Genesis Time Doctrines (Exegetical Proof)

+ Genesis 1 Meter

An archive & consolidation of brainout's YouTube and Vimeo videos. The descriptions are preserved on the pages along with remastered and consolidated videos.

Archived descriptions for the above videos follow below:

Channel has two foci: a) Bible NEVER SAYS how old earth is, YES says fauna and flora are to 'evolve' (but not Darwin's flavor), says NO man is not 'evolved', for each human is created directly by God AT BIRTH (so no human life in any womb). Then b) Genesis 5 starts demonstrating the pan-Bible doctrine of How God Orchestrates Time.

For Genesis 1 METER cleverly and satirically interacts with the text to show b) is its main topic -- water being used as the metaphor to link Earth's rebirth, Israel's birth, as ties to the Flood rebirth, and of course your own (breaking water physical birth to getting a spiritual life as rebirth). For, the whole purpose of God DAWDLING to restore the Earth in six literal days, was to teach the concept of 'week'. Meaning, a little bit of Bible today, a little tomorrow and tomorrow 4x until you REST one last day, then start over. Showing incrementals, priority, proportionality. So you can order your own thinking, and thus your life.

Genesis is a very campy, witty book. Made snoozy, in translation. Hence this series and each episode, is patterned after Dr. Who. For God really is the Time Lord, and wants to make us like Him. One Day At A Time.

This playlist is also in Youtube, . Any new videos, however, will only be added to this vimeo channel.

Fireworks picture was taken by a friend of mine on the undernet who calls himself 'JohnRR', and is not copyrighted.

This playlist is in vimeo, . The bliptv versions are gone. Vimeo vids are downloadable in several formats.

SERIES GIST: Gen 1:2 says Earth (not universe) was RESTORED in six days, not initially created, due to Angelic Conflict (between probably-instant creation in verse 1, and verse 2). Due to that conflict, TIME ITSELF is a 'loan', which must be 'paid' by some human supermaturing every 490 years. That doctrine begins to be tracked in Bible with the Genesis 5 roster: Adam was the first guy who supermatured. The doctrine continues pan-Bible, but in this series we'll stop after Genesis 5 and just show the timeline. My other playlists in How God Constructs Time, Yapping Most High Part 10 and GGS Part 10, plus root Bible presentation in Psalm 90 Meter of Time playlist, all show you the Time doctrine in much more detail. Underlying webpages with much Bible proof is provided in each video's description.

So both evolutionists and Christians who claim Bible says world created in six days don't know how to read Bible. It was RESTORED in six literal days, can't say when that was. Only thing you can date in Bible is the timeline beginning at Adam's FALL in 4106BC. That's where Bible starts accounting time. Series walks you through all this, as well. Missed, by both sides in the debate.

Along the way, "trichotomy" is covered, which is Bible's doctrine of SPIRITUAL death versus mere physical death: the soul, never dies. That's why hell versus heaven is THE issue for your life. So Episodes 6 and 7, show an accounting of trichotomy from Bible itself. Episode 8 shows the Time Doctrine overview, and how to use the Timeline worksheet you can download to vet video claims.

Gen1, Genesis of the Dingbats

This video heads the vimeo 'Genesis, with Exegesis' Channel: Genesis Time Doctrines (Exegetical Proof) . Same playlist is also in Youtube, same name. (The bliptv copy, is now gone.)

Gist: Bible is mistranslated in Genesis 1:2, so Christians don't properly interpret Genesis. That, due to Christians using Bishop Ussher's timeline instead of Bible, to date creation. Bible disagrees with BOTH the creationists and evolutionists -- how embarrassing for us Christians. Bible plainly says the Earth was RESTORED in six LITERAL days, not initially created over that period; 'day' here is EXPLICITLY 24 hours (Hebrew idiom of evening THEN morning can only be literal, as the Hebrew day began at SUNSET) -- not some hallucinated longer period by moderns who have no faith in Bible. Pity we Christians hate God so much we won't even READ what He says.

Secondly, it demonstrates God's Rules for Constructing Time, a doctrine unknown in Christendom which USED to be known in Judaism; the doctrine begins with the begats in Genesis 5. Episode 8 covers that doctrine.

For those of you who saw this series in bliptv, they disabled the players; you can now only view the series via Youtube players or directly here in vimeo. So my chatty insistence (beginning at 2:55) that you look at the Youtube or blip video description's 'download links', are now outdated.

3-page Word.doc summarizing video series content:

Off-Youtube, view and original videos: . You can download them here in vimeo; or if you want the original file (named at the end of each video description), let me know and I'll upload it to my domain for your anonymous download.

Larger context of satanic messing with Bible teaching and translation:

Upload File Name: GenesisDingbats.wmv, 8/25/08.

Gen2, Time Begins

Genesis 1:1 exegesis. Here we'll begin to see proof that the typical Christian kant about the universe being created in six days, is NOT what Genesis says, in Hebrew. Ooops. Embarrassing, how obviously we don't do our homework in Bible we allege to believe.

File name: Genesis1v1.avi, 8/25/08.

Gen3, Earth RESTORED

Inspired Hebrew and Greek of Bible says EARTH (not the universe) was RESTORED (not initially created) in six literal (not figurative) days. So EXISTING MATERIAL is restored; that's why vegetation etc. pre-exists the lights -- the earth was TRASHED = 'tohu wa bohu' (Hebrew) in Genesis 1:2. Episode 4 will take you through all the 'tohu wa bohu' verses in Bible so you'll see for yourself, it means TRASHED. So Genesis 1:2 et seq. depicts a literal restoration, but the deeper meaning reflects what the Holy Spirit does to you at salvation. That's why Genesis (a GREEK word) = the Origin of THE MAN, Christ -- Who restores us from our trashed up state of sin, forever!

So anyone claiming a literal six-day creation, won't read Bible; it's a RESTORATION. How long the initial creation took, is NOT stated in Bible. Probably He did it all in one day (Job 38:4-7), but who knows.

Anyone claiming the six days aren't literal, won't do his homework on Hebrew idiom ('evening then morning' is Hebrew idiom for 24 hours, never means anything else). Sad how we Christians lie against the Word, huh.

Note: this 8/2008 video (originally in three subparts) was transferred to Youtube and vimeo from my bliptv account, same Episode number.

File Name: GenEpi3-1v2abc.avi, 2/10/11, made from originals a,b,c 8/25/08.

Gen3a, Earth RESTORED, Addendum

More on how Genesis 1:7 says the Holy Spirit restored Earth's atmosphere. Sadly it's fuzzed over in translation, but the lexicographers know its meaning (i.e., TWOT lexicon for raq'ia). So in this short video I talk (ramble?) about the implications of that, in light of Bible's disclosure of Angelic Conflict and what 'science' we have.

3-page Word.doc summarizing video series content:

File Name: Genesis Epi3 Addendum.wmv, 9/1/08.

Gen4a, 'tohu wa bohu' verses

Here we see pan-Bible, how Genesis 1:2's 'tohu wa bohu' means 'chaos and wasteland', as Bible translators well know (and my pastor taught this for 53 years); but due to political correctness, they won't FIX Genesis 1:2's KJV mistranslation! Only the NIV was brave enough to even make a footnote!

So this video is long and technical. Episode 4b will show the ultimate proof, in Isaiah 45. Really sad, how much Christians hate God and His Word!

Note: this 2008 video is transferred from my bliptv account to Youtube and vimeo. Vimeo view/download, .

If you want the original, let me know and I'll upload it to File Name: GenEpi4aReMix.avi, 2/10/11, made from original 4a folder 8/26-9/06/08.

Gen4b, Isaiah 45 proves Earth RESTORED

This climactic (and shorter) video demonstrates from both Isaiah 45 and Jeremiah 4 that Genesis 1:2 and following are about Earth's RESTORATION, NOT its initial creation. Christ flat SAYS so in Isaiah 45. So anyone claiming an initial six-day (literal or not) creation is either a) ignorant of Bible, or b) a liar. Take your pick!

Really embarrassing, how Christians hate God and His Word, never even bothering to RESEARCH what they claim of either One!

File Name: GenEpi4bRemixIsa45Add1-2.avi, 2/10/11, made from original Epi4 folder, 8/26/-9/06/08.

Gen5, Evolution of the Dingbats

Here, pondering the sad implications of how for centuries, Bible has been misrepresented in pulpits, seminaries.. and why it keeps going on.

File Name: Gen5ab.avi, 11/13/13, made from original Epi5 folder 8/26/08.

Gen6, Genesis of the Restoration

Episode Gen6 is on Genesis 1:3's exegesis, with a sidetrip into Matthew 4:3, to show God just SPEAKS (wills) a thing into existence, tying back to Genesis 1:1's FINISHED initial creation. So the RESTORATION has the same characteristic, and the story is thus humorous, because God only does one little thing per 'day' as if it tired Him out (sigh, 'Oy Vey!' here) -- to teach us His Policy about TIME. Very witty.

Other Hebrew and Greek geek items are covered along the way. Amazing how fast, fun and easy Bible is to learn if you just see it as GOD wrote it -- relevant, in context, memorable, meaningful! When you were a kid, you learned by hearing words ASSOCIATED with the things they depicted. You didn't learn dry rules apart from the context. Sure, later in school you learned that rules existed, but by then it was FUN to learn WHY the words worked the way they did. But at first, you just learned what the words were, in a context that interested you.

So, then: what can be more interesting than REAL Bible? Rather than that snoozy, fuzzy, usually-boring-and-anthropocentric-mistranslated ENGLISH, oy vey!

File Name: GenEpi6abcRemix.avi, 2/11/11, from Epi6 folder, 8/29/08.

6def Genesis of the Restoration, hayyim verses

More on the meaning of 'hayyim', proving scholars have overlooked the times when it's literal for MORE THAN ONE TYPE OF LIFE. For you must have spiritual life, to live with God; soul life, to be human; body life, to be physically alive. These types of life are each self-contained, and explain much about why you must be 'born again' to be saved.

So this video continues from 6abc, the tracking of the 83 hayyim verses in Bible, so you can see the distinctions Bible makes.

It matters a bunch, for Christ Died Two Deaths On the Cross, just as Adam died two deaths. The Last Adam's spiritual death, however, was substitutionary, as Isaiah 53:9-12 explicitly says -- in Hebrew, not English. So if you don't want to be a dufus, mistaking physical death for spiritual payment (which required a different kind of LIFE to pay, since God is SPIRITUAL), pay close attention to this video's Hebrew. Then you'll see why the Cross is so VAST a payment, NOTHING you do with your dead-in-Adam body, could ever 'contribute' squat!

7abcd Genesis Devolution of Man

How Bible distinguishes between spiritual and physical death is the focus: Hebrew "moth tamuth" verses. Starts in Genesis 2:17. Adam had TWO types of immaterial life, and one type of biological life at creation. 13 verses in Scripture play on this meaning. Here we go over those verses.

For you're not really alive, unless you have life with God, which means you need SPIRITUAL life. You need SOUL life to think and interact with other souled creation (angels, humans), and you need physical life to interact in a finite world and with animals, etc. So three types of "lives" (hayyim, from Episode 6d-f).

Adam loses his SPIRITUAL life when he sins; so a) his days BECOME numbered, because b) he will now die phyisically. That's what "moth tamuth" means in Genesis 2:17, but it's always mistranslated. So we have to spend time on all the "moth tamuth" verses, and the Greek LXX rendering of that key phrase (which in English should be translated, "dying [spiritually], you will die [physically]".

The other Bible verses play on the meaning in Genesis 2:17's judgment, to also mean soul 'death' (when soul departs from the body), and physical death (body being dead because it has no soul to 'run' it). The soul doesn't really die, but it must have a house. So the act of LEAVING the house, is designated by the 'tamuth'.

Hence Last Adam also had THREE types of life, and when He pays for our sins on the Cross, He thus suffers TWO deaths (Isaiah 53:9's Hebrew). The Substitutionary Spiritual Death paid for our sins, not His Physical death.

8ab Genesis of the Time Lords

The Lord of All is the Lord of Time. In the Angelic Trial, which was introduced in Genesis 1:2, the Lord makes a Trial of Mankind to prove to Satan & Co., why their sentence is just. Part of that Trial is the Trial of Time Continuing. Believers are made to BUY TIME -- a bigger work than any human can do, obviously -- if they vote to be supermatured by God. You VOTE, by learning and living on Bible. That's the history God plots in Bible. Not what you do with your dead-in-Adam body, but what you BELIEVE and LEARN about GOD. That's the whole theme of the Trial, Hebrews 11:1 (see my three videos exegeting that verse).

In short, you are enabled By God to Buy Time for the Human Race. With Time, go the other accoutrements. Christ wasn't kidding when He said, 'seek ye first the kingdom of God and all these things will be added unto you'. Yeah, the believer is to be a 'spiritual atlas', as my pastor once put it. Learn and live on Bible and that's what God will do to you and for the world! Better than money in a collection plate, huh...

This Buying-Time accounting begins in Genesis 5, which is here introduced. We'll see how the 'all the days of your life' clauses in Bible do NOT necessarily mean from BIRTH forward, so do NOT mean from Adam's creation, forward. Thus again we know that Genesis 1:2 is about Earth's Restoration, and doesn't even measure Time UNTIL Adam's fall.

The Genesis 5 roster and God's Rules for Time are the focus of Episode 8, which is quite long (several hours). You'll learn how to use the Excel worksheet I wrote to display this doctrine about Time, and you can vet it IN the Bible. Relevant links to do this, follow.

Worksheet: GeneYrs.xls.

Synopsis of Bible verses showing how to plot the Time rules and read Time in the Bible: brainoutFAQ.htm#6. Keep reading through 6b.

Main webpage on the topic: Mirroring.htm. That webpage's first white table also has many other links allowing full vetting of the material. It's the hub for all the Time doctrines. Document 'hub' for all this God Orchestrates Time information, is Eph1DecreeSyllablesREPARSED.pdf.

Ep. 8c1, Genesis of the Time 'lords' (old version)

This trailer video is also replaced by the full-version 8c1-4. The purpose of 8c is to show how God creates Rules for Time to be Granted, hence the nickname 'Time lords' in BBC's "Dr. Who" ironically has a Bible meaning. The 14 videos of this 8c walk you through the worksheet and trace out the salient time grants through Christ. Thus this 8c ties to my "How God Orchestrates Time" video as well; after all, the rules originated in Genesis. :)

View whole series in crystal clarity, FULLSCREEN, at SatStrat2.htm#GenesisVids. That page also has download links of the original avi movies per Episode. Be sure to click on the big square at the bottom of the player to view fullscreen, so you can see BibleWorks' Hebrew, Greek, and lexicons well. Below and to the right of the player will be video descriptions per episode; the whole series will automatically play in order.

DOWNLOADS: SatStrat2.htm#GenVidDownl

8c1-4 Genesis of the Time lords, cont.

Continued from 8ab, which has the worksheet and other links. This 8c1-4 shows you how to use the worksheet to see God's Rules for Time; it is due to these rules that the Rapture exists, and is pre-Trib (a kind of Exodus Ascension for Church as Body of Christ). So these videos are compiled from the bliptv 2008 video subseries (hence the weird video numbering); ALL those sub-episodes are now moved to Youtube, but if you want the clearer original, you can download it at .

Note: I didn't know the Psalm 90, Daniel 9 and Eph 1 meter when I made the 8c series in 2008; so the videos don't talk about that added Bible proof.

These videos were originally posted, 9/3/08.

8c5-8 Genesis of the Time lords, cont.

Continued from Episode 8c1-4. Worksheet: GeneYrs.xls. Synopsis of Bible verses showing how to plot the Time rules and read Time in the Bible: brainoutFAQ.htm#6. Keep reading through 6b.

Main webpage on the topic: Mirroring.htm. That webpage's first white table also has many other links allowing full vetting of the material. It's the hub for the Time doctrine.

More-current video information already exists in Youtube. See also my Yapping Most High Episode 10, GGS Episode 10, Psalm 90 Meter of Time and How God Constructs Time playlists for much more information on this topic. I've been researching it for 11 years now, so I apologize for the far-flung nature of the info. One day I'll have time (heh) to coalesce it better.

Note: these Episode 8c videos were originally made September 2008 in bliptv, now uploaded to Youtube; but if you want the clearer original, you can download it at So they do not include the Psalm 90 and GGS material, because I didn't know that Bible proof until 2009 and 2010, respectively.

9 Genesis Regenesis ! (series end)

Series conclusion. GIST: a) that Christians hate God's Word so misrepresent it, i.e., claiming that the Earth was initially created in six days; b) God grants Time as a LOAN, conditional on someone supermaturing every 490 years; this latter doctrine is completely unknown to Christendom, and begins in Genesis 5.

Original worksheet itself is GeneYrs.xls. If you click on cell A2 of that worksheet you will get a 30-page Word doc which connects to all the webpages I wrote on the topic, so you have plenty of Bible material presented for your vetting pleasure. Or, see my How God Constructs Time, Psalm 90 Meter of Time, Yapping Most High Part 10 and GGS Part 10 playlists here in Youtube, which have extensive webpage links to Bible verses and other proofing material, in their video descriptions.

8c shows how God creates Rules for Time to be Granted, hence the nickname 'Time lords' from BBC's "Dr. Who", for the series.

Genesis 1 Meter (Remix 3/31/15)

REMIX, DATELINES CHANGED. Genesis 1 meter, real shocker. Genesis proves the provenance of the 364, 560 and most importantly, the 1050 BASE UNIT giving rise to the "Millennium" doctrine. Genesis sets doctrinal precedence pan-Bible, as hopefully everyone knows, so this is very strong proof. Download the pdf here, (or doc).

Related material which now has much more relevance.

How God Orchestrates Time channel: How God Orchestrates Time

Psalm 90 channel: Psalm 90 Meter of Time (Precedent for Bible Hebrew Meter)

Genesis channel (skip first episode unless you want to see me act like Tom Baker and poorly; worksheet help begins in Episode 8c1): Genesis Time Doctrines (Exegetical Proof)

Worksheet on How God Orchestrates time using ONLY Bible, solar years, easily proven IN Bible and frankly, history: . Verses used to compile it with full audit trail, .

File Name: Gen1Meter1-2.avi, 3/31/15 replacing prior video from 3/26.

Genesis 1 Meter Epi 2: TIE TO ABRAHAM (and hence to 1050)

How Genesis 1 metrically ties to Abraham, a real smoking gun killing all preterism, Replacement theology, non-millennialisms and especially, those who deny pre-Trib Rapture. For the Rapture is designed to RETURN TO the original schedule which starts with, Abram.

To show this, Genesis 1 'times' its meter to begin the sixth day Decree at syllable 766, to 'tag' Abraham. The math is exquisite,just like all the other meter math, especially Daniel 9's -- which this video covers. The pdf/doc already shows it, so you can just skip the video, read the doc instead. Proves again the provenance of the 364, 560 and most importantly, the 1050 BASE UNIT giving rise to the "Millennium" doctrine, since God 'balances' Time due to Abraham's maturation. Genesis sets doctrinal precedence pan-Bible, as hopefully everyone knows, so this is very strong proof. Download the pdf here, (or doc).

Related material which now has much more relevance.

How God Orchestrates Time channel: How God Orchestrates Time
Time Distance Chart, so you can see how Bible 'times' its events relative to each other: (same section is in the pdf or doc versions).

Psalm 90 channel: Psalm 90 Meter of Time (Precedent for Bible Hebrew Meter)

Genesis channel (skip first episode unless you want to see me act like Tom Baker and poorly; worksheet help begins in Episode 8c1): Genesis Time Doctrines (Exegetical Proof)

Worksheet on How God Orchestrates time using ONLY Bible, solar years, easily proven IN Bible and frankly, history: . Verses used to compile it with full audit trail, .

File Name: Gen1MeterEpi2.avi, 4/2/15.

Genesis 1 Meter Epi 3: How Old Earth?

Does the Genesis 1 Meter tell us how old Earth is, or how long Adam existed PRIOR TO his fall? Well, to prove that, two steps are required:

a) Meter counting methodology must be the right one, and
b) Scripture elsewhere must expressly reference the age of Earth or Adam PRE Fall, in its text. Genesis 1 does not provide that support. Nor does Genesis 5, since it starts with Adam's fall: days not numbered until Genesis 3:17, and Hebrew joke in Gen 3:22 calls Adam 'born' (birthing preposition min = out from away from separate from).. when he fell. So for Adam in Genesis 5, the '130' is his years AFTER his fall, not his actual age. Maybe it's metered, I didn't check that.

Without b), then a) is useless. However, in this video's last half, I'll go through a). The first half is the METHODOLOGY you follow, which all the other Bible meters use -- maybe because Genesis 1 is precedenting. For example, NT Romans, Acts, and all John's stuff use the same meter methodology as you'll see me use here. So you know how to do it, in case Genesis 1 or some other passage meters the age (ideally, with a smoking gun b) textual support) of either Adam pre-Fall, or of Earth.

Related material which now has much more relevance.
Download the video's doc here, (or doc).

Pattern of equidistant ellipsis is common, but you have to already know the material below, to spot it easily. A quick primer on the pattern, is here (still in draft form):

How God Orchestrates Time channel: How God Orchestrates Time

Time Distance Chart, so you can see how Bible 'times' its events relative to each other: (same section is in the pdf or doc versions).

Psalm 90 channel: Psalm 90 Meter of Time (Precedent for Bible Hebrew Meter)

Genesis channel (skip first episode unless you want to see me act like Tom Baker and poorly; worksheet help begins in Episode 8c1): Genesis Time Doctrines (Exegetical Proof)

Worksheet on How God Orchestrates time using ONLY Bible, solar years, easily proven IN Bible and frankly, history: . Verses used to compile it with full audit trail, .

Use of the dateline meter number times seven or times 49 is most simple and flagrant in Magnificat, starting at the 'Chanukah Timeline' link (page 11) here: . Paul carries that methodology to extremes in his use of 33 sevens, 45 sevens, 78 sevens, and 94 sevens, starting here (pages 127-146 in the pdf): -- it goes on and on and on, and I'm not done 'mapping' it all, yet. Point is, you can see the style in text more easily parsed, so what is the first Bible book to use it? Likely, Genesis. So the same style, is tested in this video.

File Name: Gen1MeterEpi3.avi, 4/2/15.

Gen 1 Meter Epi 4a: Sleuthing Style

>For Masochists Only. Sleuthing video on the rhetorical meter style. Skip to Epi 4t if you just want to see the results.

Related material which now has much more relevance.
Download the video's doc here, (or doc).

Pattern of equidistant ellipsis is common, but you have to already know the material below, to spot it easily. A quick primer on the pattern, is here (still in draft form):

How God Orchestrates Time channel: How God Orchestrates Time

Time Distance Chart, so you can see how Bible 'times' its events relative to each other: (same section is in the pdf or doc versions).

Psalm 90 channel: Psalm 90 Meter of Time (Precedent for Bible Hebrew Meter)

Genesis channel (skip first episode unless you want to see me act like Tom Baker and poorly; worksheet help begins in Episode 8c1): Genesis Time Doctrines (Exegetical Proof)

Worksheet on How God Orchestrates time using ONLY Bible, solar years, easily proven IN Bible and frankly, history: . Verses used to compile it with full audit trail, .

Use of the dateline meter number times seven or times 49 is most simple and flagrant in Magnificat, starting at the 'Chanukah Timeline' link (page 11) here: . Paul carries that methodology to extremes in his use of 33 sevens, 45 sevens, 78 sevens, and 94 sevens, starting here (pages 127-146 in the pdf): -- it goes on and on and on, and I'm not done 'mapping' it all, yet. Point is, you can see the style in text more easily parsed, so what is the first Bible book to use it? Likely, Genesis. So the same style, is tested in this video.

File Name: Gen1MeterEpi4abBetter.avi 4/14/15 made from 4/12 'Better' vid segments.

Gen 1 Meter Epi 4b: Sleuthing, cont.

For Masochists Only. Sleuthing video on the rhetorical meter style, cont. Skip to Epi 4t if you just want to see the results.

Searching for the 'metaphorical framework' represented by the meter's interaction with the text. Here it becomes clear that the VOTING 70 is a key. But to what? I don't know. So the video comes up with no conclusion, and again only a masochist would want to watch it. Yet I must document the process, so you see it's not random or magical. God TEACHES the brain how to think via the sleuthing, so although you do need HIS answers, He only gives you some of the answer at a time; or, gives you the whole answer and like a geometry teacher, expects you to prove why the answer is true.

Related material which now has much more relevance.
Download the video's doc here, (or doc).

Pattern of equidistant ellipsis is common, but you have to already know the material below, to spot it easily. A quick primer on the pattern, is here (still in draft form):

How God Orchestrates Time channel: How God Orchestrates Time

Time Distance Chart, so you can see how Bible 'times' its events relative to each other: (same section is in the pdf or doc versions).

Psalm 90 channel: Psalm 90 Meter of Time (Precedent for Bible Hebrew Meter)

Genesis channel (skip first episode unless you want to see me act like Tom Baker and poorly; worksheet help begins in Episode 8c1): Genesis Time Doctrines (Exegetical Proof)

Worksheet on How God Orchestrates time using ONLY Bible, solar years, easily proven IN Bible and frankly, history: . Verses used to compile it with full audit trail, .

Use of the dateline meter number times seven or times 49 is most simple and flagrant in Magnificat, starting at the 'Chanukah Timeline' link (page 11) here: . Paul carries that methodology to extremes in his use of 33 sevens, 45 sevens, 78 sevens, and 94 sevens, starting here (pages 127-146 in the pdf): -- it goes on and on and on, and I'm not done 'mapping' it all, yet. Point is, you can see the style in text more easily parsed, so what is the first Bible book to use it? Likely, Genesis. So the same style, is tested in this video.

File Name: Gen1MeterEpi4cdefBetter.avi 4/14/15 made from 4/12 'Better' vid segments.

Gen 1 Meter Epi 4c: Corrected DATELINES

Skip to Epi 4t if you just want to see the results. Turns out Moses writes Genesis 1 the same year as Psalm 90, which is the year before he dies. That change, has a dramatic effect on how to read the meter throughout. Video's other meter numbers are somewhat changed later on (though the sevenings per 'day' remain the same). It was a question of WHAT the 63 and 119 referenced. Here we'll see how the sleuthing gave rise to understanding the correction.

It gets kinda dramatic in future episodes as a result, though the painstaking process of evaluation, remains ipse boring. Becomes clear that Moses is drawing a tripartite parallel between the Parting of the Reed/Red Sea, Noah in the Boat, and the initial RESTORATION of the world for man's occupation. Quite a different emphasis from the shallow and generally incompetent 'Christian' or 'Jewish' handling of the chapter. Meter helps you see how much we've been missing, so its drudgery is WORTH THE TIME SPENT!

Related material which now has much more relevance.
Download the video's doc here, (or doc).

Pattern of equidistant ellipsis is common, but you have to already know the material below, to spot it easily. A quick primer on the pattern, is here (still in draft form):

How God Orchestrates Time channel: How God Orchestrates Time

Time Distance Chart, so you can see how Bible 'times' its events relative to each other: (same section is in the pdf or doc versions).

Psalm 90 channel: Psalm 90 Meter of Time (Precedent for Bible Hebrew Meter)

Genesis channel (skip first episode unless you want to see me act like Tom Baker and poorly; worksheet help begins in Episode 8c1): Genesis Time Doctrines (Exegetical Proof)

Worksheet on How God Orchestrates time using ONLY Bible, solar years, easily proven IN Bible and frankly, history: . Verses used to compile it with full audit trail, .

Use of the dateline meter number times seven or times 49 is most simple and flagrant in Magnificat, starting at the 'Chanukah Timeline' link (page 11) here: . Paul carries that methodology to extremes in his use of 33 sevens, 45 sevens, 78 sevens, and 94 sevens, starting here (pages 127-146 in the pdf): -- it goes on and on and on, and I'm not done 'mapping' it all, yet. Point is, you can see the style in text more easily parsed, so what is the first Bible book to use it? Likely, Genesis. So the same style, is tested in this video.

File Name: Gen1MeterEpi4c.avi, 4/15/15.

Gen 1 Meter Epi 4d: 'Sevens' Redux

Skip to Epi 4t if you just want to see the results. Now we review the other sevened meters in light of the corrected datelines. You can skip this video if you want, and instead download the NEWLY REVISED doc (link below). I didn't yet update the 'Meter Import' section, and won't for some weeks. First, the methodology must be firmed up, and that process begins here.

Meter numbers are somewhat changed versus this video. The sleuthing is still useful as a methodology demonstration. This video begins FIVE HYPOTHESES as to the way Moses wants the reader to account the sevens as a timeline. The meter will end up being changed as a result, but here I am just learning and stating the hypotheses as they occur to me while looking at the meter.

Heads-up: a version of the first hypothesis ends up the right one, and this video covers the first two hypotheses. However, the right version of the 1st, doesn't begin until Episode 4g. So unless you're a glutton for methodology, skip the videos until 4g. (I must document the sleuthing process, but you needn't watch it, very boring.)

Moses' use of Genesis is very different from how we incompetent moderns address it. Far from being a creation story, Moses instead uses the RESTORATION of the Earth to draw a tripartite parallel between the Parting of the Reed/Red Sea, Noah in the Boat, and the initial Restoration of the world for man's occupation. Quite different from the generally inept 'Christian' or 'Jewish' handling. Meter helps show what God means, how much we've been missing; so the meter sleuthing drudgery is WORTH THE TIME SPENT!

Related material which now has much more relevance.
Download the video's doc here, (or doc).

Pattern of equidistant ellipsis is common, but you have to already know the material below, to spot it easily. A quick primer on the pattern, is here (still in draft form):

How God Orchestrates Time channel: How God Orchestrates Time

Time Distance Chart, so you can see how Bible 'times' its events relative to each other: (same section is in the pdf or doc versions).

Psalm 90 channel: Psalm 90 Meter of Time (Precedent for Bible Hebrew Meter)

Genesis channel (skip first episode unless you want to see me act like Tom Baker and poorly; worksheet help begins in Episode 8c1): Genesis Time Doctrines (Exegetical Proof)

Worksheet on How God Orchestrates time using ONLY Bible, solar years, easily proven IN Bible and frankly, history: . Verses used to compile it with full audit trail, .

Use of the dateline meter number times seven or times 49 is most simple and flagrant in Magnificat, starting at the 'Chanukah Timeline' link (page 11) here: . Paul carries that methodology to extremes in his use of 33 sevens, 45 sevens, 78 sevens, and 94 sevens, starting here (pages 127-146 in the pdf): -- it goes on and on and on, and I'm not done 'mapping' it all, yet. Point is, you can see the style in text more easily parsed, so what is the first Bible book to use it? Likely, Genesis!

File Name: Gen1MeterEpi4d.avi, 4/15/15.

Gen 1 Meter Epi 4e: 'Sevens' Redux, cont.

Skip to Epi 4t if you just want to see the results. Continuing with Hypotheses 3 and 4, ways to test the meter for what style Moses intended; so far only alternatives are posed, no firm answers. Download the NEWLY REVISED doc (link below), which won't look like the video because I've made many changes which only show in future videos. The answer comes in the future videos, not yet here.

The sleuthing is still useful as a methodology demonstration. Heads-up: the 'fifth' hypothesis is a version of the first and seems to be the right one; and this video covers the 3rd and 4th hypotheses. However, the right version of the 1st, doesn't begin until Episode 4g. So unless you're a glutton for methodology, skip the videos until 4g. (I must document the sleuthing process, but you needn't watch it, very boring.)

Moses' use of Genesis is very different from how we incompetent moderns address it. Far from being a creation story, Moses instead uses the RESTORATION of the Earth to draw a tripartite parallel between the Parting of the Reed/Red Sea, Noah in the Boat, and the initial Restoration of the world for man's occupation. Quite different from the generally inept 'Christian' or 'Jewish' handling. Meter helps show what God means, how much we've been missing; so the meter sleuthing drudgery is WORTH THE TIME SPENT!

Related material which now has much more relevance.
Download the video's doc here, (or doc).

Pattern of equidistant ellipsis is common, but you have to already know the material below, to spot it easily. A quick primer on the pattern, is here (still in draft form):

How God Orchestrates Time channel: How God Orchestrates Time

Time Distance Chart, so you can see how Bible 'times' its events relative to each other: (same section is in the pdf or doc versions).

Psalm 90 channel: Psalm 90 Meter of Time (Precedent for Bible Hebrew Meter)

Genesis channel (skip first episode unless you want to see me act like Tom Baker and poorly; worksheet help begins in Episode 8c1): Genesis Time Doctrines (Exegetical Proof)

Worksheet on How God Orchestrates time using ONLY Bible, solar years, easily proven IN Bible and frankly, history: . Verses used to compile it with full audit trail, .

Use of the dateline meter number times seven or times 49 is most simple and flagrant in Magnificat, starting at the 'Chanukah Timeline' link (page 11) here: . Paul carries that methodology to extremes in his use of 33 sevens, 45 sevens, 78 sevens, and 94 sevens, starting here (pages 127-146 in the pdf): -- it goes on and on and on, and I'm not done 'mapping' it all, yet. Point is, you can see the style in text more easily parsed, so what is the first Bible book to use it? Likely, Genesis!

File Name: Gen1MeterEpi4e.avi, 4/15/15.

Gen 1 Meter Epi 4f: 'Sevens' Redux Review

Skip to Epi 4t if you just want to see the results. Evaluating the implications of Hypotheses 1 through 4, ways to test the meter for what style Moses intended, no firm answers. Download the AGAIN REVISED doc (link below), which won't look like the video: I've made many changes which only show in future videos. The most likely answer comes in the future videos, not yet here.

The sleuthing is still useful as a methodology demonstration. Heads-up: the 'fifth' hypothesis is a version of the first and seems to be the right one, though the others might also be true as well. So unless you're a glutton for methodology, skip the videos until 4g. (I must document the sleuthing process, but you needn't watch it, very boring.)

Moses' use of Genesis is very different from how we incompetent moderns address it. Far from being a creation story, Moses instead uses the RESTORATION of the Earth to draw a tripartite parallel between the Parting of the Reed/Red Sea, Noah in the Boat, and the initial Restoration of the world for man's occupation. Quite different from the generally inept 'Christian' or 'Jewish' handling. Meter helps show what God means, how much we've been missing; so the meter sleuthing drudgery is WORTH THE TIME SPENT!

Related material which now has much more relevance.
Download the video's doc here, (or doc).

Pattern of equidistant ellipsis is common, but you have to already know the material below, to spot it easily. A quick primer on the pattern, is here (still in draft form):

How God Orchestrates Time channel: How God Orchestrates Time

Time Distance Chart, so you can see how Bible 'times' its events relative to each other: (same section is in the pdf or doc versions).

Psalm 90 channel: Psalm 90 Meter of Time (Precedent for Bible Hebrew Meter)

Genesis channel (skip first episode unless you want to see me act like Tom Baker and poorly; worksheet help begins in Episode 8c1): Genesis Time Doctrines (Exegetical Proof)

Worksheet on How God Orchestrates time using ONLY Bible, solar years, easily proven IN Bible and frankly, history: . Verses used to compile it with full audit trail, .

Use of the dateline meter number times seven or times 49 is most simple and flagrant in Magnificat, starting at the 'Chanukah Timeline' link (page 11) here: . Paul carries that methodology to extremes in his use of 33 sevens, 45 sevens, 78 sevens, and 94 sevens, starting here (pages 127-146 in the pdf): -- it goes on and on and on, and I'm not done 'mapping' it all, yet. Point is, you can see the style in text more easily parsed, so what is the first Bible book to use it? Likely, Genesis!

File Name: Gen1MeterEpi4f1-2.avi, 4/21/15 made from concatenated 4/15/15 videos

Gen 1 Meter Epi 4g: 'Sevens' Hypothesis 5

Skip to Epi 4t if you just want to see the results. Now to Hypothesis 5, a version of 1 yet also the most common meter pattern in Bible: each clause or each sevened clause as YEARS FROM WRITING DATE. Download the AGAIN REVISED doc (link below), which won't yet look like the video: I've made changes which only show in future videos. But the Hypo 5 pattern's sleuthed, starting here.

Pattern and text intertwine to give you the picture on the puzzle box, so you know for sure how to read the text. Once you see the obvious WATER parallels (restoration, Flood, Exodus, human birth), you realize that Moses' use of Genesis is very different from how we incompetent moderns address it. Far from being a creation story, Moses instead uses the RESTORATION of the Earth to draw a tripartite parallel between the Parting of the Reed/Red Sea, Noah in the Boat, and the initial Restoration of the world for man's occupation. Quite different from the generally inept 'Christian' or 'Jewish' handling. Meter helps show what God means, how much we've been missing; so the meter sleuthing drudgery is WORTH THE TIME SPENT!

Related material which now has much more relevance.
Download the video's doc here, (or doc).

Pattern of equidistant ellipsis is common, but you have to already know the material below, to spot it easily. A quick primer on the pattern, is here (still in draft form):

How God Orchestrates Time channel: How God Orchestrates Time

Time Distance Chart, so you can see how Bible 'times' its events relative to each other: (same section is in the pdf or doc versions).

Psalm 90 channel: Psalm 90 Meter of Time (Precedent for Bible Hebrew Meter)

Genesis channel (skip first episode unless you want to see me act like Tom Baker and poorly; worksheet help begins in Episode 8c1): Genesis Time Doctrines (Exegetical Proof)

Worksheet on How God Orchestrates time using ONLY Bible, solar years, easily proven IN Bible and frankly, history: . Verses used to compile it with full audit trail, .

Use of the dateline meter number times seven or times 49 is most simple and flagrant in Magnificat, starting at the 'Chanukah Timeline' link (page 11) here: . Paul carries that methodology to extremes in his use of 33 sevens, 45 sevens, 78 sevens, and 94 sevens, starting here (pages 127-146 in the pdf): -- it goes on and on and on, and I'm not done 'mapping' it all, yet. Point is, you can see the style in text more easily parsed, so what is the first Bible book to use it? Likely, Genesis!

File Name: Gen1MeterEpi4g1-2.avi, 4/21/15 made from concatenated 4/15/15 videos

Gen 1 Meter Epi 4h: 'Sevens' Hypo 5, cont.

Skip to Epi 4t if you just want to see the results. Now to Hypothesis 5, a version of 1 yet also the most common meter pattern in Bible: each clause or each sevened clause as YEARS FROM WRITING DATE. Download the AGAIN REVISED doc (link below), which won't yet look like the video: I've made changes which only show in future videos. But the Hypo 5 pattern's sleuthed, starting here.

Pattern and text intertwine to give you the picture on the puzzle box, so you know for sure how to read the text. Once you see the obvious WATER parallels (restoration, Flood, Exodus, human birth), you realize that Moses' use of Genesis is very different from how we incompetent moderns address it. Far from being a creation story, Moses instead uses the RESTORATION of the Earth to draw a tripartite parallel between the Parting of the Reed/Red Sea, Noah in the Boat, and the initial Restoration of the world for man's occupation. Quite different from the generally inept 'Christian' or 'Jewish' handling. Meter helps show what God means, how much we've been missing; so the meter sleuthing drudgery is WORTH THE TIME SPENT!

Related material which now has much more relevance.
Download the video's doc here, (or doc).

Pattern of equidistant ellipsis is common, but you have to already know the material below, to spot it easily. A quick primer on the pattern, is here (still in draft form):

How God Orchestrates Time channel: How God Orchestrates Time

Time Distance Chart, so you can see how Bible 'times' its events relative to each other: (same section is in the pdf or doc versions).

Psalm 90 channel: Psalm 90 Meter of Time (Precedent for Bible Hebrew Meter)

Genesis channel (skip first episode unless you want to see me act like Tom Baker and poorly; worksheet help begins in Episode 8c1): Genesis Time Doctrines (Exegetical Proof)

Worksheet on How God Orchestrates time using ONLY Bible, solar years, easily proven IN Bible and frankly, history: . Verses used to compile it with full audit trail, .

Use of the dateline meter number times seven or times 49 is most simple and flagrant in Magnificat, starting at the 'Chanukah Timeline' link (page 11) here: . Paul carries that methodology to extremes in his use of 33 sevens, 45 sevens, 78 sevens, and 94 sevens, starting here (pages 127-146 in the pdf): -- it goes on and on and on, and I'm not done 'mapping' it all, yet. Point is, you can see the style in text more easily parsed, so what is the first Bible book to use it? Likely, Genesis!

File Name: Gen1MeterEpi4g1-2.avi, 4/21/15 made from concatenated 4/15/15 videos

Gen 1 Meter Epi4i: 'Sevens' Hypo 5, cont.

Skip to Epi 4t if you just want to see the results. Still elaborating on at least one of the meter patterns here in Genesis 1, which is also the most common meter pattern in Bible: each sevened clause as YEARS FROM WRITING DATE. Download the doc (link below), which won't yet look like the video: I've made changes which only show in future videos.

Pattern and text intertwine to give you the picture on the puzzle box, so you know for sure how to read the text. Once you see the obvious WATER parallels (restoration, Flood, Exodus, human birth), you realize that Moses' use of Genesis is very different from how we incompetent moderns address it. Far from being a creation story, Moses instead uses the RESTORATION of the Earth to draw a tripartite parallel between the Parting of the Reed/Red Sea, Noah in the Boat, and the initial Restoration of the world for man's occupation. Quite different from the generally inept 'Christian' or 'Jewish' handling. Meter helps show what God means, how much we've been missing; so the meter sleuthing drudgery is WORTH THE TIME SPENT!

Related material which now has much more relevance.
Download the video's doc here, (or doc).

Pattern of equidistant ellipsis is common, but you have to already know the material below, to spot it easily. A quick primer on the pattern, is here (still in draft form):

How God Orchestrates Time channel: How God Orchestrates Time

Time Distance Chart, so you can see how Bible 'times' its events relative to each other: (same section is in the pdf or doc versions).

Psalm 90 channel: Psalm 90 Meter of Time (Precedent for Bible Hebrew Meter)

Genesis channel (skip first episode unless you want to see me act like Tom Baker and poorly; worksheet help begins in Episode 8c1): Genesis Time Doctrines (Exegetical Proof)

Worksheet on How God Orchestrates time using ONLY Bible, solar years, easily proven IN Bible and frankly, history: . Verses used to compile it with full audit trail, .

Use of the dateline meter number times seven or times 49 is most simple and flagrant in Magnificat, starting at the 'Chanukah Timeline' link (page 11) here: . Paul carries that methodology to extremes in his use of 33 sevens, 45 sevens, 78 sevens, and 94 sevens, starting here (pages 127-146 in the pdf): -- it goes on and on and on, and I'm not done 'mapping' it all, yet. Point is, you can see the style in text more easily parsed, so what is the first Bible book to use it? Likely, Genesis!

File Name: Gen1MeterEpi4h.avi, 4/15/15.

Gen 1 Meter Epi4j: 'Sevens' Hypo 5, cont.

Skip to Epi 4t if you just want to see the results. Still elaborating on how each sevened clause tracks to an important YEARS FROM WRITING DATE. Download the doc (link below): starting here, in overview, some changes are explained.

Pattern and text intertwine to give you the picture on the puzzle box, so you know for sure how to read the text. Once you see the obvious WATER parallels (restoration, Flood, Exodus, human birth), you realize that Moses' use of Genesis is very different from how we incompetent moderns address it. Far from being a creation story, Moses instead uses the RESTORATION of the Earth to draw a tripartite parallel between the Parting of the Reed/Red Sea, Noah in the Boat, and the initial Restoration of the world for man's occupation. Quite different from the generally inept 'Christian' or 'Jewish' handling. Meter helps show what God means, how much we've been missing; so the meter sleuthing drudgery is WORTH THE TIME SPENT!

Related material which now has much more relevance.
Download the video's doc here, (or doc).

Pattern of equidistant ellipsis is common, but you have to already know the material below, to spot it easily. A quick primer on the pattern, is here (still in draft form):

How God Orchestrates Time channel: How God Orchestrates Time

Time Distance Chart, so you can see how Bible 'times' its events relative to each other: (same section is in the pdf or doc versions).

Psalm 90 channel: Psalm 90 Meter of Time (Precedent for Bible Hebrew Meter)

Genesis channel (skip first episode unless you want to see me act like Tom Baker and poorly; worksheet help begins in Episode 8c1): Genesis Time Doctrines (Exegetical Proof)

Worksheet on How God Orchestrates time using ONLY Bible, solar years, easily proven IN Bible and frankly, history: . Verses used to compile it with full audit trail, .

Use of the dateline meter number times seven or times 49 is most simple and flagrant in Magnificat, starting at the 'Chanukah Timeline' link (page 11) here: . Paul carries that methodology to extremes in his use of 33 sevens, 45 sevens, 78 sevens, and 94 sevens, starting here (pages 127-146 in the pdf): -- it goes on and on and on, and I'm not done 'mapping' it all, yet. Point is, you can see the style in text more easily parsed, so what is the first Bible book to use it? Likely, Genesis!

File Name: Gen1MeterEpi4i.avi, 4/21/15 made from concatenated 4i-1 and 2 of 4/15/15.

Gen 1 Meter Epi4k: 'Sevens' Hypo 5, cont.

Skip to Epi 4t if you just want to see the results. Still elaborating on how each sevened clause tracks to an important YEARS FROM WRITING DATE, here starting with the 'fourth day' again. Download the doc (link below): it has answers to the questions posed here. Again, these are sleuthing videos. The doc is the result of the sleuthing which, at the time of making the videos, I had not fixed.

Pattern and text intertwine to give you the picture on the puzzle box, so you know for sure how to read the text. Once you see the obvious WATER parallels (restoration, Flood, Exodus, human birth), you realize that Moses' use of Genesis is very different from how we incompetent moderns address it. Far from being a creation story, Moses instead uses the RESTORATION of the Earth to draw a tripartite parallel between the Parting of the Reed/Red Sea, Noah in the Boat, and the initial Restoration of the world for man's occupation. Quite different from the generally inept 'Christian' or 'Jewish' handling. Meter helps show what God means, how much we've been missing; so the meter sleuthing drudgery is WORTH THE TIME SPENT!

Related material which now has much more relevance.
Download the video's doc here, (or doc).

Pattern of equidistant ellipsis is common, but you have to already know the material below, to spot it easily. A quick primer on the pattern, is here (still in draft form):

How God Orchestrates Time channel: How God Orchestrates Time

Time Distance Chart, so you can see how Bible 'times' its events relative to each other: (same section is in the pdf or doc versions).

Psalm 90 channel: Psalm 90 Meter of Time (Precedent for Bible Hebrew Meter)

Genesis channel (skip first episode unless you want to see me act like Tom Baker and poorly; worksheet help begins in Episode 8c1): Genesis Time Doctrines (Exegetical Proof)

Worksheet on How God Orchestrates time using ONLY Bible, solar years, easily proven IN Bible and frankly, history: . Verses used to compile it with full audit trail, .

Use of the dateline meter number times seven or times 49 is most simple and flagrant in Magnificat, starting at the 'Chanukah Timeline' link (page 11) here: . Paul carries that methodology to extremes in his use of 33 sevens, 45 sevens, 78 sevens, and 94 sevens, starting here (pages 127-146 in the pdf): -- it goes on and on and on, and I'm not done 'mapping' it all, yet. Point is, you can see the style in text more easily parsed, so what is the first Bible book to use it? Likely, Genesis!

File Name: Gen1MeterEpi4j.avi, 4/15/15.

Gen 1 Meter Epi4l: 'Sevens' Hypo 5, cont.

Skip to Epi 4t if you just want to see the results. Still elaborating on how each sevened clause tracks to an important YEARS FROM WRITING DATE, here focusing on fourth and fifth days, again. No answers given, just the sleuthing technique. Download the doc (link below): it has answers to the questions posed here.

Pattern and text intertwine to give you the picture on the puzzle box, so you know for sure how to read the text. Once you see the obvious WATER parallels (restoration, Flood, Exodus, human birth), you realize that Moses' use of Genesis is very different from how we incompetent moderns address it. Far from being a creation story, Moses instead uses the RESTORATION of the Earth to draw a tripartite parallel between the Parting of the Reed/Red Sea, Noah in the Boat, and the initial Restoration of the world for man's occupation. Quite different from the generally inept 'Christian' or 'Jewish' handling. Meter helps show what God means, how much we've been missing; so the meter sleuthing drudgery is WORTH THE TIME SPENT!

Related material which now has much more relevance.
Download the video's doc here, (or doc).

Pattern of equidistant ellipsis is common, but you have to already know the material below, to spot it easily. A quick primer on the pattern, is here (still in draft form):

How God Orchestrates Time channel: How God Orchestrates Time

Time Distance Chart, so you can see how Bible 'times' its events relative to each other: (same section is in the pdf or doc versions).

Psalm 90 channel: Psalm 90 Meter of Time (Precedent for Bible Hebrew Meter)

Genesis channel (skip first episode unless you want to see me act like Tom Baker and poorly; worksheet help begins in Episode 8c1): Genesis Time Doctrines (Exegetical Proof)

Worksheet on How God Orchestrates time using ONLY Bible, solar years, easily proven IN Bible and frankly, history: . Verses used to compile it with full audit trail, .

Use of the dateline meter number times seven or times 49 is most simple and flagrant in Magnificat, starting at the 'Chanukah Timeline' link (page 11) here: . Paul carries that methodology to extremes in his use of 33 sevens, 45 sevens, 78 sevens, and 94 sevens, starting here (pages 127-146 in the pdf): -- it goes on and on and on, and I'm not done 'mapping' it all, yet. Point is, you can see the style in text more easily parsed, so what is the first Bible book to use it? Likely, Genesis!

File Name: Gen1MeterEpi4k1-3.avi, 4/24/15 concatenated from k1 through 3 of 4/15/15.

Gen 1 Meter Epi4m: 'Sevens' Hypo 5, cont.

Skip to Epi 4t if you just want to see the results. Still elaborating on Moses' style of retrospective exposition using meter: how each sevened clause tracks to an important YEARS FROM WRITING DATE, here returning to sleuth anew: with egg on my face. Really obvious answers to the calculations, I've been missing! Download the doc (link below): it has answers to the questions posed here.

Pattern and text intertwine to give you the picture on the puzzle box, so you know for sure how to read the text. Once you see the obvious WATER parallels (restoration, Flood, Exodus, human birth), you realize that Moses' use of Genesis is very different from how we incompetent moderns address it. Far from being a creation story, Moses instead uses the RESTORATION of the Earth to draw a tripartite parallel between the Parting of the Reed/Red Sea, Noah in the Boat, and the initial Restoration of the world for man's occupation. Quite different from the generally inept 'Christian' or 'Jewish' handling. Meter helps show what God means, how much we've been missing; so the meter sleuthing drudgery is WORTH THE TIME SPENT!

Related material which now has much more relevance.
Download the video's doc here, (or doc).

Pattern of equidistant ellipsis is common, but you have to already know the material below, to spot it easily. A quick primer on the pattern, is here (still in draft form):

How God Orchestrates Time channel: How God Orchestrates Time

Time Distance Chart, so you can see how Bible 'times' its events relative to each other: (same section is in the pdf or doc versions).

Psalm 90 channel: Psalm 90 Meter of Time (Precedent for Bible Hebrew Meter)

Genesis channel (skip first episode unless you want to see me act like Tom Baker and poorly; worksheet help begins in Episode 8c1): Genesis Time Doctrines (Exegetical Proof)

Worksheet on How God Orchestrates time using ONLY Bible, solar years, easily proven IN Bible and frankly, history: . Verses used to compile it with full audit trail, .

Use of the dateline meter number times seven or times 49 is most simple and flagrant in Magnificat, starting at the 'Chanukah Timeline' link (page 11) here: . Paul carries that methodology to extremes in his use of 33 sevens, 45 sevens, 78 sevens, and 94 sevens, starting here (pages 127-146 in the pdf): -- it goes on and on and on, and I'm not done 'mapping' it all, yet. Point is, you can see the style in text more easily parsed, so what is the first Bible book to use it? Likely, Genesis!

File Name: Gen1MeterEpi4l-1-2.avi, 4/24/15 concatenated from l1 - 2 of 4/16/15.

Gen 1 Meter Epi4m: 'Sevens' Hypo 5, cont.

Skip to Epi 4t if you just want to see the results. Still elaborating on Moses' style of retrospective exposition using meter: how each sevened clause tracks to Years From Writing Date, here resleuthing up to 364. Download the doc (link below): it has answers to the questions posed here.

Pattern and text intertwine to give you the picture on the puzzle box, so you know for sure how to read the text. Once you see the obvious WATER parallels (restoration, Flood, Exodus, human birth), you realize that Moses' use of Genesis is very different from how we incompetent moderns address it. Far from being a creation story, Moses instead uses the RESTORATION of the Earth to draw a tripartite parallel between the Parting of the Reed/Red Sea, Noah in the Boat, and the initial Restoration of the world for man's occupation. Quite different from the generally inept 'Christian' or 'Jewish' handling. Meter helps show what God means, how much we've been missing; so the meter sleuthing drudgery is WORTH THE TIME SPENT!

Related material which now has much more relevance.
Download the video's doc here, (or doc).

Pattern of equidistant ellipsis is common, but you have to already know the material below, to spot it easily. A quick primer on the pattern, is here (still in draft form):

How God Orchestrates Time channel: How God Orchestrates Time

Time Distance Chart, so you can see how Bible 'times' its events relative to each other: (same section is in the pdf or doc versions).

Psalm 90 channel: Psalm 90 Meter of Time (Precedent for Bible Hebrew Meter)

Genesis channel (skip first episode unless you want to see me act like Tom Baker and poorly; worksheet help begins in Episode 8c1): Genesis Time Doctrines (Exegetical Proof)

Worksheet on How God Orchestrates time using ONLY Bible, solar years, easily proven IN Bible and frankly, history: . Verses used to compile it with full audit trail, .

Use of the dateline meter number times seven or times 49 is most simple and flagrant in Magnificat, starting at the 'Chanukah Timeline' link (page 11) here: . Paul carries that methodology to extremes in his use of 33 sevens, 45 sevens, 78 sevens, and 94 sevens, starting here (pages 127-146 in the pdf): -- it goes on and on and on, and I'm not done 'mapping' it all, yet. Point is, you can see the style in text more easily parsed, so what is the first Bible book to use it? Likely, Genesis!

File Name: Gen1MeterEpi4m1-4.avi, 4/24/15 concatenated from m1 - 4 of 4/16/15.

Gen 1 Meter Epi4n: 'Sevens' Hypo 5, cont.

Skip to Epi 4t if you just want to see the results. Still elaborating on Moses' style of retrospective exposition using meter: how each sevened clause tracks to Years From Writing Date, here resleuthing 378. Download the doc (link below): it has answers to the questions posed here.

Pattern and text intertwine to give you the picture on the puzzle box, so you know for sure how to read the text. Once you see the obvious WATER parallels (restoration, Flood, Exodus, human birth), you realize that Moses' use of Genesis is very different from how we incompetent moderns address it. Far from being a creation story, Moses instead uses the RESTORATION of the Earth to draw a tripartite parallel between the Parting of the Reed/Red Sea, Noah in the Boat, and the initial Restoration of the world for man's occupation. Quite different from the generally inept 'Christian' or 'Jewish' handling. Meter helps show what God means, how much we've been missing; so the meter sleuthing drudgery is WORTH THE TIME SPENT!

Related material which now has much more relevance.
Download the video's doc here, (or doc).

Pattern of equidistant ellipsis is common, but you have to already know the material below, to spot it easily. A quick primer on the pattern, is here (still in draft form):

How God Orchestrates Time channel: How God Orchestrates Time

Time Distance Chart, so you can see how Bible 'times' its events relative to each other: (same section is in the pdf or doc versions).

Psalm 90 channel: Psalm 90 Meter of Time (Precedent for Bible Hebrew Meter)

Genesis channel (skip first episode unless you want to see me act like Tom Baker and poorly; worksheet help begins in Episode 8c1): Genesis Time Doctrines (Exegetical Proof)

Worksheet on How God Orchestrates time using ONLY Bible, solar years, easily proven IN Bible and frankly, history: . Verses used to compile it with full audit trail, .

Use of the dateline meter number times seven or times 49 is most simple and flagrant in Magnificat, starting at the 'Chanukah Timeline' link (page 11) here: . Paul carries that methodology to extremes in his use of 33 sevens, 45 sevens, 78 sevens, and 94 sevens, starting here (pages 127-146 in the pdf): -- it goes on and on and on, and I'm not done 'mapping' it all, yet. Point is, you can see the style in text more easily parsed, so what is the first Bible book to use it? Likely, Genesis!

File Name: Gen1MeterEpi4n1-4.avi, 4/24/15 concatenated from n1 - 4 of 4/16/15.

Gen 1 Meter Epi4o: 'Sevens' Hypo 5, cont.

Skip to Epi 4t if you just want to see the results. Still elaborating on Moses' style of retrospective exposition using meter: how each sevened clause tracks to Years From Writing Date, here resleuthing 378 and following. Download the doc (link below): it has answers to the questions posed here.

Pattern and text intertwine to give you the picture on the puzzle box, so you know for sure how to read the text. Once you see the obvious WATER parallels (restoration, Flood, Exodus, human birth), you realize that Moses' use of Genesis is very different from how we incompetent moderns address it. Far from being a creation story, Moses instead uses the RESTORATION of the Earth to draw a tripartite parallel between the Parting of the Reed/Red Sea, Noah in the Boat, and the initial Restoration of the world for man's occupation. Quite different from the generally inept 'Christian' or 'Jewish' handling. Meter helps show what God means, how much we've been missing; so the meter sleuthing drudgery is WORTH THE TIME SPENT!

Related material which now has much more relevance.
Download the video's doc here, (or doc).

Pattern of equidistant ellipsis is common, but you have to already know the material below, to spot it easily. A quick primer on the pattern, is here (still in draft form):

How God Orchestrates Time channel: How God Orchestrates Time

Time Distance Chart, so you can see how Bible 'times' its events relative to each other: (same section is in the pdf or doc versions).

Psalm 90 channel: Psalm 90 Meter of Time (Precedent for Bible Hebrew Meter)

Genesis channel (skip first episode unless you want to see me act like Tom Baker and poorly; worksheet help begins in Episode 8c1): Genesis Time Doctrines (Exegetical Proof)

Worksheet on How God Orchestrates time using ONLY Bible, solar years, easily proven IN Bible and frankly, history: . Verses used to compile it with full audit trail, .

Use of the dateline meter number times seven or times 49 is most simple and flagrant in Magnificat, starting at the 'Chanukah Timeline' link (page 11) here: . Paul carries that methodology to extremes in his use of 33 sevens, 45 sevens, 78 sevens, and 94 sevens, starting here (pages 127-146 in the pdf): -- it goes on and on and on, and I'm not done 'mapping' it all, yet. Point is, you can see the style in text more easily parsed, so what is the first Bible book to use it? Likely, Genesis!

File Name: Gen1MeterEpi4o.avi, 4/24/15.

Gen 1 Meter Epi4p: 'Sevened' Paragraphs

Exploring the 'paragraph' meter patterns, to see how Paul's Ephesians 1:3-14 tags Genesis; again sleuthing them, and again the results won't yet show in the video,which merely documents the process. Download the doc (link below) to see the results, which keep on changing through Epi4s.

Pattern and text intertwine to give you the picture on the puzzle box, so you know for sure how to read the text. Once you see the obvious WATER parallels (restoration, Flood, Exodus, human birth), you realize that Moses' use of Genesis is very different from how we incompetent moderns address it. Far from being a creation story, Moses instead uses the RESTORATION of the Earth to draw a tripartite parallel between the Parting of the Reed/Red Sea, Noah in the Boat, and the initial Restoration of the world for man's occupation. Quite different from the generally inept 'Christian' or 'Jewish' handling. Meter helps show what God means, how much we've been missing; so the meter sleuthing drudgery is WORTH THE TIME SPENT!

Related material which now has much more relevance.
Download the video's doc here, (or doc).

Pattern of equidistant ellipsis is common, but you have to already know the material below, to spot it easily. A quick primer on the pattern, is here (still in draft form):

How God Orchestrates Time channel: How God Orchestrates Time

Time Distance Chart, so you can see how Bible 'times' its events relative to each other: (same section is in the pdf or doc versions). The Ephesians tag on Genesis is also explored ( and ), but I didn't know Paul WAS tagging Genesis at the time I wrote the doc. Doc/pdf Version is or .

Psalm 90 channel: Psalm 90 Meter of Time (Precedent for Bible Hebrew Meter)

Genesis channel (skip first episode unless you want to see me act like Tom Baker and poorly; worksheet help begins in Episode 8c1): Genesis Time Doctrines (Exegetical Proof)

Worksheet on How God Orchestrates time using ONLY Bible, solar years, easily proven IN Bible and frankly, history: . Verses used to compile it with full audit trail, .

Use of the dateline meter number times seven or times 49 is most simple and flagrant in Magnificat, starting at the 'Chanukah Timeline' link (page 11) here: . Paul carries that methodology to extremes in his use of 33 sevens, 45 sevens, 78 sevens, and 94 sevens, starting here (pages 127-146 in the pdf): -- it goes on and on and on, and I'm not done 'mapping' it all, yet. Point is, you can see the style in text more easily parsed, so what is the first Bible book to use it? Likely, Genesis!

File Name: Gen1MeterEpi4p.avi, 4/24/15.

Gen 1 Meter Epi4q: 'Sevened' Paragraphs, cont.

Still exploring the 'paragraph' meter patterns, to see how Paul's Ephesians 1:3-14 tags Genesis; again sleuthing them, and again the results won't yet show in the video,which merely documents the process. Download the doc (link below) to see the results, which keep on changing through Epi4s.

Pattern and text intertwine to give you the picture on the puzzle box, so you know for sure how to read the text. Once you see the obvious WATER parallels (restoration, Flood, Exodus, human birth), you realize that Moses' use of Genesis is very different from how we incompetent moderns address it. Far from being a creation story, Moses instead uses the RESTORATION of the Earth to draw a tripartite parallel between the Parting of the Reed/Red Sea, Noah in the Boat, and the initial Restoration of the world for man's occupation. Quite different from the generally inept 'Christian' or 'Jewish' handling. Meter helps show what God means, how much we've been missing; so the meter sleuthing drudgery is WORTH THE TIME SPENT!

Related material which now has much more relevance.
Download the video's doc here, (or doc).

Pattern of equidistant ellipsis is common, but you have to already know the material below, to spot it easily. A quick primer on the pattern, is here (still in draft form):

How God Orchestrates Time channel: How God Orchestrates Time

Time Distance Chart, so you can see how Bible 'times' its events relative to each other: (same section is in the pdf or doc versions). The Ephesians tag on Genesis is also explored ( and ), but I didn't know Paul WAS tagging Genesis at the time I wrote the doc. Doc/pdf Version is or .

Psalm 90 channel: Psalm 90 Meter of Time (Precedent for Bible Hebrew Meter)

Genesis channel (skip first episode unless you want to see me act like Tom Baker and poorly; worksheet help begins in Episode 8c1): Genesis Time Doctrines (Exegetical Proof)

Worksheet on How God Orchestrates time using ONLY Bible, solar years, easily proven IN Bible and frankly, history: . Verses used to compile it with full audit trail, .

Use of the dateline meter number times seven or times 49 is most simple and flagrant in Magnificat, starting at the 'Chanukah Timeline' link (page 11) here: . Paul carries that methodology to extremes in his use of 33 sevens, 45 sevens, 78 sevens, and 94 sevens, starting here (pages 127-146 in the pdf): -- it goes on and on and on, and I'm not done 'mapping' it all, yet. Point is, you can see the style in text more easily parsed, so what is the first Bible book to use it? Likely, Genesis!

File Name: Gen1MeterEpi4q.avi, 4/24/15 concatenated from q1 and 2 of 4/16/15

Gen 1 Meter Epi4r: 'Sevened' Paragraphs, cont.

Still exploring the 'paragraph' meter patterns, to see how Paul's Ephesians 1:3-14 tags Genesis, especially re the 91s; again the results won't yet show in the video, which merely documents the process. Download the doc (link below) to see the results, which keep on changing through Epi4s.

Pattern and text intertwine to give you the picture on the puzzle box, so you know for sure how to read the text. Once you see the obvious WATER parallels (restoration, Flood, Exodus, human birth), you realize that Moses' use of Genesis is very different from how we incompetent moderns address it. Far from being a creation story, Moses instead uses the RESTORATION of the Earth to draw a tripartite parallel between the Parting of the Reed/Red Sea, Noah in the Boat, and the initial Restoration of the world for man's occupation. Quite different from the generally inept 'Christian' or 'Jewish' handling. Meter helps show what God means, how much we've been missing; so the meter sleuthing drudgery is WORTH THE TIME SPENT!

Related material which now has much more relevance.
Download the video's doc here, (or doc).

Pattern of equidistant ellipsis is common, but you have to already know the material below, to spot it easily. A quick primer on the pattern, is here (still in draft form):

How God Orchestrates Time channel: How God Orchestrates Time

Time Distance Chart, so you can see how Bible 'times' its events relative to each other: (same section is in the pdf or doc versions). The Ephesians tag on Genesis is also explored ( and ), but I didn't know Paul WAS tagging Genesis at the time I wrote the doc. Doc/pdf Version is or .

Psalm 90 channel: Psalm 90 Meter of Time (Precedent for Bible Hebrew Meter)

Genesis channel (skip first episode unless you want to see me act like Tom Baker and poorly; worksheet help begins in Episode 8c1): Genesis Time Doctrines (Exegetical Proof)

Worksheet on How God Orchestrates time using ONLY Bible, solar years, easily proven IN Bible and frankly, history: . Verses used to compile it with full audit trail, .

Use of the dateline meter number times seven or times 49 is most simple and flagrant in Magnificat, starting at the 'Chanukah Timeline' link (page 11) here: . Paul carries that methodology to extremes in his use of 33 sevens, 45 sevens, 78 sevens, and 94 sevens, starting here (pages 127-146 in the pdf): -- it goes on and on and on, and I'm not done 'mapping' it all, yet. Point is, you can see the style in text more easily parsed, so what is the first Bible book to use it? Likely, Genesis!

File Name: Gen1MeterEpi4r.avi, 4/24/15 concatenated from r1 and 2 of 4/16/15

Gen 1 Meter Epi4s: 'Sevened' Paragraphs, cont.

Still exploring the 'paragraph' meter patterns, to see how Paul's Ephesians 1:3-14 tags Genesis, especially re the 91s. Then, back to what the meters mean. Download the doc (link below) to see the results. This 4s covers the same results, but they might change later.

Pattern and text intertwine to give you the picture on the puzzle box, so you know for sure how to read the text. Once you see the obvious WATER parallels (restoration, Flood, Exodus, human birth), you realize that Moses' use of Genesis is very different from how we incompetent moderns address it. Far from being a creation story, Moses instead uses the RESTORATION of the Earth to draw a tripartite parallel between the Parting of the Reed/Red Sea, Noah in the Boat, and the initial Restoration of the world for man's occupation. Quite different from the generally inept 'Christian' or 'Jewish' handling. Meter helps show what God means, how much we've been missing; so the meter sleuthing drudgery is WORTH THE TIME SPENT!

Related material which now has much more relevance.
Download the video's doc here, (or doc).

Pattern of equidistant ellipsis is common, but you have to already know the material below, to spot it easily. A quick primer on the pattern, is here (still in draft form):

How God Orchestrates Time channel: How God Orchestrates Time

Time Distance Chart, so you can see how Bible 'times' its events relative to each other: (same section is in the pdf or doc versions). The Ephesians tag on Genesis is also explored ( and ), but I didn't know Paul WAS tagging Genesis at the time I wrote the doc. Doc/pdf Version is or .

Psalm 90 channel: Psalm 90 Meter of Time (Precedent for Bible Hebrew Meter)

Genesis channel (skip first episode unless you want to see me act like Tom Baker and poorly; worksheet help begins in Episode 8c1): Genesis Time Doctrines (Exegetical Proof)

Worksheet on How God Orchestrates time using ONLY Bible, solar years, easily proven IN Bible and frankly, history: . Verses used to compile it with full audit trail, .

Use of the dateline meter number times seven or times 49 is most simple and flagrant in Magnificat, starting at the 'Chanukah Timeline' link (page 11) here: . Paul carries that methodology to extremes in his use of 33 sevens, 45 sevens, 78 sevens, and 94 sevens, starting here (pages 127-146 in the pdf): -- it goes on and on and on, and I'm not done 'mapping' it all, yet. Point is, you can see the style in text more easily parsed, so what is the first Bible book to use it? Likely, Genesis!

File Name: Gen1MeterEpi4s.avi, 4/24/15 concatenated from s1 and 2 of 4/16/15

Gen 1 Meter Epi4t: Hypo 5 Revisited

Now the drama begins: back to Hypo 5, integrating the previous 'sevened paragraphs' data to see the effect on the meters interfacing with the text. It's a lot more integrated than I recognized, and I don't recognize how dramatic it is, while talking. Haha.

Download the doc (link below) to see the results you see in the video. I'm still not finding the theme represented as I should expect, so sleuthing continues. What should result, is the kind of balancing you see in Isaiah 53 and Psalm 90 patterns, I would think: but, what if I'm wrong? Heh.

So revisit focuses now more, on how pattern and text intertwine, to give you the picture on the puzzle box, so you know for sure how to read the text; this video ends at Day Two, but then 4u goes to five, which ties back here, so in v Day Two will be revisited. Once you see the obvious WATER parallels (restoration, Flood, Exodus, human birth), you realize that Moses' use of Genesis is very different from how we incompetent moderns address it. Far from being a creation story, Moses instead uses the RESTORATION of the Earth to draw a tripartite parallel between the Parting of the Reed/Red Sea, Noah in the Boat, and the initial Restoration of the world for man's occupation. Quite different from the generally inept 'Christian' or 'Jewish' handling. Meter helps show what God means, how much we've been missing; so the meter sleuthing drudgery is WORTH THE TIME SPENT!

Related material which now has much more relevance.
Download the video's doc here, (or doc).

Pattern of equidistant ellipsis is common, but you have to already know the material below, to spot it easily. A quick primer on the pattern, is here (still in draft form):

How God Orchestrates Time channel: How God Orchestrates Time

Time Distance Chart, so you can see how Bible 'times' its events relative to each other: (same section is in the pdf or doc versions). The Ephesians tag on Genesis is also explored ( and ), but I didn't know Paul WAS tagging Genesis at the time I wrote the doc. Doc/pdf Version is or .

Psalm 90 channel: Psalm 90 Meter of Time (Precedent for Bible Hebrew Meter)

Genesis channel (skip first episode unless you want to see me act like Tom Baker and poorly; worksheet help begins in Episode 8c1): Genesis Time Doctrines (Exegetical Proof)

Worksheet on How God Orchestrates time using ONLY Bible, solar years, easily proven IN Bible and frankly, history: . Verses used to compile it with full audit trail, .

Use of the dateline meter number times seven or times 49 is most simple and flagrant in Magnificat, starting at the 'Chanukah Timeline' link (page 11) here: . Paul carries that methodology to extremes in his use of 33 sevens, 45 sevens, 78 sevens, and 94 sevens, starting here (pages 127-146 in the pdf): -- it goes on and on and on, and I'm not done 'mapping' it all, yet. Point is, you can see the style in text more easily parsed, so what is the first Bible book to use it? Likely, Genesis!

File Name: Gen1MeterEpi4t.avi, 4/16/15

Gen 1 Meter Epi4u: Hypo 5 revisit, cont.

Drama next focuses on how pattern and text intertwine in FIFTH DAY to help explain Day Two, to give you the picture on the puzzle box, so you know for sure how to read the text. Day Two will be resumed in 4v.

Once you see the obvious WATER parallels (restoration, Flood, Exodus, human birth), you realize that Moses' use of Genesis is very different from how we incompetent moderns address it. Far from being a creation story, Moses instead uses the RESTORATION of the Earth to draw a tripartite parallel between the Parting of the Reed/Red Sea, Noah in the Boat, and the initial Restoration of the world for man's occupation. Quite different from the generally inept 'Christian' or 'Jewish' handling. Meter helps show what God means, how much we've been missing; so the meter sleuthing drudgery is WORTH THE TIME SPENT!

Related material which now has much more relevance.
Download the video's doc here, (or doc).

Pattern of equidistant ellipsis is common, but you have to already know the material below, to spot it easily. A quick primer on the pattern, is here (still in draft form):

How God Orchestrates Time channel: How God Orchestrates Time

Time Distance Chart, so you can see how Bible 'times' its events relative to each other: (same section is in the pdf or doc versions). The Ephesians tag on Genesis is also explored ( and ), but I didn't know Paul WAS tagging Genesis at the time I wrote the doc. Doc/pdf Version is or .

Psalm 90 channel: Psalm 90 Meter of Time (Precedent for Bible Hebrew Meter)

Genesis channel (skip first episode unless you want to see me act like Tom Baker and poorly; worksheet help begins in Episode 8c1): Genesis Time Doctrines (Exegetical Proof)

Worksheet on How God Orchestrates time using ONLY Bible, solar years, easily proven IN Bible and frankly, history: . Verses used to compile it with full audit trail, .

Use of the dateline meter number times seven or times 49 is most simple and flagrant in Magnificat, starting at the 'Chanukah Timeline' link (page 11) here: . Paul carries that methodology to extremes in his use of 33 sevens, 45 sevens, 78 sevens, and 94 sevens, starting here (pages 127-146 in the pdf): -- it goes on and on and on, and I'm not done 'mapping' it all, yet. Point is, you can see the style in text more easily parsed, so what is the first Bible book to use it? Likely, Genesis!

File Name: Gen1MeterEpi4u1-3.avi, 4/24/15 concatenated from u1-3 of 4/16/15

Gen 1 Meter Epi4v: Hypo 5 revisit, cont.

Revisit now dramatically returns to Day Two thru Four, showing how pattern and text intertwine, to give you the picture on the puzzle box, so you know for sure how to read the text. Once you see the obvious WATER parallels (restoration, Flood, Exodus, human birth), you realize that Moses' use of Genesis is very different from how we incompetent moderns address it. Far from being a creation story, Moses instead uses the RESTORATION of the Earth to draw a tripartite parallel between the Parting of the Reed/Red Sea, Noah in the Boat, and the initial Restoration of the world for man's occupation. Quite different from the generally inept 'Christian' or 'Jewish' handling. Meter helps show what God means, how much we've been missing; so the meter sleuthing drudgery is WORTH THE TIME SPENT!

Related material which now has much more relevance.
Download the video's doc here, (or doc).

Pattern of equidistant ellipsis is common, but you have to already know the material below, to spot it easily. A quick primer on the pattern, is here (still in draft form):

How God Orchestrates Time channel: How God Orchestrates Time

Time Distance Chart, so you can see how Bible 'times' its events relative to each other: (same section is in the pdf or doc versions). The Ephesians tag on Genesis is also explored ( and ), but I didn't know Paul WAS tagging Genesis at the time I wrote the doc. Doc/pdf Version is or .

Psalm 90 channel: Psalm 90 Meter of Time (Precedent for Bible Hebrew Meter)

Genesis channel (skip first episode unless you want to see me act like Tom Baker and poorly; worksheet help begins in Episode 8c1): Genesis Time Doctrines (Exegetical Proof)

Worksheet on How God Orchestrates time using ONLY Bible, solar years, easily proven IN Bible and frankly, history: . Verses used to compile it with full audit trail, .

Use of the dateline meter number times seven or times 49 is most simple and flagrant in Magnificat, starting at the 'Chanukah Timeline' link (page 11) here: . Paul carries that methodology to extremes in his use of 33 sevens, 45 sevens, 78 sevens, and 94 sevens, starting here (pages 127-146 in the pdf): -- it goes on and on and on, and I'm not done 'mapping' it all, yet. Point is, you can see the style in text more easily parsed, so what is the first Bible book to use it? Likely, Genesis!

File Name: Gen1MeterEpi4v.avi, 4/16/15.

Gen 1 Meter Epi4w: Hypo 5 revisit, cont.

Revisit dramatically returns to Day Five and Six, on how pattern and text intertwine, to give you the picture on the puzzle box, so you know for sure how to read the text. Once you see the obvious WATER parallels (restoration, Flood, Exodus, human birth), you realize that Moses' use of Genesis is very different from how we incompetent moderns address it. Far from being a creation story, Moses instead uses the RESTORATION of the Earth to draw a tripartite parallel between the Parting of the Reed/Red Sea, Noah in the Boat, and the initial Restoration of the world for man's occupation. Quite different from the generally inept 'Christian' or 'Jewish' handling. Meter helps show what God means, how much we've been missing; so the meter sleuthing drudgery is WORTH THE TIME SPENT!

Related material which now has much more relevance.
Download the video's doc here, (or doc).

Pattern of equidistant ellipsis is common, but you have to already know the material below, to spot it easily. A quick primer on the pattern, is here (still in draft form):

How God Orchestrates Time channel: How God Orchestrates Time

Time Distance Chart, so you can see how Bible 'times' its events relative to each other: (same section is in the pdf or doc versions). The Ephesians tag on Genesis is also explored ( and ), but I didn't know Paul WAS tagging Genesis at the time I wrote the doc. Doc/pdf Version is or . To see how Paul parallels then-future Church history, I traced it syllable by year in video (following the doc/pdf/htm): GGS11 Paul Maps Future Church History . I've not yet gone past the 'Constantine' videos, but you can see the pattern in them starting at GGS11 Paul Maps Future Church History , and in the doc/pdf/htm (all copies of each other).

Psalm 90 channel: Psalm 90 Meter of Time (Precedent for Bible Hebrew Meter)

Genesis channel (skip first episode unless you want to see me act like Tom Baker and poorly; worksheet help begins in Episode 8c1): Genesis Time Doctrines (Exegetical Proof)

Worksheet on How God Orchestrates time using ONLY Bible, solar years, easily proven IN Bible and frankly, history: . Verses used to compile it with full audit trail, .

Use of the dateline meter number times seven or times 49 is most simple and flagrant in Magnificat, starting at the 'Chanukah Timeline' link (page 11) here: . Paul carries that methodology to extremes in his use of 33 sevens, 45 sevens, 78 sevens, and 94 sevens, starting here (pages 127-146 in the pdf): -- it goes on and on and on, and I'm not done 'mapping' it all, yet. Point is, you can see the style in text more easily parsed, so what is the first Bible book to use it? Likely, Genesis!

File Name: Gen1MeterEpi4w.avi, 4/16/15.

Gen 1 Meter Epi4x: Conclusions

So what are the conclusions, epilogue, implications of this long-winded meter study? Here through Epi 4z, I'll try to state them. No doubt I'll state them badly, so use the ideas as you see fit, to do your own brainstorming. For that's the purpose of this Gen 1 Meter subseries, to facilitate brainstorming, not to force you to any conclusion. Just to show, some methodology.

Conclusions are essentially two-fold: 1) Timeline doctrine, place of Israel in the timeline, and 2) breakpoints of human volition in history which are the reason behind God creating the timeline, so that Time itself can bless man.

Related material:
Download the video's doc here, (or doc).

Pattern of equidistant ellipsis is common, but you have to already know the material below, to spot it easily. A quick primer on the pattern, is here (still in draft form):

How God Orchestrates Time channel: How God Orchestrates Time

Time Distance Chart, so you can see how Bible 'times' its events relative to each other: (same section is in the pdf or doc versions). The Ephesians tag on Genesis is also explored ( and ), but I didn't know Paul WAS tagging Genesis at the time I wrote the doc. Doc/pdf Version is or . To see how Paul parallels then-future Church history, I traced it syllable by year in video (following the doc/pdf/htm): GGS11 Paul Maps Future Church History . I've not yet gone past the 'Constantine' videos, but you can see the pattern in them starting at GGS11 Paul Maps Future Church History , and in the doc/pdf/htm (all copies of each other).

Psalm 90 channel: Psalm 90 Meter of Time (Precedent for Bible Hebrew Meter)

Genesis channel (skip first episode unless you want to see me act like Tom Baker and poorly; worksheet help begins in Episode 8c1): Genesis Time Doctrines (Exegetical Proof)

Worksheet on How God Orchestrates time using ONLY Bible, solar years, easily proven IN Bible and frankly, history: . Verses used to compile it with full audit trail, .

Use of the dateline meter number times seven or times 49 is most simple and flagrant in Magnificat, starting at the 'Chanukah Timeline' link (page 11) here: . Paul carries that methodology to extremes in his use of 33 sevens, 45 sevens, 78 sevens, and 94 sevens, starting here (pages 127-146 in the pdf): -- it goes on and on and on, and I'm not done 'mapping' it all, yet. Point is, you can see the style in text more easily parsed, so what is the first Bible book to use it? Likely, Genesis!

File Name: Gen1MeterEpi4x.avi, 4/16/15.

Gen 1 Meter Epi4y: Conclusions, cont.

Conclusions (through 4z) are essentially two-fold: 1) Timeline doctrine, place of Israel in the timeline, and 2) breakpoints of human volition in history which are the reason behind God creating the timeline, so that Time itself can bless man.

Related material:
Download the video's doc here, (or doc).

Pattern of equidistant ellipsis is common, but you have to already know the material below, to spot it easily. A quick primer on the pattern, is here (still in draft form):

How God Orchestrates Time channel: How God Orchestrates Time

Time Distance Chart, so you can see how Bible 'times' its events relative to each other: (same section is in the pdf or doc versions). The Ephesians tag on Genesis is also explored ( and ), but I didn't know Paul WAS tagging Genesis at the time I wrote the doc. Doc/pdf Version is or . To see how Paul parallels then-future Church history, I traced it syllable by year in video (following the doc/pdf/htm): GGS11 Paul Maps Future Church History . I've not yet gone past the 'Constantine' videos, but you can see the pattern in them starting at GGS11 Paul Maps Future Church History , and in the doc/pdf/htm (all copies of each other).

Psalm 90 channel: Psalm 90 Meter of Time (Precedent for Bible Hebrew Meter)

Genesis channel (skip first episode unless you want to see me act like Tom Baker and poorly; worksheet help begins in Episode 8c1): Genesis Time Doctrines (Exegetical Proof)

Worksheet on How God Orchestrates time using ONLY Bible, solar years, easily proven IN Bible and frankly, history: . Verses used to compile it with full audit trail, .

Use of the dateline meter number times seven or times 49 is most simple and flagrant in Magnificat, starting at the 'Chanukah Timeline' link (page 11) here: . Paul carries that methodology to extremes in his use of 33 sevens, 45 sevens, 78 sevens, and 94 sevens, starting here (pages 127-146 in the pdf): -- it goes on and on and on, and I'm not done 'mapping' it all, yet. Point is, you can see the style in text more easily parsed, so what is the first Bible book to use it? Likely, Genesis!

File Name: Gen1MeterEpi4y.avi, 4/16/15.

Gen 1 Meter Epi4z: Conclusions (end)

Conclusions are essentially two-fold: 1) Timeline doctrine, place of Israel in the timeline, and 2) breakpoints of human volition in history which are the reason behind God creating the timeline, so that Time itself can bless man.

Related material:
Download the video's doc here, (or doc).

Pattern of equidistant ellipsis is common, but you have to already know the material below, to spot it easily. A quick primer on the pattern, is here (still in draft form):

How God Orchestrates Time channel: How God Orchestrates Time

Time Distance Chart, so you can see how Bible 'times' its events relative to each other: (same section is in the pdf or doc versions). The Ephesians tag on Genesis is also explored ( and ), but I didn't know Paul WAS tagging Genesis at the time I wrote the doc. Doc/pdf Version is or . To see how Paul parallels then-future Church history, I traced it syllable by year in video (following the doc/pdf/htm): GGS11 Paul Maps Future Church History . I've not yet gone past the 'Constantine' videos, but you can see the pattern in them starting at GGS11 Paul Maps Future Church History , and in the doc/pdf/htm (all copies of each other).

Psalm 90 channel: Psalm 90 Meter of Time (Precedent for Bible Hebrew Meter)

Genesis channel (skip first episode unless you want to see me act like Tom Baker and poorly; worksheet help begins in Episode 8c1): Genesis Time Doctrines (Exegetical Proof)

Worksheet on How God Orchestrates time using ONLY Bible, solar years, easily proven IN Bible and frankly, history: . Verses used to compile it with full audit trail, .

Use of the dateline meter number times seven or times 49 is most simple and flagrant in Magnificat, starting at the 'Chanukah Timeline' link (page 11) here: . Paul carries that methodology to extremes in his use of 33 sevens, 45 sevens, 78 sevens, and 94 sevens, starting here (pages 127-146 in the pdf): -- it goes on and on and on, and I'm not done 'mapping' it all, yet. Point is, you can see the style in text more easily parsed, so what is the first Bible book to use it? Likely, Genesis!

File Name: Gen1MeterEpi4z1-3.avi, 4/24/15, concatenated from z1-3 of 4/16/15.

Gen 1 Meter Epi5a: Critique

I'm not altogether happy with the meter results. Episode 5, therefore, is reserved for critiques. This 5a comments on how I've been missing key '1050' benchmarks the Bible tracks, all these years (since 2004, when I did GeneYrs.xls, link below). So what else is missing? I don't yet know. The missing 1050s are more than I show in this video, so there are missing 490s as well. At least it's easy to prove what might be missing (albeit tedious) -- since we have Bible's own dates and values, thank God!

One other critique mentioned briefly in Episode 4 passim: now I see why Paul uses the 91s in Eph1:3-14's anaphoric meter structure. He's doing a 'new genesis' for Church. Someday, I'll have to revisit Ephesians meter and redo REPARSED to 'connect' Gen 1, but it will be several years before I will know how to do that. All I know now is, that Paul is definitely tagging Gen 1 to show the 'new genesis'. How he's doing that in light of the meter here in Gen1, I don't yet know. The only obvious pattern in common, is the gradual reduction in sub-sevens to a mass period which doesn't seven until the end. In Paul, it's verses 1:12-14 having the lone 91, which maybe he uses to 'tag' the 315 in Gen 1's sixth day, since 315 also tags Noah waiting 50 more days to exit the boat. Will see.

Conclusions remain intact though, essentially two-fold: 1) Timeline doctrine, place of Israel in the timeline, and 2) breakpoints of human volition in history which are the reason behind God creating the timeline, so that Time itself can bless man.

Related material:
Download the video's doc here, (or doc).

Pattern of equidistant ellipsis is common, but you have to already know the material below, to spot it easily. A quick primer on the pattern, is here (still in draft form):

How God Orchestrates Time channel: How God Orchestrates Time

Time Distance Chart, so you can see how Bible 'times' its events relative to each other: (same section is in the pdf or doc versions). The Ephesians tag on Genesis is also explored ( and ), but I didn't know Paul WAS tagging Genesis at the time I wrote the doc. Doc/pdf Version is or . To see how Paul parallels then-future Church history, I traced it syllable by year in video (following the doc/pdf/htm): GGS11 Paul Maps Future Church History . I've not yet gone past the 'Constantine' videos, but you can see the pattern in them starting at GGS11 Paul Maps Future Church History , and in the doc/pdf/htm (all copies of each other).

Psalm 90 channel: Psalm 90 Meter of Time (Precedent for Bible Hebrew Meter)

Genesis channel (skip first episode unless you want to see me act like Tom Baker and poorly; worksheet help begins in Episode 8c1): Genesis Time Doctrines (Exegetical Proof)

Worksheet on How God Orchestrates time using ONLY Bible, solar years, easily proven IN Bible and frankly, history: . Verses used to compile it with full audit trail, .

Use of the dateline meter number times seven or times 49 is most simple and flagrant in Magnificat, starting at the 'Chanukah Timeline' link (page 11) here: . Paul carries that methodology to extremes in his use of 33 sevens, 45 sevens, 78 sevens, and 94 sevens, starting here (pages 127-146 in the pdf): -- it goes on and on and on, and I'm not done 'mapping' it all, yet. Point is, you can see the style in text more easily parsed, so what is the first Bible book to use it? Likely, Genesis!

File Name: Gen1MeterEpi5aCritique.avi, 4/27/15.
