: historically, mostly some Psalms and some Gospels. Most other people in HISTORY have never been able to do the kind of research urged in this webpage. Most other people have gone through their lives GUESSING what God means, based on VERY LITTLE information.
How did all those folks survive, then? How did they grow spiritually? Well, to see how, take this test: using ONLY the Gospel passage of John 3, run out all the corollaries of it LOGICALLY -- see how much about God, about Christ, about the spiritual life, you could DEDUCE from only that chapter. Then, you'll see how the Holy Spirit can take even a TORN PORTION of Scripture, and craft from it, spiritual growth.
Remember also people had a LOT more time on their hands than we do; that they LOVED words more than we do; so they had MORE time to think than we do. Also, 'logic' itself was more the provence of the common man, since his life was so much more dependent on logic, for survival. It's LOGICAL to assume that if I sin, I should name it to God. No need for a Bible to tell me so -- but if there's a verse, then that much BETTER. It's LOGICAL to assume God exists, and that He had to provide something akin to a salvation package, since I know I'm not worthy of Him. Don't need a BIBLE to tell me that. (Well, HS does it, and no age or IQ is barrier.) So, WITH a Bible, however abridged, I've got MORE to work with. Logically.
Why didn't they get the Scripture WE GET, since even our COPIES of the manuscripts are surely old enough, dating from (so far) 100-400AD? Well, what do you think the answer MUST be? If I want God, won't He make Himself known? If I don't want God, won't He be a 'gentleman' and say little? So, then:
If you track the story of Scripture's being written, lost, discovered, and then compare how its history OF EXPOSITION has transpired, you get the very distinct impression that BIG DUE-DILIGENCE DISCLOSURE is going on, right under our noses. That has to mean UNUSUAL positive AND negative volition in the world! In other websites I try to analyse MORE of what this phenomenon means, which is partly why my sites focus so much on mistranslation and misinterpretation of Scripture -- I'm trying to TRACK SATAN's ABUSE of Bible, for we are all cannonfodder. It's not about human error, which is constant and axiomatic; but rather the PATTERNS of what gets screwed up, tells you more about the CONFLICT going on. Christians are SUPPOSED to be wise, not foolish.
It's super-easy to flub it. An arcane example should dramatize the ease with which sincere believers can really screw up recognizing God's Word. Back in Israel's day, during its own inter-testamental period (after Malachi), Israel was busy collecting its Tanakh. A big debate arose over the Book of Esther, because the standard monikers of Divine Authorship were missing. You'll find, maybe extant, some of the conversations about this debate in one of the Talmuds. Anyway, EVERYONE missed NOTICING the uppermost truth: that Israel was always cast as BRIDE, that if the BRIDE rejects Her Husband (Jehovah Elohim, but as Sacred Tetragrammaton), then He would reject Her, but not forever. Every prophet talked about this: so why, then, didn't anyone notice how the refusal of Vashti and 'grafting in' of Esther was LIKEWISE the same theme, THIS time warning Israel as 'Vashti'? How could we all miss that meaning, since the story is set in PERSIA, the land of Diaspora, for crying out loud?
BOOK OF ESTHER ENTIRELY DEPICTS ISRAEL'S PRESENT AND FUTURE. Just as much, as ANY prophet's discourse. Totally amazing. 'Esther' is the outsider, normally NOT eligible for brideship, so depicts the GENTILES. Having Grafted Her in Vashti's place (a Gentile, but playing the rejecting Israel), in order to SAVE the Jews from their persecutors. Think over all the parallels! I don't know if anyone in the Talmud had a commentary to that effect (I've only gone through Mishnah), but doggone it: see how the uppermost truth hides in plain, sigh? It's not as though the Lord Himself didn't USE this analogy repeatedly, from Matt16 onward. Check it out, for yourself!
While it's true that Church was never forecast in the OT, because ONLY IF ISRAEL REJECTED Messiah could there be a Church (so avoid anti-semitism like the plague), there WAS this veiled warning in Esther. Paul echoes it in Romans 11, so we CHURCH should be very chary of missing the boat on this OBVIOUS ADVERTISEMENT of unprecedented ACCESS to Scripture. Another group of believers, can easily replace us. One branch within Church withers, but another is being grown; one nation of believers going apostate can easily be PRUNED -- still saved, still in heaven. But no rewards.
The US is withering. When a nation dies, like a star it first gets much brighter. Never let that light fool you. See Jeremiah 25ff. We Americans who are growing in Christ CAN BE USED to keep our nation whole. No other hope. Let us not let our country down, by NOT growing in Christ! My pastor estimated that if only 250 believers got to the Pleroma stage, the nation will be preserved. The massive "Thinking" series on Home Page is all about this blessing-by-association, structure.
Eph 4:11-16 is never properly translated, but if it were you'd understand, especially in light of the REST of the book, that the CORPORATE MATURATION of Church's Understanding of CHRIST'S THINKING is Father's Objective for History. You can trace this maturation process through Christendom's history. Just after the Cross, there was widespread confusion about whether the Mosaic Law would still be followed; this, despite KNOWLEDGE of what became the verses of Matt16:18 and Acts 1:5, John 14-17. So, Christianity has gradually morphed since the Crucifixion from a ritual-based, childlike aping of the Law into the full-scale RECOGNITION that studying His Thinking in the ORIGINAL LANGUAGES is the real spiritual life. Granted, currently this recognition is trending back toward a catholic-like slant. But in the 1800's through the 1930's, a BIG REALIZATION of it, grew like wildfire. This latter phenomenon took centuries to rise to public recognition, and each time the recognition notched up, you'll notice that original-language manuscripts were either translated and disseminated, or 'found' and publicized. Usually, under very strange circumstances. If you want to trace this gradual rollout of what was the ORIGINAL INTENT of Scripture being available to the common man, get The Book by Christopher deHamel. It's $50, hardback, lavishly-illustrated, but the text is so valuable: dunno if there's yet another book of its kind. Author doesn't take a position, so what is typed here, is 'mine'.
So Satan twists this 'oneness' thingy into 'catholicism'. This isn't to badmouth the Roman Catholic Church, but rather ANY institutionalization into 'religion' is the Rev17 apostate harlot. Universal Tyranny, which those founding what became 'catholicism' surely never intended, but boy oh boy, everyone USED! Which tyranny, of course, our sordid past with Scripture being locked up and NOT taught BY DENOMINATIONS, for nearly two millenia, confirms. If it weren't for some extraordinary work done in the mid-1800's by a truly gifted group of men (which broke wide open access to the original-language-manuscripts of Scripture for local churches), you and I would NOT have the freedom to learn! (If you can even mildly read German with a dictionary, go to and pick the biographies of Samuel Tregelles and Count von Tischendorf.) The current politicization of Christianity in the US is an EXACT REPEAT of the force which gave rise to ecumenism in the 2nd century AD. FLEE IT WITH YOUR LIFE. It's the Tower of Babel, playing all over again. Which should be no surprise, considering Rev17 links the moniker 'Babylon' with the harlot.[Note to self: the Rev1-3 and 1Pet5:1 tie-togethers came from L.1613, which turned on the lightbulbs in this para. Listen to it again.] Denominations, as distinct from those IN them, are basically evil, because they ARE INSTITUTIONS. It's the institutionalization which causes the Rev17 evil; for an institution must perpetuate its power, so STOPS depending on God. So, denominations stand pat on a few doctrines which are, by that point, hopelessly distorted versus Bible. They don't mean to be evil (lol, who does), and they don't start out evil. The Reformation, for example, started basically as a freedom-fight to GET Scripture. But look what happened: state religions formed, and two huge subdenominations formed. The politicization caused these new denominations, named after their founders, to HARDEN and RESTRICT teaching to a few poorly-defined doctrines. So, learning was STULTIFIED. So, became state religions. So, just as apostate, in their OWN ways, as the so-called 'catholic' church they rebelled against. Even so, look at how God managed, thank you very much, to even use the evil of the institutions to a) preserve Scripture and b) nonetheless teach a few to REALLY LEARN SCRIPTURE, though technically still in, of, or a founding member of, the denomination in question. Where, for example, would we all be, without those roaming friars? The US was founded on the freedom-to-worship apart from superchurch control. Yet look at it now: Christians are largely too-dumb-to-live (Eph4:14, churches run amok), so they band together for prol-itics, fancying themselves to be doing the Lord's Will. It's SATAN's will they really do: for the God of Romans 13 and 1Tim2 did NOT approve of such activity. So, eventually -- and the homogenization is moving so fast, it may already be too late -- they will 'unify'. God will withdraw His support for US at that point, scattering those who really ARE in the spiritual life, into a new diaspora. Ponder the matter under the Holy Spirit, use 1Jn1:9 like breathing, because this historical trend is obvious, far-developed, so greatly impacts YOUR life right now. Watch how the 'prolife' campaign goes, for it is a barometer of apostacy: the more popular it becomes, the WORSE Christians are becoming, en masse. Seems like 'prolife' is the rallying issue Satan wants to use to pimp the Rev17 harlot, again, for it's sure serving to 'unite'! [Ya gotta be vicious, nuts or stupid to think that God would put SOUL life in the womb: that would make God a sadist, for then the person would be AWARE OF AND FEEL all that horrendous biological development; would BE TRAPPED AND KNOW IT -- well, once he had a brain, which isn't really developed fully until just before birth, so how the HECK would God be so stupid to put a soul in 40 seconds after conception, lolololol! Bible teaches the opposite, i.e., God breathed lives into Adam's nostrils -- body formed and OUTSIDE first, get it? More detail on what Bible actually says is in Caveat #4 on Home page. Also, in NTKeys.htm, "Near-and-Far Keywords", and passim in all other pages. Again, this is NOT to point the finger -- I'm not interested in putting down -- but rather, to track MEGA TRENDS which Satan's MEGA plan (LvS4c.htm), plays: to POINT OUT how Satan blinds US ALL. Oh: see also LordvSatan2.htm's small font (keyword to search is "Mary") has more info as well.] |
1) the kidnapping of Canon and its subsequent 'breakout'; such that, just as in the 1st century AD, INDIVIDUAL STUDY under a PASTOR (now, of the ORIGINAL LANGUAGES OF SCRIPTURE) is the NORMATIVE method of learning God's Word. In that 1st century, because Canon was being WRITTEN (1Cor13's main theme, the Head being completed so the Body can be), everyone looked forward with "hope" (confident expectation) to the day when they'd no longer have to rely on visions and spectacular gifts to get God's Word, just as those of Jeremiah's generation (Jer31:31-34 and Ps119) hoped. This was the Divine intent all along, obviously; but no sooner is Canon completed, than it was 'kidnapped' and after that subverted/distorted for nearly two thousands years after Christ. (SatStrat.htm is largely on this topic.)
2) CHRIST INVENTED A NEW SPIRITUAL LIFE DURING THE FIRST ADVENT, which invention Christianity has largely NOT recognized. This spiritual life is INTERNAL, THINKING, completely ABROGATING the OT methods (Heb7:18 and parallel verses in NT). It's truly awesome to realize HOW LONG Christianity has been in the dark about this fact, given the thousands of direct and oblique commands to THINK like Christ: i.e., MATT4:4 (can Christ make it more obvious than by using the words STOMA (mouth) and REMA (teacher-SPEAKING-teaching)?); Phili2:5-10; 1Pet1; 1Cor2, 2Cor5. That this INVENTION of a unique and NEW spiritual life WAS NEVER AVAILABLE BEFORE is baldly stated in verses like John 7:39, John 14-17, and is the whole point of Corinthians, both books; macro description is in Ephesians and Hebrews, MAIN THEME OF BOTH BOOKS. Micro how-to's are in those books but more baldly explained in Philippians, Romans, "musterion" verses. BASIS is John 17 (the prayer for it).
It's not that ritual, etc. are wrong in themselves. 'All things are lawful, but not always helpful', Paul says in Corinthians. What BECOMES wrong is, essentially, the HUMAN DISTORTION which inevitably results from such practices. Like, if you have a CUSTOM of sending out Christmas cards, but one year you don't do it, you feel guilty. Why feel guilty over what is merely a VOLITIONAL custom? So it is, with ritual, taboos, appearances, etc. The item slides from being a free-will celebration, into a DUTY. At that point, it REPLACES GOD in importance. This is what felled Judaism even while the Law WAS still prescriptive of the spiritual life, for the rituals and do's, were there for CELEBRATORY AND TEACHING purposes, so to just go through the motions without the meaning, was like a woman who lies inert while her husband makes love to her; or, like a woman who cheats on her husband, preserving only a facade (God's own analogies, developed extensively in Ezekiel and Hosea). So it is, with the history of the Church: undoubtedly, folks who still wanted to practice the Law, could do so, but the Law was no longer PRESCRIPTIVE, from Pentecost forward. Ergo those who had had prominence or approbation due to the Law's former prescriptive status would naturally have a sin-nature need to regain the former importance. Which, they COULD, by becoming teachers of the Word, of the New Spiritual Life based on the New Spiritual Species we become, in Christ (theme of 1Cor2,6-13, 2Cor5, etc). Which, they DIDN'T WANT to accept, so that's why Paul got the upgrade information, and the strict charge to NOT witness to them (see Acts 22). So, if you look at Christendom's doctrinal interpretation history, you find an alarming childishness which centers on just another version of keeping the Law. It's SO pathetic, given verses like Peter's "hupolimpano hupogrammos", and Heb12:1-2's DELIBERATE GREEK-ATHLETIC PARALLELLISM, that we don't RECOGNIZE the gigantic change His Spiritual life engenders. How this Legacy fits in history, the Holy Spirit had Paul explain in Ephesians. And not just Ephesians, either, for POST-PAUL, the writer of Hebrews explained the very same structure but via the OT system itself to show the change to CHURCH. And, the writer does this in such painstaking detail, replete with both OT and NT keywords so you can SEE THE CONNECTIONS CLEARLY, there is NO EXCUSE for teachers to miss it. We just don't care, that's all. Greatest Spiritual life ever given to humans in history, baldly displayed, and we go for the glitz and the baby-rituals. Incredible.
So, you end up seeing ALL sides of the how-do-we-screw-up-Bible. Very au courant: is Christianity a series of behaviors, or LEARNING CHRIST, for crying out loud? Authors don't appear to take sides, but they also don't actually SAY what learning Christ means. Which is fine, since we are all Royal Crown-Prince Priests in Training by means of the HOLY Mentor UNDER Our King of Kings, FOR FATHER. So, we must draw our own royal conclusions, before the Lord. Individually. Most of what's promoted as 'Christian' is rarely Biblical. I've yet to see one Christian program, one movie, which wasn't a TRAVESTY of the Bible. It makes me wanna put my eyes out, like Nebuchadnezzar did to Zedekiah (Jer39:7). My people are suffering, and I can do NOTHING about it! Only a few Bible classes aired VERY RARELY even had sound Bible teaching ON BASICS. It's unbelievable. No wonder unbelievers hate us. We've GOT FULL ACCESS TO SCRIPTURE, now. There is NO excuse. That blessing-by-association doctrine which God grants to anyone growing in His Son is a lifeline. The ONLY thing a believer can do amidst apostacy is GROW GROW GROW. For, like Abraham said to the guy in Hades of Luke 16, if they won't listen to the Bible, they won't listen to an informed believer or a miracle, either. Thus, history ends when all believers are harvested (there will come a day when prolonging history will not further develop a Millenial believer, nor result in an unbeliever, believing). When you see verses like "latter days", "days are evil", "man will learn war no more", or other sweeping-macro statements, you're looking at some FACET of what God is saying about this underlying trend of history. ALL SCRIPTURE HAS SOMETHING TO SAY ABOUT THIS TREND. Correct INTERPRETATION of the "ages", God's TIME-DIVISION of history (Big Bible keyword which translations routinely screw up) will be missing if you don't understand this underlying trend and its two 'prongs'. GOD FITTING TOGETHER: prophecy, fragmented Word, time, history, Body, and the PATTERN IS SOOOO CLEAR! So many puzzle pieces exactly fitting! So we better spend more time FITTING TOGETHER our understanding of His Word, than fitting in with the crowd, for this rollout of Scripture is NOT normal! |