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Jewish Calendar & 1 Chronicles 24 Priestly Courses, Predict & Depict All History
Page purpose is to ease reading of PassPlot.htm, since so much reference is made there to the Jewish calendar, and it's a pain to keep paging up and down. Click here to also load PassPlot.htm. So not all the historically-meaningful weeks proving the prophetic nature of the priestly courses, are listed in this page. However, many of the PassPlot.htm dates are here listed, for easier reference when viewing that page. So next follows a 'sheni' (repeat) version of the Jewish Calendar, followed by a repeat of the priestly courses in PassPlot.htm's "Chanukah" link (#14 in that link's listing). To see how brilliantly the Bible intersects both vernal and autumnal equinoxes had Israel (and we Christians with our equally-bad calendars) OBEYED THE BIBLE'S DATING SYSTEM, download the very simple Intercal.xls. You yourself will be able to FINALLY celebrate all the Bible holidays ON TIME if you use that, merely updating what is the equinox each year. For if you use the Jewish calendar or our stupid 'Easter computus' calendar, you'll get ALL the Bible holidays wrong.
Within each priestly course link are bullets of some of the significant dates. More dates will be added as I've time, but there won't be many more; I probably found all the ones I can in Bible, searching through BibleWorks. Bible-significant months which don't have specified days in the verse, are not generally listed. Bible doesn't usually give the exact date; but when it does specify an exact date -- especially, for a prophecy spoken -- it's important. So these are listed. If I missed one, would you mind letting me know?
Month # | 'Our' Equiv. | Month Name | Holiday |
Month # | 'Our' Equiv. | Month Name | Holiday |
1 | Mar-Apr | Abib (=new barley) aka Nisan Sacred cal's1st mo. | Passover (10th,14th, both starting AT sunset), Unleavened Bread (14th AT sunset through 21st AT sunset), First Fruits, the first day of Weeks (usu. starts on 21st or 22nd AT sunset) | 7 | Sept-Oct | Ethanim (=flowing water or fruits) akaTishri Civil cal's 1st mo. | Rosh HaShanah (=New Year, 1st), Yom Kippur (=Day of Atonement, 10th), Succoth (=tents, booths, 15th-21st) |
2 | Apr-May | Ziv (=flowering) | -- | 8 | Oct-Nov | Bul aka Marcheshvan (Bul=rain) | -- |
3 | May-June | Sivan | Pentecost (ends Weeks, 50th day from First Fruits) | 9 | Nov-Dec | Chislev (=Foolish/ Confident Heart) | Chanukah (from 25th Chislev until 2 Tebeth) |
4 | June-July | Tammuz | -- | 10 | Dec-Jan | Tebeth (=muddy) | -- |
5 | July-Aug | Ab | Note: 9th of Ab is First and probably 2nd Temple's Destruction date. | 11 | Jan-Feb | Shebat | -- |
6 | Aug-Sept | Elul | Month should run 35-36 days, at which point its end 'naturally' hits the autumnal equinox. If Israel doesn't observe that, then intercalation should occur here, for the same reason. Post-exile, they didn't do it. | 12 | Feb-Mar | Adar Israel instead used lunar months and then every 3-6 years, intercalated an 'Adar Sheni'(=Adar II) of 15-30 days, so her calendar got and remains, messed up. | Purim (14th or 14-15) |
NIV 1 Chronicles 24:7-18, the Priestly Course names which God told David to organize, back around 970BC. Note how prophetic, the names:
Meaning Per Week in Each Nisan and Ethanim:
Days 1-7,
7 the first lot fell to Jehoiarib [God Has Brought Justice, Yah+rib, to be the Plaintiff in a trial],
- Nisan: Last Plague in Egypt set up this week, 1440BC.
- Ethanim: 1st is RoshHashanah.
- 1st Temple is dedicated 1 Ethanim 950BC, 1Kings 8:1.
- Nisan: 1-7, 715BC, the Temple which had been desecrated by King Ahaz, was reopened, cleaned, and rededicated under son King Hezekiah's orders, 2 Chronicles 29. Imagine: the Temple had been CLOSED and the LIGHTS PUT OUT by a son of David. So of course no Passover had been celebrated in years.
- Ethanim: sometime not long after 586BC, Arab attempt to wipe out the remnant of Israel after 1st Temple destroyed, Jeremiah 41:1-15 and 2 Kings 25:25. Context of the beggars in Jer 41:5 strongly points to them coming for the sake of Yom Kippur. Therefore the murder of Gedaliah (who was assigned to protect the Jews by Nebuchadnezzar) must have happened in the first week of Ethanim.
- 1 Ethanim, 538BC: Babylonian captives have returned and settled in the Land, and begin Law observance preparatory to reconstructing the Temple under Cyrus' decree, Ezra 3:1ff, Neh7:73.
- Nisan: 1-7, 474BC, casting of the purim to decide on what days Jews should be slaughtered, Esther 3:7.
- 1Ethanim, 446BC, dedication after Jerusalem's Wall is finished, Neh8:2. On that day, the Law is read. Notice how they didn't even remember Booths, Neh 8:14, but are excited by the news.
Days 8-15,
the second to Jedaiah [God knows/knew, Yah+yada (terminating ayin) -- see 2Cor5:21],
- Nisan: Last Plague Occurs, Lamb Set Aside (10th), Original Passover lambs slain (14th AT sundown), 1440BC.
- Nisan: 10th day, 1400BC, Israel crosses the Jordan into the Land, and camps at Gilgal (="foreskin", in Hebrew), Joshua 4:19. Idea that the stones are witnesses -- for or against their keeping the contract (see the same refrain at the end of Joshua, and passim in OT). The idea of setting up a Stone as a Witness is at least as old as Abraham; that's why Jacob sets up a stone witness the night after he dreams of the stairway. The Wailing Wall is a Stone Witness to Daniel 9:26c, which of course no one reads, either. The Abomination of the Dome of the Rock is a 2nd Witness. Always got to have at least two.
- Nisan: 14th day, 1400BC, Israel observes its first Passover in the Land, Joshua 5:10.
- Nisan: 15th day, 1400BC, Israel eats of the produce of the Land, Joshua 5:11-15. This is a very pointed passage. It does NOT say that they observed First Fruits as commanded in Leviticus 23:10 and following. Moreover, they make unleavened meals out of it, clearly in observance of the Feast of Unleavened Bread. It doesn't say God approved of them doing this, but there's no clear condemnation, either. Of course, they had all just been circumcised, and couldn't exactly harvest anything. So they were probably gleaning. The manna of course, stops. Scholars seem to use this passage to claim First Fruits begins the day after Passover. But that makes no sense, especially since there's no claim it was observed, and they are eating in observance of Unleavened Bread. LXX clearly says they ate from NEW produce ("nea" in the LXX of Joshua 5:11). That's a violation, if no First Fruits offering; no observance of Weeks is noted, either. Clearly it's been presumed by scholars that they did observe. But then why doesn't God make an issue of this, what would be the first observance, since He makes an issue of Passover? Why is there no statement of Divine Approval, but rather an omnious appearance by an angel, and to Joshua? Yes, the Land is holy; but that doesn't mean the people are obedient, and no such statement praising them is made. Divine Omission is often a sign of disapproval, but no judgement for non-observance of First Fruits is mentioned, either. On the other hand, God talks to Joshua and says He's with Joshua, not Israel. Also, it says that Israel served the Lord during all the time of Joshua and of the elders who survived him, Josh 24:31. On yet the other hand, the Deut 16:9ff description of First Fruits is predicated on the last day of Passover; same in Numbers 28:26, so the initial entry observence in Lev 23:10 et seq. could be a special case: and, the first sabbath which occurred after entry, was the Passover itself (a high sabbath, and maybe a regular sabbath, too). So I need to study the matter more.
- Ethanim: 10th is Yom Kippur, Day of Atonement.
- Ethanim: 14th at sundown begins Booths.
- Nisan: 15th (14th at sundown) begins Feast of Unleavened Bread to commemorate Egress from Egypt.
- Ethanim: week of Booths, celebrating 2nd harvest.
- Nisan: 13-14, 474BC, the writing and publication of the Purim condemnation set for 14 Adar. Esther 3:12.
- Nisan: Christ is Arrested on the true 10th of Nisan, but 14 Nisan on the non-intercalated calendar that year, 30AD; that is the 1470th anniversary of the original day the lambs were commanded to be set aside.
- 30AD, true 14 Nisan (but 18 on the calendar that year) Christ is crucified; thus He 'knows' sin by being MADE sin, so thereby pays for the sins of all mankind (Isa53:3-12, 2Cor5:21); just afterwards, between 3-4pm, He dies on the Cross. It is thus the 1470th anniversary of the original slaying of the Passover lambs, occurring also before sundown.
- Nisan: Final Stage of Siege of Jerusalem begins on the 40th anniversary of His Crucifixion, 70AD.
Days 16-22,
8 the third to Harim [Dedicated, devoted to destruction, haram cognate, plural],
- Nisan: Feast of Unleavened Bread lasts all week 15-21, and
- First Fruits piggybacks onto its last night,
- kicking off Weeks.
- Ethanim: counterpart to Feast of Unleavened Bread is Booths, 15-21. It has no sacred, stated FirstFruits counterpart or Weeks holiday, initially.
- 21 Ethanim (End of Booths), 521BC: God ties Booths to Weeks (Pentecost's harvesting theme, kicked off by FirstFruits, the parallel day in Nisan to 21 Ethanim) -- AND, to 25 Chislev foundation of the 2nd Temple, -- all these threads, interweave as the main theme of Haggai 2. Note how God parallels the rhetoric of both the dates He gives the messages, the harvesting content, and the Seed Promise to Zerubbabel (whose name means Seed), in Haggai 2:1 with 2:6, 2:10, 15, 18-23. I don't know how God could be more blunt about WHAT DAY is Messiah's birthday. How have we missed it for centuries?
Numbers 28:26 does the same thing, but it's mistranslated. However, I need to further analyze the deft piggybacking language, before retranslating it. That retranslation will appear in PassPlot.htm when finished. Right now, it's only a "comment" in the HTML source code, and you can't read it unless you View Source.
- On 21 Nisan 30AD (post-sundown, so 22 Nisan officially), Christ Resurrects. This fulfills what God said to Zerubbabel in Haggai 2 -- literally. That is FirstFruits day, BOTH nominally on the Jewish calendar that year, AND had the calendar been corrected (intercalated) that year. Um, only God can Converge Time despite it being off-kilter, k? Just as the OT promised and the NT repeatedly stresses. (OT Verses are in the Introduction and Division#1; NT verses are in Division #2, both are links in PassPlot.htm.)
Days 23-30,
the fourth to Seorim [Ripe barley, stressing its hairiness, plural],
- Nisan: Last Plagues, 1440BC.
- Nisan: 24th, 536BC, two years after Daniel 9, Daniel gets another visit from Gabriel while mourning for the dead King Darius the Mede, Daniel 10. Very revealing portrait of how the angels themselves battle. Chapters 10-12 are a single visitation. The event has immediate relevance because the Temple had just commenced rebuilding, the foundation had been laid 25 Chislev 537BC (Haggai 1:15 plus Ezra 3:10), and Persia had sponsored it. But then.. halt. So now we know why: there was a battle in heaven over the event. This tells you angels are FREE AGENTS viz., Dan10:13, Gabriel was DELAYED, meaning to come to Daniel on 3 Nisan 536BC so he got reinforcement from Michael, and the "kings" they fought with are angelic; so he'd have to go back to fight, 10:20. So the future outcome through the end of time is sketched out in more detail for Daniel to know and write down for Israel.. and for us. So use of the "twenty-fourth" in Daniel 10:4 is a significant doctrinal message. It ties back to the event of Haggai 2, God's moving heaven and earth in honor of 24 Chislev. See, you date a thing by some important event, in ancient times, and time is reckoned in years from a king, an exile, etc. So here, the 24th is important. You'll see the same dating usage of the 24th post-Haggai 2:15-23, in Zechariah, Nehemiah (wall finished 24th Elul, Neh 6:15; fasting a month later in Ethanim -- on the 24th, not only on the 10th -- Neh 9:1). All of these 24th references are return-from-Exile references: Neh 9:1, Dan10:4, Hag 1:15, Hag2:10, Hag 2:18 (the precedent, which I'd bet is predicated on the same date for David, somewhere); Hag2:20 (same), Zech 1:7.
- Ethanim:
Meaning Per Week in Each Ziv and Bul:
Days 1-7,
9 the fifth to Malkijah [God is My King, melek+Yah],
- Ziv: First Temple construction begun, 2 Ziv, 960BC, 1Kings 6:1, 2Chron3:2.
- Bul: probably on the 2nd, First Temple construction completed, 953BC (but the Temple isn't dedicated until nearly three years later).
Days 8-15,
the sixth to Mijamin ["auspicious child", min+yamin],
- Bul: Babylon taken over by Persia, 11 Bul 538BC (Marcheshevan), per historians.
- Ziv: 14th at Sundown, Hezekiah and Israel observes the Passover, 715BC, 2 Chron 30:2 (see also Numbers 9:11 for why that date is valid). Took so long to clean the Temple after Ahaz had closed it, there wasn't enough time to observe the Passover in Nisan.
- Bul: Jeroboam institutes a pagan Passover like Aaron had done while Moses was up getting the Law the first time -- not sure what year, but it's set for Bul 15-21, and is sometime not too many years after 930BC. See 1Kings 12:28, 32 in context. Jeroboam's line is destroyed by the fourth generation, and there is a long line of usurper-kings of Samaria, after that. I did not list their dates in GeneYrs.xls, because they aren't valid kings.
Days 16-22, 10 the seventh to Hakkoz [The Thornbush/Briar, ha+qots],
- Ziv: 20 Ziv, 1439BC: Israel decamps, lead by the Holy Spirit (see also Isa63, whole chapter which provides a panoramic structure on how Trinity coordinated to deliver Israel then and throughout history), Numbers 10:11.
- Bul:
Days 23-30, the eighth to Abijah [My Father is God, God Fathers, ab+i+Yah -- the "i" is a first-person singular suffix],
- Ziv or Bul: Israel wins her independence from the Seleucids, 23 Ziv (or Bul, unlikely) 141BC, 1 Macc 13:51.
- Ziv:
- Bul:
Meaning Per Week in Each Sivan and Chislev:
Days 1-7,
11 the ninth to Jeshua [God is Salvation=Jesus' name, Yah+shua],
- Sivan: 1Sivan, 586BC, two months before the Temple is to be razed, God has Ezekiel warn Egypt that it will be destroyed due to its pride, Eze31:1ff. By that time Jerusalem had been under siege. [I'm assuming the 597BC exile is what he's dating from, since he left before the Temple was razed, given Eze1:2.]
- Chislev:
Days 8-15,
the tenth to Shecaniah [God Dwells (in His House with us, esp. in the 1st Temple at its Dedication), shakan+Yah],
- Sivan: 11 or 12, Pentecost, end of Weeks.
- Sivan: 11 or 12=Pentecost, 30AD -- beginning of the Church "Age" (Pauline term, lexeme in Eph 3:21, "Age over the ages", always mistranslated).
- Sivan: 11 or 12, 4BC. Date the Malachi-prophesied 'herald', John the Baptist, was born.
- Chislev: 11 or 12, the intercalated day on which Antiochus IV Ephiphanes put a pagan statue inside the Temple, 167BC, presaging the abomination which has characterised the Temple Mount since 70AD. Romans, Persians, Christians, Moslems have all built something atop that Mount, fulfilling Matt24. In the Trib, Dan9:27 depicts yet another abominator, and Rev11 makes fun of the alleged Temple then standing. For God Did NOT Want It. The Temple GOD wants will be built at the 2nd Advent by angels, theme of Ezekiel Chapters 39 and following (whole rest of the book).
- Chislev: 15th, the nominal day on which Antiochus did this, 167BC, 1 Maccabees 1:57.
- Chislev: 11th=15th=25th in any year, depending on intercalation lapses. That would also be true of any other date relative to another, in history, though the 'spread' will of course vary.
Days 16-22,
12 the eleventh to Eliashib [My God Causes Return -- a kind of benediction, Eli+shub],
- Sivan:
- Chislev: Weird convocation on 20 Chislev, Ezra 10:1, 9 where Israel decides to put aside its foreign wives. Never do you see a verse saying God ordered this; never do you see a verse saying God was even consulted; all you see is weeping and wailing, led by Ezra. THEY decided to do this thing. Ezra ends on this note, in Chapter 10. Either part of Ezra is missing, or this is a very pointed statement about how quickly Israel went overboard legalistically. I'm not sure what year it is. But it might account for Nehemiah's going there in 446BC. In Neh 13:23ff, he reports the same problem, and he himself is upset about the foreign marriages; that year appears to be sometime after 432BC or so, going by Neh 13:6. These may be two instances. Again, no record of God's Attitude about it, but rather theirs.
Days 23-30,
the twelfth to Jakim [God Rises Up -- think of all the entendres in English, including Rising up Exist on the Earth (most Hebrew common meaning), to Defend, Rising up to Testify, Win -- Yah+qum, see Isa53:2 retranslation in Isa53trans.htm],
- 23 Sivan: reversing decree written to save the Jews, 474BC, Esther 8:9. So it went out the next day, 24 Sivan.
- 24 Chislev, 537BC: 2nd Temple foundation stone laid, Ezra 3:6,10 compared with Haggai 2:18.
- 24 Chislev, 521BC: God makes Zerubbabel the seed line of Messiah, Haggai 2:23.
- 25 Chislev, 167BC, Antiochus IV Ephiphanes desecrates the Holy of Holies with a pig sacrifice, 1 Maccabees 1:59.
- 24 Chislev post-sundown, 164BC: original Chanukah, 1 Maccabees 4:52, 2 Maccabees 10. They actually held the service on the morning of 25 Chislev, but remember the 25th begins the night before. 2 Maccabees 10:5 significantly comments on how Chanukah was decided to be deliberately patterned after Booths. In light of what God says in Haggai 1:1 et seq., timing His first message to occur on the Last Day of Booths 521BC, the Maccabees must have made that connection here in 164BC. Maybe that's why Antiochus picked 25 Chislev for a pig desecration, in the first place; maybe that's why he picked 15 Chislev too (adjusting for non-intercalated years). The founding date of the Temple would be a major date in the Jewish calendar any Jew would know and annually celebrate, especially given Haggai 2.
Matching Key ==> In the Jewish calendar, every elapse of a month makes the calendar run .43 days too fast. Thus the too-fastness of the calendar between Sivan and Chislev in absolute terms, is six months times .43, equalling 2.58 days. So relative to 11 Sivan (Pentecost), in a year when the calendar is otherwise non-intercalated, another 3 days must be subtracted from the Chislev date, to get the equivalent Sivan date in the past. So in 164BC, 25 Chislev is equal to 11 Chislev and thus opposite 11 Sivan. They must have known this, to pick 25 Chislev yet tie it to Booths, not Passover. In short, they must have read Haggai 2's meaning and knew that 25 Chislev fills the slot opposite to Pentecost, tying up both Chanukah and Purim to be the opposite matching holiday in the calendar. Whether they also knew it would be Messiah's Birthday, is not as clear. But at least they knew the tying-together purpose of 25 Chislev, given their motive for choosing it and tying it to Booths.
- 24 Chislev post-sundown, 4BC: the Lord is born in Bethlehem. The wise men are not there, they are busy in JERUSALEM asking people where He is; because they calculated when He'd be born, and then thought they saw some star leading them, but it disappeared. So they make a loud appearance and keep on asking, do you in Jerusalem know where He is? See Matt2 in Greek. During the next 40 days, the parents of that King are in Jerusalem as well, at Temple: since it's the Law to DEDICATE (at the Feast of Dedication, how apt) the Firstborn, and for the woman to do the birth purification there at Temple. So the magi are in the same town as the Royal Couple. So when the Royal Couple leave and go back to Nazareth (end Luke 2 and Matt2), well.. that ANGEL who looks like a star to the magi, guards them. Thus the magi follow the ANGEL who is no star (stars don't hover over houses, k) and finally find the child. That's how Herod would find the Child, too, and why Joseph and Mary have to high-tail it outta there that same night. See Deut 18 prohibition against astrology, to know God would NEVER create a special star; see Bible to realize it NEVER says any star was over Bethlehem or anywhere else (Matt1-2, Luke 1-2). Angels are called "stars" in the Bible.
Meaning Per Week in Each Tammuz and Tebeth:
Days 1-7,
13 the thirteenth to Huppah [Divine Protection from enemies, storms -- like during the wilderness period -- huppa=canopy],
- Tammuz: 5 Tammuz, probably 592BC, Eze1:1 and following. Ezekiel gets his prophetic commission from God. Looks like the 30-year-old prophet is made mute, except when he prophesies. Need to research that more. He gets his commission in the prequel anniversary month of Nebuzaradan breaking through the city wall, which was on the 9th day of the fourth month in 586BC, 2 Kings 25, Jer39:2. The wordplay on Tammuz is important. Tammuz was a Babylonian god. That a month would be named after him, that Israel was playing footsie with Tammuz, is pointedly referenced as part of the court case giving rise to God sending Nebuchadnezzar. Ezekiel rolls out this story vividly for the Babylonian exiles. So by Ezekiel 4, the prophet himself is made to lie down for 430 days, mutely playing the upcoming siege of Jerusalem blow-by-blow.
- Tebeth:
Days 8-15,
the fourteenth to Jeshebeab ["God dwells in Father's House", yashab w/Yah embedded, +ab!],
- Tammuz:
- Tebeth: 10 Tebeth, 587BC, Nebuchy lays siege to Jerusalem again; this will result in razing the City and the Temple, exactly eighteen months later, 2Kings 25:1-2 and Jer52:4. Meanwhile, Ezekiel already gave the Babylonian exiles a blow-by-blow description, back in Ezekiel 4 in 592BC (or thereabouts); and again in 590BC, the 4th PREQUEL anniversary of the 1st Temple's destruction (see 10 Ab below); and again, beginning with the very day the siege began. Ezekiel was IN Babylon all that time. In short, the exiles could have done what Daniel did in Daniel 9, and Nehemiah did in Nehemiah 1.. and prayed. But they didn't. The 70 years is a voting period. If the votes are lacking, the Temple goes down. Jeremiah was busy making that criterion clear, from the beginning of his ministry (compare Jer1:1 and following with what Daniel says in Daniel 9:2). So the votes to keep the Temple going, weren't there. So, the Temple wasn't gonna be there, anymore.
Modern-day Judaism knows this. You'll find much about it on the net and in discussions with pious Jews. They know that their Temple being down means they are apostate. So why don't they ALSO see Daniel 9:26, when the Wailing Wall and Abominating Dome, stand in front of their eyes? It's not like we can avoid seeing Jerusalem in the news. Message: Hi, My People Who Broke the Contract, I didn't break the Contract, but I vindicated You by sending My Son, and He's now in Heaven, while I the Father, have the Holy Spirit make the Body as Promised David back in Psalm 110:1...
Days 16-22,
14 the fifteenth to Bilgah [a Smiling/Gleaming/Gladness, cognate noun of balag],
- Tammuz: 18th, 1440BC, Moses goes up the mountain to get the Law, Exo 19 (whole chapter). "Shining" in the Law means being full of Word-in-Head. That's why your face shines, for the Word is a delight to the mind. That's why it's likened to tfellin -- the REAL tfellin, actually. Never off your head, never off your arms, always surrounding them. When you get up, when you go to sleep, teach your children, 24/7.
- Tebeth:
Days 23-30,
the sixteenth to Immer [lamb, livestock, per HALOT; but note how the root=The Word, esp. God speaking The Word; yeah, God speaks and all livestock exists! Name is spelled aleph mem mem resh.],
Meaning Per Week in Each Ab and Shebat:
Days 1-7,
15 the seventeenth to Hezir [Swine/Boar or swineherd, per HALOT -- but I bet it somehow refers to the Arm/Strength/Might of God, Ha+Zar' (zayin resh ayin)],
- Ab: 1 Ab 1400 BC, Aaron dies, Num 33:38.
- Ab: 7 Ab 586BC, Nebuzaradan (Nebuchy baby's head of the army) makes a triumphal entry into Jerusalem, having broken through the walls, 2 Kings 25:8 (in context from v.1).
- Ab: 1 Ab 458BC, Ezra arrives in Jerusalem, having set out from Babylon on 1 Nisan, Ezra 7:8-9 (compare to 7:1 -- that's Artaxerxes Longiamanus, son of Esther's husband who had been murdered in 465BC).
- Shebat: 1 Shebat 1400 BC, Moses gives them Deuteronomy, Deut 1:3.
Days 8-15,
the eighteenth to Happizzez [lit., He -- God -- Shattered, but looks more like "The Shattering of God" in meaning -- ha ppitsetz],
- Ab: 10th Ab, 590BC, EXACTLY FOUR YEARS IN ADVANCE, God tells Ezekiel to forewarn the negative Jews of first exile of seven years prior, how He'll raze Jerusalem, Eze20:1ff. This warning continues through Chapter 38 (i.e., note 21:27 in context), with Jeremiah gradually weaving together both the themes of the impending destruction in 586BC, but also the far-fulfillment prophecy meaning: ultimate denouement in the Trib -- thus chastising Israel, yet wrapping up all her enemies, too. The ongoing description is graphically punning on what will happen to what's in the temple, too (i.e., the melting-down in 22:19ff). It's like a monthly news bulletin, i.e., in Chapter 24:1, on the very day Nebuchadnezzar makes his final siege which will culminate in burning down the Temple almost seven months later, Ezekiel is dispatched to tell the exiles in Babylon. This is the chapter which parallels Ezekiel playing the mock siege, back in Ezekiel 4 (which might have been back in 592BC, per Eze 1:1) -- on the prequel anniversary month of Nebuzaradan breaking through the city wall, which was the 9th day of the fourth month in 586BC, 2 Kings 25, Jer39:2.
- Ab: 1st and 2nd Temples destroyed on 9-11 Ab (depends on how you count the time), 586BC and 70AD, respectively. Tradition assigns it to 9Ab, but Jeremiah calls it the 10th (Jer52:12-13). Unfortunately, translations don't recognize the different wording and reference point in 2Kings 25:8, so make Scripture look contradictory by wording that verse the same as in Jeremiah. It's not the same -- Jeremiah is recording when the Temple was burned, but the 2Kings date is entry into Jerusalem. Jewish math makes it thus the 11th, beginning at sundown. There are 70 days between 1 Nisan and 11 Sivan, Pentecost; there are 70 days between Pentecost and 11 Ab. 70 is a voting period number in significance, precedented by Jacob's vote to return to Canaan and then finally enter Egypt. See also Daniel 9:2, so you can see Daniel knows it is a voting period, which is why he starts voting (praying).
- Shebat:
Days 16-22,
16 the nineteenth to Pethahiah [pronounced ph'tachYah, God has opened the womb, ph'tach+Yah],
Days 23-30,
the twentieth to Jehezkel [God Strengthens/Prevails = Ezekiel, Yah+hazaq],
- Ab:
- Shebat: 24 Shebat 521BC, Zechariah is dispatched to give the Apocalypse of the four horsemen, Zech 1:1 et seq. As all prophecies, this one has dual application: near term, the rebuilding of Temple and Jerusalem, just as told Daniel (which surely everyone knew by 521BC). Far-term, the ultimate deliverance in the Tribulation, which occupies most of the Book. Millennial theme is interwoven.
Meaning Per Week in Each Elul and Adar:
Days 1-7,
17 the twenty-first to Jakin [God Establishes/Prepares/Fixes/Decrees, Yah+qun],
- Elul: 1 Elul 521BC, Haggai visits Zerubbabel to nag him for not rebuilding the Temple past the foundation, etc. Thus they begin again.
- Adar: 3 Adar, 2nd Temple completed/dedicated, 516BC, Ezra 6:15. Looks like the night of 1 Adar was a regular sabbath, which accounts for a 3 Adar completion/dedication.
Days 8-15,
the twenty-second to Gamul [He ripens/Recompenses/Weans - see also Heb. "golem", unborn fetus, in Ps139:16.],
- Elul:
- Adar: Purim, 13-15 Adar, 474BC, covered by the Book of Esther.
Days 16-22,
18 the twenty-third to Delaiah [God Draws Water or on a writing tablet or even acts like a Door, Yah+dela -- but the focus seems to be on the repeated lifting/moving action, so dependability is stressed],
Days 23-30,
and the twenty-fourth to Maaziah [God is My Refuge, maoz+Yah]. Notice the sound-alike of Maaziah and Maschiach (=Messiah).
- By the last week of Adar, 1440BC, all but the 10th Plague have completed.
- 25-27 Adar: Jehoiachin pardoned and released from his lifetime imprisonment, adopts Shealtiel, so Judah's Royal Line continues, Jer52:31, 2Kings 25:27, Jer22:24-30, see also 2Kings 24:8 to know how old he was upon entry into prison.
- 24 Elul: 2nd Temple Rebuilding Recommences, 521BC, Haggai 1:15.
- 24 Elul: Jerusalem's city wall completed by Nehemiah, 446BC, Neh 6:15.
- 24 Elul, post-sundown=25 Elul: Elizabeth becomes pregnant, 5BC. Math in Bible produces this result, when analyzing Luke 1:26-36.
- 24 Adar, post-sundown=25 Adar: Mary gets the Annunciation, 5BC. Math in Bible produces this result, when analyzing Luke 1:26-36. She may have gotten pregnant up to four days later, tops. The calendar was off that year, so 24-25 Adar=Purim, had the calendar been intercalated. Intercalation should have been done at the end of Elul, and prior to the exile it was; post-exile, they improperly and only serially intercalated at the end of Adar, creating a 2nd Adar (today called Adar Sheni). The Annunciation and the pregnancy likely happened before any intercalation during THAT year, and maybe up to two years prior as well.